-f- I N Stuffed Up Thats the condition of many from catarrh especially to morning Great la experienced in clear ing the bead and No wonder catarrh headache the teste smell and hearing pollutes the breath deranges the atom- and the appetite To care catarrh treatment must alterative and tonic was ill for four months with catarrh In the and- throat bad anI raised blood- I had toy husband hot Us Hoods sod to trFri I all It cured and built pp Ma foods Sqrsaparilla and the membrane and whole J Barrister Public Ac Street Newmarket 80000 to Loan on Farm security Solicitor Notary Building Choppin Of fice Lennox will hem Vtmsrkei o and J Wij- A tod Ontario Itank wi N A DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House J A for Plri mm A A Ramsay Fir lnnmnci On Shop AGENTS Incoiii copied If write We em give you q g4 er odd- ttnnplojiisjlli aa next three Terr best I me to soli No deposit is required outfit Uoluteiy free over SOO acres a Urge range valuable new specialties aifl ill our Mock is re presented you want to re present the largest most popu lar beat know nursery write us It will be worth while STONE A Canadas Greatest Toronto- Co TORONTO AND NEWMARKET The three m Dominion Gerrymander to Oo The World publishes an interview with Arch MPfor West York the forthcoming Re distribution the Commons He stated that the Dominion would in all probability re spect County Municipal boundaries and Chat the Township of which is in the County of York but which in the Federal elections is part West Ontario would be returned to York County become a part of North York The Township of West which for the Federal election consti tutes a part of North York will be returned to South in which it is geographically situated Po litically West gives a Conservative majority of about Whitchurch gives a reform majority of about ISO will leave North York a strong Reform the city portion of East and West York will be taken from these constituencies Mr not say but he thought would disappear altogether Peel and each getting or two According to Mr Camp bells opinion West Ontario will disappear along with and hereafter be known as the gerryman der fiasbeens The Sunshine of True Health Alter and Snfferidg Paine RESCUES A WHO WAS IN A CONDITION a to the It is only necessary to make a real genuine take a dose of his own medicine to cause him to for 4 of Ave aid Pro- v J his own true inwardness Centre Bruce furnishes an apt illus tration and recently unseated member for that riding a beautiful example Major Clarke claims that the contest last May which resulted in his return was one of the clean est of all the elections but the courts declared otherwise and the byeelection polling in that riding will tell us whether Major Clarke en tertains a true conception or his re lationship to Centre Bruce or other wise But during his campaign he has expressed views of the Ontario Controverted Election Act which if applied to North York his Tory friends would positively dis sent from They take no stock in Major Clarkes theory that the clean election contests go to trial the dirty ones are sawed off because that would admit that the North York one was a clean one He aso adds If one mans election has been corrupt he can usually find an other man on the otfaer side in the same position This is no doubt too heterodox for the political faith of Herbert Lennox He would hot make such an admission for the world and be therefore is not pre pared to lake stock in the political ethics- of his Centre Bruce Conserva tive aspirant for a seat in the On tario Legislature In his paper The Review Major Clarke says The Ontario Controverted Act is now nothing but a weapon used by the political parties for politi cal warfare The parties go on the assumption that any election can be voided Therefore pro tests are entered before there is any evidence ol corrupt practices The clean ones go to trial the dirty ones are If one mans electron been corrupt he can usually find another man on the side the Maine position and both anxious to saw off The party managers anxious to avoid the disclosures do rest Only clean tions or elections in close ridings are allowed to go before the What Clarke realizes to be- a political weapon therefore Opposition candidate here regards as a virtuous enactment as it helped him to open the constituency How ever notwithstanding the unpleasant- the contest has developed it has more than ever united the Liber al parly for years to come- Ottawa correspondents to the west ern press state that the Dominion Government to name two out the throe British representa tives who are to sit on the Alaska Judicial Tribunal arid is that view on the imperial authorities Of course it is not known how the British regards the pro posal but at the n me it Ills MaJwUs advisers In London will agree carry Can adas Until lie point is settled towards stlectlng the Hives ill J The liver the largest and one of toe most important organs the body is to thousands of young and old a source of suffering It has been truly said that a diseased liver means physical and mental tortures and dangers The of liver complaint are loss of appe tite nausea vomiting furred tongue constipation impure blood headache depression of spirits and a host of other evils- Are you a victim of liver com plaint Do you experience any of the symptoms above noted so do not fail to make immediate use of Celery Compound the only medicine that directly strikes the root of the trouble and that infuses new life into every inactive organ Mrs Rachel cured by Celery Compound writes thus For nine years I had been trou bled with liver complaint and had very bad spells from it I in a doctor who relieved me but I remained weak and could neither eat or sleep and suffered so much with my head thai I procured a bot tle of Celery Compound and before I had the used I could eat and sleep well and the pain in my head was gone I took the second bottle and have never been troubled with liver complaint sine Your Compound has built me up and completely cured me It is understood that A McKay will move the address in to the Speech from the Throne at trie opening of the Ontario House Mr McKay is the newly elected mem ber for North Grey and is said to be speaker Ontario Gazette last week contains the official notice of the meeting of the on March 10 It lis understood Hon Minister of- Agriculture for Ontario at the coming session the Legis lature abolishing the old provision allowing each County one pupil to the Agricultural College ev ery year free of charge Mr Dry- den referring- to this propose legis lation the other day said the idea was to placeall students on the same basis especially as more appli cations are being received than they can accept According to a special cable to the Wednesday Rev William Burrs colony of English people for Canada is assuming large propor tions The despatch- says Already of Mr colony set tlers for Canada been booked to sail by the steamship Manitoba sail- OF L mm An Ottawa paper states that it has an authoritative source recently that Lord Stanley eldest son of the Earl of Derby is a very likely candidate for the position of Governor General of Canada in suc cession to Lord whose term ex pires year Possibly this may be true but what the changes of a thousand will AHrbertrtburg Paid UP Capital MX fcj Total TORONTO BRANCHES MOUNT V Exeter J MY- ALBERT During the week a Boer commandant was in Ottawa for the purpose of negotiating with the Government for rand in the for a settlement It is stated that he is the agent of men women and children from South Af rica now in New York who have in cash- and want to settle in the Canadian NorthWest year may bring no live man can tell The Northern Pacific Railway is applying for authority to build miles of railway in Manitoba John McDonald died in North Bay Hospital on Saturday and George Williamson is under arrest charged with having knifed him in A and a train met at a crossing at and the Grand Trunk smoker and passenger car were upset in the ditch No one was hurt Two young children of Mr James Drain of To left alone in the bouse set fire to themselves One was burned to death and the oth er will probably die The Pope gave a dinner WOO of the poor people of Rome flows We One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case or Catarrh that cannot be cured by Catarrh Cure J Cheney A Co Props Toledo 0 We the undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm ViU West j Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo- l Halls Catarrh Cure taken acting directly upon- the blood and mucous surfaces- system Price per -Sold- by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family are toe best Berlin electors passed tho bylaw for the purchase of tho electric light plant at A Hall of Moose Jaw has been Inspector of Schools for the Northwest district is stirred up by a suspected attempt to murder by serf Poisoned candies nail Utah- Is taking up dead Two treating wer5sntroduccd in the Utah Friday One of these penalty of 10 or imprisonment for hot over thirty years for offering or accepting intoxicating liquor without pay The other Is much more stringent and applies to candidates lor publifc office It is made unlawful for any candidate or his agent t give any cigars liquor or refreshments of any kind including ice cream miner al water and food or to furnlph or entertainment of any kind or to haul any voter to the polls it is made a crime punishable by fine and imprisonment not exoeedUg six months to ask a candidate or his agent for any of these things- The Hamilton Spectator referring to the disturbance mceting last week at Aurora rises to remark Thee were no temper ance men That was the Grit machine In a new role Mr appears think as he was present and not the leave the country their as to which was right over his own writes to the press as follows The disturbers of meeting were not the hotelkeepers or bartenders or drinking men of North York but men high up in the various orders of the Sons of Temperance and Good Templars and men in ranks of Royal Templars who lent their to documents that false and misleading So it wasnt a Grit machine after all but what can one expect from anyway sail on Hie Lake on March four hundred young in the party One takes with for whom she has set aside 1500 to start them in farming Messrs and Smith are not cutting a very wide swath in- this A few Conservatives the oth er day in discussing the plans of the Campaign and a very profane Aurora Tory hotelkeener sug gested that he sent to to get him out of the and prevent injuring Mr Lennox by his wild reckless utterances on the platform Since Muiins campaign tool chest was on John Smiths premises the latter has be come a sort of political My and he and make a good team- to drive to It now reported defalca tions of the accountant in the militia department at Ottawa will It is the misdeeds of are far more astounding than his friends were prepared to believe when his frauds were first discovered Anoth er warning is given to the World to have an eye on men of small or lim ited incomes and yet indulge in the ways of circles as if they had thousands at command In his speech at Newmarket on night Mr referring to Niagara Falls rights as re- in the World said that when House met he would draw the- attention of the members to the way in which concessions were being granted and uree that they be con served for the benefit of tho people of the Province It thus appears from foregoing that Mr Whitney does riot from the policy of the Gov ernment On the platform in the same hall on the day of Hon Mr Davis nomination Premier Ross it was impossible to electric energy to the whole Province from Niagara Falls which belonged to the people but that all profit the tages the Falls offered the Govern ment favored a policy which would turn of the earnings therefrom Provincial Treasury which could then bo appropriated so that might share in its pro ductive benefits tit Wo iderful From Taking Dr Clarkes Wonderful Little Red Pills of the Kra Sir feel it a duty I owe to my fellow sufferers to say that after vears indescribable torture from indlgeciiion and debilitated lion now I thoroughly well I spent hundreds of dollars seeking relief than never came until Dr Clarkes Wonderful Utile Pills boxes of which did the work am now in health and want the world to know what cured me Smith St Johns Newfoundland Chan writes I believe If it had not been for Dr Lit tle would have now been in my graven as I was a long stomach troubles They are the remedy on earth A a lgge Que writes boxes of Clarkes Little Red Pills entirely cured me of gen after of torture Red are a positive tad certain cure for rbeuma- all liver tbe years ttts most will yield For sale by kit local or by mail by Oanvia Company ffterborough iWxora boxes for Cure for Catarrh and Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for Ec zema same prioe will be paid for any that it wilt not per manently cure The member for West Ontario Mr I J Gould in a press interview re- cently took the popular side of the telephone issue between the Bell and Local Companies Mr Gould is re ported to have observed I should sav from investigation I have made that ftwi the Inde pendent companies have a grievance Of course I presume there are two sides this Is usually tho ease l have heard other side Indeneiideut nirir right to enter station at to against I know In case at station business men have oc casion call the depot agent a times a dais I have promised these gentlemen that shall support the proposition if it- comes up in parliament in favor of equal rlghis all telephone lines the Do- minion A London Cable dated Feb states that the negotiations for the purchase by the Canadian Pacific Rail road Co of fourteen Beaver Line steamers from Co were- eoncludxd this morning The price paid is not yet disclosed but it is said to be about The deal is regarded here as having an Import nt bearing on proposed fast mall service as will probably eliminate the tender of the therefor leave the Can adian Pacific Railroad in a belter position to secure the contract A despatch the same day seems to confirm the cable which William Van Homes dream has at last been partly reallvt- W for the chairman of the board has for many years been talk- in the little red ticket that woujd carry a man from Liverpool Iaoan by the same system Sit Thomas announced day that the nucleus of a Canadian Pacific the Atlantic had been by the four teen of steamers the same lo be read for work at the opening of the Lawrence It is tated that the purchase price lo makes a good deal of noiseabout the affidavit of Jackson the fact that he was- offered a position in return for his vote at the last election Jackson Elliott has been applying to Commissioner of Crown Lands for years past for a position on the surveying party or in some other capacity in New Mr Da vis Is always glad to help his friends and he has helped them both Liber al and Conservative His reply to Jackson was the same as his reply always is that if he could as sist him in any way he would be glad to do it There was no question of vote mentioned and if Jackson thinks he was selling himself for a job he was very much mistak en Mr Davis did get the opportun ity to Mr a chance to go with a surveying parly New Ontario not in the Government ploy at all but in the employ the surveyor in charge Mr evi dently thought that the wages were dot big enough what he honed to net was a in which could bleed the country at the rate of about per day that lie shows what kind of a man he is in coming out and saying that he sold his- vote for a position No Liberal believes that Mr ever voted for Mr Davis A man who would act as he lias done is not likely to vote Liberal There was no with him for his vote whatsoever and this affidavit or Mr is simply another Lennox roorback great pleasure to the such a valiiable ihedl- It Has me so much good lhatas I pur- another corncwhat out of order but TabKW put my J PH HARRIS Conn Ml I i Ml tot frijso iftjj To prevent the jockeying at tempted last week by an endeavor to pitchfork an objectionable candidate upon a constituency simply to a catchverdict it is suggested in the Gazette and one or two other of our to so amend Ontario Election law as to compel all can didates to secure a certain propor tionate vote or loose a reasonable do- posit The Dominion does why not the Province v The Corporation of Acton has a municipal officer to whom is paid a salary of per year for the per formance of the following duties Assessor Collector Sanitary Caretaker of Town Hall Caretaker of iPublic School Caretak er of Cemetery Collector of Electric Light Rates Repairing and Building Sidewalks Cutting Weeds Constable Pound Keeper Truant Officer and such other duties as may be required in connection with the municipality Now that Liberals have control of both the Commons and the Senate we should be pleased to find para graph in his Excellencys Speech from the Throne at the opening of next Session of Parliament that his advisers would submit for their con sideration a so to amend the British North America Act as to provide for bringing the Senate into accord with the other represen tative institutions of the Dominion by making that re sponsible to the electorate of the onnlrv Wipe out about onethird the number of Senators and then al low the people to choose other than defeated politicians or men with a to form the members of the Nutrition for Mothers Breakfast -ft- IS A SI1 The maprity of our Canadian men are convinced that Malt Breakfast Food is the best morning diet for nursing mothers as it pro vides a full measure of nutrition for the maintenance of health strength and Malt Food wonderfully increases the quality and Mow of milk Malt Food is the most easily and most rapidly digested of all cereal foods niAl no other so largely contributes to the health comfort and of mo thers Weak and frail women should use Malt Breakfast Food morning and it will quickly build them up give them pure blood and a well nervous system Ask your Grocer for Malt Breakfast Food ooo Contractor fa not In a to te tracts tor all of fetlinatfis at Short t I f 1 I and roofs BUILDINGS Intending will do well consult A dorKam St Boat t Alt Of REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If your Threshing Machine Machinery Lawn Mower or else breaks down bring it in and jet it fired A THOMPSON Practical Ave Newmarket THREE REQUESTS to fill business positions with our students or graduates at J SIXTY DOLLARS per month came to us during thelast week in January Doz ens of other places were varymgtrom Jitb per week during the month at salaries varying from to per Keek That is why we have plenty of room at all times for new mem bers Write for catalogue Enter any time No vacations Central College W SHAW Principal YofpA Toronto NOW To Poultry Spice it you want Eggs la ths early winter For Sals at STORE Foray or I abiT Serf fully pa y lhUnvilficu to prompt- MlVfitk procured A over lhrouiao fftdltyt Patent states of MARION Exporti UM BO tlkiioiWr SALE AT THE ERA