Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Jul 1903, p. 4

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Kinder REST BRANCH fiaenl Bankiag Baste TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED THE NEWMARKET FRIDAYS -i- At ill i lancers C BOSS SPA AUCTIONEER Bolton and Lane and scqith DOUGLAS CO SSI 2Urror Block A Ellis and Sanitary EH aid EtoaU3 mad This pig wy Monday before Mr Two or them got but other three were fined arid costs by way letting them know that such conduct not be in New market fc J Doom On Monday evening Ander son arrested a young man To ronto by the name of George who was intoxicated and carrying a loaded revolver After spending the night In the cooler be Was brought before Mr Woodcock who remanded him for a weak and lor safe keeping was tran to To gaol Should Stopped The groupies of men boys congregate at four places along Main street the people that pass by and often making remarks about the ladies should be broken up by the town offi cials are not much fc tftm schools of scandal Injurious to the reputation of the and the morals of those identified CARRIAGE LICENSES Offce luaed at If NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IK Monuments and Head Stones IT Out Door JO ttmt to hate your apnea when everything fa green and ik foliage tat too thick J SMITH Chief Anderson arrested earn tramp twice last week and put him in the cooler There was no magis trate to be found so- be let go Watsons veranda has been repaired Mrs Hunter was fortunate in hav ing bet necklace returned Mr on Eagle St was lucky finder A calf caused an interesting chase on Main street Tuesday morning Commendable examination in connection with tne Toronto Conservatory of Music was last Saturday with Mr A Vogt examiner For this ex amination Mr Arthur Oliver pre pared six candidates all of whom passed with high standing obtaining honors The successful ones were Miss Wilson Miss Edna Mac- Arthur Miss Master Douglas Scott Miss Lulu Rogers of Aurora and of Qunensville residence of Mr about to be vacated tor Mr man ager of the Sovereign Bank is being for electric light Mr Bruce intends to use meter Applications have been granted to Lyons grocery McLaughlins tailor shop t Jacksons new house and E Jacksons residence By use of meters a better distribu tion of light can be obtained at less expense thin the flat rate to those who are careful not to burn ligbt for nothing Dogs Poisoned Several cases of one of the meanest acts which can be perpetrated poisoning dogs have occurred in town lately Those dogs which have suf fered were not at all vicious snow ing that it must have been purely- a malicious desire which prompted the deed Should anything turn up by which tlie poisoner Is discovered it will be made warm for Dr Wesley lost one of the best hounds in the County J Robertson a pure bred Scotch collie and J a terrier Our attention has been called to a blunder in Dr letter which was made in correcting the- paragraph but one shoiiM read I am convinced that churches thea ters public balls street cars post offices should be fumigated of ten during an epidemic any kind with or some other equally Preven tion is better tban cure Co mil Regular meeting Monday even- AH members present except Messrs Robertson and Hughes appeared before the Council reference to the ap pointment of a representative to tbe special meeting of County Council on the with power to act for toe The proposal of County Roads was explained and a communication from the Co Clerk was also read concerning the matter The Mayor and all other members of tbe Council who desire to attend special meeting the County Council were appointed to represent the Towns re Roads on the and of July Following bills were passed Co sundries referred to Inspector be paid if found correct Manning to Met Railway A Thompson L Morrison Co pipe for Works vu 3d Morrison Co repairs freight and cartage on -pipe- QTR freight on transformers W Met Co height Expenses on electric goods 30 on W goods 30 Bell Telephone messages J snowcleaning to McDonald lot loo Packard Co supplies United Factories W sup plies Can Co carbons 7 No A No R is No The account of the Childrens Aid Society re keep of girl Nugent was referred to the Finance Com The of the County Clerk requiring for Co levy was placed on file The communication of J Wood cock claiming for loss of J Springs horse waft not entertained The was instructed notify the Metropolitan Ry Co that the material being placed on Main street is not satisfactory The Cleric was instructed to order six meters for applicants was instructed to ac cept from Jofin Curtey for electric current from Jan to June on condition of signing con tract for on year from July 1st Council adjourned at pm For Era fl to Glasgow Scotland Our Sunday Lesson I Andrew Hunter Builder Contractor On Notice Granolithic fitg ftiiDREW HUNTER St Too Last Saturday night a stranger got oft oclock car at the north end and waited up to the corner of Stew art grocery Some fellows were standing on the and it was not long till an altercation took and the stranger brandished an open razor Chief Anderson was phoned for and with some assistance the stranger was landed in tlie cooler where he remained till Mon day morning On being brought be fore Mir Woodcock the man Was glad to depart minus his One and costs THOMPSONS REPAIR SHOP Are ALL OF A toll Another double played of at Diamond Park last Saturday but the crowd was not quite as ex tensive as anticipated Holland Landing ve Alerts Newmarket game was a warm one The teams on account of two play ers of the home team being oft were very evenly matched and Newmarket had to work tor what they got score was Holland runs Alerts innings 5 runs The Alerts from Toronto a Junior city team proved to be the fastest nine which have yet struck town The Newmarket team held them to 34 at the end the innings but tire score piled up as follows a Our team fa playing better ball at first of the season but they need a of practice yet A good game fa expected on Judgment The injunction case or tbe town Fort William against the Dell Tele phone Company was held recently be fore Mr Justice at Port Arthur This case was entered last February by the town The court ordered that the case be dismissed the plaintiffs shall not until judg ment has been pronounced by the appellate court to which the action of the corporation of city of Toronto against the Hell Tele- phone Company of Canada Limited now pending may be carried or such action shall otherwise be dis posed of action or take any proceedings to interfere with tne erection of of the stringing of wires by the defendants the said town or toe erection or use of any other appliances permitted by their charter and necessary and convenient lor carrying on the business of de fendants In the said town The ordered that tbe plaintiffs pay he defendants one dollar damages for loss sustained by reason of the injunction orders granted and pay to the Werid ants the costs of section Including the costs Feb 17th and Feb and of motion and order permit ting the defendants to deliver their statement of defence June 19th as between solicitor and client forth with NEVER SAY DIE You may be weak miserable ner vous sleepless your digestion may be poor and you despair Never say die until you have used the most wonderful blood nerve and brain In- vigorator It tones up the whole system You can eat anything and digest it you use You sleep well You make blood quickly Increases dally in a short well Try which you can obtain at all drug stores Nine stable on the Winnipeg Fair Grounds were burned Sunday night is but the Time tide and trolley wait for no man and it might be added the and as a result am again hack in Glasgow having spent a most enjoyable week at Liverpool Tbe Spaniel was advertised to- sail from the Glasgow at- last Saturday nut owing to delay in loading the cargo did not get away till causing a very monotonous wait At one time though a steerage passenger about three sheets in the wind created excitement by falling gangway be tween the steamer and quay luckily for biro there was only a small space otherwise he would have had an unpleasant bath in the Clyde and probably never lived to tell the tale As it was be became wedged in so tight that several men were required to pull him out- Having cleared the lock and getting down Clyde about a mile the pleasant sound of the teabell re sounded upon ears Greenock the last point of call was about oclock The steamer wait ed here till tlie arrival train from Glasgow and in the mean time passengers on board had an op portunity of going ashore In com pany with a fellow passenger a Lan cashire man I went to the scene Friday nights conflagration about ten minutes walk from pier in which oyer a million gallons of whiskey were consumed and seven people lost their lives The ignited whiskey floWed down a brae a distance of yards into the Clyde the flame be ing seven feet high and utterly placing adjaccnt proper ty in positive danger The bodies of the dead were horribly mutilated by falling walls Quite a crowd joined the Spaniel at and almost immediately we were fairly under way With a fair wind sky and jovial company all hands promenaded the deck till oclock and then one by one they disappeared below to their allotted berths I had a top berth my Lan cashire friend below me and some sandy looking in opposite berth leaving the fourth one unoccu pied Somehow I could not sleep very well and at four oclock Sunday morning I decided to go out on deck My friend below me could not sleep so we promenaded jokes went down to sec the engine- and tried to kill timo till breakfast at In the meantime passengers appeared and the breakfast bell sounded all were doing a walk There was a stiff Wowing and slight tossing of the ship caused several persons to feel squam- some not being able to taste any breakfast I very fortunately became acquainted with a and his daughter of who were excellent elocutionists and during tire morning kept up a delightful conversation and entertain ment Our ship entered dock about two oclock in the afternoon and shortly after we disembarked After mak ing some enquires as to expected ar rival of Cymric on which was Uncle Jno from Hamilton and being told it would not be In till Monday decided to cross the Mersey and visit Miss sister of Mrs Arthur Orchard I received a most cordial welcome After a substantial repast we had a walk through the residential section This part of tlie country home more tban any other place I have visited While in enjoyed walks through live park around and along new Brighton promenade through and Having been informed that the ric would arrive at the Liverpool staging at oclock and securing a permit to be stage when steamer came in Miss and I were duly on hand at the appointed lime but no boat was in sight Not till five minutes to four did noble vessel come along side the custom shed I soon singled our from the crowd aboard John but It was some time before be spied me He speaks of voyage being only on one occasion did be suiter the loss of a breakfast On Miss Invitation we re turned to her home where Uncle stayed until Thursday when he left for London We painted the place red and did It up brown On Wed nesday Mr and Miss accom panied us to West Kirby and Hoy- lake two very popular seaside re sorts for the inhabitants of Llver- CHOSEN KING Sain 10 July Golden Text The Lord is our king he will save us gathering that we now study marks the of the period the judges Down to this date the so cial order of character of tbe nation bad been preserved by the priesthood and by hereditary el chiefs of clans this son Samuel prophet and judge ap pears in tbe attitude as one who assists in a revelation which is to take from the supreme power and bestow it upon another PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Five hundred years of theocracy were passed- Now begin five hun dred years of monarchy It begins in wilifuiness distrust of God and a desire to be like other nations In spite of their rejecting God as king in spite of the reiterated warn ings they still wished to be God to choose the king and asked him to tell- where be was when hid To guard as far as possible from the perils of absolute monarchy Samuel wrote a constitution and laws to bring the king to right do ing and laid it up before the Lord The king was chosen from the least and almost extinct tribe of Benjamin that the strong tribes might not be jealous of each other and to start the king as a humble man Even when his people have shown themselves unworthy God still cares for them and adapts his plans to their imperfections It was for Saul to find one like Samuel to advise him and show him the will of God Young people will do well to seek advice from God fearing men The population of Canada was in creased on Dominion Day by the ar- over 500 immigrants at Halifax on the steamer Adria customs receipts for the fis cal year ending Tuesday show Winni peg to be third in tire list of Cana dian cities For the fiscal year end ing June the duties collected were an increase of over the last fiscal year A terrific thunderstorm broke over Ottawa at about ten oclock last night The lightning was very vivid A house in the south end was struck but not badly damaged The Ottawa Company lights were out for an hour leaving two- thirds of city in darkness Marie Midi July Threeyearold Richard had a miraculous escape from death yester day While playing with a number of companions during a raging thun derstorm he tell into a box drain and the rushing water carried him Into a sewer manhole News of the acci dent attracted several people who at once went to the rescue The young ster was gotten out through another manhole two blocks from where he went into the sewer more dead than alive Doctors resuscitated him Although the medicine carried on with the and aente of responsibility the unfortunate fact la that no other there ao much hum bug deception anxieties of the tick their relatives are traded uppu in the moat shameful manner Impossi ble cures ae promised many prepara tions arcabsolutely worthless and some are positively dangerous to health a all- proprietary remedies are regarded with suspicion by many people and the good suffer For these reasons we announce that our proprietors are the principal In NIMH SONS LIMITED which will we are he an ample guarantee of the truth of every concerning TABLETS Remedy lAX Out pool I returned to Glasgow by a pointer leaving Primes at Liverpool at five oclock Fog was very prevalent all over and Us estuary on Thursday Hut waking Friday a day had been ushered In Breakfast was served at oclock and shortly the boot pulled up beside Princess Pier Greenock Owing to a cargo of sugar to be discharged which would necessitate a wait five or six hours J first train for Glasgow and arrived here safely at am JACKSON Your Field Seeds Mangold Sugar Beet Turnip a Carrot Improved Looming White Cap P Red Yellow and North Dakota Flint afternoon at the Hall Grounds trial was to open in two Mis Sharp a nurse at the Cigar Co nine it is a inconvenience to Sanitarium suddenly Telephone to playing the Newmarket team tie directors while bathing STREET VV AND COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS J A W ALLAN NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION m JACKS FOR lie Pharmacy door to Post Office j have now a complete line of Pure Sundries compriing cbofico Siatronery Toilet Prepara tions Soaps and Sponges Brushes Combs Water Bottle c A Full of Patent at lowest reduced prices We pay special attention to our Prescription Department A Call Solicited The NORMAN L ROGERS J PATTERSON hi- lliniltc4 AGENTS FOR THE GREAT NORTH WESTERN COMPANY Phone MENS ought at 50c on the SEE THEM ICECREAM AND pi Toronto v

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