X a THE NEWMARKET ERA It if a- mans back center of Strength when- ie is to lift or haul a the center of strength Theres no strength Ma iht- of a giant if hes starring All strength made from food be converted when it 13 perfectly digested and assimilated when stomach is the nutri tion of food lost and phys ical weakness follows Dr cures the 6lKrdrgahs6r digestion and men strong and by enabling the perfect digestion and assimilation of the food eaten I a f of Esq of IS At On- tried of so tfcaf I could col any solid food on melancholy Could do pot work A friers your Goidtn Medical I ban bottles and a tent the Medical Adviser in piper covers is sent free on receipt of De cent to mail ing Address Dr V Pierce oat cos- UEgPOHXiBSftfl SO The annual open meeting of the Ladies Aid was held in the church on the evening of the 3rd There was a attendance and an program was given Rev Washington presided by request of President Geo Lemon Miss Powell 0 gave recitations which were well rendered The trio gave some choice se lections sang a solo which was well received Rev J gave an excellent address Alias en presided at organ Mr Bar ker and Mr of gave instrumental music which was much applauded A few of the of the Society provided refreshments for l hose who took part in the pro gram and their friends- Mr has been suf fering from the effects of a gathemig hishand now getvlig ie better Mr Will Hunt and family are mov ing to Toronto Mr spent a couple of days at Victoria Square last week There were votes for prohibi tion in this polling subdivision and only against the act A brighter day is dawning for the Temperance cause- The mercury has a strong tendency to crawl down into its boots these days v The tax wsn Mr hearty lor a man PIS Considerable exciteront here during the referendum but since the vote fell short of the required amount the usual reaction J The School Children are practising daily for their concert held in the Temperance Hall in the near fu ture As usual a first class enter tainment is promised and you will a rare treat if you do not at tend Full particulars later Cooks Bay has not been frozen over yet but we may have skating for all the same Mr John has got lumber on his lot in the village and intends building himself a residence in the spring ilr Pollock Is also his dwelling by adding another- at the tear also putting in a furnace Mr Taylor- of Buffalo brother our harness maker has been spend ing a few days in our midst Thursday of last week to Mr and Mrs I J Crittenden a thorough prohibitionist Miss B has been posed for days but is now who has also been on the sick list is able to be around again Mr Sam Dally of Sutton lately of South Africa was in our midst last Dont forget Concert un the the Christian Church on A good time is expected According to papers the people of encouraged by the- targe irghitiitiori vote polled intend to municipal and will put a list of in the field for Mayor and Aldermen The demise of Senator John nor KC at- Toronto on Sunday last is announced Deceased was wellknown as a prominent- character fn with Roman Catholic organizations He was called to the Senate in May For some years lie was a member of tbe City CouncjL Deceased was in the year of his His death has cre ated another vacancy in the Senate for the present Liberal Government to fill 1 J a- Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Decker or And belt- choice of Full for On four years time Cheap at 600 a THOMPSON Good Not I iWl I FARMERS I and HOME MAGAZINE uy Wirt the d iljI 5 1 I ft a For fo Wfbrt Mr D Mailer of House has installed electric lightp through his premises receiving the current from the Pork Factory A very painful accident Mr Brown of the concession Whitchurch at Saturday last He was in his wagon at Mr Georges factory loading some the noon whistle commenced to mow his team got frightened and ran away throwing Mr Brown out of the wagon upon the ground He unfortunately sustained a bad com pound fracture of the bones A the leg below the knee Assistance was toon at- hand and he was tart to the home of his Mrs Wright on OBrien avenue At first he suffered pain since the fracture was reduced he is now getting along as well as can be ex pected The team was elderly Mr Fred any was done everyone in this is heartily sick of groping iu darl over our antipiutid colliding with one aiirjther in the darkness and enduring every i ah neon expcritnccI by living in a town be hind the time- as to have to as lamps Oil A was held in the Con gational church week to the future ihere vere prefitnt Hyde and and Mr and Alter much discussion no was arrived at Some thoJlit it advisable to while it Wise and ImVI both the church and parj ft probable that llfc latter will he taken might have fire occurred at the of on Tuesday hut tor the of mind wild the prompt action of Mrs The table was laid ready for supper wlien hanging lamp just above fell with a crash among the tea things on the table the lamp etc with Baker v ho v as in the alone the burning table and tea things and nut quickly of the door and re turning found trip carpet all ablae This quickly put out Just in time to save the catching fire which might have had fatal results if not to quickly extinguished King Tocanship The annual meeting of the King Association was held at Cross- leys Hall King on Saturday Dec Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows President Mr Joseph Rogers Ket- 1st Vice Mr Phillips Au rora 2nd ViceMr ft H Hall King 3rd Vice Mr Schomberg Mr Moved by Mr If Hall seconded by Mr Phillips That the Government of the Hon tx meets our fullest and approval and we hereby wish to assure highly respected representative the Hon J Davis of our continued confidence and esteem and assure him of our constant support and cooperation in upholding the Policy of the Govern ment of which he is a member Moved by Mr Geo Norman second ed by Mr we the members of the King Reform Associ ation at this annual meeting wish to express our continued confidence in the Government of the Right Hon Sir Wilfrid and to place on record our appreciation of the splendid service rendered the Empire by our distinguished representative Sir poo The Ontario Government has decid ed that all provincial officers from whom bonds are must here after provide guarantee companies bonds instead of private individuals We understand specifies those of deeds sheriffs local master of the Supreme Court of Judicature regis trars of Surrogate Courts local mas ters titles license inspectors crown attorneys and all persons handling public money The development boom has now struck North Bay During the week the prospectus of the British Cana dian Co has been issued with a capital of This company has been formed for the avowed pur pose of acquiring a freehold near North Bay Ont to manufacture and sell soda pulp The president is J A Ritchie who is also president of the Paper Co the Vice- president is Judge it To Judgment was given in the South Oxford election case at Halt on Monday last dismissing the lib eral petition although they found that one charge of bribery by agent had been proven The Liberal coun sel announced that they would enter an appeal to Court of Appeal against the as Mr Justice favored voiding the election On two of the charges the Judges disagreed we will now ee what the Court of Appeal thinks of the case lis J a fit if ft mi I I I j It that a baa mterfVxl a torfuiis dollars by of la Button of to personate fci4tXAU tit Id Jail D Kidney Cough JA ff 14 The bar room bad no idea it fcO unpopular till the of the re ferendum announced organisation that givea each fcomethlnji to do or baa tome who will do to at- tract is the that will from the cat 1e and try to live a long can You v ill never have an cban Harry who within an a of committing double murder on one of the main aireets of wftea ago to PcnlWfitlary Vancouver BC dollars damage was done by a at Nov The lnurarce The a brick store building In the center district totally st roved and little of the common fctock carried by four atorea caved fetarted In the mt of fctore Feed pale girls Scotts Emulsion We do not need to give all the reasons Scotts Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil rich in nutrition full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does Scotts Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its fullest in strength least in taste Young women in their w teens are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood shows itself in paleness weakness and nervous ness by regular treatment with Scotts Emulsion It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer will It i a to any Ottawa householders pay per quarter for thirteen electric lights more or less in use A Newmarket householder pays per month or per quarter for twelve lights in more or less fre quent This means that a user of electric light in Newmarket pays per quarter more for twelve lights than an Ottawa householder pays for thirteen lights for similar service Will somebody who knows tell the people of this Town the for this wide difference Our people have been led to believe the Town was being served as cheap as the cheapest Trie star of the Government is still in the ascendant At the first election in the Yukon district just concluded Hon James Ross Liberal was returned by GOO major ity When we take into account Opposition chatter about dissatisfac tion not only with the of tbe interior but against the Govern- as a whole Mr victory by so large a majority is slgniflCAht On Tuesday the in Que resulted in the return oil Ion Mr by- a majority of It seems to he a growing time for Liberal Admin istrations just now Children cry for ja lit form of It of ftmr a Chomtftta Toronto Ontario Vigor and Quantity of HUM1TARIAH liver a the great secreting organ of the body and when it fails to perform its office bile ac cumulated and tbe blood causing lipleas int symptom as dull heavy feeling Indisposition to attend to duties pain In back or shoulders sour stomach constipation of the akin at II these tfyrnptoms arc not promptly dealt with they become so as to induce severe Illness To relieve at once and cure permanently DR CARSONS TONIC and long recognized the treatment These are made from the formula of an em inent Canadian phyalclan who hay used the prescription In for many years with results A Purely Vegetable Blood PrKco BO you can the pre- pardon of your local but to obtain will send to one or more cm receipt of price per bot tle prepaid seat Free on acni receipt of oc to poottt Freshmen Ontario Veterinary College on Thursday their initiation The new men were elevated to the a skraedhqrse suspended the ceiling by The Provincial of in an attempt tb lessen numbers of Toronto are issuing December fishing to take locations se lected bythe local overseer Bass or other game fish when taken are to be returned to the water Carp suckers arid dogfish are to rje taken and destroyed A Welldressed middleaged man registered- at the Commercial Hotel street last Wednesday night as Reaves city and immediately proceeded to his room At nest morning a porter detected the odor of gas from Reaves and on forcing door which had been barred by a chair found Reaves lying dead bed A lot of fast youths were up- before the Police Magistrate last week who were acting disorderly on Several were fined and others re manded for a week The young men thought they owned the street but found had made a mistake A young girl by the name of Williams fell oil the Bon bridge last Thursday into the river but was rescued by a man named Cheer Medical aid was at once summoned but it took a long time before resus citation proved successful A new Roman Catholic church in was solemnly dedicated on Sunday is named Church of the Holy Family The ceremony was performed by His Grace Arch bishop OConnor assisted by a num ber of local clergy of the city This church has a seating capacity of nearly and has been erected at a cost of about A parcel of valuables was found in a culvert near the glass works It contained diamond pins links gold rings opera glasses etc The police regard them as stol en goods and are looking for an own er The concert by the school in Broadway Hall last Friday night was a very enjoyable affair In the cantata of The Flower Queen girls dressed in white and decked with flowers captivated the audience The program concluded with a flag drill by 16 in red white and blue Employees of the received a glad surprise on Saturday when they were informed that their wages were to be increased IT per cent The increase is all over the system and will mean a quarter of a million dol lars annually to like company Victoria College Conversazione last Friday night was a grand success The spacious building was a blaze of light the corridors and class rooms being profusely decorated with flow ers tropical plants Nearly guests were present The Nursing Missions new borne at Beverley St was formally opened Sunday Mr Staple ton presided had been donated for furnishing the and of this had been spent The property was given by Smith and some of the rooms were furnished by Toronto ladies The five men charged with persona tion at the referendum voting Were remanded til yesterday in the genera Sessions on Friday Joseph Hood was tried on a charge of indecent assault He in the employ of Thomas of and the alleged was said to have been committed while Coltman was away in the last August The jury disagreed County Solicitor C Is in the field Mayor and announces he will fight to a finish It is now up to the County Council to Its solicitor Two masters is more than can be properly served Mr took farewell of the staff last Friday when he was presented with a substantial tes timonial A grand production of oratorio Messiah will bo given at Hall on evening of Dec 18 under the direction of Prof An exciting runaway occurred on King street on Saturday at about noon A farmers learn became frightened hear Bay Street and ran at great speed Fire broke out lr tire ladies cabin of the steamer at about oclock Saturday and did damage to the extent of about W00 Mr Norman Smith city editor of the Mail who has been ill for nvo weeks with typhoid Is now re ported to convalescing I It I EM tornados A plan been proposed tj of Education for a School Forestry In connection with the Uni versity of Toronto and the Ontario A College near was trampled to death his stable It is reported that Lord Governor of the Transvaal will be the next Governor General of Canada Mr James aged 04 died at from Injuries by being run over by a lady cy clist neither 1 SIGNATURE U Im j Remedy Hon SouStoMchDiarrtoea OF SLEEP- Jflc Simile Signature of OF EVERY WiJTIrfrT tfti pot in tottlea It Is Kid la talk- Dobs njoi nil ya It and iriH I Dont Break Your Neither do I Bell separators that will break your back but I do toll the- only separator made with a low down supply can The Sharpies Tubular Separator sepaiators have supply can away up in air over your head I want to show you a Tubular Dont you want to see it WJ- Sharon J J S Or- watch from to 5f your away if you nt Watch Solid Watch Md and ddr at aad agrc to Boll only boxes of our Now Ufa at box A for all weak condition of Indigestion Trouble rfadWtrvoua and for thev unequalled at our they alia the your life- yoor order and will by mail ot aend money and wo will aiodyou WAT A GUARANTEE FOR the day rnonisy is A rare AKtt giving to ickly in t our grand mil watch you to it to your from and art more than with a rjpfjortiintty jfot a fitia WHtfU without Wl should write at on THE Co ToRUHTO ONT CANT EAVY TREES I TEEI TREES our buslntss We want men to of all varieties fruit and mental for a lew hustlers if ao our terms A ooxlBonwH I It ih a reduction fit a million and a halt In tVi debt the ftscal irrent VptOHiate cars of material hare received for repairs canal cbarpea tamo amounting to Burlington Gazette