Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Nov 1902, p. 7

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I watt wr i Just opening a special la Decorated Vow Very pretty coloring regular price WO oar price and a limited number Dinner Toilet Sets To still further reduce our Dinner and Toilet ikU will give my close for the balance of Oc tober Boot Shoe Bargains Oar stock is moving out nicely but in order to close them out we have to sort up and now we hare quite lot coming on tor Fall will cleared out at prices You will save money by visiting us A Special Snap in Empress sole extension edge for pet -v- Use November Session of the York County- Council next Toronto- If wilt probably adjourn on Friday Next week we will insert- again the ballot for Town- for 1903 Toe of the ballot will be pub- the following issue House Sold Mr James Gould was- in Town last Saturday arid sold bis house on Ontario Street to his brea ther Joseph for 5501 Cheap Trip to Next Wednesday Take it in r Missing An old man named who was admitted- to the Industrial Home on Saturday Nor and -formerly- a Aurora only- remained two he left the premises Search has been made in every direc tion but no trace of him can be found rf Wednesday The wallows property along Huron are beioK cut down firewood- firecien bad a meeting on and settled u their business for past week are as follows Bran Furniture Coal Slabs Lumber Apple Barrels 2 Brick and Oil 1 frt 5ff a- JivHi to RosedTaje committed suicide by snooting Monday last It is supposed teibeoame despondent by losses in the stock market Recently about half a have made good ieir escape from the Industrial for Girls Out side help is thought to hare been ex tended to them Tins week Judge Morgan certified to toe insanity said to Mount Albert The case of Alfred on Outwards Eggs Merchandise Live Stock House- account of illness was again Goods Pickles 1 Novels till next week- Apples Grain 5 Office- Furniture if Flour Mill Feed I Marsh Hay 1 and Vault Metal Work Dont Forget The Tea Meeting on Monday night Fall Mrs Geo Rose slipped on the wet sidewalk on St one day Friday and fell with force that she feared thigh bone was broken medical examina tion assured that no bones were broken and she was able tobe around a few days- Pell On Tuesday Richard Kirton had a narrow escape from be ing killed Aftetsupper she proceed ed to clear the table and that when getting supper ready had not closed the trap door to the cellar she stepped into bole and fell to the cellar floor Her head was cut and she was badly bruised in her body hut no bones were broken She was still confined to her bed yesterday and was sore finkU Broken Mrs met avert painful on Wednesday even ing of last week slipped while A wild took place on Av enue Road on Sunday Three per sons were Injured Elaborate arrangements bare been made for entertaining the delegates from the London Chamber of during their visit to this city A banquet will be tendered them this evening A new shipbuilding Co has just been incorporated in Toronto with a million dollars capital A human skeleton was unearthed on Saturday by some workmen who were excavating at Charles Street- The bones were under the roots of big tree Mr J Winterberg of Washing ton Ont has presented the Provin cial Museum with some valuable In dian relics found in Oxford County Mr Anderson of has also added to the collection which now contains nearly speci- last ethnological section on the sidewalk literature ml owing to the Pi through the mails J Hoch of this wet with the ram and in the rail r Progressive Will go on the Excursion to Berlin next Wednesday rft- h pay special to our cstomsrs is our first and then we sell as close as it possible and a profit Our spices are pure and The same applies to our OF GROCERIES New Codfish New Raisins New Currants The Leading Sellable A ffttephone it broke the small bone in one of her ankles She was conveyed borne when medical assistance was procur ed and is doing as well as can be ex pected Her sister Mrs Wilson of Toronto is visiting her for a few days Mr bad an unfortun ate on Sunday He had shown his generosity by picking up a lady to save bee from walking but three grown persons and a little girl were too much- for the buggy and in going over a crossing on Queen St near the high bridge the axle snap- clean In two had to borrow a buggy to get home ft Close Gall V Tliere came being a rail road accSdeirt here last Saturday near that several people held their breath The ten oclock passenger train was coming from the South and two farmers wererdriv- ing down Street with light wagons coming to market noise of the in Spe cial Works attracted their atten tion but no sound was heard of the In Mr ard was driving the front rig and be was upon the crossing before he pot iced the engine only a lew yards away The engine just missed his city was convicted and sent to jail for days West York Dominion election peti tion will be tried at Hall on the The investigations of Halloween pranks by the Commissioners show that the value of the property de stroyed by students amounted to They also report thatSegt Go and his squad of mounted police acted with unwonted severity Regular mooting last Monday even- lias recovered log recent illness but taking ami holiday out in the country about ors Smith till Monday tt4wv a I A young lad who resides on Avenue and Richardson- coI Following parsed- lision between a street car arid the re Wonderful Experience of a ffeH- KnownronCo Man Editor the Era Sir After nearly years in tense suffering during I was more dead than alive I am restored to health and strength No one knows how much suBered or the extent of my gratitude in its worst form which thing would drove me nearly mad and kept me almost bedridden for years I was persuaded to try Dr Clarkes Wonderful Little Red and after two I began mend and after the sixth I am able to go to work I have no pain or ache I want the world to know what these truly wonderful pills did for me Andrew G Walsh Shops Dr Clarkes wonderful Little Red Pills are a positive cure for la grippe rheumatism asthma paralysis ca tarrh eczema coughs backache in digestion all stomach and liver trou bles female complaints c The most stubborn cases will yield Price 50 cents per box For sale by all local druggists Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for Catarrh and Dr Clarkes Sure Cure for Ec zema same price will be paid for any case they will not perma nently cure Price WHITCHURCH COUNCIL at Hali i Members all present Minutes were read and adopted bills were presented A Gilbert grading and 5- Geo Emerson A serving notices and attending voters court Jacob repairing culvert con Muesolmao culvert con and culvert con 400 Hugh Walker cedar for yards gravel It gravel J Brooks filling crat Con and spikes I bridge plank SPECIALS FOR THIS Willi Quaker Oats per Package New Dates lb bars Laundry Soap V Baking Soda per lb J Washing Soda per lb Yeast Raspberry and Strawberry Jam per pail New Figs 4 lbs 25 Fruit Biscuits per lb Ginger Snaps lbs 6 lbs Rice 6 lbs Tapioca I Sweet Seedless Oranges New Raisins per Nv Currants lbs New Apricots lbs bag Family Floyr Cakes Toilet Soap per dozen Bushel Baskets or for Bushel Root Baskets or for New Herrings per dozen New Red Herrings box 14 White Beans per lb Mixed Peels per lb Spanish Onions pounds for Apples by the barrel Quinces per basket Pears per basket I The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly United and light three policemen fined for their duty have intimated to the Commissioners that they will Peter An man lit pay the fines to Walter 0Hallarnork at Power reeling At the Missionary Meeting in Methodist on f EZi coal A Title duty on coal Tuesday night where Mr freight on too spoke was subscribed for Pay Sheet fire ami Indian and Domestic missions in the Pat BhoeUrfiro and John Spring cartage SO The original cast ihcnew St Lawrence Market was figured at bill of I M but It actually cost near referred to to- be found cor root council approved the Over deer carcases were to this city by rail from various TH OF CANADA hind and Mr who to compel the ttraa him aerrloe Tired Eyes fenutloiu exist for our ire Nature warnings Oik worked eye demand feat tire for hen glij- afford ttw I ol possible nuke a of bred eyes ind GRADUATE OPTICIAN was him closely managed to and turn his as the engine passed between the two rigs Me have previously called the at tention of the Railway Co to this crossing It Is the most dangerous worse than Huron and that is had All going north should bg instructed to whistle at Water Street or have an action darn- ages to settle some of these days If You Any About growing beets for profit take in the to Berlin next Wed nesday Police During the week several young men and overgrown toys have been sum moned before Jackson at the instance of Inspector Anderson for misconduct on All Halloween Fines and coats were imposed on or less implicated in the various misdeeds perpetrated or that evening ranging from to Others have been discharged with warnings The Magistrate has sought to impress those before that actual damage to property or doing calculated to peril life or better freight Mr atAed IX tax Amend ed Draft with tliq Metro- By re Polo been returned If any further been done the The Clerk replied In A rebate of wan on Carters token out by Geo six njonthjj of the year has expired w adjourned of theTowTJ of hunting districts freight service byhTR Christmas sale in aid The town of to of the the Precious Blood mi will be held this year In the Assembly Hitter of at a com menciLg on Monday the Inst appointed to the United States signor arrived In this on Tuesday He was met at the Union Station HJs Grace Arch bishop OConnor and other Roman Church dignitaries and es corted to St Michaels Cathedral He was- banqueted as the guest of the Canadian Union later in the evening Stewart the counterfeiter was sentenced to four years in the peni tentiary Burglars got away with about worth of from the store of Rich ard Simpson Co Yonge last Premier Ross will occupy the chair at a large temperance rally to be held In this city next Tuesday even ing The city official who was sent to Buffalo to buy hard coal for the citys fuel yards reports that he could not procure any UNION I JUST Soft Coil try It for Range J on By special request the Pastor the Christian- Church is giving bis of sermons on the Lords Prayer on Sunday afternoons Sub- next Sabbath The Coming On Tuesday evening at there will be a Prohibition Meeting In this church Rev J Simpson will speak on the Referendum The Pas tor will be present and there will be music appropriate for- the occa sion A welcome to all A press telegram from Vancouver limb are misdeeds out of the pale of B the death of pranks In a couple of caws which tor North have come to knowledge of the court during this inquiry wanton in- coasts Deceaseds Jury was done to the property of poor and helpless widows In other instances the occasion has been made of to vent private spleen upon per sona for whom dislike was entertain ed not fun Is more like mallet Some think the authority are rather too severe while others arc calling for a more happy med ium will fee to be the right thing A person who hears all about was A new election for North Ontario to fill the vacancy In the Commons will take place In due course Ottawa Nov 18 According to advices which have reached the Department of Agriculture of cheese and butter from Can ada this year promises to a record When the season closes the value of the products shipped to offence Is much better able abroad will total than those who only hear part Ten years the total wan of the story If the The four cold cur- cult In about Town have been a surtocss it will a thing for everybody a remedy to overcome Town can well to do with- jptwi settling on Ihe cheese has still our this old world to be The Anchor Line Warehouses at Glasgow were burned down and one man killed and several others injured Philippines on the Island of defeated a detachment of cowtahu- killing three and wounding A new Canadian Pacific Railway Compary8 steamer for service be tween Ylctoria and Vancouver- was launched on the Clyde Two British officers were killed the the- of whom were Fifteen hundred houses were and two hundred kill ed as the of a three days at Persia Nov Ift 1802 Small a widower here was dead in his bed yesterday He had been suffocated by coal gas He was worth about Children for CASTOR I A J dam age for one killed by dogs Samuel claimed for one sheep killed by The Treasurer was instructed to pay the bills presented and two- thirds the claims for sheep kilted The Reeve was era powered to re pair two culverts on side lino lots and 26 con was granted to aid J Councillor Leathers wan Instruct- to repair hill on- coo at lab 12 Jolin Gray appointed path- master in lieu of who is seriously III Frank was allowed con vey surplus water from artesian well along the con opposite lots and during the pleasure of the counoll instruoted to bridge on con at lot and brlcfce on at lot 2D also to repair washouts line be- lota 80 and cons 2 ami a Councillor Clark was instructed to have stumps removed from side line between lots and con The Reeve to in vestigate alleged of for to while crossing bridge on con at lot A instructing Clonk to hold the nomination of for municipal honor at appoint Ing tiie following Rose PA John Young jr at House Ba ker at House J field at house Pine May at Mays Vivian Martin at Hall A granting Geo J tUq of log a line between Aurora and provided a bond satisfactory to Reeve to the corporation against any dam ages that might by any person by said lino being erected Council adjourned to meet at Jones Hall on day of JOeoemnor AXJTHORJZED CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL 2000000 OFFICE TORONTO NEWMARKET Toronto BRANCHES MOUNT ALBERTUNIONVILLE Ottawa Per til Exeter LLOYD NEWMARKET BRANCH Montreal SUTTON Que St J STARK MX ALBERT BAN OH W GOCHENOU 1 The Mens Leading Out Fitter BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK Mens Fine WoolLined Mocha Gloves Regular Price and OUR PRICE THIS WEEK cents only Boys AllWoe Tweed Suits Long or Short at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK 386 Now that fuel Is to get you should buy a real Cost Robe and They will keep you warm and dry when you are out in the cold and wet and you dont mind It there Is no fire in the house when you come home Your wife and family can to bed and put the robe coat and on the bed and all soon be warmer than a coal fire could mike them None the real Gait goods for sale by A Mens NeatFIttlngt Good- Wearing AltWool Suits Reg Price OUR PRICE THIS WEEK 500 Mens Grey Overcoats made to sell at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK prs Mens Oil Grain Boots Oak Tanned Leather better than you usually see at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK 166 Dont fall to see this line doa Mens AllWool Underwear Good Value it OUR PRICE THIS WEEK cents f I Cor Main Sfs HOME STUDY applied to any our TEN Special Courses given MAIL will produce good results for ambitious young or woman wishes to prepare for s better position In life The Cost Is but nominal Our catalogue Marching to Success contains par ticulars Write for It Address SuflUuti TORONTO I H SHAW Principal A strong school with TWELVE regular teachers a splendid equipment and well patronized by students every Province the Dominion House for 8ale A Brick House with Lawn Garden all in good Puis and Fob further apply after to MRS MARY OLIVER fit A House for Sale Comer of Huron Street and Proa J CANE Newmarket Try an Ad In the Era It pays Six Fresh Cows Wanted at once WATSONS DAIRY 1 1 f

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