Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 6 Feb 1903, p. 2

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NEWMARKET ERA ones Never Lets Up Brighter and Better Each issue All printing Done at Home FEB 6 Who is JohnSmith North York Election is understood about the Queens Park Toronto although not posi tively known the byeelections for North York and Centre Bruce to vacancies in the Ontario Legisla ture will be held on Feb nom inations one week previous We are pleased to know that the contest will take place at so early a date It be short sharp and decisive marked enthusiasm at the mass- meeting last Tuesday is an augury of coming success for the Liberal Hon J Every elector present went away determin ed that this old riding of North York continue record as a sup- porter civil and religious freedom The generation of today has not the domination of Toryism in days gone by or what Liberals endured to obtain privileges now enjoyed and will make fact un mistakably clear when ballots are counted at the close of the con test R of Slandat In the Herbert of last week referring to Hon Mi- Da vis explanation this remark is made most pronounced Liber als have expressed the opinion that Mr Davis explanation was about the lamest and most unsat isfactory thing the kind that has ever been put before the We take the liberty to challenge this statement the ana pronounce it simply IE it be true Lib erals have expressed any such opinions it will be capable of pi col Now let us have the names This going about making bald assertions is played out Let tie Lennox organ give authority or stand con victed of being a falsifier of re cord This sort of warfare was al lowed to ass last May but wont do to repeat now Its up to the Lennox organ to furnish substantial proof or the white feather From Wednesdays Toronto All York has the name of John Smith on tongue When Hon J Davis at the convention yesterday said be had been told that the people went away from the Re form meeting a ago dis appointed that there would not be any back at the convention there were cries all over the hall John Smith said it When Mr Davis said tbat Mr Lennox in the recent contest had promised should- Mr Whitney be returned to office to turn out the Grits and give every office to the Tories there were cries What would John Smith get J Hon J Davis said he would give to the it any of the damaging statements about him be proven and said There was no John Smith City about at which the whole audience roared and cried Let John Smith hold up his head J brought the house down with his references to John Smith City and nothing was talked of Newmarket all day except the excellent speech Prem ier Ross John Smith In hotels on the streets in tbe street cars and in the hall every utter ance and interruption was John Smith It was more pronounced than the proverbial of several years ago The little story which caused ail this in New market yesterday is said to be about as follows Editor McKay the ExpressHerald was in the city on Monday presumably to interview Mr Buchanan with a view to bring out a temperance candidate in North York A County Councillor was in the Lu cas House and the proprietor said to trim Who is that man pointing to Mr McKay The councillor re- plied That is Mr McKay The Landlord answered he had regis tered as John Smith City This was heralded all over North York and wherever Editor McKay pops up his head a dozen voices shout John Smith The editor sat thru the whole proceedings of yesterday and denies that he was registered at the Caution to Electors We warn the Liberate North York against Strangers who are now moving about the conces- and sidelines Town ships pretending of evidence taken during the examina tion for discovery of Hon vis trick is dishonorable 1st because a mutual settlement was upon and ought to be respect ed 2nd because in presenting this evidence only garbled extracts are given the real truth is not- disclosed and a misrepresentation which is simply a lie is given 3rd because the Stranger is a hireling em ployed to deceive faaa no reputation to lose and is as dishonest as the man who stuns a ballotbox or per sonates a voter Look out for the Stranger In a strange land Oar Society Column New Spring Wall Papers now in Prices range from per Roll to SEE THEM NEWMARKET AND BARRIE IF YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS RIGHT FURS AT COST TO CLEAR A Lucas House as John Smith A press despatch from Toronto to the daily papers of Montreal Hamil ton and London dated Feb says A deputation of Newmarket prohi bitionists has been to the city to in vite Mr Wm to contest York as an independent prohibition ist Who composed this deputation Who authorized it Was the depu tation sellappointed Was it com posed of one person and was that one persons name John Smith The temperance people of Newmarket are anxious to know The again the despatch concludes as follows He is a Liberal in tics Why did this selfappoints deputa tion go to a Liberal Why not seek some genuine trueblue Tory Ah I theres the rub That wasnt the kind of political hockey match the deputation had any interest in Some one to divide Mr Davis vote was the game without weakening the Mr L Lepard enter tained last Friday night Anna was home the city over Sunday Miss Brooks Bond Head is visiting Edna of New Lowell was a visitor at The Bowery on Tuesday Mr Percy was in Barrio over Sunday and attended a wedding on Monday Mrs Clay Toronto was visiting at Mr over Sunday Mr Sparrow Mono Road is visiting his brotherinlaw Mr Mr and Mrs J entertained on Thursday evening of last week Mrs Dakota is visiting her brother Mr Prospect Ave Walter Jackson who is at tending Toronto University was home over Sunday Miss Maud Wallace of Lindsay is the guest of Mrs Robert Manning lor a couple of weeks Mr and Mrs spent over Sunday her brother Mr A Mrs mother Mrs has been very ill lor a couple of weeks but is improving The hisses Millard a pro gressive Thimble Tea at The Avon- more on Friday of last week Mr Graham and bride of Valley were the guests of Mrs Lush over Sunday while on their Honeymoon Mr Stewart Little entertained a number of his friends Friday evening at his home a very pleasant time being spent Mr R J English of Schenectady has our thanks for a copy of the spe cial illustrated issue of the York State Herald showing the electrical Corsets he proper model comes first as it is conducive to health as well as the com fort of the wearer A Perfect Fitting Corset means Ease Grace Comfort Health Strength the symmetrical development of all women And model that fits perfectly is first essential to a perfect fitting and becoming dress Its the as it were to the success of your dress maker and ensures your satisfaction which iaram tint of all masters of the art Weve studied the trade as well as the wants of our customers in this important requirement and our selection of the various hows the result of skilful scrutiny We invite you to inspect the lines which the products of the best manufacturers in Canada namely TON BRUSH and A Prices and iWfl MB Styles J Corsets bought at a big bargain I regular value now on sale at pair HO McKay denies it docs he Just what might be expected from a man who deliberately falsifies people and has not the common decency to ad mit anything that is proven against him We have the whole story as straight as a string Chadwick of Toronto a Tory ac companied by McKay went to the Lucas House Toronto on Wednes day the of Jan last and were asked by the proprietor to register At first they refused but on being pressed registered for both persons writing his own and that of John Smith City then enquired for Mr Buchan an the temperance organuee who boards in the Lucas was chances of the man whom John city to advantage Smith is playing second fiddle tor The whole business from beginning to end is in keeping with tactics last May by enemies the Liberal party to hoodwink the temperance reformers of the riding with the view of securing a Tory tri umpha political dodge rank with de ception EDITORIAL Mr Stephen Warren of Toronto who was our town for many waa in on Monday call ing on old friends Mr Wakefield of cousin of Mr J was here on a visit last Saturday after an absence of twentyJour years- Lawyer Robertson was down Town on Saturday for the time since the accident which occur- red to the Are on Christmas eve Mrs J re turned home from thy hospital in on Saturday by dirt am Ribbed titer 3or pair Saturday pair- New Spring Blousings Iu the new A and Matting only blouse lenpth in each yard The same has also made progress along another line since last election it is calling bard names and characterises lion Mr Davis as a Of course this will mate Mr Davis feel bad especially when it becomes to his room whsre they re- that has taken with him for an more than one solemn obligation to the meantime Mr Jos Rogers protect his reputation Further on in the same article from we I Kmg Mmd above quoted referring to the tounc arrived and was executive meeting at which Hon Mr speaking to McKay as he passed out Davis made his explanations the Lea- proprietor noticed the occur rence and asked Mr Rogers who the man he talking to Mr Rogers replied re McKay the editor of the only Tory aper North York The proprietor re plied That nun is registered as John Smith Here we have a spectacle Smith trying to bring out a tem perance candidate York not to be elected but to split the vote of the reform defeat if possible a man who has always lived temperance and by a surreptitious cause the of who makes no pretentions of being temperance man This John Smith is the same man that has fault wiLh the Hon J because did not do enough for the Referendum last December How much did Mc Kay do He never wrote an article urging the electors to vote for the Act He never attended a meeting to In polling the vote for temperance in Ms own municipality much less In any other Would he vote for a temperance candidate if one was brought out Not he The whitcd sepulchre is being turned out and his Tory tactics are now exposed Who tlie deputation of New- sister from Hamilton A speedy Munns to contest North iX ixMh fc M York as an independent prohibition ist Was it John Smith if so who appointed him Somebody has been masquerading in disguised tem perance habiliments organ say A more discontented lot of men could hardly be found than the majority of Liberals who at- tended the meeting for their com- sense told them that Mr Davis had resigned and sec ond that he would not hare done no if he had not been afraid of the dreadful disclosures which would ensue Perhaps the man who wrote above extract knew the feelings of a majority of the Liberals who at tended the meeting and perhaps he did not What strikes us as pecu liar is if a majority or even were discontented they took a very funny way of mani festing their discontent by cheering Mr Davis utterances arid then unan imously amid demonstrations of marked approval voting for fol lowing resolution That the Liberal Executive of North York here assembled de sires to express its utmost con fidence in the Hon J Davis Commissioner of Crown Lands our representative in the Ontario Legislature and to assure him of our continued loyalty to him After passing a resolution like the above with not a single dissenting voice being beard the organ of Lennox without any apparent strain of conscience has the effront erythe consummate gall to assert more discontented lot of men could hardly be found tht the ma jority of the Liberals who attended that meeting Our only surprise fa that it not also stated that discontented lot of men has since ent ranee to the man who to have refused to let Mr out and then accepted W they purpose according a hearty support Id the corning contest It would have been truthful but we can tell who has thus libelled the ma jority of that meeting that he will save to anvwer therefor during the upon which the riding is to mislead and deceive win their own retribution The massmeeting last Tuesday af ternoon had lots over one Joha Smith When the name was first mentioned a voice from the audi ence cried out Who is he Back cam the from another part of the Hall Enquire at the Express Herald I Roars of laughter fol lowed J The tide still runs Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the Liberals at Ottawa At a byeelection to the Commons for Hurra District last Mr ment elected a majority over two other combined in a threecornered The respectable thmiliiilfihcr is the of the Lea- organ is now the majority in York When the election to over the And hotxhtfui wont ear to his vision Just wait till the wheel takes a turn and ballots are counted Hell fiddle another then CURE FOR CRAMPS AND COLIC The most reliable cure for cramps Colic and Summer Com plaint Is ten drops of a little sweetened water removes the pain and dis tress at once insures prompt relief a cure In every case an excellent remedy for all whether I tern at or external end should be in every household AH druggists sell and recommend Price It Is stated that tbe Ontario Assembly will meet for busi ness on the of next month Its safe betting also that John Smiths candidate wont trouble a page of the House to dust a seat for him An even bet was taken with in a week past that Mr wouldnt come within of the Next I It served right kind of thing must be stopped At St Thomas on Tuesday sentence was in three cases cormected with the referendum vote One of fender for personation was fined and sentenced to one- years Im prisonment In the common fail and two others for attempted ballot were sentenced to one years Imprisonment recovery to is anticipated Rev A New market has been appointed by the Toronto Presbytery as one of the clerical representatives to the Gener al Assembly of the Presbyterian church In Canada Mrs was up from the city one day last week calling on her uncle Mr W Cole of St also Mr W Cole of Raven- shoe Miss of Richmond Hill and Miss of Toronto were guests of Mrs A Coombs over Sunday Miss sang a very appropriate solo in the Methodist last Sunday morning with good effect Mrs J J Pearson and Mrs I have gone to to visit their mother Stephen Peckam who is spending the win ter with her daughter Mrs Isaac Silver andwas taken somewhat 111 this week with heart rouble As we go to press Mrs Peck- ham is improving GOe Specials Sal for Tub Svni special icVlcs regular I for Finest Figs very special at lb Apples 3 pecks for Sanborns Coffee and joe lb Ground to your order New Neck Ribbons In Silk and Satin all colors and per yd Hew SKIrts In Homespuns coIqjs and Grey at and J Sign of the Big Hand Good to all parti of the Town NEWMARKET ftav did you hear John has up his missionary efforts to secure a prohibitionist candidate for North York by way of helping his Tory Ideal against Hon Mr Davis says be wonderfully elat ed over the scheme and no he was until fter at the Lu cas House tint Jet the cat out of the now both and Lennox to disown the whole The flltQfi the res the father ersley on Tuesday the of Jan by Jas of to youngest of Hugh Mitchell The Temperance meeting tor February will beheld on Monday evening Feb fltb Rev Mr Roche of Sutton will give the address The regular business meeting was held at the borne of Mrs A Winch Alter business of Say was completed Miss per gave an admirable Study on The Surrendered Life- purpose continuing those Bible Studies at every meeting Press GH per Large Loaf at the store Usual price in case of Delivery the that skilled workmen and High Grade Flour cm produce Never Infore has our bread trade the present output oer counter The Cradle or Jan rt IT I the wife of Mr of daughter THE Undertaking WINTERS On Tuesday at Lloyd- town on the wife Mr Addis Winters a daughter King on January to Mr and Mrs Brccdon a son WILLIAMS At Jan to Mr and Mrs Norman Wil liams formerly of Sharon a son both doing well HOSE On St Jan to Mr and Mrs Andrew Rose a daughter fresh Buns Jolly Rolls Cakes Tarts Drop Cakes Cream Hulls Fried Cakes Ginger Snaps lb Christies Fancy Biscuits more than varieties Fresh est A enr just arrived in first class condition This flour is now on Bale over- the countor It is highly recommended by all have used it Have YOU tried it -in- Extension Tables and Couches For Fifteen Days and A SPECIALTY attended to John Millard Phono If and The Tomb In Newmarket on Wednes day Feb John Elmer in his year LEIGH At the residence of her son- inlaw J Chubb Toronto on Saturday night Jan Sarah beloved wife of John Leigh In her year a native Somerset England interred at King City on Wednes day morning GROCERIES PROVISIONS FRUIT FLAKED RICE BARLEY royal breakfast food S a J MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Oats and Quaker Oats Evaporated Peaches 106 per Also Prunes and ApricoU and per lb Oranges Lemons Bananas Honey Strained Honey Potatoes arid Cooking Apples by the Peek FRESH BULK OYSTERS Central Telephone Office Clover and Beat

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