Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Nov 1902, p. 5

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iV Total r A General Banking TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits It BEST 4v A DRAFTS iI8lJEE 1 3 j THUS IS A to CO Simpson jjjliu fiundncaina prank I Bolton practical J SHITE DOUGLAS Q9 8 12 percent A ud Sanitary Toronto 24 fell of MARRIAGE LICENSES it the Era ode r If Doing yearly statement of the Bank just issued shows in of finances loans and discounts from May bare gone rapidly up from about to about three millions da Oct i the capital Is now and Sovereign Bank notes in circulation and deposits Assets immediately available 52477- to bank wbich commenced business only on Mar 1st of It The between fSr gmiih of Kins Township and the Aurora feelore Mr James A Proctor for hearing has been con cluded The dispote concerned one and three acres ap propriated by the new line The directs the railway to pay for the property and for damages resulting from the railway passing through Sir Smiths farm -00- with of arbitration Before the proceedings were taken the company for A number of property owners along the are prsntibg similar claims before Judge Morgan Thousands Kept inMttWlai Die Owing to False Treatment- J OF LICENCES IK Monuments and Head Stones Flour and FAMILY cor Vet til Christ mas There are many things already to seen on counters which ought tO the interested attention of the average buyer There are those who are- planning to make this the best Christmas they ever spent- They want it to be as good a Christmas as possible and be able to spend more money this year than usual they have more suggestions along the line of economical buying of really good things The man who has good things in stock at this time will do well to spread the mes sage before the general buyer There are some who will buy in to the early invitation and there are others who merely see advertise ment and read its claims for goods aa4 prices nd realize that their wants at Christmas can be better filled at that place than elsewhere The chances are that when the time comes to buy the memory of the early announcement will have weight in determining the things to be pur chased the plans for purchasing On Tuesday Nov Patrick Church was the scene of a quiet and pretty wedding when Miss Ella Deacon was united holy bonds of matrimony to Mr Frank Doyle of Toronto formerly of Miss Mary Deacon sis ter of acted as bridesmaid and Mr- of the City as best man The was attired in a very costume of navy blue trimm with white silk and wore a blouse of white titieta silk and beaver grey velvet and ostrich plume- The bridesmaid wore brown ladies cloth tdra- Jjaods of brown velvet and pale blue tafleta silk blouse and brown beaver hat with black ostrich plumes was the recipient arid of a sumptuous Wedding at the residence of tbe brides parents Mr and Showers of rite and wishes- of their friends an to MfaW eastern cities To and Thousands of women are kept in sickness for months and years owing to false treatment and the use of worthless medicines and we are in clined to believe that thought of this class of almost dying women when he said The angelic guards ascended mute and sad The comrbon sense treatment of to day for weak and women is Fames Celery Compound This marvellous medicine is spoken of in every part of the civilized and men and women of all classes find new life from its use A glorious example of powers of the great Compound comes from Winnipeg Man Harbour writes as follows A month ago I was vpry happened to see one of your publica tions in which I read of cured concluded to try Fames Celery Compound myself and I now thank God for the wonders it ac complished for me I was suffering from heart disease kidney trouble and general weakness and some days was not able to stand without ex periencing great pain- Since I used the Compound I am able to get about the house and work and can now eat anything put before me Fails To Banish Disease And ReEstablish Lasting Health TOM Sonoy Iissoh very legal fraternity of Toronto that the BRED Ontario Bar lias sustained a tiW and tire Judiciary a distinct gain Golden Text better to trust by the elevation of Mr J J Mac- in the Lord than to put conft- to the Bench J denes in man INTKODUCTION It was officially in don last week that the Grand To effectively the Trunk Railway Company and allies story Gideon must be told will build a new transcontmeotal line lessons are inseparable from North Bay to the Pacific coast Gideon was a in O0p Athens Nov 19 The unexciting announcement that Jbraham Khan had been appointed Persian ambassador to the Hellenic Court is more interesting than at first ap pears Since Darius in the year BC sent heralds to Athens to demand earth and water as symbols of submission no Persian ambassa dor has been sent to Athens Now diplomatic relations are about to be resumed after a lapse of 1393 years The event will be celebrated with imposing ceremony The ambassador will shortly arrive here to present credentials p Malt Breakfast Food The Most Delicious and of All Cereal Foods This will a competing railway from the West to the Eastern Prov inces of Dominion and break the monopoly The new Roman Catholic Apostolic Delegate to Canada is a native of Italy He was born in is therefor- in the prime of life and is regarded as one of the most learned of living masters of cannon law At one time he was an attache of the Legation at Washington and later on became the Bishop of Havana The Montreal Herald suggestively observes Now that the Post Of fice Department shows a surplus some of the Conservatives are get ting- so mad that refuse to buy stamps in future to help the good work along The Hamiltoo Spectator and Toronto Mail are both chewing the over Sir William locks satisfactory management A press telegram dated Hot Springs Nov says Sir and Lady Sir Henri Laurier MP are guests at the Homestead Hotel The Premier appeared in good health and spirits He walked sta tion to the hotel in noon walked a distance of miles with Sir William Sir Wil frid and Lady Laurier were given an informal reception yesterday by Mrs of New York who owns the largest vil la here Mrs French was assisted by her mother Mrs Walker We sec it stated in the papers that by a vote of J to the official hoard of the Dominion Methodist Church Ottawa has asked Dr Rose their pastor to wear a professors or teachers gown in Ihe pulpit The Ladies Aid Society of the church is supplying the gown When Mr Hose was pastor of the Newmarket Methodist church no one here ever supposed he would comply with such a proposition and the Ladies Aid have got little to do with the press ing home and foreign needs of the church so urgent to vote money and devote time for clerical gowns And now the Union fever has struck some of the school teachers They want to form a Teachers Associa tiona jiort of trades union of which Hon Mr Minister of Ed ucation recently stated that he had not given the matter much consider ation but these Associations had become unpopular in England from the fact that they sacrificed other subjects for the sake of making mon ey and thereby lost most of the ad vantages of meeting together If teachers in Canada should use the The science of our progressive age has evolved an ideal food combining giving properties of pure Malt and the of the choicest Association to increase their salaries Canadian wheats It the hod that is relished and used all the law can readily be amended to compel teachers who enter upon such classes of our Canadian people Malt service to continue in it and not not to make use of the opportunities profession to enable to qualify for other walks of life at the countrys expense Mom Are thin ever Studio Corner Main and pushed towards completion KNOWUEtf Grocery and Jua Ate 131 iU i jr coins The Bradford Witness of last week says It privilege to spend a couple of days in last week atten4ins a con vention of workers- While we were impressed with the thought that the building struck the hub of North York earnest the past season New buildings on every band were to be seen an evidence of thrift try part of the citizens of that place and wild brick Bank people at present neiufc and among the workmen engaged thereon we noticed Mr Arthur Saint of this village Another striking improve ment on Main Street the of Messrs v which has on city fctyle and brass railings in front Of the residences we were par ticularly- with the one In course of construction lor Mr editor of the Era It is far advanced to give one Iht idea completed It will be one the dehctain Newmarket brick of modern areVUtre has large and cellar of hop vrndah two tides and balcony above expect to tupt Ws new about July next We notcd that a front to the stating rink and gave that Newmarket was cer tainty goln Breakfast food has become an most universal favorite- The puts it within reach of every It as as ordinary and gives happier results In and strength building Being par tially Malt Breakfast Food does not tax digestion like oat meal and other common grain foods It contains all the true of nutrition and is adapted for the sup port of life from day to day it builds up flesh bone and muscle it activity and clearness to the brain Ask your Grocer for it From all parts of England come tales of distress from At a threshing near some of the farm hands crowded the on to a man named Doyle Who was feeding at the machine Doyle struck one of the Bell boys with bis fist and the Bells struck Doyle with a pitchfork Bells fa ther has lid a charge of assault with Strong of Do wear rubbers If buv rubbery vUh a stood the t Half a cefntuary Fit and Vtylf fofitheipelves m A ponder magazine In the citadel blew up Kgp- I us the ftalace of 192 to redoes paying new were killed TGcorgetowri in the island of Vincent t present deserted may have to be abandoned altogether The depression In Berlin Is very pronounced Hundreds of applicants compete for vacant post TO CLUE A Iff Laxative Dromo Quinine All druggists refund the If li to cure Groves fa on each box On Saturday the election court at Hall Toronto dis missed six more petitions as fol lows North vs Lib crosspetit ion vs Cons vs Cons crosspetition vs Mb- vs Gallagher Cons vs Lib Hal Ion vs Barber vs Nixon Cons Hon J Lib Worth Waterloo vs Dr The last two are dismissed with costs to the respondent in the oth er cases each party pays his own coste argument in Middlesex where Dr Lib Is the Respondent will probably be arranged for Saturday Dec The business of frog fanning sounds like a joke says the Toron to but- raising for market on a business basis Is large proportions It Is said demand lor the dressed of frogs is extensive In the United states and also in the centres population in this Dominion Our on to say that farm in Ontario produced pounds of dressed and pounds of frogs for scientific purposes Marshy lands hitherto unoccupied may yet be utilized for raising frogs for mar ket Whats the matter vith the acres of marshy land Holland and Its tributaries True three or four hundred dollars worth frogs legs are captured yearly so it fa said but a system line of operating over this district ought to thousands instead of hundreds of dol lars to the operators The demand at Toronto Buffalo and New York exceeds the supply by all odds and lived with his father west th Jordan PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS I God fills bis vacancies- with surpris ing strangeness- Gideons previous faithfulness fitted him for this supreme hour Gideon was suffering the results of the folly of the people around biro though he may not himself have in dulged in it- ail so suffer in a world of sin Gods agencies are chosen by qual ity and not by quantity it Was because battle was His own that God made the victory cer tain and we may be assured that when we are allied with Him to fight in His cause defeat however great our enemy and scant our earthly resources Preparation of the head an interesting lesson Preparation of the heart makes an lesson Oil Proves a Chatham Nov The new flowing well in Ra leigh Township nine miles from here has proved to be the biggest in Can ada Shipping facilities are inade quate so that the well is only run about four hours every Yes terday it flowed barrels of crude oil in four hours and was then shut oft as the tanks were all filled Wa ter and gas are mixed with the oil so that he well must have belched forth barrels ol oil and water during the four hours Speculators are here from all over Canada and the United States The Standard Oil Company is represented by Mr private secretary More wells will be put down at once and the field explored The Canada Land Company owned the site of the oil field and sold it to individual farmers reserving the to oil and minerals The ma jority of the fanners did hot know that this rider was In their and there is every prospect of a law suit or even worse reeling is pretty much worked up amongst the owners of the Canada Land Company and threats are being made There is a strong flow of gas the oil so strong that it is discoloring the naint on the houses of the neighbor hood a Patriot op a During tlie months of War end ing June 1st the Boers and their climate their climate slew British people from all parts of the Empire During the same months Strong Drink slew over British peo ple in all parte of the The war deaths averaged 689 per month per annum The drink deaths averaged pet month per annum Every ten weeks the drink traffic slays more than were slain in months by Boer weapons and the climate Face lo lace with facts that show such fearful waste of human life How should men vote the Liquor Question Vote to save not to de stroy Vote Yes on Dec Six hundred who emi grated to the United States hoping to obtain immediate work have re turned disgusted cases of smallpox have been discovered at Rochester John was found dead in a stable at where he was em ployed with his hand grasping an electric tight wire Although medicine ri Vyi AM nam HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN- NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE ayyViavr K feci TO oooooooo At any time to have a cough or heavy cold but if you contract a cough at this season of the year it is very dangerous as it is liable to hang on throughout the entire winter and perhaps develop into some of the more serious Lung Troubles We have an excellent COUGH MIXTURE made from our own formula contains such valuable remedies as Wild Cherry Bark- Blood Root and Balsam of Tar It is nicely flavored with agreeable and quite pleasant to take ItJ will help to throw off a or a cold in a short time TRY A BOTTLE CENTS I St Pharmacy Next door to Post Office Phono Mo ass3s I DAY AT mm bug The the traded upon la cures Wany fiecaia- health As a all proprietary remedies with by people the good for reason our the principal H1HAH fi SOUS which will wft or ample guarantee of of every repre- adc coocapf If TABLETS Ironox Ltd VMtvrtllOnt In town TRY TiiH Ycuo3 to A Japan Tit to awl f a Try our English ft A Full Line of Ptryi Vinegar Malt ViU And Mo f bat Do not our con feet looery toanuactural hero fresh Delivered Promptly LYONS DAWSONS OLD

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