Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 5 Dec 1902, p. 4

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x ws PFptsafe The North York election petition has taken another bitch date of hearing further postponed On Saturday last Mr Justice- order enlarging heating to a date in January to bo hereafter announced by the Judge when it could be arranged for two Judges to sit the trial While making this order the Judge stated the conditio many fecra catarrh especially In lbs morning Qtm difficulty Is in licit- Inj bead throws ten and toe To cure catarrh treatment rone ha and I wis for month caterrb and blood I bad ml West 8 it was never intended to Hoods few fc othela4MW that day but that a date had the membrane and build to be fixed within six months from dp J tie entering of the protest which would expire on he of her hence the was named He furthermore stated that the place trial had not been decided upon that he and his colleague course would decide when where the trial should be held We are told fay those who ought to know that in all probability Newmarket will be the place selected On Friday last Hon- Mr Davis was examined for discovery before Col John Bruce at the Toronto Court House when Mr Grant Mr Lloyd appeared lor Mr Davis and Messrs T H Lennox Mc pherson and J represented the petitioners The next day Mr Lennox against whom there is a cross petition was likewise examined discovery but in neither instance were proceedings concluded a Independent Journalism A STRANGE CASE THAT FLED DOCTORS None her Friends Believed She Could Recover and Her Case Has Excited Great Interest LEGAL J rotary Public c OrtiCTS Main Street to Solicitor Notary Public etc lit Court c a Of fice Herbert Lennox will uo on aturaay ano Court J Co to Loan ft DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House jf J A for to al Current Hate At Newmarket A A Ramsay Fire Agent on Farm Newmarket GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE a- a- d t I a a SO a a I I ill I Is a el g S 3 a S3 1 1 i tt eT Editor Willison has tendered his resignation as chief of the editorial the Globe and purposes establishing a new daily to be con duct Independent lines From a statement made by himself we learn his relations with the Globe during the term of his connection therewith have been agreeable and harmonious and that he leaves the paper on the best terras with the board and the With to his new enterprise he says In entering the field of in dependent journalism I will be dated with Mr J He will the capital and all the capital for the new venture It is the distinct and clearly expressed un derstanding that the paper to be ac quired or established shall not be the of any political party or of any organized interest and be absolutely independent of all business and corporate enterprises It is further intimated that an effort will be made to acquire one of the journ als now published in Toronto but failing in this a new paper will be established This later intimation has given rise to considerable specu lation in and in po litical circles respecting the success or failure of this new competitor for public favor The abil ity of Mr as a journalist Rives assurance that public questions will he discussed by him with a frankness and freedom that will mark a distinctive departure the ex isting journals in the city Just how far the County Council may be justified in yielding to the demands of York Township raie-pay- for patrol constables along the borders of Toronto corporation is a question Inland Towns arid Villag es have to bear their own burdens police protection and why these mu nicipalities should lie called upon to pay for police service in York Town ship is difficult to reconcile with justice Newmarket had to pay for constables to patrol the Town on the October and has had to do so on numerous previous occa sions hence we see no reason why this town should bear its own entire cost of police protection and then be called upon to contribute towards the police protection of other muni cipal lea in the County We do not believe that representatives from the Hiding of York would think of sanctioning any such injustice From the Courier Trenton Oat Mrs Robert Young of Stanley Street Trenton is one that has caused a great deal talk among those are acquainted with her Mrs Young is now in ber seventy- eighth year and quite vigorous for a woman of that age Three years ago she took a chill which appeared to affect her whole system Her lower body swelled an extent she could hardly move them- Her stornkch became so dis ordered that she could not take solid food and her heart fluttered so vio lently that she could not lie in bed and two years had to be bolster- up day and night The chills which were apparently the original cause the trouble became chronic and her two or three times a week and after a chill her skin would tara a dark brown color Her did not believe she could re cover but nevertheless did all they could lor her doctors tried their skill but to no purpose and the strongest consolation they could was ll you are growing old Several advertised medicines were then given her but with no better results In August Mrs Young had become so bad that her daughterinlaw had come from a distance to nurse her She brought with her some Dr Williams Pink Pills and persuaded the old lady to begin their use In the course of a few weeks there could be no doubt that they were her and the doctor advised continuing their use and now them for some months the swelling that had affect ed her limbs is gone the- chills no longer bother her her stomach is re stored to its normal condition and the heart fluttering that had made it necessary to bolster her up in bed has also disappeared It is no wonder that the case has excited much com ment and the editor of the Courier who has personally investigated it can vouch for the facts related above Such marvelous cures as this prove Dr Williams Pink Pills to be the best medicine offered the public to- ay and all those who are ailing should then a trial All sell these pills or they can be by at 50c per box or six boxes or by writ ing direct to the Dr Williams Medi cine Co I In connection With the vacancy in North Ontario for the- Commons oc casioned by the death Angus name George Bruce J P of Beaverton is freely mention ed as a probable Liberal candidate A monster cattle ranch is being se cured along theUnited States border in Mexico A despatch -from- Utah Salt Lake states that the ranch corh- nearly four thousand square rniles and has been purchased for the purpose of creating one of the est cattle ranches in the world The is the outcome of American capitalists with- Utah men as principals Yes four thousand square miles of land makes a big pasturefield reports that the peat indue- try of the Province is fldurishing uses peat for fuel in his is favorably its merits In view of the big railway schemes give two transcontinental lines from east to west thru Canada- the electors inAy for some striking moves on the political chessboards when meets day hi 89 P cooking tipparatas I In opening campaign last week Hon Raymond said had no objections to being opposed When Sir Wilfrid Laufier acoeptexi office under Alex ander Mackenziehe was opposed and even defeated History repeats itself he said but it would not in this case He would be elect ed a a f 1 Try to conceal it as they may the animal will not down Evidence in both the North Norfolk and Lennox election trials establishes beyond con troversy that the Conservative Cen tral Committee of Toronto went deep into their pockets to uphold Whitney candidates and preserve po litical purity at the last Provincial elections Two of their candidates under examination in the above con stituencies admitted receiving hun dreds of which they spent for defraying election expenses and then told court they pocket ed the balance The flutter in military- circles dbwn at Ottawa has reached a crucial stage Lt of the Foot Guards have a quarrel on which appears to have originated in jealousy Some time ago LtCald- forwarded a string of charges against LtCol Jarvis accusing inconsistency and complaining that an illegitimate use of regimental lands had been made Karl of the Canadian forces ordered on inquiry on two of the specified charges but when the investigation took place wanted all the complaints gone into and his general attitude was con strued into a failure to establish the charges preferred has since been placed under suspension the Commanderinchief and is how nursing his wrath against his brother Officer and her neighbors tell her it will do j cncy the merits of y ha I ybtt it to yourself A I Died in Ottawa Nov almost tra gic death today of Dr John Alex ander principal of cincial Normal School and a well- known educationist has created a prpfound impression in the city Dr was married to Miss Sims Ottawa only a fortnight ago and returned from his honeymoon just a few days ago The doctor and his had taken up residence at the and left the hotel this morn ing about to attend high mass at St Patricks Church Being a little late they walked rapidly Dr and Mrs proceeded to their pew and the doctor had just removed his overcoat when he fell forward as if In a faint He was immediately removed to the Vestry when it was found that ho was dead During the past week John and of had an interview with the On tario Government regarding the In vestment of American capital in New Ontario It is understood from the preliminary interview held that they to invest in power timber and colonization and if necessary a railway Mr said if things go well he hopes to estab lish industries in North which in his language will make the industries at the look mall His backers he said could settle two or three million acres if available Failing to get land in he intimated that they would look to Saskatchewan Booming times for Canada is suggested by these immense invest ments Let us hope the Government will properly safeguard Provincial in terests A rumored suggestion of the possi bility of Trunk acquiring the Railway in connec tion with their transcontinental plans was recently brought to the at tention of Premier Ross- He replied that there was no intention of sell ing out the road now being built by the Government from North Bay to New Liskeard hut on the contrary he thought the Government would on their own responsibility push the line beyond New through the day lands A press despatch Ottawa states that owing to recent abuse of the franking privilege an order lias been issued to the effect that free letters will be delivered to the public departments unless they are shown to he on public business This is a step in the right direction and the Postmaster General will be com mended therefor Another order along this line should be made before Parliament meets Hundreds and hundreds of letters at the solicit a- tipn of private citizens of Ottawa have initials of some P on one corner of the envelope in order to pave postage Mr have a very decided increase in Department receipts by abolishing the franking privilege altogether And why riot The indemnity is large enough to cover the little postage bill of the average M-P- It appears that persons whom the King of England delights to honor by the conferment of titles have to pay large fees to the College of aids before being to hang their banners and swords in St Georges Chapel Lord Roberts it appears has refused to yield to this demand for a fee of and his refusal has brought about a contin gency for which there appears to be no regulation Meanwhile the red taneism of officialdom has received a wrench for no matter what happens to the College of Heralds and fee- hunters Karl Roberts cannot now be deprived of being a Knight of the Garter The tip was too much for Bobs and should this be the minimum receivable by the College of Heralds for knighthood we take the liberty here and now of advising the GovernorGeneral of Canada not to submit our name to Wis Majesty for any such distinction the note painted te all the different Matures that make this Radge different and so superior 1 feosahold If you 1 an t yu fc VtliJU Hi I Palls Pulp Paper Co has been granted permission to jam Lake There was another stormy scene in the German Reichstag and for the first time in the history of the Cham ber the sitting had to be suspended Aden Arabia Nov General Mannings flying column relieved November He found per cent of the men com- the garrison suffering from malarial fever Mad Mullah is in the vicinity of preparing to contest any advance of the British forces WANTED would like to iskmi the of if there is tfreehs jj pi dyspepsia and that we fe xteuits 6uctk as sour stomach of lood Coo mm dyspepsia bead- felihs in fact any trouhU coimected with the stomach or liver- This medicine baa been sold for many years in all civilized countries and we wish to correspond with you and send you one of our books free of cost It you have never Au gust Flower try one bottle first We have now known ol its falling serious is you Ask your oldest y GREEN froVdhUry NJ Either on or Time ftre you satisfied with income fully ocA cupied If not write us We can give you by tb on go terras or con tract to pay you well for such business as you secure for us at odd times We employ both male and female representatives The next three months is the very time to sell goods No deposit is required outfit absolutely free We have the largest nurseries in over acres a large range valuable new specialties and all our stock is guaranteed- as re presented If you want to re present the largest most popu lar best known nursery write us It will he wort while STONE WELLINGTON Canadas- Greatest Nurseries i J 1 Was Dead and is Wonderful of a Well- Known Toronto Man Vi 1 aw 5 a i5 J MM a a 2 Jctoirwjtt every wed- BALK AT THE ERA On Saturday the Addington election petition Mr Avery was dismissed with costs This means that the political sawoff ar- by legal representatives of the petitioners in West York and has been effectual It is about time this aawofl was played out and some respect of electors a candidate returned to Parliament has done the square thing in a con test he has ho his name besmirched by an election tion and Parliament will now enact that where an election is with drawn or prosecute aterng filed the deposit shall jo to the party petitioned aifnst it will probably a lot of monkeying by the longrobed gentry It may le in the interests of purity of to extend the for enter Inz but when entered to or forfeit de- are little than political To the Editor the Era Sir Alter nearly years in tense suffering during which I was more dead than alive I am restored to health and strength No one knows how much I suffered the extent of gratitude Rheuma tism in its worst form which no thing would cure drove me nearly toad and kept me almost bedridden for years 7 J persuaded to try Little piis and after taking two boxes began to mend and after the sixth Tain to go to work I have no pain aohe want the world to know what these wonderful pills did for me Andrew Walsh Shops Dr- Clarkes Little Pills are a positive cure or la grippe asthma paralysis ca tarrh coughs backache In digestion all stomach and liver female complaints The most stubborn cases will yield Price cents per box For sale by all local druggists Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for Catarrh and Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for price 110 will paid lor any they not cure Price Women have been losing heavily on the slock markets of New York late ly and when they find their purse- string all untied make a terrible fuss over their illluck as they call it other people call it gambling The Philadelphia Inquirer referring to fe male operators on the race track dur ing tie past season says It ap pears that the dear women have been plunging very heavily on the tracks this season and this nay be a matter of surprise to persons who ore not aware that many of the fair sex like to make a few dollars on the side Indeed they do Women arc atural gamblers They risk sang of the Chinaman They arc however bad losers A wo mans idea of gambling is to win time When she loses she is certain there has been fraud some where and Is terribly provoked does not stop to consider when she wins that someone else must The December number of the Meth odist Magazine year Among illustrated articles are Dr Johnson Once More Village Life in Franc In Methodism Far thest North Pathfinders Em pire The did it Evolu tion the Skyscraper and Ten nyson the Nature Poet Other ar- ticles are Earthquakes and Their Causes The AmericanTrek to the NorthWest and Chancellor tremendous indictment of the Liquor Traffic Christmas stories poems and pictures give a holiday flavor to this number The announcement or is particularly strong In illus trated articles Canada its lum ber camps fur trade fisheries ar tists men of mark Sydney Montreal mansions etc Serial and short fctrirles popular whence Wesley bicentenary pa- Memories Mexico Footprints Of St Paul Byways of Venice Brit ish House of Commons and Current Copies arid Events New vill receive November and free a year for six months During the past week Mr Justice of Ottawa held an Ex chequer Court in Toronto to hear argument between the representatives of the Governments of and Ontario The Mail says The hoard of arbitration in the recent dispute between the provinces and the Federal Government at Ottawa respecting subsidiary accounts and general government decided that the Province of Ontario was indebted to the Dominion Government in the sum of It was arranged that the amount due the Dominion Government should bear interest at cent and the present action is being taken to sanction this arrange ment and to decide the date from which interest is bear W Hogg representing the Govern ment at Ottawa claims Ontario should pay interest from December J392r which is date on the award was made Irr ving KC and Mr KC for the province claim that the amount should not bear Interest lil July In an arrange rucnt was made so the dispute docs not concern interest accumulated af ter that date The amount the Do minion Government claims Is while the province will only admit liability for if With Local Applications they not reach thereat of the disease tirrh Is a blood or constitutional eate and in order 0 cure you must take internal remedies IaUB Catarrh Cure la taken Internally and oh the blood and mucous was by one of the best physicians country lor years and is a regular best tonlca known best blood mucous surfaces Ts perfect combination the two Ingredients Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh Send for free J Co Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls are the best Contract master until TAW 2nd January to the conveyance of Mails- on for foul- air time per week each way- TENDERS addreaaed to the Get will he received at Ottawa until 2nd January for on a and the let February next Printed further Infor mal Ion as- proposed Con tract 1 ild on and at office of Office Inapcctorni Toronto ANDERSON MiliOiilraCi Kail SEALED addrtaed to nutter at Ottawa until of Wis Halls on Contract way Unton from let next r Printed containing Infor mation to conditions of proposed Contract maybe seen and blank forma of Tender may be obtained at thePoatOmce Of offices on route and at tbo office or Office at ANDERSON w Superintendent Post Mall Contract Bra November All Of on ANiV SATISFACTION GUARANTEED If your Machine Farm Machinery Lawn Mower or else bring ttlowxdte It A THOMPSON Practical Machinist Piospeoi Ave flf it I neb ii 11 NOW To Poultry you want In the For At iu- a ai at- iTTifsj it foctUbifuicbM tfkeoa Estimates fliven Notice fT a I J 1 hereby caution the public purchasing of hand made by me dated Nov and payable one year after date to Bert Taylor or Bearer for tbe euro as I have not received value therefore and will dispute payment Nov and AND fdAANdUTHXO ROOFS I A WUNTER 1 Mi Corner Huron Street and Pros pect Ave J Newmarket

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