Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 28 Nov 1902, p. 3

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Weeks toe TUX OX Monday Bond before tie Beak for disorderly The costs feiaouiLV Next voting on the Thursday to will tot go to press till Friday toons lug so is to announce result the poll- Roily pastors lour different in have agreed to close their services earlier than next Sunday evening to permit a grand rally in the Christian Church at oclock to be addressed by Mr- Weeks of Toronto Elections -V- County Council nominations will be on Monday and municipal Monday pec th Polling day fur both Jan Up to Ibepieut tear very little stir in either he County or local municipal in York the- re ferendum vote on the next the electors may mate some along municipal lines ft Temperance question WjHSi and evening oaring on- tjiis important t Professional Concert A Grand of the Public Library in the Town Hall Newmarket on Friday evening Dec- The trstclass talent has been secured Donald the great Scotch Baritone Miss Pow ell soprano late the Harold Concert Co and Mr Geo Fax who is certainly the best comic entertainer An Canada is brother of Sir Fax -rarti- later books The Metropolitan people getting move this week and so far as completed Main Street looks better ever it did before New cros sings are in and pedestrians are also delighted The agreement with the Town Council respecting thVpbleVon Main St also executed The Co is to use the electric light poles on one side of the street and pay hall the Cost of construction This al to relieves the street about or more poles I the telephone and telegraph poles were all changed to the back streets then we have room for the very 1 body was flighted Wiethe sermons of of Toronto as well as We by Miss Rat- clip Dont the Referendum meeting In the Town Hall tonight Regular meeting of Town Council next Monday night Division Court in Newmarket to day Mrv has the con tract to paint three eel bridges in Newmarket TcoC Next IfedneWay Ladies Aid Quarterly Tea in connection the Methodist Church will be given at the residence J Cane and the ladieshope to see as large an attendance as on previous social evening is anticipated Tea served 580 to oclock yi FOR We want every to fill with hrjaineAof the wtndd to elected intlwTowii Council for 19Q3 The of willbe given in column 1st of Decern ben and will greatly assist in of men for next year my Council a number of years since our first snow of the season was postponed the of It stolrnei all day Wednes day and yesterday morning a depth of of snow laijl on tbe sidewalks Be it W the credit of Newmarket that the great major ity of pur people had the walks clear ed in front of their premises before oclock The boys and girls- en joyed jumping oh sleighs yesterday but it is to be hoped that the prac tice will not be continued for fear of accident For Mayor Councillor r Councillor tp I4 vv unci lUi 1 i I r ft 11AB r Councillor Mirtaff Councillor Councillor tUfini fily Vote County DIVISION T I f4f f 9W r 9 9 I Send in your Conpon early Who are the men for next Big -meeting- Be sure to attend the iiig the citizens Newmarket and in the Town Hall even ing Nov when eminent Toronto lawyer thoroughly explain the Liquor Act of which is to be voted on Dec As this the only weeknight meeting that- will be held in Newmarket during the pres ent campaign it is hoped that Rec tors who want information on the Act will make a point to be rresent Opposition Is Invited and an Oppor tunity will for- anybody to uk questions His Mayor will occupy the chair at a oclock There will be no collection or fee any kind and it is hoped that everybody good hear- who has anything to say for or the Act Very good market last Saturday Prices were as- follows Butter to Eggs to to Dressed Ducks to Dressed geese lb Dressed Turkeys to per lb Pork to per Lamb and by the Live Chickens to Live Ducks to Live Geese Live Turkeys to Pigeons pair Apples to per Potatoes 80c bag Onions peck Stove Wood inch Excursion to Berlin Upwards of the progressive and people- of North York accompanied by J have been York County Cornell Council met in the Old Court Monday Warden Gorman in the chair Communications were read among which was one from John Guardhouse saying Race bridge at tbe mills is in a- very dangeioys condition Tuesday Nov Council met this morning the War den in the chair After routine the question of in- to the County Solicitor to issue a writ to compel the Metropol itanCo to provide and equip four first class cars and to operate thy same as requested by the engineer came up for discussion in a clause in the report Com County Property The clause reads rWft have been endeavoring to secure for the people better accommodation on the Metropolitan Railway hut so far without much success We found four fine cars in the course con st ruction in the Toronto Railway shops which we were informed for the Metropolitan Railway but for some reason they have not been finished or put on the road We notified the company to put cushions on the seats of the old cars and put on an extra car at when the regular car is crowded We received a letter the manager agreeing to these demands and we understand a trailer was put on at pm one day when there was no crowd and therefore unnecessary no KESWICK SPECIALS Flannelette per yard v G rev Flannel per yard Mm Wrapperettes fast colpr yard Pure Wool White Blankets weight 6 extra targe size regular 3i5 pair 2 56 MensPure Wool Elastic Underwear that we guarantee at- prices as low as common goods a SO GOOD BAKING POWDER lbs Tapioca for v Malt Breakfast Food Canned Beets 5 Canned Kippereci Old Brown Windsor per cake Pure Sulphur per lb it keep the Best and Purest ih all lines of Groceries CORNER TOR Bon a In the Town A The Workers of the Church are to be congratu lated on grand success of their last night The wa church well Ue4i the Jim which prevailed in the school- loom everybody well served lite dressy and the re- freihrnenfti were choice dainty and fart waa presided over very it- by the popular fiev A MacOillivray The church choir with the of Miss a couple of choice ne Male from were very cordially encored Their vVfces the varied lections Wirt appreciated of repeatedly Bang here and a favorite hut she never sanjc and with natural eit and ax ttti entitled was and Oliver aloveiy duett a very by Rev i of Toronto was exceedingly His was Met Rut The list included too busy yurnblgfK Uf and people and a vein of wa carried It all The throuchout wtfl rlv Davis and the members of the York Co Council took in the Excursion to Berlin on Wednesday and felt repaid for their trouble The market Sugar Company not only pro vided for the comfort of arrange ments to reach the factory but gen erously presented ever hod hoard with a ticket good for the hotels In the Town The train was an hour and a hall late in arriving and we arc fcafe in saying the party did justice to the excellent provided An excursion anout same sbe arrived only a lew minutes before conse quently the were crowded Doth excursions were bent on the saine purpose the the new Sugar and was but one opinion about the enter it was a and whole late dis trict I A more extended report the factory will appear in issue A freight train ran oft the track near Maple and it was about hall past two when the excursionists reached f Ottawa Stuart ton the Toronto counterfeiter was this afternoon genterced to serve two St Virent de Paul Ta Judge A private letter Ottawa from Sir Wilfrid says that his has much improved from his at ay in Hot and he expects to return to Ottawa at the end of three weeks Nov Sam a tall athletic young buck In dian of about twenty yean of out his rifle In the Town ship near Moon River He was alone Suddenly five in a pack appeared on the and made straight for the young Indian They had winded Mm and were try ing to run him down waited till the was within hvsyud ft rifle aod into head squarely in the middle and a little teeyes The pack kept on and were within thirty feet of him when again the rifle a bullet through another head Then the re- three turned tail and brought En the heads and hides on Tuesday made affidavit before the police royjUsite to get the Gov ernment bounty allowed lor the do- of the two volvei The Toronto Suburban Railway Co notified the Council of their inten tion to extend the branch of their line It wilt cross the at Mills and Creek at Summer lie These streams within jurisdiction the county committee will con fer with the regarding the bridging of them The large hall at the entrance to the Old Court is to be made into offices for the County Clerk and Treasurer at a cost of Some of the councillors were in favor of holding their future meetings in the old Assize Court upstairs The ma jority of the Councillors objected to this saying they in no hurry to desert the historic chamber in which they now held their councils The condition Street between St and Daven port Road and Street be tween Avenue and St in for comment Re garding roads the Commission ers on County Property reported that the indictment agajnst the city Toronto re and Streets came before His Honor Judge and on application of the city was laid over until the March sessions the city claiming that they had no power to spend money on these streets except as a local improvement and it would be impossible to get the necessary sig nature but they promised to apply for legislation giving the City Coun cil power to make the nectosary and charge the expense is a general rate over the whole city Messrs and Seneca were appointed audi tors to examine county and school accounts Thursday afternoon they will go Out the function and inspect the Union Stock there at the in vitation of Andrew Sec retary of the company There was no session the Coun cil on Wednesday in order that as desired might take advantage of toe excursion from New market Berlin to inspect the gar On night the an nual banquet will be held at the Clyde Hotel which occasion a goldheaded cane will be presented to the retiring Warden Robert Norman of A fi 4 On Wednesday evening there was a prohibition meeting in the Hall addressed by Revs and Simpson and others An other Prohibition rally will be held here on next Wednesday evening when it is expected Rev Mr roll of Sutton West will address the meeting Rev J Simpson will preach a prohibition sermon in the Metho dist Church next Sunday morning ob GILFORD The curtain has fallen in the last act of tne Gilford charivari and the par ticipants will not be in a hurry to engage in another escapade of life character George came before Judge on Monday morning for trial on the charge of 11 wounding with intent County Attorney Cotter appeared for the prosecution and with the consent of the Judge withdrew the case in view of the evidence at the preliminary hearing showing that the shooting was largely accidental coupled with the fact that John Harper tbe wounded man is now on a fair way to recovery it is now understood remunerated Harper for the expense at which he has been placed on account of the shooting and has paid all costs as well NORTH The Con in this Township just north of the between and in bad condition and needs the attention of the ler before a hill for a mages is against the township by someone be ing seriously injured A number of sales have been taken place in this Mr Richard Pollock a few weeks ago had a sale on his farm which he has rented to Mr and is going to Keswick to live Mr Joseph fault had a sale re cently and intends leaving these par Is soon understand There is to he a sale today Wed nesday farm implements etc be longing to the late Joseph November has been an unusually op en month in this part of Ontario There was not a day hut farmers could do fall ploughing till last Tues day which was the first day ground remained frozen all day this fall QOO I Months for The of the Toronto World Makes our Readers a Special J Maclean is desirous of increasing the circulation of the To ronto World to the end of the year The World considered the brightest newspaper in Canada It Is published every weekday morn ing at oclock Its market reports are the moat accurate particularly those in which the farmers and mer chants arc interested Any reader of this paper why men tions this offer and who sends be fore liiecrid of the year will receive a receipt up in April I The price The World is S3 for one year Ik tbe only morning paper publish in Canada A sample copy of the World may lie seen at this office Orders with the should he sent by registered mall or hy postal note to World News paper Jo Toronto eo Montreal Nov contract for the extension of Great Nor thern Railway from to Montreal about miles ban been awarded to J- Vancouver Nov 1 Never the Baying make fcUangc bedfellows been more aptly illustrated than in the latest whirl of the that brings In to minis terial partnership avCPfeinlcr and At torneyGeneral respectively Mr HERBERT A WILLETT Late Manager Toronto Chemist and ASSOCIATED WITH IN THEIR NEW RUG A Hours am until pm Prescriptions Carefully Prepared DANFORD ROCHE CO Mr of Fort Stan ley was accidentally In the thigh by a hunting companion and his re covery regarded as doubtful Frederick Alfred Krupp bead the famous gunmaking estab lishment and wealthiest man in Ger many is dead Brandon Man Nov Arthur of the powerful and enormously wealthy Puke of Portland and an honor man at Ox ford has cast adrift from his family and married VarmhoO a beauty whom he first saw at the plow in the grain fields He has surrendered his claim to a vast for tune and henceforth will be one of her people He has adopted the costume Children Cry for CAS I A markets Nov Flour barrel- Wheat pet bush Wheat per per hush Buckwheat Barley per per bush Peas per per hush Butter roll per Eggs Wool per ton ariooa tn Ih 0 Bran per ton Shorts per- toni Potatoes per bag Chickens per pair Due per pair per lb Tar key a per a a a a a SO a a a a a a a a a a 3 a FARMERS SHOULD U olonial Stock Food Three Feeds for Cent i Price per Package Cents Do you a Hot Water Bottle Fountain or Household Syringe or an Atomizer We can give you Extra Value at tho Lowest Price HOT WATER BOTTLES ALL SIZES HOT WATER BOTTLES GUARANTEED HOT WATER BOTTLES FLANNEL COVERED SPECIAL OIL ATOMIZERS GOO 000 A few of our Prices on Patents Reg Out Price Pills Three for Blands Pills per 15 Chases Syrup of Linseed and 15 Chasers Pills 25 Hair Vigor 00 Burdock Blood Bitters I 00 A A BRADLEY GO DRUGGISTS TH I- 45 a a a Oft OF CANADA Totfofctq Toronto Nov Wheat per bush 0i a Red Wheat per bush a per bush a Goose Wheat a 6 per Eggs per a 0 Butler roll per 0 a Potatoes per bag a Hay per ton a Wool do 18 Dressed per 25 Bet tore a bind a Chickens per pair per a 0 08 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL J M HEAD OFFICE j I MOUNT NEWMARKET Toronto AmberniUrrit Per Us HLLOYD BBAKOH SUTTOJV J STARK Manager ALBERT BRANCH Subscribe for the Era best Local Paper in the County

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