Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Aug 1903, p. 8

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i NEWMARKET ERA FRIDAY I I We seldom fear a danger cannot see The danger of being rundown by a horse Is a Terr real one to everybody the danger of being mur dered by a microbe does not trouble us And yet the minute mi crobe is more the horse The only people who can afford not to fear the mi crobes of disease are those who keep their blood pure and rich These are prac tically immune from the attacks of most microbes Dr Pierces Medical purifies and enriches the blood and gives the body a vigorous vitality It cures scrofula eczema boils pimples and other eruptive disease which are caused by impure Wood hid been troubled for yean with ot disease which si time unbearable it it would itch to write Mr John of St Dallas Texas- I concluded to try Dr Golden Medical and after fire cued I entirely cured accept Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery There is nothing just as good for diseases of the blood Dr Pierces Pleasant Pellet cure and its consequences faife around Hie Bub felAT WIDEAWAKE Sank to of For tZ Era Poultry Notes PECULIAR ACCIDENT TO CON STRUCTION ENGINE NEAR BOKD LAKE MAN WANTED We want a good reliable man to act as local Salesman in your district The position is a permanent one and offers large pay to any wideawake honest worker Alt our goods are guar anteed We want to deal only with those who can appreciate a good position arid represent us fairly We instruct you and furnish you uptodate samples free We pay weekly All freight and packing charges are paid by us From to per month and expenses can be earned selling our goods P BLACKFORD Toronto Ont unlop You can full reliance Id Detachable Pneumatic will never your trust to punc ture to repair Yean of excellent have them of almost uni versal adoption Every wheel with a repu tation fitted with them rider of experience on them Tire nuke They pleasure of wheeling unci tho troubles assured with The Tire Co Limited Toronto Ont 1 J A yoa found Coin la The Mayor has issued a proclama tion declaring Wednesday Aug J a Civic Holiday on which date the Clemen have decided to run their an nual excursion to Niagara I Alls Vox some time Mr Broad has been missing packages cigar ettes and tobacco from his stor on evening ho caught toys all under ten years of age steal ing tobacco and cigarettes in Bis store Their plan of stealing was for two of the boys to engine Mr Broods attention at the back of the store while the other filled with packages which were on the counter at the front of the store Broad caught the young thieves arid made them give number of packages they ppftKet- eJ The parents of the boys have been notified but Mr Broad has net yet decided what action he will I the toys arc brought before fc mag istrate it will mean a term Or each in the industrial School On Tuesday Mr Henry Marsh the eon King hid a warrant is sued for the arrest of Jfio Harris of the same township charged at tempting to injure Mr Marshs cat tle threatening to poison them also to shoot Harris was brought foreA Love J P on Tuesday even ing and tried on the charge of at tempting to injure the cattle From the evidence the trouble seems to have ariseV from Harris having a potato patoh in the middle of a belonging to Mr Marsh which be should have protected by erectirga fence around it and which he failed to do He substituted for fere three dogs which were set upon the cattle worrying them Mr Marsh objected to this procedure and hence the action After hearing part of the evidence the court rejourned until Thursday evening a The Metropolitan Railway Co on charged a conductor on the Metropolitan up tp July keeping re turns belonging to the company The case came up before A Love and A Yule place foe investigation After hearing the evidence case was concluded on Tuesday last The evidence showed that the was indebted to Mr Robinson two or three Weeks wafi pre pared oyer their property his wages were paid and hi ther it was shown that Jhe ex isted among the conductors of hold ing the companys money t- the ar rival of their wages passing 11 thair as money The action was dismissed by the magistrates As a counter charge Mr Robinson entered an a against the company for the recovery of his wages and got judgment for full time with costs of it- one dm of Bond Lake given something to wonder ai in tin ioOniotivt tCHuUwd iOn afernoon of last- week a jjiavel tram on Aurora ami Railway a jrtion it the eii a from intersevtioo or hat mil way with the n of tvk place A aili of workman engad fit at th- an were do to pit to reload Jan King foreman of gang who was a car iuunliait in he of the tender that Ihe was rapidly sinking He to driver Icon apprising him his Nomina From to live weight is offered 111 and Moiitial tor wrighini one and a half pouriHi The price to 14 cents 15 cents per l plucked weight ami and a drawn weight It ik of way Elliot deep that an profit be by selling the earlier and lioivien cockerels of he flock onto profit correspond the increased derived by tfn fruir growers who les market supply is available CIIICSEX8 The of ens in due to the improved anil appearance of the eu9 that improvement been established thru the business of chicken by the Depart ment of to the met of killing plucking and shaping the chickens they are Every farmer in Canada should be in possession of the details of the crate- fat ten ins It- is a business that be managed by any member of the household the of easily the chickens will gain front one and a half pounds to three pounds each dur ing days fattening and the of feed per pound of grain in will from five cents to six and a half cent lli WHERE DEAT Wilt Kamlirraf Accident Man Swim Browning iiccldont been this season Indeed donJwtipfeN-in9wspairnowft- dayawithout account of floiflroTOiitlBOTv- Those who to have been little more those who could not- have porlshed meeting their death sometimes more in view of their It is almost with a feeling of that obe Ventures to repeat the platitudes of safety The blame for an over whelming of drownings must bo placed on the victims j selves Sometimes reading count of a fatality- one doubts the sanity of person who perished j iruly wisdom seems to place on the face the waters nor a habitation within sound of the- deep itr at CntvJtatleit SVVl It is a pity that every man before going a Slot re- fleet for a moment the nature of the feat before him should bear and with Win jumped from iIih The point this re incident- has place while always as swampy and the- soil as and was never dangerous An visited the spot on find the For i Pain In aiddlBctf- iter Old ChllVj of Beet of Short Jut First ftJfi no to be WORTH directed alr ttstot to comply promptly removo nny toe Per a Weak Stomach Imps ret Digestion Disordered Liver belt to and Debilitated is a far gnat Sato fn each box in mind that he is about to Set QViOQlnXji one of only by THOMAS BEECH AM St Sold Everywhere in Canada ami America In boxes Banner The Roads l- Buy Your Field Seeds Mangold Sugar Turnip a Carrot SEED CORN White Cap P Cob Long Yellow and North Dakota Flint A STRHHT Telephone To the Editor of the Era I sec York by County Council and I agree with J of to improve road to Newmarket The road level and lor half a mile north to the road east there is bad nil near centre the 3rd con cut it- to a good grade finish the small grading to the 3rd Then from the 3rd 10 the 2nd line is a good road down grade and dry all the year The let eon is level and needs no grading Then you are op St and strike the Metropolitan Can and the north of King afford to see one keep- the and hest- route closed and travel verttd from its natural shortest and heat route from its nearest market lids road if finished would be a short dry good of the best JJasi and West roads in King arid route to Newmarket the Metropolitan Why not ghort and important much needed rdfIs Newmarket IndlHcc- to trade and country to her ftrade Yours cr r- j Kiig is a one The 1 euue a depth of fully feet in water carrying the along for a distance of feet In a desire the from to 10 feet to the the on eihci side on a level with railway but a most feature in connection with the sinking of the rolling stock and track is the effect produced on the roadway on either side the fide of truck for a distance of probably 100 feet a deep tissue was formed which wo subsequently refilled and the whole elevated to a height of feet Some estimate may formal of the the face that the amok of the engine is on a lower level than the ad way With and J manager at once instituted plans for the release of the en iue A trac tion engine a rotary pump was f installed Friday fur carrying the water were and every ktiowL appliance is being for rapid of the work Mr Moves said thai in addition to machinery engine would on to ihb and the manager hopes that the work of will coin- by Saturday night As to cause of the catastrophe opinions are rife the generally accept ed opinion lieing sand is I For FALL iV Fowl that to ho exhibited at the fall faiis should be shaded from the sun during moulting This will pre vent the new feathers having a faded or mottled appearance Breeders of fancy fowls are very particular in this respect and cover the tops of the yards used by the moulting birds with carpets Iu etc The fowls are given liberty during the late after noon and evening only and vegetables are necessary for moulting fowls the animal food such as waste meat or raw bones wiliin- the supply of protein or albu men for the of feathers the vegetables r useful in v W- in opposition to the of natures no is a bo lit to defy law of and in principle in same as the lunatic who tried to fly off top of a house recollection of fact would save lives for when a man realizes that ha bucking against an Immutable law ho will proceed with some circumspection Mo will enter such a contest only when every chance to he in his favor and if he bo a sensible man will neglect no precaution Instance not toko his plunge after a meal knowing as he must know that the store of vitality on which he must reckon to bear him safely through Is not in the best condition to rospond to a coll at that time- Nor will he take to the water when hungry lost his weakness If will on no account dive in a river Many a strong swimmer has met his death j for violating this rule for reach- weeds he did not suspect hold him fast while only the bubble on surface of stream have witness to tragedy below A folly which is the peculiar pro of experts consists in high into unknown waters Let there bo a good takeoff and some of thorn ask no more possibility that a rock may Ho but a few inches under water is disregarded as often as not It would not he exaggerat ing to place the number of swimmers killed in this way at many hun dreds Most of them have been stun ned and drowned Others have simp ly dashed brains out Jinn Wlm v w Mi- Our prices before placing orders for fl Yield in the THE CROP IN THE HISTORY OF Seventyone moulders arrived at London from Scotland work the new McClary The Sea View at Old Orch ard was destroyed by and two were burned to loath Dr WcGahaa Kidney and Cough Powder Tit for lf iVlA til frm4b imXU curt JlLrr Blood by The Co Hut for the iron euitio would out of sight During it went down feet was out night f Family Blotted Out Vienna Aug a For a fatal chap accidents which breaks all re cords the village of near Arad in Hungary has just been the scene according to reports just received It destroyed in one day a whole family named The lather drove with his wife to a neighboring town leaving his son and 16yearold daughter at home boy was tampering with a loaded gun when exploded and the barrel burst Both brother sister were killed instantly and two servant girls In the room were tally injured l The father on being informed of the calamity drove home with such haste that he collided wltih- a heavy wagon and the carriage with the result that his wife was and bo himself died on the way to the hospital Winnipeg July The wheat and other crops in the Terri tories are estimated to in good condition and to be the largest in the history of- the country The total wheat crop is at bushels Last years was bushels and tlie next previous bushels Before the crop was inconsiderable The total wheat acreage is that of the next previous years being- and respectively The yield is lighter than last year but still a good one The Calgary district has had perfect conditions all along and another district is ten days earlier The oats acreage is 305719 the next largest being last years The crop is estimated at the next largest that of being 11 bushels The barley figures are Acreage last year crop estimated bushels last bushels as well is the best yet and indeed shows the best any of the other Territorial crops acre age is 27590 against last The estimated crop is bushels against last year Under no has nonswimmer any business In water that comes up to his neck Foolish ly he imagines that as long as ho can stand and keep his head above surface he is safe So he walks around and enjoys himself until ho slips on a stone stumbles and dis appears Water high as his chin Is plenty deep enough to drown this man When ho hobs up his lungs are halffilled with water he is nearly choked and quite panicstricken Un less help is at hand the probability la that he will sink again unable to get a foothold and drown as ig nobly Clarence in the Butt This kind of accident can hap pen in swimming places where no holes exist Where there holes however death awaits knowing no disappointment for there is a victim every hole The swimmer times loses his life in them his arms Impeded by the deathtrap in which he finds himself and the bath er who cannot swim has not one chance in a hundred PRINTING THE BEST WORKMEN WE THE BEST PRESSES WE THE MOST MODERN TYPE and out prices ore is consistent good and good material Call at the ERA Office and con vince you that can save you money Tlic body of John Johnston who was drowned in the Moon River was recovered There is general unrest Spain caused by bad harvests and labor troubles A bridge collapsed at Portland Ore and- three were drowned find many injured J Brown of West Bay City Mich who jumped oft a hotel roof at London died from his injuries Mr Thomas Bennett a well-to- do farmer of was fatally by falling a wagon r Mrs Elizabeth Hill of London was knocked down by a dog and re ceived injuries from which she died Teacher Wanted Protestant for School Section No York County Duties to commence alter Summer Holidays State qualifications and salary expected Ad drees PO Teacher Wanted hat the Old man SaVfl It J to be fair and whether you or not There M a lot fiatlactiorO In gaz ing at the rugged features of an hon est man In the each morning when you rise shifty twolaced tricky sneaky unreliable man may mate some sharp trades and gather some com by his dis honest but in the long run he will get the worst it Three men were killed another is and a filth was dangerously hurt a freight wreck on at Pony Creek crossing seven teen miles south of Council Bluffs J I i Boating accidents arc about common as any kind of drowning hounded by comic and Serious journals for decade not so common us ha was a short while Sometimes a autmner goes by without him having murdered anyone so that the hope is entertained that ho may have with his Inst vlctini But still ho looms up occasionally He should ho hit on head with an oar as soon as his presence is de tected seats a Is a form of suicide Usually a girl Is for this Noth ing could bo more dangerous Many a bravo fellow has been drowned by his escort trailing her fingers through the water suddenly grasping at a waterlily or endeavoring to something dropped overboard for the guldnnco of swim mers bathers rowers drowning persons and have been PAIN MUST OO- i Where Poisons is Composed of the- most powerful remedies known Ncrviline cannot fall to give prompt relief in would accomplished by their re- rheumatism cramps pain petition But thero ono great In hack and side and the host rule which embraces Corn- painful internal or external Sense Dont take any chances arising from inflammatory action A y will JSft AmtrnnJon proof of superiority over every invite a lady to go row remedy known Tr him he wns sunt Large buttles tents Druggists one thing -ooo- MoL A in moth I that com rum m mi Q i w I- for tr SCOTT A William near killed and nothing else As a July An- this aged yc Anderson Hiiro that he could her if upset or that she could save herself Not being suro he has no to Invite to risk her life with him who dlsro- and yet returns wlth- might well give thanks scape for It is an of thfs while drawing a load fact a of rails should ho an a aite from the barn to an adjoin- awlmmer a champion sculler and a field Part the Way being veteran be ever onto the horses whlbh lo oxvccl that manageable and threw the young lad of people would the Wheels j of I OP SPECIAL INTEREST TO LA DIES Unsightly warts can be removed in a few hours by Putnams Painless Corn and Wart Extractor Reliable safe and sure Try and bathing they are not experts nor Is It desire that they should Only lot bo fully aware of the risks they are running and then most of the risks will j Many are called but few to get up especially If it la a cold V- I CREAM WANTED SWEET OR SOUR Let us make your butter 16 eta the lowest price we paid last year delivered at your nearest station It Is worth your while to- give us a trial You are not put to any ex pensewe furnish the cans and pay all express charges SAVE THE WORK And make mora money We satis fy per cent all who sent Thirtythree million pounds of cream ery butter exported last year Let the creameries make It r SWEET CREAM Special inducements for those keep ing a number of cows and having ice who cap furnish us with sweet cream delivered at the nearest station A trial solicited and satisfaction guar anteed In writing for particulars state number cows kept whether separator or not TORONTO CREAM BUTTER Jar via St Haulers wanted Toronto Toronto Street Toronto By an Act the Parliament of at the iircent set- ion the aiiic of The Per- msnapt and has been chunrd Canada Permanent J Herbert Mason Manacfriu Director For School Section No Duties to after vacation Apply stating sal ary to personal application 3w2 Sharon Town Carting Having bought the carting outfit Mr I should be the public on short notice Terms reasonable Orders phoned the Era Office will be promptly at tended to H SMITH save JOINING tie OF ANtRICA iUch ttsoflcW dab tadUwmul new euulo too from Q oner for a CO 4 OLD AT THE ERA J i to 1

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