Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Jul 1903, p. 1

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The Era gives more horns news every iwo in North i w- r r Si rivi J J if me the to know to and to freely to cogence above all liberty AND PA No paper cent outside of North York unless paid in advance No copies 3 cents each ji Newmarket Ont Friday July 24 1903 TERMS pa annum if pld In advance BUY EVERY BALL of PLYMOUTH FULLY GUARANTEED PRICES Special per lb Green Sheaf per lb Gold Medal per lb IT IS THE LONGEST STRONGEST CHEAPEST j Everyway foe best Dont take Just as good when you can get the GENUINE OIL West Virginia HARDWARE Paints Oils and Glass Ice Ore am BETTER THAN EVER flayor are the conctotraUd made from the best Theyre rich and heavy Just to roll out of the Yea It would bo much cheaper to that fruit made from esacocea J our Soda reputation built on loundjLtioa Our Cream cornea u near perfection and we intend to It right there R0U0IIT0 Dye Works Agent Canadian Expreca Co Cartage and baggage band led with despatch Telephone No PROMPTLY ikttcfa or of your quickly ttticvtuUVn Marion byttc chcric In 3WrlVJt4 MARION MARION Export and The Era Ideal Weekly It Covers Month Our Toronto Letter less Country iron and core and pattern makers ttiis week to take positions ih at the On learning situation not go to work but a second arrived anil went to work unmolested by strik ers It is understood that the Ontario Government will an exhibit ai tbe Industrial Fair in is known as the bicycle or furniture builaiog near the western enframe Tills will be- largely of woods and minerals and other principal native resources of Ontario The twoyear old daughter of J ate a bichlorate of mercury one day late week mistaking it for candy By the aid of stomach pumps physicians relieved it andit was afterwards sent to the Hospital further treatment The child got of the poison during housecleaning The death of exAId Carlisle moves a notable figure from the mu nicipal and social life of this city Born in Scotland in and came lo Canada in He was a mem ber of the City Council for years religion he was a Presbyterian wasOakenHo IrihisfiJ Dr a long tetter justifying his course in resigning the Deanery of Trinity Med ical College S-XWi- J It is expected that the results of the Normal School commercial spe cialist and kindergarten examinations will he announced this week A young woman played a pretty smart game last week by dressing in army uniform and going about the city with a basket selling- articles supposed made by sujv port of the Salvation Army Toronto Railway Employees Union expect to hold their annual picnic oh Che inst at Moss Park Rink The action- of County Council last week male it quite apparent that the local councils of the County should take action at once in ante with the Act of last session of the Legislature and thus change the constitution of the County Council to he in touch with the local councils George Gordon Alias Pat terson the young man who Was cap tured by the police and Holmes pro tection while making a exit the premises of Rice Co which he had entered with burgiarioS intent pleaded guil ty at the police to two more charges of sky- light burglary sentenced to twentythree months in the Central Present Conditions in Alaska 1 By J Thompson American in Scientific r Trie of June is the date of the opening of the summer season in Alaska and the amount work planned for this season devoted developing and exploiting the sourcts of that vast territory far ex ceeds that conlfcmplatcd or at any prior time In the interior every tributary of the Yu kon has been more or less pro spected and many of these stream beds and the adjacent country are worked to a The Klpn- district of the Northwest lories of Canada just ore hundred miles up the Yukon from the ay line which intersects the two countries decs not give promise of increasing its output of gold over that of last year which amounted to 12000000 Lack of new strikes or discoveries sinoe the memorable find has set a limit on the output of this famous mining camp It was reached two years ago and is now en the decline having at this date pro over in gold But while the richest spots are a thing of history the of morier machinery has made it struck very Bits of Dont get discouraged It is often the last key on the bunch that opens the lock Always tell the truth my boy counselled Allen Sparks dont be always telling it Sundayschool cache asked what happened to Lots wife when she looked hack She was transmuted into chloride of sodium replied youth with bulging forehead and pate lace He was chemically cor rect hut the rest of the class not so gifted shouted in one voice Salt He had taken an unwarranted liber ty In criticising her now hat It provoked her She was about to say that she didnt propose to be dictated to by any man But she didnt aay it AH she said was I do not propose Then he interrupted her you did he smilingly murmured I should certainly say yes And that seemed to settle it A Georgia paper says Ala meeting a man and said was the wickedest an in the town Id go to perdition if I should die tonight he concluded Immediately an old deacon started the hymn if you get there before do look me Im coining too A then the wondered why everybody laughed work to a profit lowgrade proposi tions Large pumping plants and heavy dredging machinery have Ame liorated the condition of the mining operator and reduced his expenses to a reasonable basis One company has taken to Dawson this year tons of machinery the cost of trans portation of which exceeded the orig inal cost of the plant Freight rates and high wages for day labor have de terred the rapid development of the Klondike district iNow it can he safely stated that the wages for day labor will average 40 and board a day The Canadian government pays and board to all of its employees on government work The Nome mining district is daily increasing as a producer and is extended over a vast expanse of ter ritory projecting from the Arctic Ocean and- inland from the Sea as far as the difficulties of transportation will per mit As yet it has not settled to a I tricts They are deep in heart of the territory Discoveries made last summer have developed so satisfactorily that this now find bids fair to gather round it a very sub stantial mining community a town on Cooks Inlet the point from winch all the miners start for this new discovery is the gateway a tremendous expanse of practically unexplored or unprotected country The need of some practical method of transportation is keenly felt season the price of freighting to these new camps was per pound This problem can be solved by the build ing of a railroad A survey has been made frcra VaJdez to Eagle City on the Yukon traversing the heart of this district but as yet no steps have been taken to build this rail road The prospects indicate that there is a vast amount of wealth in minerals and unnumbered acres of ag ricultural and grazing land in this district awaiting development This season one thousand head or cattle will be driven to these grassy pla teaus and slaughtered in the fall of the year Another part contem plates bringing a similar number of sheep for the samp purpose Along the coast of Alaska especial ly in Cooks Inlet men have pros pected for oil for the last three During October last a gusher was seventy miles south of Val- limit for prospectors are finding prospects in isolated dis tricts which jive the evidence of All the adjacent land was tak en up and recorded and companies formed for the further exploiting of of the field Since large of supplies and machinery have been forwarded to this point and- it is expected that further developments will reveal the existence of a consid erable oil field The surface pros pects arc decidedly encouraging The gusher referred to which is the pio neer in Alaska was struck at a depth of three hundred feet and the oil proved of an exceptional quality The annual spring stampede from tie Pacific coast cities to Alaska in progress It Is expected that at least men will go into the new mining camps miles inland while many others will attracted to the new fields Since development of the sourccs of the Pacific coast the of Its have proven to be one of its richest heritages and today Alaska can claim a paramount POPE LEO IS DEAD Wireless in that respect Last year over worth of salmon was shipped from lt ports Salmon substantial discoveries The future canneries arc now located on almost of the northern mining with its every stream of any importance rigorous climate during all seasons from Marys Island the most souvh- year is very- promising point of the territory to the known wealth in placer gold and the Arctic Ocean and this years of the development of the exceed that of year mineral veins and coal beds of which These canneries encroach upon the there arc indications give inalienable righto of natives that for many years to come sometimes depriving them of I heir this section will be a great producer livelihood This is a serious nutter of valued minerals and a large con- will resolve itself into a dihVult of and mercantile pro- i problem ducts I The year just passed proved profitable to this mining section and as a consequence many necessary and costly works were begun The need of water had curtailed development Babys Vitality The vitality of infants and young work heretofore and to supply this children Is at its lowest point during need large ditches tapping at a distance of twentyfive from the centre of tins mining were begun and the work vigorously pursued until cold weather made it impracticable for further work One of the heavily interestei cor porations has now under its manage ment one narrowgage railroad tun ning out of Nome to its properties the hot More children die in summer than at any other season This is because the little ones suffer more from bowel troubles are nerv ous weak sleepless and irritable Prompt action often saves a valuable little life and troubles of this kind can be promptly met and cured by giving I be cries Babys Own Tablets which be kept in number of chorus girls were in jured by collapse of a piece of scenery In a Paris theatre The steamer ply In on the Volga has been destroyed by fire near Russia lit persons Were to death Farmers and others should fa- with the fact that a small quantity of clean lard rubbed In horses cars will keep from those all fifes largo or small and save the animal untold annoyance and suffering a distance of five miles and low has cry home ready for emergencies under construction a similar These Tablets speedily relieve and from a point south of Nome promptly cure stomach bowel and Bay to Council City the center of other hot weather ailments and give a mining district Tils company sound refreshing sleep Mrs in operation on the bank or ie guson 105 Mansfield street Montreal Snake River near Nome a pumping says My baby was attacked costing at the builders and was hot and feverish I in Chicago which delivers through a gave him Babys Own Tablets and Hoc of feel they cured him Before gallons of water per minute this ho had been rather delicate but Another company sent flOO tons of since using the Tablets he has been machinery to Nome in one shipment better ami stronger in every way last season a titpji Tablets can be given with an pumping plant absolute certainty that they will do Day labor as well as those employ- to all children from a new born In the trades had a most prosper- Thcv contain no or lost year The average roisonos soothing stuff Sold by wages paid was per day medicine dealers or mailed at and board Some mining operators box writing direct to an account of lack Hams Medicine Co of labor to pay as high as day and board It may seem strange Mr Harper nd Con that more laboring men do not lock very successful barn to such a place but every man that paUrdavlat about has served In this capacity will con- and everything cur in the statement that every man Is expected to earn the that he Is paid that live laborer is well worth his wages Two new districts have recently at tracted attention Trey are known as the and Copper without a hitch was put In shape were chosen with Messrs and John Scott a Captains After an exciting finish fti by about three seconds LAST SCENES DESCRIBED v j Rome July Leo Pope of Rome who battling for a fortnight past- yielded the grim enemy of all mankind at this afternoon after a struggle riveted the attention of the whole civilized world The spec tacle of the venerable Pont ill in his Wrd year fighting for was thanks to modern methods earned on in practically the sight of all Christen dom Early this mowing it was ap parent to the watchers by his bed side that toe end was rapidly ap proaching and the Cardinal mats and Papal Court and the Pontiffs nearest relatives were summoned to the Vatican to await the supreme Shortly noon the Pope was seized with a sinking spoil For a few moments it was believed that a was about to occur So near death was PontiS that i V the Peniten tiary began at his bedside to recite the prayers for the dying and ministered absolution in mortis The Pope however once his Marvelous tality by rallying from the apparent ly fata seizure but only to relapse immediately into a state of semi consciousness in which he had fleet ing spells his reason reasserted itself During one of these conscious he murmured benedictions arid solemnly confided the interests Church to Cardinal Dean sacred College He Died in Harness The died practically in har ness While the doctors were exam ining this morning believing him to be in a stupor bis Holiness sud denly fixed his eyes oven bright and by means lifeless on thein saying time doctors you will not win your fight with death is your Holiness who is brave replied Dr but before the remark was uttered the- Pope was again to understand what was said When during the abrrming crisis about noon ho was lying on his bed perfectly motionless while around him knelt the Cardinals and other members of the Papal court praying and not knowing whether Pope was not without any preliminary the Pontiff opened his eyes which fell on Cardin al was at his side and he said solemnly To your eminence who will so soon scie the reins of supreme pow er I confide the Church in these times Than Master of the Chamber asked for the Popes benediction for court which the Pontiff adding These my last greeting Then the gave his hand to kiss to the cardinals present who were Vannutelli Delia Voire and Tuto Dr by Pones animation restoratives the patient sank back as suddenly as he had revived The the Pope addressed to Cardinal and which may to be his last utter ance the last supreme effort of that Intelligence which has astonished the world are much commented upon and Is wonderot whether the inten tion was to indicate Cardinal Or eg a as his successor They will certainly have considerable in the decision of the cardin als who will take putt in the con clave Arthur Brock switdiman in front of an engine at London and was killed lirakeman Robert of Owen was oft a car and la- tally This is the season in which we hear of clever answers given at the examinations some made by candidates for entrance to the High School we note the following Chicago is at the bottom of lake Mi chigan Australia exports kangaroo wool Egypt exports pyramids In Canadian history It was gravely asserted that among the early settlers of Ontario Julius Caesar who crossed from Normandy in the White Ship and settled near Lands Wolfe died In time to know he had gained the vic tory These answers given atthe entrance examina tions in Orillia GREAT FORTUNES TO BE FOUND IN TI SYSTEM When Alexander Graham Bell pa tented and perfected his telephone the skeptics were loud in their derision of Mpy Nevertheless Bell found believers and those believers were rewarded for their faith by im mense fortunes Gardner Hub bard the fatherinlaw and faithful friend of Hell was the man who skcd the most and gained the greatest rewards in backing Hell and telephone until it reached the stage where public no longer de rided the instrument as a plaything but clamored for it as a necessity In the Marconi wireless telegraph there is a parallel of history Just now In the formative and construc tive period there are doubters and skeptics but there are some faithful Friends and it is these friends and faithful ones who are going to- reap the fortunes that arc bound to adoption of the system The great advantage of this system over that using wires and cables is its extremely low initial cose which relieves tire company operating it of a large burden of interest taxes and depreciation thus increasing its earn ing capacity many fold Those who are investing in the stock of the Marconi Wireless Tcle- of America today are the ones which are certain to win great fortunes by the future increase in value of those stocks as well as through the dividends earned and paid in the interim Telephone stock increased in value from per share to be worth over per share and so Marconi stocks will very likely increase from the present price to over within- a few years Thus in vested now may become with in a decade It is by wise invest ments such- as these that fortunes of the millionaires have been made The Vandcrbilts in railroads tire Goulds in telegraphs and rail roads tbe in the Rockefellers in Standard Oil the in telephones The man dollars laid away to invest and who has the intelligence to grasp a fleeting opport unity will be the one to seize Mar coni and make his fortune The Weekly Is the name of a periodical devoted to the new wireless system and its publish ers Messrs Exchange Place New York announce that it will be sent free to all that apply tot- This firm is known as an enterprising combination of brilliant young financiers who have a success ful career behind him as a guarantee of their -future- They have agreed to keVip the Marconi Company sup plied with working capital until the system is thoroughly established and in full commercial operation They have issued a handsome booklet Marconi Wireless giving full par ticulars concerning Marconi and his system with illustrations in half tone which they send free to persons likely to become interested as stock holders in the company Mr George New York manager of firm says We are soliciting the investment of small amounts in Marconi securities for the that we believe that the Amer ican people will welcome the estab lishment of this competing system and because we know that great pro fits will accrue to the investor from the development this marvelous in vention lo a commercial stage The company has already over a quarter a million dollars Invested in sta tions and apparatus in the United States but it will at least as much more before the business can be established upon a highly profit able basis Once that- is done value of Marconi securities must nec essarily advance very rapidly and who buy now will in the course of a few vears find themselves in pos session of securities equally as profit able as Telephone Western Union and Commercial Cable have heretofore been If anybody wants to know more about the opportunities this system offers let him write to us at Exchange Place and we will be glad to give them Theentlre plant of the Standard printing office was destroy ed by fire a few weeks ago The Mr Duncan Marshall- with his proverbial push at ar rangements with the to Issue his paper until- a plant was Installed be Is Issuing the Standard with an entirely new plant

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