Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Feb 1903, p. 8

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J I T A i M NEWMARKET ERA FEB I around Hut I Many child has been fooled by the story of the pot of gold which to be at the foot of the rain bow and has started out to gather riches fall of happy dreams Many a man and have been 1 by the tale tint there was health to be found out beyond the sunset and they hare started out dreaming of a healthful future never to be realized People who have tried change of cli mate in vain for the cure of weak have been perfectly and permanently cured by the use of Dr Pierces Medical Discovery It cures coughs bronchitis bleeding lungs ema ciation and other conditions which if neglected or unskilfully treated find a end in consumption I of pceu- ft ftlo ray in Jl writes Of Cherokee Kit 1 with ires lo Medical Piorery my life I cannot my to vj I able aaw to do work Any substitute offered as just as good as Golden Medical Discovery is a Shadow of that medicine There are cures behind every claim made for the Discovery which no just as good medicine can show The Peoples Common Sense Medical Adviser book containing pages is away Send onecent stamps for expense of customs and mailing only for the book in paper covers or stamps for the volume bound in cloth Address Dr V Pierce Buffalo tTUT AND WORTHY TO RECORD A horse belonging to Tat KitmeficK of died last week from the glanders Every effort is being made by the King authorities keep disease from spreading a to the I KINO CITY The nomination held here on Mon day to fill the vacant positions of Recce and one Councillor resulted in Mr Icing elected reeve and Mr councillor both by acclamation groom and he was presented with a handsome pearl pin- gown was a tailormade one of coronation cloth red and toque to match and this Mrs Wood wore a- handsome Persian Lamb with Hudson Bay sable collar and splendid mm On ly the immediate family and friends of the contracting parties pres ent and after a Mr and Mrs Wood for New York and a trip in States before reaching their pretty home in BC The were seat from far and neat and were very numerous and beautiful Among those present the wedding were Mr Fred Chanter and Mr and Mrs Herb Leonard NOTES Wonder Mac is simple enough fancy thit the discontented of who composed Ihe majority at Liberals at the He- form Association last week take stock in bis twaddle He admits however they have Common sense and we make no douht the discon tented majority wish they culd re turn lite compliment For the Eta- Another a AURORA- Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer AND PAINTED ALSO Decker op i And belt Your choice Full Rig On four years time Cheap at 600 G A THOMPSON On Saturday morning the people of this were surprised and the news that Mr had early the previous even ing inflicted wounds on himself such as to cause his death in a few hours It seems that Mr had not been in the best of health and spirits for some time previous being sub ject to fits of melancholy and depres sion He retired to bed at his us ual time on Friday evening About oclock thai night the other mem bers of the family heard him rise from his bed and leave the house They did not think anything of this for some time hut his prolonged ab sence made them anxious about him and his son Charles a boy about sixteen years of age went to look for him On going to the stable he discovered traces of blood and im mediately ran for a lantern On his return he was horrified to find father hanging over a manger the stable with a severe wound in his throat and in a condition The neighbors Were immediately aroused and the wounded man into the house A couple of gentle men drove for Dr but found him absent and by the time they had found and driven him to Lloyd tuwn several hours had elapsed On reaching the house Dr sewed up the wound in Mr throat and attended him as skillfully as possible in hopes of saving his life hut the in jured man passed away about a m Before death Mr by means of the deaf and dumb alphabet communicated with his wife The Health and Vigor depends upon Quality end Quantity of Blood HUMITARIAN The liver the great secreting organ of the body and It ItiU to perform Us Life ac cumulates and the blood becomes causing many symptoms such as dull heavy indisposition to attend to duties pain hi back or shoulders tour constipation of the akin restlessness at eight etc If these symptoms are not promptly dealt with they become sgravatcd so as to Induce severe To relieve at once and cure DR CARSONS TONIC and Constipation Bitters have been as the sovereign treatment These are made from the formula of an Canadian physician who Las used the prescription In his practice for many years with the mest satisfactory results A Purely Vegetable Blood Purifier Price BO cents per Bottle you can the pre paration of your local druggist but ft unable to obtain It in neighborhood will send to say one or more bottles on receipt of price per bot tle carriage prepaid- sect Free on Application Sample scot on receipt of stamps to covet postage Carson Wlodlclna Company funeral took place on Tuesday to the Methodist Cemetery and was conducted by the A O in which society deceased held a pol icy for Mr a man who was very much thought of throughout the community being a kind and industrious father and husband and a good neighbor and being known generally as a man of honesty and integrity He leaves a wife and six children to whom the sympathy of the community is ex tended Major J Galloway Government Inspector of arms and ammunition was here on Monday A concert under the auspices of the Trinity Church choir will be held in the Mechanics hall on Thurs day evening Feb J as Fax and other artists have been secured for the occasion Just at midnight on Friday the fire alarm sounded and the firemen found that the iotense cold had snap- the wire into Mr Lem ons hotel thereby causing an alarm to be rung in v I Miss Margaret Stewart has issued a writ against the way for It will be remem bered she was thrown from a loaded wagon while driving across the track at the southern end of this munici pality last fall and received very se vere injuries from which she has not yet recovered A writ has also been issued a earn the employees and agents of the aforementioned com pany on behalf of W J for damages for alleged injuries and assault and battery On Friday evening Mr Hutchin son had a very narrow escape from serious if not fatal injury He was teaming a load of hay to Toronto and when a mile or so north of he drove on the Metropolitan track being informed that the street was very much drifted and that the regular car had gone north He had not proceeded far when he met a spe cial conveying a hockey team to New market- Mr Hutchinson did not see the car coming until it was nearly on him and he had only time to pull his horses off the track up the steep hank of snow when struck the load with such force that Mr Hutch inson was thrown from the load di rectly over the top of the car into a snow bank on the opposite side but fortunately sustained but little injury The horses broke loose and ran a considerable distance down the street before being caught The motorman did not sec the load of hay until he was within a car length or so it and was unable to stop the car Banner efforts are now being made to increase the population of the Do minion The Western farmers who arc Britain in order to fur ther develop the immigration move ment will leave in three parlies of fifteen or twenty will go in the steamer Lake of and on February end Mongolian leaving ion If and the- the sailing February A It In Toronto Irs that the Government will likely select an outside man for cesser to the late Judge As a rule have act ed on the rule never to fill the posi tion of Judge with man in the count in which vacancy occurs but have not- always iiy up to late Judge Mackenzie who was practically has the only outsider appointed In- coun ty for a Monday last was Candlemas Day an ecclesiastical festal in con nection with the Roman Catholic Church in honor of the purification of the Virgin Mary In this coun try au old Indian legend says that the bears come out on Candlemas Day and not seeing their shadows will stay out Monday was cloudy throughout and if the legend proves true Canada will have an early spring An old rhyme says If Candlemas Day he bright and clear Well have two winters in that year For a number of years Canadian horses met with a ready salt at good prices and then came a period dur ing which even the best were scarce ly and inferior stock could hardly be given The importa tion of high class stallions almost ceased and the trade became gener ally demoralized During the last two or three years business has been gradually reviving and the past year has seen a large number of importa tions of purebred stallions for breed ing purposes The draft horse undoubtedly the most satisfactory type for the average farmer breed Good heavy horses weighing from 1500 lbs upwards and of got quality are to meet with a ready sale for some time to come Such tractable and easily broken and while awaiting sale can be readily used for any sort of farm paying for their keep which the fancy horses rarely do To produce horses at a profit it is desirable that only the best class of registered stallions Be used In order to facilitate the selection of such stallions arrangements have been made to hold at Toronto on the and of February a Show of Heavy Draft Stallions with a prize list amounting to some at which an interesting program of educational addresses will be pro vided by expert horsemen The breeders of heavy horses have for some time complained that the To ronto Horse Show usually held in the latter part of April or the of May was so late as to be inconvenient for both buyers and sellers Therefore it has been advisable to hold a Show in Febru ary so that private breeders as- well as stallion syndicates and assoiations may have ample time to make their selection for the com ing season Live Stock Commissioner is ft3d tuck Wind Palo In and Swfclllng fitter and DroTrslnCss Chins of rf Breath the all and Trembling Ac OetsowUt Relief fa flctlen fivtry Tnrlted to Box Mils and I they to be WORTH A GUINEA A BOX as directed to fc3Uh For promptly any obstruction or Weak Sfoiiiaehf Digestion Liver act magic a lew doses will work upon Vital Organs Strengthoi- ayatein restoring tho back the keen of appetite and arousing with the of the human frame are facta admitted by thousands fa to the and J is that Sato any Patent In of society and fiava QFfPt Foil directions- with each hor Prepared only by THOMAS BEE CHAM St Helens England Sold Ever where in Canada and U America In boxes Certain members of the Executive of the Temperance Alliance and cer tain preachers who move around in a circle outside of which they are la blissful ignorance of pubiic sentiment have been urging for a temperance candidate to he placed in the at the approaching in North The Tory organs in the city also state that a deputation from Newmarket has been down there to urge the Alliance to place a can didate in the field This is all rot organization in this Town has authorized any such depu tation and if parsons have been down making any such ion they are simply Tories In disguise One or evening papers even meat foil ed the name of a city person who was ready to become a TORONTO Mr Marconi who at Montreal aaya that in two months his com- will be transmitting business between and Canada at ten cents a word Sudbury Jan SO During the past ten days two from rnuskrat from Moon Lake otter skins from Va- SCIIOMUEKG Miss J Watson entertained a large sleighing party at her home on Tues day evening last DeputyOrganizer of the K is in town Mr Towns end is a very energetic worker and will make the membership go ahead order Is very popular here about sixty members belonging to- this lodge ice cutting operations are in full swing here now and Messrs and who arc cutting it are kept busy filling the numerous orders It is said that about four thousand have already been ordered many storing it away this winter who have never done so he- fore One of the best surprise parties ever held in this vicinity took place- at Mr John Ashs last Wednesday eve when friends relatives and neighbors numbering thirtyfive or forty cou ples enjoyed themselves until morn ing appeared A quiet wedding took place on Wed evening of last week at the residence of Dr and Mrs Stewart Church St Toronto The bride was Miss Leonard daughter of Mr Sydney Leonard of and sister of Mm Stewart while the groom was Mr Rowland Wood of the Crows Nest Pass Coal Com pany The ceremony was held in the spacious drawing rooms which were prettily decorated with white flowers and masses of and ferns The piano at the far end the room was almost concealed drapery ant arrange ment of Rowers and greenery in the front of which the ceremony was per formed by the Rev Dr Thomas The march was played by Miss Day as the bride robed in iv ory Duchess satin trimmed with Two cars of chestnut coal were accidentally dumped into tho river while being shunted onto the interna tional ferry at large cariboo skins and broidery and pearls and tec applique pound of cariboo meal have been entered the room The long tulle by inspectors The cariboo veil fell over the long train and a were consigned to an small wreath of orange blossoms was fekr froen I worn A beautiful diamond and pearl pendant the gilt of tho bride groom was the only ornament The charming dress of over a carried a bouquet of pink roses The corsage trim with beautiful lace and an ex tremely pretty brooch of pearls in horseshoe shape was the gift of the bridegroom The groomsman was Mr Frank Wood brother of Feed pale girls on Scotti Emulsion We do not- need to give all the reasons why Scotts Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil rich in nutrition full of healthy stimulation is suggestion as to why it does what it does Scott Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best fullest in strength least in taste Young women in thdir teens are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness nervous ness by regular treatment with Scotts Emulsion It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from so many young women suffer will to tend a It now transpires that the Opposi tion press in their criticisms of the terms under which charters were granted to the syndicate for developing elec tric power at Niagara was not well informal The conditions ware made known this week and it turns out that there are stringent clauses against amalgamation or pooling with the two companies already in existence whose charters also con tain stringent clauses on this point The rental is 15000 a year ami a graduated addition charge as follows SI per horse power over to cents over to 30- and fiO cents over up to 126000 which is the limit granted If is thus the rent would be 580000 a year A worthy ornament to the passed away last week with the de mise of Joseph Esfcen senior Judge of the County of In our last weeks issue we made announcement of his death hut hav ing only received intimation Just as we were putting the paper to press were unable to make any com ment Today we join with tho Bench and Bar of Toronto and wiUi tiie city press in dignified paused to his memory For twenty he has been Yorks County Judge and during all but first two held the senior position Able cultured genial untiring and upright are common expressions of those who knew him best The late Judge was the son of lion who occupied a Cabinet office in the first Coalition Govern ment formed after Confederation and who published the American during the life of the Admiiir after the fail of the Government NERVOUS SLEEPLESS AND EXHAUSTED Not sick enough to lay up but you are out of sorts blood is weak nerves unstrung kidneys deranged vi tality is low You should take rozone at once it will enrich puri fy and strengthen the blood invigor ate and pacify the nerves and in crease your energy vitality and pow er will renew your ap petite and digestion make you sleep soundly in fact will make you well Try Ferrozonc Price per box or boxes for at druggists Poison A Co Kingston Ontario The Would Warns Man The publishers the Toronto World Will Try to Break Records m The publishers of the Toronto World want a representative in every postal district in Ontario They are trying to secure subscrib ers before the end of the present vear and arc offering Liberal Com missions The World Scored a dis tinct success as the first onecent morning newspaper published in Can ada It is easy to get subscribers for a bright paper like the at only a year or for six months Bright and entertaining al ways The World is conducted on broad principles filled with good reading for all good people has been termed tho farmers daily be cause so much space Is given to mar kets and farm news W Maclean Editor of The World says that the World has now over well- todo farmers on its subscription lists New subscribers who send 56 dir- to The World Toronto men tioning this journal will receive credit up to the of April or nearly months for Any sub scriber sending two new subscribes at S3 will receive The World free for one year- UNMISTAKABLE SIGNS OK CATARRH VARIETIES fc Dr cm 4 vrt4 vUJ x ii Sold by It Co His Powdea thai la form a en fcotlU ChomlBta Toronto Ontario If you have a ringing in the ears dropping In the throat bad breath headache morning weakness bad taste in the mouth then Its catarrh Use Inhaler four times daily and this awful dis ease from your system kills the germs heals in flamed membranes clears nose throat and air passages by one application quickly remedies the head noises and deafness prevents dropping and warranted to abso lutely cure all forms of Catarrh The winters sunshine has a tender ness unknown to that which blazes wd in the pink of sunset our spotless earth glows like a largo white Illy that leans so near heaven as to catch the tint of its invisible roses Lucy To know that there are some souls hearts and minds here and there who trust us and whom we trust some who know us and whom wo know some one on whom we can always re ly and who will always rely on a paradise of this great world The only solid thing In this universe Is love This makes Hie really life This us immortal while we are here This makes us sure that death end but only a beginning to us and to all we love It Is only love and Insight which show us all we have ever done Odd sagacity mis judges us mere sympathy feeble good nature soothes hut does not essentially help us Hut love ilium- by truth truth warmed thru and thru by love perform for us the thing that Bronchitis Asthma and Lung Trou bles Two months treatment costs lor another trial size 25c Druggists or N Poison Co Kington Ont j The doctors bill usually informs ont To Lucko ADVERTISE IN THE IRA 1 The fears to spend a cent And never advertises With little gain must be content While others take the prizes No mutter what your wares may be Nor how much worth the selling world will none the wiser Except tis by telling In continuous coll up alack winter it back Page Woven Wire Fence ti warm and In coloxciL Iatfo tence l tlio in Hum- hi wit tor In win Common crimped wire la not spring tempered and If ft slacken slackened it I tightens It again than Pago cuieivl and winter Pago wiro fence in I Montreal St John AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS Increase the usefulness of your camera by getting a set of our Improved Alum inum Multiplying Slides Makes six different pictures on plate Can be used in any focussing camera Sample photo and price list mailed upon request mim GENERAL Builder Contractor COOK Flour and A FAMILY FLOUR HARD AND SOFT WOOD CAR OF SALT JUST IN BROS- cor Huron la now In a position to take trcxta for all branches of Work Estimates at and satisfaction guaranteed BOILER SETTING A AND SIDEWALKS ROOFS FOR BUILDINGS Intending will do well to consult A HUNTER St Box Newmarket cure rick have been Newmarket roR SALB rai SAIB THE

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