Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Jun 1903, p. 4

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f t THE FRIDAY Municipal Amendments Pains in the Back Are symptom of a weak or of the kidney or IKrJE the Municipal Act RAO adopted by The omnibus bill of to healthy action these organs They are commonly attended by loss of energy lack of courage and rorae- by gloomy foreboding and I was taken with kidney trouble and became so weak I scarcely get around I took medicine wllhoat fleclded to try Hoods After the flrst I felt so much better that I six mad a new woman When my little girl was a baby could not keep anything on her itomico and we Hoods cured Mas out the House Committee been pre sented to tie Legislature for adoption by the chairman Hon J The following is a brief synopsis of always found them Thus of West JOT Strong Praise From One Who Has Proved the Value of Dr Williams Pink Pills a cable from London abates that it- is officially announced that vWe hare used Dr Williams Pink Edward and Queen Alexandra home for the past eight Jul years for various troubles and It is quite within the range of the proposed amendments which we writes Mrs give for the information of municipal aft she adds probability that the dates for ra reader elections in North Renfrew men and toe general attacked with la grippe and Marie and may be an- The first section proposes troubIe Vitus next week providing for changing the mode fc of constituting County Councils He under several For the Era Glasgow Glasgow Scotland May We are having some gorgeous wea ther every day this week being warm and bright A ride on the top of a car out into the country has been en- joyed by thousands in evenings and on every road leading out of the city cyclists by the hundreds sport along receiving that inspiration to body and mind from the bracing pure and- healthful atmosphere which is impossible to obtain in the dustladen I fig Where a majority of local of different times but none a county pass resolution and file the same with the County Clerk on Williams Pink Pills and As an outcome of recent Street air of the congested Railway strike in Montreal no less tore seemingly to atone for the eighty and conductors clemency of the past nine months is have been bounced for inciting and putting on the June garments and a IhAfnrp first October in Y i tc nuo Cures kidney and river troubles re- Counl shall restored him to perfect and for appearing in most attractive form Her the back and builds op be W ther J Jf tteir connection with that associaA favorite and most convenient Whole 7tem i be of the Reaves of fl More recently resorted to by many who 58 have used tee pills myself for are so unfortunate as to Jlq young while yet a bride Soma biscuits made- greatest pride But to a bride cant be rude Lets eat Force firat dear It the Ufa of Sunny Jim Mayors of Towns This will make cular wd J- Robertson Barrister Sotary the financial state of the Dominion of tams and then take spates that the fiscal of some good men who closes June SO will see Canada with this Tba when in doubt eat it of the two municipal bodies and give m the financial state of tolocal Councils Lability d that the seal year which W Street The wll the revenue on farm organization ma- 5 the twelve months will reach Sinister Solicitor Notary Public etc Mo Court ssLrfs sr liennox Barrister South or Post flce Newmarket Herbert Aurora fill neat Newmarket on Saturdsje Court J Co Bankers and Oatari Bank sl Yesterday a summer day conditions and likewise provides faVlS JTI penditure for all purposes broachfldtiw subject ttU or the SlTht anythef so that there be a rock of money to an exoessofi for any purpose other than the St dance anaemia f J neuralgia heart troubles together the equalled of a All Sunny In our household Fom as fa- miliar and Sunny and thats saying a good deal wear an 1 Bunny now of or This J Clyde lot New York and will permit of a reduction of several establishment ought to millions in the debt on that auspicious said should like to cure a picture of the racers as like- The Toronto Star remarks It is himself so the two of us raake to take the first train te teICKtaph We struck to our digs for the a body will be in operation for commercial kodaks etc and on the to can get the pills from any DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House Satisfaction Guaranteed INSURANCE majority of the members- as in amends clause of sub-sec- or wi 2 of Sec SO so that a w the a Medicine Co BtockvUle Ont See contract between him and the WU shall not disqualify from being rf a member of Council j Sec allows cities to polling 0n box on the 1st day of January unless it should fall on Sunday when it shall take place on the following day Hay Sec extends the time from oclock noon to pm on the day Kingston June One of the J fl for Lire to at Current Rates fl fl Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent on Farm and Town Property Shop Metropolitan Co the purposes across the Atlantic What station a twentyminute car ride no this will really mean and ultimately than seventytwo fittings were lead to nobody as yet knows hut counted the of May being an there Is every reason to suppose that lease expiration day We wireless system wilt revolution- the Central station trwo minutes ize communication because of the past just in time to see economy in the cost of establishing train for pulling out Of it Where an Atlantic costs course that was a mere trifle and a the wireless lino can be for an hour for the special ex- ready for use at a cost of press would be immaterial This PAGE bar fence- do c llrht rIotrrffalt own all hi la no 4ad pHi cb il piece tadtrin iwnimoa ornamental world Montreal Fire at the Marie June The another fire That it will vfork satisfactory can be train of about eighteen coaches inll- today and what might have been a no longer doubted at Paisley much more serious conflagration was Glasgow and Greenock brought to avoided by on tie The Independent makes at Precisely oclock and part of the firemen About oclock as appeared on pier a this some muslins in the the following observations the this afternoon some muslins in the salary from wnn The names immediately j Winnipeg Man Everything is high- J Erin shows swept back into the store and so Areola thru the rear door By time the firemen appeared on the scene the following nomination to tender res- strangest accidents ever recorded persons nominated near About Sec applies to cities only oclock Edmund residing Sec is an- important amendment about one mile east of the village relating to auditors and auditing by started for tho latter place with adding to subsection sec load of hay About midway there tors is or are appointed under the met Mr Ward tried to draw P Tlnil provisions of section of this Act Mr s attention to the fact exhibited to get the job only a he or they instead of examining- and that his load of hay was afire would have led one accompanied a suc- upon the accounts affecting he the fire had run corporation for the year ending around the load completely igniting on the 31st day December it and frightening the horses which his or their appointment shall ran away colliding with Mr Wards I make such examination in manner team and out in parks directed by the Council at the time j Mr was forced to jump his or their appointment and j the load to save his life When the shall after the close of such year together the load of burn- make the abstracts and detailed state hay upset scattering the fast con- merits required by subsection here- load over the vehicle amijtbo requirements insisted upon by the throng of of and no other auditors or audit horse Mr Ward At the same Government New tenders will was Ono of the smaller hotels don has been owing to case of smallpox on the premises Excursions to the Canadian NorthWest AT FOLLOWING RETURN FARE Man Elgin Man Assn Grand View Man echoes of the hills miles distant saved anything j Clouds of handkerchiefs flutter on the and thousands of brazen throats Two tenders have been received by MeJi thc the Ottawa the fast Atlantic service but neither one fills Man Moose Jaw 1 TORONTO AND Sg at CO o o t a ID CO 9 CO S88S 8 rl tffO ttjic4i i 4 JQ 00000 9oo5l 4 g H4 s a i a every Wed aid Saturday Afternoon GRAND TRUNK RAILWaV TABLE be required or noccesacy Sec amends section of the Municipal Act so as to allow more than one auditor to be appoint ed Sec amends of the Municipal Act by adding a subsection to the effect that where a person suit to the House of Refuge or Industrial Home has not resided in tho local municipality from which such person is sent for three years immediately preceding committal said local muni cipality shall be responsible for a pro portionate share of the cost of main tenance and of the expenses connected with the committal There are some other conditions Which Councils should before committing per sons who have not been residents for the three years stated above See J relates to submission of by laws under Sec of Municipal Act Sec adds a subsection to Sec of Municipal Act empowering Councils to pass bylaws prohibiting spitting on sidewalks pavement passage ways entrances to public buildings and in rooms build ings and places to which the public report street cars public aiices and such other places as the Council by such bylaw may designate Sec amends Sec by provid ing for cities and towns placing the management of the entire systems Safest a I a time pole of the hay wagon broke liberating the horse which made a dash for the village It was found impossible to cut loose Mr Wards horses which were severely burned hay and both rigs were destroy ed The fire originated from friction one of the rear wheels of hay cart rubbing against the side of the rig setting It afire WHY CURBS CATARRH It goes to every affected part and kills the germs that keep up the dis eased condition nev er irritates but stimulates the mu cous lining of the nose throat and lungs to normal action and- keeps tho nasal passages free from offensive discharged contains no dangerous drugs or opiates and Is delightfully pleasant and simple to use an absolutely certain cure for any form of Catarrh and sells for a dollar at druggists small size mail from Pol- son Co Kingston The Grand Trunk Pacific bill was passed by Railway Committee at Ottawa and will bo reported to the House a Several skippers are tying up of sewerage waterworks In vessels on the St Lawrence as hands of Commissioners the smoke from forest fires la bo therefore be called for It is report ed that the Government are disposed to pay tor a fast service the statutory offer amounting to on ly and it must also be tak en lor granted that any subsidy that the Government pays will include the charge for carrying tho mails The British and North Atlantic Steam Navigation Company require a pay ment for this service in addition to the subsidy A press despatch from Ottawa Owing to the failure of the fishery Regina The turbine steamer Queen Alex- on the coast of Norway Assa conveyed a most enthusiastic cod liver oil has risen Ajrt g of sightseers and standing- triously a flu board tbe and bowed his thanks to the hearty and happy send- off which if it is any criterion be speaks success in lilting thc Mug As the fleet reached gates of the At lantic the Erin took thc place of the EH Sir Thomas returned to on Sir Flying Phantom and leaves for New York on the o June a We did not take in the trip on the the Governments terms lor aiding A but after the tho Canadian Northern are thus laid down by Minister Blair a which are to Plains and the at a premium The vessel A band of Bulgarian revolution- Alba simply bristled with cameras levelled was destroyed by Turkish troops with cheerful persistence at the Sham on Saturday near fifteen rocks Sir Thomas Upton was on being killed took a walk along the shore to Ash- are ton and children were wading in the water Later in the branches a distance of miles and miles respectively The former terminates at or near Edmonton and the latter at Prince Albert The principal and Interest of the first mortgage bonds debentures or other securities of the company will be guaranteed to extent of per mile with interest at the rate of per per annum payable we took electric car along shore from to- Greenock and Port Glasgow At this latter place iif Is said that three women are ar rested to very man be a great place to visit on Saturday night especially after payday Returned to Glasgow at five oclock having been well repaid for the trip Thc Ethiopia sailed from Glasgow yearly and the principal to bo pay- yestctday having on board In fifty years Such bonds ft rt a ft Az P I I I IN fl IE ERA OFFICE Sec limits the power of so as not to apply to cases where any such supply pipe for water been laid under existing etc Sec amends section W3 by authorizing fuel yard under certain and subject to approval by the See repeals sect km and a new clause relating to Parka and shade trees on street- forth and Com- Sec lite tree a Hon of cWseiat of- the owner of property in front of which auch tree situate A vision of the Wkrw next The jyerBzneat will guarantee the bonds certain tions of the Canadian Rail way The granted Rev A Moore his release from church work to enter the the Day Alliance- dense that navigation la dangerous Word from near Sussex states that two elderly women Mrs John Linden and Miss Susan were burned to death by forest ra to by Halt We ft P aad or other securities are to be secured by a flrst mortgage upon the lines so From the end of the Gilbert Plains branch to wester ly of Manitoba a distance of miles the mortgage is to be a first charge to the extent of only per mile and is to rank after the racing spars canvass etc the Shamrocks have become ac quainted with purser on this boat who is anxious that I should return to America on his tub I certainly would have a jolly time with him They hold Sunday School such a queer hour over here that I am otherwise engaged or time 0aily papers on Tuesday gave particulars of the death by drowning while boating and bathing of four men two young ladles and two boys The CANADA PERMANENT and WESTERN CANADA CORPORATION TORONTO STREET Paidup Capita Fun J JavuteJ Funds ABSOLUTE SECURITY YOUR SAVIHGS SAFE President Geohck Gooiiriiam ill Vice- President Managing J Mason and CANADAS PREMIER COMPANY 11 h E- the charge hereto ore created M know It pm mortgage Is to rank next alter tbc MBBttWnM a first charge par Next Sunday morning we are tho pact of Prince Albert t Cathedral They have recently been enlarging the or gan there and now It la the In Kingdom branch terms further provide that the railways rates shall bo un der control of Amalgamation with trie or aale to railway a forbidden DONT ITOROBT ABOUT YOUR Thursday was feeing day In this part of the country when farm la- borers come into the city and are en gaged tor next season by the farmers It really means their annual drunk and his year was no exception For curiosity I took a walk down refunded Armstrong of Hast- We out of waggon killed men and women It la no uncommon thing to sec a maa lying on the street helplessly intoxicated and tornado have A CarfleklFrsr aged years of lite by fall- n w into- chut at levator Uvea Black years old a col lector for tho Bell Telephone Com pany at was killed on tho W lUXyiOmxM Is acUag troeUy ikt Wood and of Price per bottle by all Tefltimonlals free Halls Family are the beat- A C9f3 STH Take Laxative Quinine AH refund money If it falls to cure Groves signature Is on each box Grand Trunk near Cornwall while a ride on Saturday Sovereign Canada Paid up Capital 371000 Head Toronto- Harrow MUvetfrn Mount Albert Ottawa W Waterloo P Mount Albert Zortab OP Savings Bank Department allowed from dnto of nay bo a aid tvvloo A year You are not to draw mono or Too nay either at any a Writ and wo will you one Wallace Bruce BRANCH J Stark ManaBort MX ALBERT Red Deer Alba Alba Good going June returning within days issue Good going July villi to return 2nd 1903 WHERE TO SPEND THE The Lakes Lake KawirtiJ Lakes and the River in reacted only by the Grand Railway HoW accommodation healthy climate Ing etc Descriptive literature all Information from Agents iff Mortgage Sale OF VALUABLE Farm and Village Properly Under certain powers in which will be produced at time sale there will be offered for by public auction at the Royal Newmarket on Saturday the day of June by auctioneer following land namely west half lot No Concession Whitchurch acres more or less This good clay loam Fences are Is a comfortable House aw Barn on All under cultivation There a flrstnlasa market miles away lagton PO close to farm Lot No Block Plan for Mount Albert There is a frame House on lot tie dame late Samuel lot is a one for Vena of per cent day of sale balance to be for la given be bid For particular Wly to Fred Jack living the farm or to Vendors Solicitor FirstClass Farm teres tire toa a mile of to aVsrisMp of Whitchurch let of Ari to suit purchaser a rate of Interest J

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