Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Jul 1903, p. 6

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J i v Monday Tuesday and Wednesday of each week 5m22 Of Richardson DENTAL Brooks Block Mount Albert Buggies Pa Repairing Prices moderate J Mount Albert Hamilton Fresh Jersey Cows Also Three Jersey Heifers due about STOKES Mount Albert iUAihV There was a very fair attendance l Tuesdays market Prices as fol lows butter egs to chickens to Dp Main Si Mount Albert every Tuesday Hopkins Block FDMITDRE You can save by buying your Furniture at the T LLOYD will refund your money you are not satisfied alter using Chamberlains Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy It is everywhere admitted to be the most successful remedy in use for bowel complaints and the only one that never tails It is peasant safe and reliable ALBERT PUBLIC SCHOOL Mount Albert Public School successful pupils in primary divi sion in order of standing To Jr HI Melville Moore Eddie Morgan Walter Armstrong Laura Kenneth Ross Clifton Wood cock To Sr Eva Daley Watts To Jr Irene McLean Frank Garnet To Pearl Watts Byron Watts To Jr Lola Stiver Nettie Ross Rosy Mildred Wood cock Hat tie Morgan To L David Broods Nora Gladys McMullen Mildred Raiis- den Brooks Barbara Ami- Mr Win French A is spending his vacation with his brothers other friends in this v- Mrs of Durham and daugh ter Mrs are spetid- a wee at Jacksobs Point at Idylwilov A STOCK THAN OK Bedroom and Parlor Tables LoangeaCouoher Fancy Chair We are also amenta for Sham Holders and the celebrated Stretcher and Picture a Specialty Goods delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN Miss Forrest if and Miss of Newmarket are vis iting at the home of Mrs Mr Haigh teller in the Bank here as been trans ferred to the Branch Mr and Mrs John Graham Mis Terry were visiting friends id Cedar Grove on Tuesday and Wednes day Messrs W W Dat id- son MS Keller and attended the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Toronto on day and Thursday of last week report an enjoyable time Mrs Davidson and Mrs are enjoying a visit with trieids at Cedar Grove and Miss Violet and Miss Gertie McKay Toronto have Seen spend ing a few days at the home of Thirsk They home on Tuesday Miss is spending I it holidays with her friend Miss Mina Phillips at Brougham berry country this week They al ways go prepared for and a good time They have a waggon rigged like a gypsy van so tbey fear no bad weather Grain is growing very stout from the beneficial of copious sfaow- of late Late hay is also very Pitch Battle to Will be an actual possibility by trading at this store for it not the earning but the saving of dollars that creates it Venezuelan Government Troops continue all our bargains of last week and today we stormed the Rebels in I quote you following very special prices thick in bottom while roots and potatoes are showing extremely well AJsifcfi clover will be an enormous crop if superficial appearance is any guide This section seems jus atlaptcd to this plant Abundant crops should make thank ful hearts Bolivar only Ladies Brack Sateen Blouses Soledad Venezuelan Sunday July Mt clock this morning the engagement between the Government Skirts forces and the occupy- rvw smoke over Bolivar was so thick that it was impossible to see the city At seven oclock the si ron Nora cy Thayer Moore Daisy Watts Vi Walton Teacher Mount Albert We are busy opening Spring Goods DAILY Call and inspect our new range of DRESS GOODS it CAPS HOOTS SHOES EMBROIDERIES INSERTIONS WALT PAPERS Values Better ROSS BROS CHAMBERLAINS COLIC AND DI ARRHOEA REMEDY The uniform success of this remedy has made it the most popular pre paration in use for bowel complaints It is everywhere recognized as the one remedy that can always be- dei upon and that is pleasant to It is especially valuable for summer diarrhoea in children and is undoubtedly the means of saving the lives of a great many children each year For sale by W T Lloyd During the storm that passed oyer here first of three trees in Mr Ben Kiteleys hush at Sharon were splintered by the lightning and a fine draft colt valued at was killed instantly NORTH Miss Peters of has been visiting her cousin Mrs Robert Pol lock during the last few weeks The Misses Smith of Newmarket Ruby and Irene were visiting in North last Sunday Last Sunday was- Quarterly Meet ing in the Free Methodist Church held at the Camp Meeting in Mr liy Small fruits especially wild bush Immense crowds berries are extremelyabundant but had gathered there as the meetings do charge like the dickens for j have been growing in interest and No man or woman will In speak well of Chamberlains Stomach j and Liver Tabids after once trying them They always produce a pleasant movement of the bowels improve the appetite and strengthen the digestion For sale by W Lloyd BALDWIN BREEZES ta two 2M yds New Fall Very directions The special yard opened battle At clock the beautiful new fall goods laic for yds Duck and Print mostly a full yard wide for after a tertlMe fight Polka Dot Kg in which they lost over moo captured the cemetery A Black At 8 clock the Venezuela fleet te consisting of five menofwar shelled the Government building at Bolivar it oclock the Revolutionists flag disappeared the Gov- and at the by the Government forces and wn a charge of the soldiers Breakfast p e laic pieces Lace about inch wide yds Organdie Muslins pretty colorings lie Blinds with Lace end ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up in packages by ourselves Poison and Tanglefoot OUR SCHOOL Mr Robert Grant of has been appointed Principal of our Pub lic School and will teach the contin uation class This class gives the pupils tie opportunity of a higher education without leaving home and gives advantages alnust equal to hose of a high school in addition to the pupils of our own many from adjoining schorls have taken advantage or this oppor tunity and as Mr Grant comes high ly recommended and there is accommodation for more pupils the class will be largely increased this year It takes up work of the first two yeais in a high school and en ables parents who wish to give their children a higher education to have them under their supervision at home lor that length of time School op ens on Monday August Full information as to the continuation class may he obtained from Mr the Secretary of the Trus tee Hoard We alio carry full line Patent Medicines among them and Cure Prescriptions and Family Re- receive day or T LLOYD Druggist Ready Mixed All Shades Beaver Brand A I Every Can Guarantee STORM A violent storm visited this local ity on Saturday afternoon last About three oclock the lightning struck the barn on the farm io Mr Win Thompson of occupied by Mr about half a mile north of Holt The barn and contents Were destroyed Mr lost all his hay crop MO bushels of last years wheat of last years oats and had arm badly burned while- trying save some cork- in the granary His live stock with the exception of two was saved Everything was fully by insurance On the afternoon the house of Mr James near was struck ari badly shattered about worth of damage being done Mr was severely burned HIS LAST HOPE REALIZED From the Sentinel In the first opening of Oklahoma to settlers in the editor of thus paper was among the many after fortune who made the big race one fine day in April During his travelling about and- afterwards- camping upon his claim he encoun tered much bad water which to gether with the severe heat gave him a very severe diarrhoea which It seemed almost impossible to check and along in June the case became ho had he expected to die One day one of his neighbors brought him one small bottle of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as a last hope A was given him while he was rolling about- on the ground greatagony and in a few minutes the dose The good effect of the medicine was soon noticed and within an hour the i patient was taking his sound sleep tor a- fortnight That one bottle worked a complete cure and he cannot help hut feel grateful season bowel disorders being Mount Albert fiU lhi8 Item For time Whitewash Brushes Scrubbing Brushes for Housecleaning JDROWLAND Lloyd i them far above Newmarket quota Cherries are however not so plen tiful to per pail not full at that A kind neighbor who had a few exercised selfdenial real izing that it is more blessed to give than receive and made me a cherry pie It was the clear quill The young from is still anxious to know and comes frequently to see if there is more torn in There is Chronic les of will be again issued shortly On Wednesday at the residence of the brides parents Mr and Mrs Vim Lake con Eva their was united in marriage to Mr Fairfield late of British Columbia The bride is well and popularly known in this part of North York She is a young lady of most prepossessing ap pearance and charming personnels At pm the hour set for the mony Old Sol burst from behind a cloud and smiled his approbations May every happiness be theirs Catchy hay weather The rich man sometimes grinds down the poor but its a poor rule that dont or wont work both ways The wageearner is making the far mer groan now Wages for harvest help arc exorbitant That St pedagogue who used drastic measures to correct un truthfulness must have been a mid shipman at some time as in the British Navy swabbing the mouth with soap and sand was the method employed to break young middies chewing I believe it work ed a cure in most caries- From copies of the He- view I see Wiat that Whitney organ keeps dingdpnging away at Stratum gets a great deal of free advertising from his relent less foe that like a little pup not particularly dangerous hut is excessively annoying hon orable position is wormwood and gall to the Tory organs whose fingers a long been Itching for that plum made some observations on character reading by expression ot the eyes Look at Sir Win eyes if youd see of princi ple Whod ever dream of the pos sessor of such eyes being dishonor able Sir couldnt by conscience wouldnt permit ot it Hut keep your eye open for tbjfce sinister averted eyes that cant lock you straight In the face A praclic al hand can also read the character of many animals such as horse lions etc A horse broad between the eyes perhaps Hfey can be depended upon Mr and Mrs lost their only child last wceic it has I ceil delicate from its birth Ill- parents wish through medium to acknowledge g4ati to for kind ly assistance J K ester seems to have a particular liking for Baldwin as he very frequently drives over en evening for an hours chat lie Is one ol those who suffered or had his political legs sawn by the grit organizer But that does not seem to worry W J Better luck next maybe Yates caravan goes to the blue- numbers since they began Much good has been done and we hear of many conversions which we trust will prove permanent A heavy storm about caught many it- turning from the meeting f button The Rev J preached a most impressive sermon- in the Presbyterian cEurch here last Miss Towniey of Toronto is a guest at Mr John The Rev and Mrs- have taken rooms at toe lake while remain here bankers have had granolithic steps at the entrance of the Bank Mr put a granolithic platorm in front of his store It is quite an improvement on toe plank sidewalk Mrs Ferguson of Hamilton has been a couple of weeks with her sister here Mrs Henry Miss Marian Lyle of Winnipeg is visiting with her sister Mrs Noble jr Mr Hugh Cooper and sister of To ronto spent over Sunday at Mr Jus Baileys They formerly resided in settlement The Toronto Carpet Co employees had their annual- excursion to Jack sons Point last Friday Mrs Michael here last for Hamilton to reside with her son 9 Mrs Alexander of Toronto with her son and daughter were the grests of Mrs John fori a few last week Her daughter has just completed a at the Toronto University and la now an honor A graduate of that institution Miss Reynolds of was the guest of Mrs last week Tie annual Church Garden j Party Is to be held here today at the Briars the beauti ful grounds of Dr The weather this morning is very and there may be a postpone ment Miss TrisyJe Leigh of Dundas came lest Saturday evening to spend a few weeks holidays with her and sister Mr Stuart McDonald attended the summer school at Knox College wec Miss Blanch Bailey fs home from the Markham High School for the holidays M of who has Men visiting with her daughter Mrs for some time returned hone last week Miss Bella Price a former resident of was wedded to Mr of South Manitoba he one of Robert Parker a St Thomas ftrcptan off his train on a bridge and fell Into the ravine fifty feet He was probably fatally Vancouver BC July The of the mill factory hands which has hren In force June I colUnscd men back to work today under the The demanded a in place often On the city was ordered The wounded were beginning to arrive at the Government head quarters from all directions and the fight was general but the move ments could not be followed from here in consequence of the caused by the fire the artillery of the Revolutionists which seemed for midable It was answered vigorous ly by the Government guns arid only i a shots reached the fleet At in the afternoon a block of houses opposite the Govern- building was captured by storm The Revolutionists seemed to be re sisting desperately The young Indian lads who fire to the Mohawk were sentenced at to three five year terms in the Indus trial School Gcorgo Rowley exmanager the Elgin Loan Company pleaded guilty at St Thomas to five charges of forgery perjury and theft Sent ence was deferred till August as he is giving valuable assistance in clearing up the Companys affairs only Coats very foe Navy m for Strawberry Beets lb tor Canned Corn cans for Tomato very choice tor Symingtons Coffee Extract to troduce bottles 8 lbs for at lbs for Gran Sugar lbs for Preserving Kettles the special Ironstone Dinner Plates best quality reg each Jardinieres very fine stippled gold Biscuit Jars Japanese designs ret And remember that wo do as we id- woo I I inder Twine and Repairs Harvest Tools of all Kinds I ARDWA MOUNT ALBERT WANTED Bring your Wool to the Ml Albert null get the Highest Prices A tock of Own on hand GEO SONS MOUNT ALBERT YTO J Suits for boys and men A fine range at prices to suit every one Fit as well as ordered clothing H RAMSDEN WIT ALBERT The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available HEAD CANADA BOARD Or Qault J Samuel Nate Chief An but fur Dominion ton Alex at UWDAVIDSON Ml Albert MU8 I LOST with J lured on In left Lin lull Icaaliur to recovery will bo a con July Farm for Sale acres of good clay loam all in good state of cultivation except acres of pasture a neverfailing yprlng in pasture being part of and tbe 3rd con of East Good house fairish barns wells plenty of fruit apples pairs plums cherries and raspberries In sight of the beautiful waters of Terms easy Apply on the premises ROBERT ROSE yueensville Miss Alice Woodcock wishes to an nounce that she prepared to re ceive a limited number of pupils On the piano or organ at her home Albert or at pupils homes if so de- aired Terms on application Binder Twine Now on hand Plymouth Binder Twine Barrel Salt and Land Salt in sacks at lowest possible prices North fork License District Notice is given that impli cation has been made to the Board above District for a fer of Tavern License from of the Mansion House Sutton to Samuel Kafser of this day of July A J HUGHES Inspector- SHIELDS MOUNT ALBERT To insure In be beat Mock a way THE QLODB COMPANY With of will On hi Low Mutual Coin- DAVIDSON Ml Albert John of was killed attempting to get on a moving train near Trenton At Chicago two thousand wood workers have gone on strike upon re ceiving notice that their employers would not grant their demands for a minimum wage scale approxi mately cents an hour Twenty- one factories are affected Try Our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry Bark- An Excellent Remedy FOR Coughs Golds AMP Lung Trouble We keep tho leading makes of Trusses Properly fit and them Forrests Drag Stow MOUNT ALBERT SUB OF MARRIAGE LICENSES FARM FOR SALE- Acres miles from Good wells Plenty fruit Land good tivatJion Apply to J TOOL v kii ZZJdz A a

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