THE- A FRIDAY 1903 Itching Skin Distress by day and night Tnati the complaint those who tie so as to be afflicted with Eczema or Salt and ward applications do not core cant The source of the is in the blood make that pore and this scal ing burning itching skin disease will disappear was with an Itching on which proved very I It WM tilt and bought a bottle of Hoods In two days I I felt better and It not Ion I cored ruver had any disease alnoa Mas Core Point Hoods rids the blood of ell all ceo ax J Robertson Barrister Street Newmarket to Loan on rood Farm aectiriiy T Sinister Solicitor Notary Public Lean at Division Court Building Newmar ket Ontario Iienno c doom South Post Of fice Newmarket Herbert Aurora will on Saturday and Court Solicitor J Row Co Bankers and Ontario Bank Aurora Panda f at Barrister Reformer Stock to Loan DENTAL A I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House w Satisfaction Guaranteed J for f u4 Lire Money io at Current Kales At the PoatOfflceNew market A Ramsay Fire Insurance Agent Kate on Farm Kicks and Isolated Town OrncaOTer Hodges Tin Shoo Newmarket land Grants Policy Ended The country will learn with satis faction that the Dominion Govern ment has decided to abandon land grants in aid of railway enterprises in future During the past week Sir Wilfrid in his place in Parliament made this announcement and thereby gave an assurance to the country that in future the landed heritage of the Dominion will escape the hungry greed of the and remove from the realm of politics at least one fruitful source of corruption Of course further aid towards future railway enterprises no doubt- wilt be given and so far as the Canadian Northern is concerned by way of up the Saskatchewan district it is almost certain that Parliament will be asked to render assistance thereto but this will likely be either in money or guarantees Promoters of railways in the west affirm with much assurance that their projected lines will pay from tbe very begin ning hence we understand that any aid voted by Parliament shall be In such form as to return to the trea sury when the proceeds are realized In foreshadowing this policy the Premier intimated that a commission is to be appointed to study the whole question of transportation consisting of air Van Home Mr John Bertram of Toronto and one other probably Mr Fry of Quebec This action is being taken because the Government deems it advisable to have a comprehensive plan upon which to act and which it is confidently expected the commission will be able to formulate A number of railway schemes are before Parliament some with conflicting interests and it does appear prudent that the relative mer its of each should be carefully enquir ed into before grants or guarantees are given by Parliament With respect to the proposed Cana dian Northern Railway the Globes special correspondent says The Gov ernment propose asking Parliament to guarantee bonds to the amount of per mile in order to facilitate the construction of about miles from the Manitoba boundary to Edmonton taking in return a first mortgage on the property of tbe company This is a new departure on the part of the Government and it will insure the construction of a most important stretch of railway without entailing one cent of cost to the country It will run through a section of country now being rapidly settled Good Health How it Can be Obtained and How it Can be Preserved- The health the whole body de pends upon the blood arid nerves The blood must be rich and pure and Ouf Toronto Letter The little at the Sick Chil drens Hospital were removed to the Lakeside Home on Saturday A string of carriages and two be nerves vigorous and strong conveyed the little ones to the Therefore a medicine that makes new fcftSf in All blood and strengthens tbe nerves The annual convention of the- the root of many serious License Holders Association eases Dr Williams Pink Pills will jwi be held in this city on the do this and this is the secret or of June their wonderful power to conquer I existence of a combine to con- disease Thousands of cases many sole leather trade of them in your own neighborhood alleged against the proved that Br Williams Pink will cure rheumatism sciatica partial paralysis St Vitus dance nervous and bilious headache heart of Ontario and accompany at Berlin are suing for damages arising therefrom- In the issue it Is Men Getting The advantages of the modern Por tia are counterbalanced by an equally large number of difficulties that con front the woman lawyer Mayor Lows secretary James Reynolds- is still telling his friends a little fling be had recently at Miss the attorney for the Legal Aid- Society Miss was con- ducting a hearing before the mayor and called one morning to tell Mr Reynolds she could not attend the session got to go over to Ludlow Street arid get a man out of jail she said by way of explanation Oh exclaimed Mr Reynolds in Metropolitan Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET A to te S8SS S3 to o to a as ty o CO to d 1 1 1 1 1 ill Hill Kates tad Saturday Afternoon GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY trouble indigestion neuralgia and formed in to create a monopoly I the ailments that render the lives result will be watched with in- many women a source of misery by the Brandon Man I June and are days says Before I began the use of Dr selected for the openair performance Williams Pink Pills my health was of two of Shakespeares plays at the shattered witti rheumatism University Toronto As you nervous degression and sleeplessness Wty it and The Comedy of Errors Forfully a I rax got a good re tie selections chosen for the a i igrave surprise Are they really alleged the Association was as scarce as that New York Times sleep I gave the pills a thorough trial and can say I could not wish for better to the memory of Cot Graves first Governor of Upper Canada was unveiled at the Dr Pink rills have Queens Park on Wednesday of last done for others surely do week Lord Hon for you but you should be careful to J Ross Hon Mr Mayor get the genuine with the full name and others delivered ad- lt Williams Pink Pills tor Pale presses on the occasion People on the wrapper round each I The Alabama Press Association will box Sold by all medicine dealers visit this city about the of sent by mail at per box or nd will run an excursion to boxes for by writing to the during their stay at Toronto Dr Williams Medicine Co Brock- is given out that the Press party ville number about About two thousand people viewed the ceremony of decorating the graves of the soldiers who tell at conducted hy the veterans of 66 in St James Cemetery and the An Act respecting Lien Notes and cropolis on Sunday afternoon The like Contracts has been veterans met at ark and by Mr in the marched to the Necropolis Legislature It is a bill of two At noon on Saturday Albert Hoi- clauses but they are very important den aged an employe of the Gut- and will largely curtail of ta and Rubber Manufacturing patent right operators and the smart was killed the who plausibly foist their bursting of a flywheel in that wares upon the unsuspecting under was passing through a wordy promises to take the articles lane just outside the building when back if not sold but which promises the huge 15foofc 20ton wheel broke are not contained in the lien note or A large section ol the wheel contract given as an acknowledgement with spokes attached through of the receipt of the goods If this the wall carrying an avalanche of bill passes the agent or holder of the bricks with it Theportion- of obligation will have to take proceed- wheel passed over Hotdens head but in the locality where the defend- bricks struck him and carried him ant lives and not drag him fifty or backwards with crushing force against a hundred miles to the place where the wall the agent may date the note or make it payable at This city secured permission of the The Seat bauiyei Jim Webster was being tried for bribing a colored witness Sam John- sing to testify falsely say the defendant offered you to to testify in his behalf asked tbe lawyer of Sam Yes sab Now repeat he said using bis exact words He said be would give me 50 if He didnt speak in the third son did he hto be tuck good care were no third round was only two us two I know that but he spoke to in the first person didnt he I was the first myself he was talking to you did he say I will pay you No sab he didnt say bout yo me Your name wasnt mentioned cepting he told ef I got into a scrape you was the best lawyer in San Antone to fool and jury in you was the best in town to cover up For a brief breathless moment the trial was suspended for the It was a rightofway case concern ing an ancient footpath over the fields of an estate that had passed lately from an old family into the hands of a rich upstart The dispute was car ried to the law courts and NOTES A London cable dated June 1st says In a special article to the London Times wired from Berlin it is stated that the speeches of Premier Balfour and Mr Joseph Chamberlain have apparently decided Germany to retrain from further re prisals on Canada in return for the recentlyimposed surtax Another vacancy has been created in the Senate by the demise of James OBrien of Montreal De ceased suffered a paralysis about a year ago from which he has never recovered In politics be was Conservative in religion a Roman Catholic This vacancy the Sen ate will enable Sir Wilfrid laurier to still furl her increase his majority in that chamber Private Bills Committee of the House and Mr Osier to enter into negotiations with the Dominion Government for the pur- last meeting of the season of jyer appearing on behalf of the now Ward Conservatives took place last landowner crossexamined a venerable Saturday evening Mr P Clark yokel who had testified that to his own personal knowledge there had delivered addresses and predicted been a right of way over the disputed there would be an early dissolution land ever since he was a boy of five chase of Garrison Commons in ex- of both the Ontario Legislature and I And how old are you now for another site secured the Dominion Parliament but the the lawyer for barracks Tho city proposes to prediction is simply guesswork Eightyfive years preserve the Old Fort by putting up The expect to have their But surely you cant remember about it and piping up new summer timetabVe in force on things when you were a boy of five the It will give an extra eighty years ago said the lawyer place as an annex to exhibition at tractions The member for North York gave Col a general dressing down for his recklessness of speech in tho Public Accounts Committee The Col was slinging- out Insinua tions where the money came from and was deservedly and effects ually rebuked for his volubility V NORTHERN D1V TIME TABLE a a a Gift to to Id- I If Iff I A if I jg rt J WRSALBAT THE ERA OFFICE It is the AttorneyGen eral of is urging the Domin ion to pass an act to amend tlve Criminal code to go along with the Chi Wren s Protection Act which has just passed and which provides that no child years of age is to be commit- to jail Tic Provincial law ap plies to under Provincial lutes only and as tire majority childrens orfentcs coma under the criminal code such as petty and such like a Dominion Act will al so be to bring the spirit of the into effect It must be a source of to the of Ontario and especially to Hon Gibson to find the Bar of Toronto and legal circles of other centres of Province expressing such genera approval of a Fourth Division of Court composed of two Judges i Of couree it will be necessary to appoint one new and one to succeed Mr JutWeR6beWoO With the latter the Chancery Division four Judges but under A bill It is proponed to limit Vat court IwO the Kings and Common Pleas Mr name Is mentioned for the new Judge and likewise Mr Magee of London fr Time tide tod wait for no man Strength and vigor come of good food duly digested Force a readytoserve wheat and barley food ad da no burden but sustains invigorate SHES AS WHITE AS A GHOST As pale as a lily A matter of pride Certainly not Strength Color I Endurance Thats what every woman wants Good digestion perfect assimilation and vim Is right of woman She need not lack these if she wilt only use It makes blood gives appetite gives strength to the nerves color to the cheeks and brightness to the eyes A box of Tablets is at once mlttable into health beauty and strength There Is power in zone Try It and sec if it is not so Sold by all- druggists or medicine- dealers everywhere 0QOC A large head may indicate brains but a big head indicates that there was something doing the night before Every farm boy wants to be a teacher every school teacher hopes to be an editor every editor would like to be a banker every banker would like to be a trust magnate and every trust magnate hopes to own a farm and have chickens and cows and pigs and horses to look alter We end where we begin i ii mercury f will of and derange lit who system It through the mucous JSiucfa articled never be tried except oh from daraago doU to good you can possibly Obtain- from them Hairs Catarrh Cure J Ccwiey train service both to Montreal and Muskoka Mrs Frank of Port Arthur who was taken with a paralytic stroke while in attendance at the re cent session the National Council of Women in this city passed away Grace Hospital on Monday Rev S Matthews pastor of the Queen Street east Methodist Church who has been suffering from heart trouble for several weeks is recover ing will be some months before full recovery Their Excellencies Lord and Lady Minto made a visit to Hospi tal on Monday and formally opened the operating room of the Institution City Bakers have raised the price bread one cent per large to al Two builder strikers were sent to jail for ten days for interfering with men disposed to work Colonels Otter Lesward and Major went over to Niagara on Mon day to lay out lines of the mili tia camp which commences Tuesday the 9th of June Itie City smallpox hospital is now without an occupant lire first time since last September Don Rowing Club will hold its an- regatta on Saturday June His Excellency the GovernorGen eral Lady Mint and suite left to day per special train for a visit to the Lakes Muskoka Mrs Jessie Smith in getting oft a King street car at St on Saturday evening had her thigh broken by a fall Mrs Smith is years of age The Toronto Conference Methodist Church convened yesterday morning in Elm Street Methodist Church and will continue in session until the In affected Incredulity Deed an I do sir asserted the octogenarian witness can mind a year afore that when your sir Skinflint us called him That will do you may stand down said the lawyer hastily red dening furiously as a titter ran around the court got a walloping from Mother Buncombe- Stand down sir I roared the law yer for her twoyearowd lass- Do you hear Stand down I say shrieked the frenzied lawyer out the a ihrupnybH concluded the remj and venerable witness tri umphantly as he slowly left the box TitBits I TO A DAT Take Laxative Qutnlnc Tab lets All druggists refund money if It falls to cure Groves on each box OOOa i r Gather sunshine Some persons are like the human heart in as much as they sprinkle rest and kindness and all through their dally tasks T1ie weave a bright thread of thankful through the web and wool lifes pattern They are too busy to say- a kind word or do a gentle deed They may be compiled to sigh betimes but their are smiles that drive away the cares They find sunbeams scattered In trail of every cloud They gather flowers where others see nothing hut They pluck little sprigs of rest where others find only thorns of distress I Jim a little girl Whom of appetite I tant eat I the child would flcrcam Jim fixed a dish of Force with cream She tasted joy for him I She begged for more from Sunny Cereal a good fairy to all youngsters for Children la a perfect summer cereal and effort So made to teach children to cat It to Feed Children No one should ever a for being spoiled It is not childs fault Old man Says The insistence of some forms of wild life is remarkable For instance take the crow a bird which does not multiply rapidly yet so shrewd is this bird that he is able to evade all or nearly all his and mul tiply in numbers until Ire becomes a nuisance Or take the English spar row beset by rats air guns poison owls nets and traps and yet in spite of all he is everywhere in ever increasing numbers Or take the rat with cats traps poison dogs ferrets each and all after him relentlessly and he is the biggest nuisance the three in spite of it all These types of animal and bird life seem to thrive under persecution always in close contact with man notwithstanding man is their worst enemy Ashdown Town Clerk of Sandwich has been suspended teg Excursions to the Canadian NorthWest AT FOLLOWING RETURN FARM Winnipeg Man Areola Man Man Grand View Man Assa Moosoiuin Swan Rivet Man Man Man Moose Jaw Assa Yorkton Assa Prince Albert 2800 the CANADA PERMANENT -AND- WESTERN CANADA CORPORATION TOROHTO STRUT SAVINGS DEPARTMENT and upwards received on tie- IP I posit Interest paid or si compounded halfyearly at Coffin received for which debentures are is- sued with halfyearly coupons attached Tor interest at p T i Paid up Capital Host Head Toronto- IS from impaired hearing will be glad to know that their affliction the human heart thoy Is probably not due to any organic of the little defect in the ear but results j seated to them They rest that tblckrlngotthelinlDgot y hKfro strength for others the middle ear caused by catarrhal With Inflamraation Hundreds pate the shadows about them u as a result of conception life- Is AJ O conUkanorriion of are reported jtcjestcwh as an opportunity for and is Internally aottofc on the highest authority we re- others happy He who Is most directly upon tbe blood and treatment to otir read- to nte higher self Is truest to aystem In restores The lamp that Hall a Catarrh Cure be sure you get lost hearing and Its efficiency is tie It la taken beyond dispute by the case of Mr and nude in Toledo Ohio by J Warren Toronto who recovered Cheney free perfect hearing by using by years deafness Price At or by mail from Poison Family are beat Co Kingston BRAN Wort Br Albert Btounviiie hi CAtbwine Button Waterloo P J ADVANTAGES OUU Sayings Bank Department a year to or on flrst- biat You may do either Of time Write t- flflncbr MacLeod Alba Calgary Alba J Red Deer Alba A Alba Good going June returning within days from date issue Good going July to return until Sept 2nd WHERE TO SPEND THE SUMMER The Lakes Bays Lake Kaffirtti Lakes and River reached only by the Grand Railway System Excellent Hotd accommodation healthy etc Descriptive literature all inf from Agents Mortgage Sale OP VALUABLE Farm and Village Propertj Under certain powers in which will be produced at time sale there will be for by public auction at Royal Newmarket on Saturday tbe day of June by Frank auctioneer the following land namely 1 The west half of lot No Concession Whitchurch contain acres more or less This soil is clay loam Fences are bur There is a comfortable House llarn on same All under There is a firstclass market 3 mites away flloocv PO is close to farm Lot No Plan ft for Mount Albert There Is a frame House on this lot the late Samuel lot is a desirable one for private residence Terms of Sale SO per cent day of sale and balance to bo possession is given ft properties will be offered subject to a reserve bid For particulars of sale apply to Fred Jack living tbe farm or to Vendors Solicitor FirstClass Farm gives most light to all about It Working hard spending little and saving all you can will beat any of the get rich quick far In vented e For Sale On Street Good cellar Domestic Water Good Gar den planted Reason for selling- leaving Town Apply to BELFRY Newmarket For Sale 150 acres three tern of a mile south of Pine in tee of given let of to suit purchaser at a rate of interest MRS SfeHOOL NOW OPEN ENGLISH TOENOH A