Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 10 Jul 1903, p. 2

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v- MX r I V TV 1 peeks Local nut is ox ft about Co minutes of the June Session County Council ate now printed be ready for distribution Today St- Church Sunday School recursion to Bond LafcevffJH be held Tickets good on all after- cars and may be secured at Mr A- and Mr Fosters Adults childre 20c Runaway- Sunday evening Mr By Hoyle tad a runaway on Eagle Street down the Cemetery the torse shied and threw both Mr and Mrs- out of the buggy The jitter was severely bruised on the Chief Anderson succeeded in stopping the horse but hot before toe tog was broken off and seat dam aged- Farm Fine Market last Fruit and vegetables plentiful Butter up to and eggs sold for 16c of new potatoes sold for peck Black Currents lb Red raspber- lb in pail lots or boxes for Gooseberries quart change in poultry Hides lb Rabbits 20c pair to Toronto i Dont miss the Excursion to To ronto next Wednesday July to the heart the city and return Special cars on the Metropolitan leave the postoffice at oclock am and returning leave Park at pm Great attractions for the children at the Park- Splendid opportunity to visit city friends and take a day off this hot weather A Big Extensive alterations and improver are made to the boiler- bouse at Canes factory A large of masons and at work night and day in order to have the changes completed so that the factory may be running in all de partments next Monday morning A lot carriers will be constructed so as to save the labor of thru the factory to the furnace room Last Tuesday night vas an ideal evening for an outdoor party and it was fully enjoyed by those who the Methodist Lawn at Mr The grounds were lare enough to accommodate twice the crowd the tables were very con veniently arranged and the tea was titer An entertaining program was kept up for two hours compris ing solos by Miss Edna in strumental music by Miss Perkins Miss Miss Rena and Miss Mr Arch contributed a farge and varied number of selections under the management of Mr Alfred and was listened to with much interest Everything was sold out hjt lemonade and the net proceeds the party were just the same as last year the following are the names I the onuidauw who have passed ttw trauce Examination at Newmarket Mount Albert and Violet Arcliibaid Archibald- Eva Mil 1 Case Evciiugham t4ith Grantham Jennie Annie Swain Pearl Smith Ada Tench Cora Toole Webster Bert Barry anotherof more in this locality late and an era of prosperity in the country fopk on the farm by Mr a barn About Wu were present and everything went along putting on the plate heavy and fell held their breath but nobody was seriously hurt A man named Pearson the worst His face was and ear badly torn When the racing was completed everybody was invited to partake of the excellent refreshments that had provided in abundance by Hills bakery who took en tire charge that part the pro gram and filled the bill with general acceptance Ktilie jane Jity Russell Collins jrantto Edward Duncan Duncan Harsh way Harry Morrison Walter Margaret Osborne Harold Lush Ja McCohochle Ufa Waytcr Allan Rowland Albert Maurice Watson Leslie Young who was during the was granted a certificate on the examiners MOUNT ALBERT JlJ Nellie Hodge Ida woaid Hemock May KuA Vera fthoppard Andy Cameron Cook Noah Draper Hoover foster Lako K Latham Morrison Harold Vrooruah Aa lioadway wy Knit litvjve Mann Slaw Promotion following pupils of our Public and Primary Schools have been to the classes named To Room Mary land Annie Tench Anna Smith Leslie Broughton Bessie Htit Frank Smith Edgar Willie Flora Carsoii Morton Carrie Ida HULVyera Mann Herbert Wright Laura Lepard arid McKay Albert To Miss Room- Lush Florence Arthur Mabel BoaWorth Early Jack Cane Oswald Monte Brimson Kennedy Wes ley Spring Geo Will- son Nellie Con well Violet Robinson Frank Ar tie Jack Rowland Walter Hun ter John Leslie Eva Osborne Irene Smith Trivet Ethel Lulu Lulu Spring Cane Ethel Maw Smith Road- bouse Beatrice Wesley Leslie To Miss Rosa Rog ers Rosa Starr Frank Geo Osborne Carl Lulu Collins Flossie Collins Amy Lundy Flora McDonald Ger trude Weir Georgia Mann Rosy Morrison Howard Williamson Lome Ferguson Arthur Morgan To alias Room Helen Taylor Jessie Davey Gertrude Corson Hill Lena Jean Davidson Ezra Morri Ctfrrey John Cameron Allan Gordon Ellis Harrison Smith Goring Esther Stork Manning To Miss Room To Class Gladys Clu- Maggie Lela Harris Mabel May Hardy Harry Johns Maggie Morning Pear son Mllly Robinson Leslie Alonso Trent Jean To Jr Class Florence Jennie Gladys son Willie Robbie Martha Morning Olive Rose Miss Codys Room To Jr 2nd Nellie ilalr Ernest Alfred Marsh Laura MeLeod Robbie Norman Stork Laura Trent Isabel To Br Tab Herbert Vera Flsner Orrle terClara Willie Hill Hart ford Fred Lundy Lettlo Lundy Lela Marsh To 3rd Tab Brown Geor- Cane Hartford Ernest Grace Johns- Edith Moore Morning Vietorlp oblnsou To and iab Trevor Alva Ernest her Roy Gregory Harris Victor In Miss Ironsides Room 2nd Anna Thomas Potter Velraa Goring Irene Morton Irwin Lloyd Morri son Johnnie Hllma Lloyd Garry Rosa Wer Elmer Roaenhagen Arthur Webster 2nd Osborne Cyril A Kenneth Fletcher West Willie -Epwortb- Fred die Smith Robert Mur ray Austin Corson Jr 2nd Freddie Joy Roy Irwin Horace Silver- sides Marlon Stuart Charlie Bowen Tab Margery Fletcher Roy Myrtle Raymond Thomson Herbert Blair Tab Blake Davidson West Walter Saunders Lloyd Saun ders Ethel Blair Fay 2nd TabKathleen Kath leen Charlie ril Morrison Olive Cameron Cody 1st Frank The cases- of those pupils recommended and those who missed some part- of the promotion nation wilt bo dealt with at the I opening of school In September aMbject of the pastors die- bourse nornmgwill be A voice Europe A spe cial Song Service will be conducted in tbeevening a7 oclock Subject An evening with Hymn writers Some of old familiar be sung printed slips The pastor will give a brief history hymns and their authors In to hymns there will be solos and an anthem by the pr glorious We regret to learn that some our business men who are usually alert to any progressive movement turning down the reasonable- proposition of the town Council to put granolithic walks along the business portion of the town nbis summer In many places toe walks are constructed on the frontage plan the property paying onethird of the coat and balance Sure- there is enterprise enough in New market- ap pearance Royal Hotel has made application for granolithic walk the entire length of his bidet whether to stores it or not to Wake up you other fellows down town The of County Council are announced to attend special meeting in Toronto on Wed nesday and Thursday next week to consider the Good Roads question are expected from all the We sincerely that the will be dealt with on the broad spirit of general improvement Ev erybody must be convinced of the need of better leading roads and while the 1 Ontario Government posed to help such a project it is very shortsightedness on the part- of the municipal representatives if the reasonable proposition by the County Council is not endorsed The County has on hand from tbe sale of old Court House and it is expected that the levy this year will give a balance in tbe gen eral fund With the grant from the Government of J hare would only be to raise by debentures in order to construct cities of leading road If spread over thirty years the annual tax is only on assessment This Is a small sum with the general benefit County and York might as well have some of this Government money as other counties are now on ami Elder also Mayor Cane all more or less congratulat ory on the beautiful appearance of of tee grounds address of Rev who is to leave Newmarket was good The beauties nature by man all nature and animal life con tributing to his existence yet death on every hand and life sustained by sacrifice were some of the points upon But the lowers that die in the fall spring into life beauty again a type of mans resurrection was led by Mr A J Sharon on the cornet- Two societies took part in the dec or and the CO The necessity of having lots en dowed to ensure the perpetual care cemetery was strongly urged by the several speakers J anniversary of their wedding day fast Saturday There guests pres ent including- youngest son Mr Gordon Mr and Mrs Reuben Kennedy or Toronto and Mrs Pearson Clarksburg Mrs Cummer and Aurora Naturally the turned to olden times the familiar faces that used to be There were present attended the origin al wedding J J Pearson and Pearson who was then Mrs Mr and Mccracken are both in fair health arid good spirits The late married them and with the exception of- three years they have resided in Newmarket ever since Mr has been a member of the Council Assessor and School Trustee the years gone by took an interest in all pub lic matters The Era extends its congratulations and wishes them many years of conjugal bliss r Miss Haines is visiting in the city for two or three weeks left for Brandon on last Saturdays excursion Mrs Geo of Toronto was visiting- friends in town yester day v V and family leave for Rat Portage the beginning of the week eta SPBCIAb yds Flannelette inches wide regular per yd To clear this week at White Lace Stripe Muslin regular for yd Ladies Black Sateen Skirts at and SI Those goods are sold everywhere at and each t Outing Shirts soft fronts Braces to match for 76c Outinx Shirt soft fronts for Ply Linen Collars 10c each GROCERY Mens Smocks and Overalls at almost any price you want Floor Oilcloths from upward Rubber Blinds complete at Canned Com 8c Canned Peas 8c Sardines In oil Tin Pigs Feet Large Bottle Ammonia Cooking Figs lbs for 26c Pure Sulphur 3c lb Epsom Salts lb Tomato Catsup Bottle flno quality pec since regained strength and seems likely to prove a injury Waving- her v The Free Methodist Meeting in Mi bush began week ago last Sunday evening and is awing large conKiegations Last Sunday the tain there were about one hundred in The interest and the last that a number of of the church none of them ftptakera be in while meetings are continued The Bummer Girl wants a dainty light and stylish hat with her warm weather costumes and pretty dresses and we have hem in filmy materials in lace chif fon and fancy straws and trimmed in airy and delicate trimming to set off the plainest or prettiest face Such charming creations In were never seen at such prices as now being shown at markets Bile flees Matriculation Exams at the A new Ore alarm connection was made this weok between the Specialty Works and WaterWorks Mrs is having a fine ce ment floor put in her cellar The whole exterior Mr Geo Trivetts residence has had a now coat and it looks fine Berrypickers are out at sunrise these mornings The masonry enclosing the boiler at mill was repaired this week Mr John is just recover ing from the effects having two or three broken Ho was lead ing a cow and threw Into the ditch iv The hot days of summer have at last arrived More wall paper and paint has been in Newmarket ths season than has been sold tor the past ten years Some people the soft coal used last winter Is largely responsible Ontario and Queen streets are being nicely graded Ruction at the North yester day morning The License Inspector is not matt ing much noise but he collected SCO in tinea last week all the 90 in shade here on Wednesday and Thursday Out of 33 candidates sent up for entrance by Mr passed The other three were plucked in Arithmetic It was not too hot for Mr Eves to ship his usual hogs on Mon day and Mr a ar of cattle on Tuesday Decoration Day After the heat of Wednesday after noon the visit to Newmarket Ceme tery in the evening was delightful and between two and three hundred people assembled to perpetuate Dec oration Day There was no particu lar elaborate show but the whole had the appearance of a neat clean wellkept flowergarden Hun dreds of graves were decorated with bouquets wax lilies and roses being greatly In The service lasted about an hour presided over by Mr Jackson President Mr M W the efficient secretary stated that since last Dec oration Day there had been 07 inter ments from Newmarket by train and from surrounding coun- are now 191ft Interments but out of lot owners there are only endowed lots Mr intimated his desire to resign after service as secretary for years and paid a tribute to the caretaker of iJic past years Mr NORTH Last Wednesday weak Dominion Day wan one for excursion ists The weather was fine with a cool breeze ail day and fair to cloudy ending in a fierce wind and rnin storm lasting from to p The celebration at Jacksons Point that day was a grand a many or people present during afternoon A largo excursion party from came over on the Enterprise for the day Besides the people of Sutton who out en there were people from Newmarket Holland Landing Keswick Bel- haven Baldwin Ml Albert and other Wagon an buggies emptied counties baskets of edibles and many white cloths were spread lenrath the shady bowers and on open plots upon the edge of the high overlooking rippl ing waters of the The hum of happy voices filled the air many were the happy faces of rosycheeked boys and girl some doubtless enjoying their first Group of girls were everywhere in white muslin or white duck with the latest fad of low front waists but with a becoming ssnee of gaudy apparel Canadian girls display more taste In dress as the years pass preferring the neat modest and becoming to the flashy and showy Only occasionally now does even the dude advertise himself with a show of his own for the amuse ment of crowd There was too a gratifying ab sence of all and rowdyism at least in the grounds for your cor respondent was not in the village time we when such a large gathering in the Vicinity of Sutton would have presented a far different sight It is with much gratitude we notice sucn changes for better It speaks well for the rising genera tion for the cause of education for of the temperance societies for the Government of Ontario that has done so much and will do still more for the sobriety and the very beat interest of the premier Of the Wo met at the Point many old friends and acquaintances among oth ers Mr Morton Jr son of late Friend Morton of who left here twenty years ago to make his home in Nebraska His family ho are all grown up and married They were children when left these parts We met also old Mr Mitchell of Port Huron form erly of North York who is over on a visit to his sister Mrs moth er of Mr Chaa merchant of Mrs John wife of war den of the County Council received ah injury by an accidental fall last Newmarket July per barrel a fc White pec a JO tbey Special Line of Hats this week at A Some say Children are Easy to Please they have foot aches We Red Wheat per bush a Goose Wheat per bush a imake a specialty supplying i ft A ti a a Spring Wheat per bush a Buckwheat Barley per bush Oats per bush Peas per bush Rye per bush Wool per lb Hay per ton- Bran per ton 00 a Shorts per ton 00 a 0 SO a a a 046 mi a 00 a 0 00 Butter roll per lb 0 a per a Potatoes per bag a Dressed Hogs per a Chickens per pair 0 a Ducks 0 a Geese per a Turkeys 0 a 15 00 0 0 Toronto markets Toronto July White Wheat per bush SO a Spring Wheat per bush 0 a Goose Wheat per bush Oats per bush 0 a Barley per bush a 0 Peas per bush a 0 79 per a 0 Butter roll per lb a Potatoes per bag a 1 Hay per ton 12 00 a 00 Wool per lb a 0 Dressed Hogs per 7 a Beef fore qrs a per pilr a Ducks Turkeys per lb 10 a 0 12 Stock In Toronto this week exporters are selling from to 525 with poorer ones down to Export bulls run from to Good to choice butchering cattle sold from to Ordinary butchering cattle and dry cows soW from 350 to Good Blockers run about 5375 to Calves from to per lb Dry cows to Milk cows are in good demand at to each Ewes and wethers to ljc bucks J to Spring lambs to to 31c Hogs arc coming down Selects lights and lata WANTED Several Industrious Per sons in each state to travel for Imuse established eleven years and with a large capital to call upon merchants and agents for successful and profit able line Permanent engagement Weekly cash salary and all travelling expenses and hotel bills ad vanced in cash each week Experi ence not essential Mention refer ence and enclose self- addressed en velops THE NATIONAL Dear born St Chicago for the little people with the aches left out but spare no pains to make the youngsters happy little shoes for little people at little prices BOO THING In order to get balance of Spring and Summer Clothing out wo will oft all Cosh of Clothing this week Cor Main Timothy AA A flftlAsnal T I J FOR Fruits Vegetables Groceries Fresh Fish Meats i a IceOream BREAD and CAKES Lunches MAIN ST SOUTH Good Farm Horse For Sale Blabk Color- supposed to be in foal Weight about lbs Hunter jr Newmarket Addresses followed by Revs A Mac- autumn to her wrist which has never Tho Grand Trunk station at Wat erloo was broken into and safe blown up with but the cracksmen got no booty Two and a half millions of lake trout fry from the Newcastle hatch ery have been distributed largely in Lake Ontario Lake Huron the Geor gian Bay the Bay of and smaller inland waters n and tor Sale The house west of blacksmith shop on SixRoomed House hard arid soft wa ter For further particulars apply LAMBERT PEARSON Prospect Avenue Newmarket DURABLE ROOFING SEE PHILLIPS NEWMARKET i far Careys Magnesia Flexible I Cement Roofing boxes sold la pool months A- J box j-

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