Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Nov 1902, p. 7

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t Will soon be here- We Ready for Rush Vtry choice TABLE Cabinet- and Cluster fine as grown Seeded Raisins Selected Valencia Raisins Sultana Raisins Its Good Cooking Raisins m m Currants very choice Fine Currants and Selected Currant at fur Choice Elcmea for fine na tural pulled for table and very nice Figs for CANNED FRUITS CANNED VEGETABLES CANNED POTTED MEAT The largest variety of choice table delicacies in above goods you will raid anywhere HONEY at and per section very fine 121c Ik Domestic Sardines cans for Citron Orange Lemon Pee Cross Leave your order for your Groceries with us and be sure of setting fruits and spices have what you Best Qual ity China Glassware FANCY CHINA FANCY LAMPS LIBRARY LAMPS DINNER SETS CHINA TEA SETS TOILET BERRY SETS BREAD BUTTER PLATES LEMONADE SETS for Our Stock is Just com ing to hand- In another week it will be ready for inspection We al ways the largest selection This year will no exception See our and Tables of China i Boots Shoes Rubbers Tee beat quality knockdown prices to close out our Stocky The Leading Reliable Telephone Tired Eyes Wed nesday night the night pre vious- Newmarket- will give a good License Act 19 The Methodist Sunday School offi cers hare decided- to give the school a supper In thrown market on 3Ch of Dec instead getting up a Christmas entertainment Soldiers Evening Subject A Dream Miss Edna sing at the morning service the beautiful solo Facft to Face by Herbert John son Money- About one dozen prize winners at the late Fall Fair of the North York Society have not yet drawn their premiums The treasurer would be glad to have all undrawn prizes paid bo that the books for year could be balanced Gospel Tbe meeting at the Friends Church last Sabbath was well attended The chairman Mr George Phillips introduced the speakersMr James Simpson of Toronto who gave a very stirring address- holding his audience in rapt attention to the close A vote of thanks moved by Mayor Cane and seconded by Rev J was tendered Mr Simpson Meeting next Sunday afternoon in the Presbyterian Church The Upper Hand This is the title of a dramatic play that has been gotten up by the young people of Newmarket in con nection with the Referendum and will given in the Town Hail next Tuesday entirely free of charge About a dozen characters will be re presented in costume and a pleasant evening promised The play has been given elsewhere with success and no doubt the Hall will be crowded to the doors Go early to get a good seat Watch out for programs DressMakers Dan ford Roche Co want more than they have and are offering wages bas gone to flew or will Nov Over a week ago several farmers reaid- it near here have signed what they and other Eastern and supposed were receipts for- money ad- away norm days them by a stranger who had the bargained with for the purchase bulls- The stranger Sfwr stated that he represented an and set Thursday of delivery day came to early weyf Rock -Jp- jean stock farm of 15 week- as tioa A Seautlfiil Mat A Dainty Shoe for Lady not difficult to secure- the hurt 11- knows bow to buy and seller on feUWf P knows how to sell Being both buy In t0 and sellers awl claiming Coun CouncTl tte Snty SI f In both lines we can tor issued a wr on TEST SSS P Winter Laced and Button i oiooaiy against of their cattle which the Rort well be Metropolitan Railway Company obliged to take J to compel them to put cushions s has evidently fled the stowing fine Shoes and Fag- seats mats on country and the farmers are satis- new cars on the line and a the more car going fied the papers they signed will turn up in form of promissory notes- trailer on the I the amounts of- which they cannot es- Dr- an interview will prove this week expressed the opinion that clergymen wearing gowns in the Methodist Church will create friction and destroy uniformity which to say the least is undesirable In the Police Court on Tuesday James was committed for trial on a charge of attempted crim inal assault on Mrs Amanda David son an lady fiftyseven years of age Mis Davidson swore that assaulted her as she was on her way home from prayer meeting Richard of Portland street while playing- at Brant street school Monday had his leg broken lie was taken to the Hospital for Sick Children Six quart boxes of strawberries grown by a at were received by a Toronto Commis sion firm Monday The fruit was as large and fine as that delivered dur ing the summer season Twentytwo cases of typhoid have been reported in Toronto so far this month much in excess of any No vember for six years medical health officer says the water is pure and thinks be has trace of fourteen of cases to one milk dealer A Home Rule Meeting will be held in this city on Monday evening next when Hon Edward Blake and another member of the Irish Parliament will deliver addresses Mr John was to have been one delegation but has been taken ill at This plan of swindling was recent- practised upon farmers near St- Marys and notes to the extent of were secured These notes are at present held in this town In this instance turkeys were bargained for The farmers concerned are all known as breeders of cattle and the swindler had his plans well laid He was driven out into the country by a local man who witness- a couple of the- transactions and who says he also was done up for a small amount The stranger was here only for one day and remained over night at- the House Since visiting the farmers to the north nothing can be learned of his movements but he is believed to be a member of the gang that victimiz ed the St Marys farmers He is said to be about fifty years of age The annual S Christmas Tree will be held on Dec Some of our enterprising farmers attended the Beet Sugar Excursion to Berlin and were greatly pleased with what they saw fa Miss of is visiting her cousin Catherine this Chicago and may not be well enough week to put in an appearance All the Officers for Doric Lodge No AM are Past Masters and some Past Grand Lodge officers a very unique event A monument commemorating the heroes of who gave their lives for the defence of their country was church Sunday evening unveiled in Portland Square in this I A pie social is to be held at city on Saturday last by Premier home of Mrs Jesse Cook on Ross in the presence of a large this week Mrs Wm Clark presented Will with a fine baby boy on Thursday last J J was summoned to Uti- ca last week to see his mother who was very sick Mr Marshall of Victoria College will occupy the pulpit in the the Wed- DO NOT SHRINK From investigating in Suits or Overcoats we had the shrinking done Hong ago and iaout Clothing you need not feat little rain now and then it will shape The only thing j that shrinks here is tbe price heres a sample Overcoats Reg for Mens Grey Tweed Suits Reg for 5425 Mens Grey Blue or Black Clay Worsted Suits Reg for Youre Hissing Opportunities I the mines Mr of veterans of later years and an Rev Mr Barker of Uxbridge will Mr got from Ar nt Methodist church Tues- and California on Tuesday l morning having enjoyed the trip very much There The of swearing in Mr day Merit December 2nd Every Justice as Chief Justice arid voter in tbe division should come out a a mc J J Maclaceo to be land hear him party and they rode all the way from lhe Appeal took The scholars are in great glee place at the Parliament buildings on over the annual party in connection Wednesday the Methodist Sunday School Harvey a had his left leg crushed at Maple en Toronto to California and return a private car fitted up with all the comforts of home The party left Toronto on Nov and after four days travel landed at Monday He misled his I tooting jumping greeted by the general manager for H w switcb exist for our jThcy ire Natures Over worked Ire all for help 1 Properly id justed make specialty of tttfaftc- Hon GRADUATE OPTICIAN JUST A Car of Soft Coal Try it for Fur and J Main Douglas Lacy Co and treated with generous hospitality They driven to various mints during the next three days making a criti cal examination and there was but one opinion of profound satisfaction expressed by every member the party at tbe of and machinery of the Douglas Lacy Co Tbe night before leaving for California the Canadians were entertained at a complimentary banquet Flat Or Aeer Writing to the authorities Mr a wellknown Boy of the use of electric meters I am you would t least twentyfive per cent in lhe capacity your dynamo if everybody were on meter The chances arc some users would pay less by meter than by flat rates but the increase in dynamo capacity should more than mate up for any loss in that di rection Lindsay the whole system of or lights he fcays is on meter and is running very Mr Rectors letter was written in reply to enquiry of the Beeton World The Town of will vote on a bylaw on municipal election day to borrow lor the purchase of and transformers and also to borrow to up the plant acount the fcyatem having more thai originally voted upon TbU is exactly what Newmarket Council fthoutd do Keep the Account entirely separate from Other municipal matters It there is overpaid the Capital Account bor row the money on a loan and Square it the coat of naeters to put everybody the Me ter aytem do away with all and minimum rates and let pay pec If at the end of a year the rat dot hot pay be if let it be lowered plant was not put In to make money but for the public good A move like would with general ap proval At preheat there much aa rome people pay ing by meter think they paying for the fiat fell under the wheels of car on December SI and Their teachers have commenced practising them for their recitations drills singing c The lecture given in the Methodist Church night by A J Brace Reform Association holds on his the South Afri- annual meeting next at can war was most instructive Unionvillb Judge on Monday last Kra to absent friends an an arbitrator heard the case of Belleville merchants were Armstrong of Lloyd and bogus check man the Aurora Hallway Co of some on the This fine was to have its at Lloydtown according to an agree ment with Capt Armstrong id he now claims damages because it slops at and left Lloydtown out in the cold The case was ad journed for report of the Canada Bible Society has Just sent to the British and Foreign Bible Society as a gift to wipe out a debt amounting to On Sunday morning last an over coat stolen the caretaker of the Victoria Presbyterian Church at the Junction during the religious services Thirty clergymen of the riding of Went Toronto have issued a mani festo urging the electors to vote for prohibition fire In on Wednesday at the residence occupied by by exposed elec tric wire to build ing and contents A lot of rained polo will be on this Friday afternoon at Grands corner of and Nel son Streets Dr Is trying to make heroes of criminals He wants more money A person named Thorn Who or to returns for tickets sold for an last summer was sent down for days considerable quantity of peat fuel now being used in the city Although not equal to anthracite It makes a good fire and is cheaper The first snowstorm of the year has arrived with a fall of Inches Sir William Macdonald ol Mont real baa given an additional towards the Institute at the Ontario AjcrlcuHural College Boston Nov At tbe annual meeting of the State Board ol Trade today reciprocity with Canada were passed Two were killed and wounded during riots at Havana The King Italy has given to various hospitals to signalize the birth of a daughter It now turiiH out that at least nine Belleville merchants were swin dled on Saturday night last British trade returns show exports to the colonies and to the United States Seaforth tarried the bylaw to lend Mr John of Toronto to- operate the woollen mills A collision of two freight trains on the near Myrtle injured an engineer and fireman and destroyed half cars Hon Clifford Minister of the Interior has wired that he will be able to attend the big St An drews banquet in London Out on Monday night He and the Hon Foster will be the principal speakers MacKcntfe president of the Toronto Railway and Fred Nichols president the Canadian General Co are at the head a syndicate applying to the Niagara Falls Park Commissioners leave to set up a power plant at the Fat According to Agricultural statis tics Issued by the Bureau of Indus tries yesterday farm property in On tario has passed the Ml liondollar mark for the time In history making a grand total value of for Ontario farm lands buildings Implements and for the year 1001 Our oldest readers can remember the time when there wasgreat op position to the construction of rail ways on the part of the farmers bo- cause feared that there would he no market for their horses and a considerable part of their occupation would be gone There are now miles of railway In the country but the survives Is In greater demand than ever and fetches better 19 pairs Womens Fine Button and Lace Boots Regular at to Very Cheap at We make a Specialty of Girls and Boys School Boots pairs Womens Dong Button and Lace Boots Regular price is Special pairs Womens Lace Dong Boots Regular while they last 150 125 Womens Grain Working Boots Regular 5150- for Enhances the charms of a beautiful face softens the lines of a plain one Our aim is to make you a hat that will bring out the best effects matching colors to complexion shape to face arid figure outlines Our success is recognized and wed like to try our hand on some milliner for you For saving money and getting wellmade high grade Shoes if you fail to take advantage of our this week Every pair of Shoes in our Stock will bear Inspec tionevery pair is worth buying Splendid lines this week at and Dont fail to see our Stock Un derwear We will give you bargains in Underwear Our Stock of Xmas Ties Mufflers Silk Handkerchiefs Gloves and Slippers have arrived Do you want first choice Cor Main Timothy A- HAS BONE FOR What General About Wo many oft which and two were In Portland we have not In tlio state nor has there been lor many At the- same time a quan tity India rum- was It to by the of them year not even la Imported nor lias thero been for many years Before prohibition were everywhere In the alo and retail no so small retired the found It and n there Now in more than throefourth of threefourtha our the la un known An entire generation has grown up never having Been a or one quantity of liquor now sold tlio not onetwentieth bo it waabcforo prohibition In Portland largest quan bold not as It wan the city being lariT than It at the time Urn people used to In strong drink entire valuation tho in every period of twenty the nation lH now doing in evfiry period of now will far more- than for nit Into In violation or law saves annually dir ectly and more than twen ty million but for pro hibition bo pont loat and drink now of the moat In union but the adoption of prohibition it watf undoubtedly poorest whole of the has changed for tho better taw were Indi cations every where of dlwlpatlon and decay to shabby chur ches shabby shay dwellings and fihabby liar an Now Is nothing of all that but are Been con- proofs of Industry aotlvlty enterprise and thrift no dilapidated nor an where public or private but every where unmLatakable proofs of ant In- and thrifty in an experience of the benefits of prohibition for thirty- three was In the by a popular vote the maory being affirmative vote three times than the negative be no more convincing proof than this prohibition- In has not a failure the and brewer declare It to be 4 on the contrary a great tweets Packet -oo- SPECIALS FOR WEEK Quaker Oats per Package New Dates lb bars Laundry Soap Baking Soda per lb Washing Soda per lb Royal Yeast Raspberry and Strawberry Jam per pail New Figs lbs Fruit Biscuits per lb 10 Ginger Snaps lbs 25 lbs Rice 6 lbs Tapioca 25 Nice Seedless Oranges New Raisins per lb New Currants lbs New Apricots lbs bag Family Flour Cakes Toilet Soap Lemons per dozen Bushel Baskets 20c or for Bushel Root Baskets or for 35 New Herrings per dozen i New Red Herrings box White Brans per lb 4 Mixed Peels per Spanish Onions pounds for Apples by the barrel Quinces per basket Pears per basket HOLLER The Grocer Grocery orders for and delivered promptly I Dont Have to Sell a Cheap eparator Im just lucky enough to have the for the Beat Cream ever built you know that TUBULAR Did over one of themt Well time you lid You cant afford wale longer JPEGQ Sharon FARM SALE House for Sale of Huron Street and Under and virtue of the power Ave J Newmarket House for contained la a certain there will be for on Saturday day of Dec at 11 oclock in the Forenoon at Royal Hotel faarkob the following farm The East quarter of lot No 33 In A Brick with the third Concession of Township Garden la good of containing and oUcc more or leas further particulars apply after For further apply to Lloyd Vendors So licitor Ho em to MRS OLIVER Queew St

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