Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Nov 1902, p. 6

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h n thTue1ay In Block Jersey Cattle ss Six Choice Of item Alia balls for Bale STOKES Albert a xa j IvtfiPKylW ff fep Clothing forMpD Our stock or this season ha We have all Field and Garden Seeds in bulk and package which ye sell at close prices Powder will kill lice on cattle and ticks on sheep Forrests Drag Store ALBERT I fr- can save money by buying Furniture at the A T0CK THAN OF ad Sottas Extension and Parlor Tablea Chairs We are also for Pillow Holders the ctlebraloJ Bel Carpet Stretcher and Picture a delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity THEAKER WOOL Take WOOL to the Mont Aft Mills and get the highest Toronto price in Full stock or Cloths Flannels Blanket etc also a good ftjssortmtot of Suiting always on hand paid for wool tatei in ex- change tor goods- Geo Sons Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels PAINT THE MARKET Tuesday a very day for W Attendance larger- than Prices as follows to chickens 35 to ducks to geese to turkeys to 50c front Co- bind DELEGATES Mr and Mrs Cameron Mr Cameron Misses Florence Stokes and Florence Rosamond were delegates from the Sunday School to the Newmarket Contention last The Methodist Sunday School was represented by Misses May and Ada Walton and Messrs Haigh and J A Hopkins The offices of the Bank will be ready for occupation in about two weeks Dont fail to call and leave your order for a Christmas Globe Not much interest is being taken in coming plebiscite to be tak en on Dec are that alight vote will be polled in this locality Mr Henry and famil of Scott have taken their resi dence in this PERSONAL Mr- of Toronio in town on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Thomas Rowland spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Cedar Grove Mr of Toronto was in Town on Monday Jennings was in towuon Sunday Mr and Mrs Davidson were Visiting friends in on Mon day Mrs Jos Millard Miss Millard or are Visiting at the home of Mr Jas A Holt- Miss Nellie is visiting ai Mr Sisters r WEDDING BELLS A pretty wedding was celebratod at St Enochs ToronU on Thursday of last week when Mr Brodencfc formerly of Franklin was united in wedlock to Miss Florence of Mount Albert The groom was supported Mr of Miss Amy of the bride officiated as the bridesmaid Rev Mr pastor of St Enochs performed ceremony there being present only toe friends of the- bride and groom The bride was attired in a blue suit broadcloth with white trimmings and a white beaver trimmed with silk and carried a bouquet of white roses The bridesmaid wore a blue suit blue satin black hat and car ried a bouquet of pink roses The happy couple received a number of beautiful and costly presents the grooms gift to the bride being a handsome crescent pin set with pearls and opals The received a After the cere mony the wedded couple ac companied by their friends repaired to Webbs where a dainty dejeuner wa partaken of which they took the train tor where a days were at the homo BALDWiNBREEZES READY MIXED r Hew Beaver Brand Mount Albert i ALBERT bulk axid pot up In by owftalvea Paper AND Tanglefoot of Mr A of trie bride and Mrs returned IJount Albert on Monday and japeoding a few days with friends in this vicinity left or Friday tor Winnipeg where they will reside in The Era man extends hearty congratulations to the newly pair aid wisUs a prosperous journey through life 9 Ho many of our have their w help in and are holding the in JihHn for from the that to secure a fer for our MeeU it wm However trio Meeting wilt than fill id place It la Ho held the here on Mod- lay venin Nov have very fortunate teouria two of the ablest id North York He v ft McKerroll and J Arrao- ate Wing to have all of our 0i will it at jjint vtlcoro On Thursday evening cry Come up and help lis Willie Morton is here Went forth from Sutton telephone Accordingly about ten oclock a strong force mus tered and- marched to the relief On arrival there they found lady ensconced at All due preparations were made to- cm- blazon the fame of the honor roll of history The crowd gathered closer about the of the faithless pair and to persuade him to show up but he smelted a rat and the crowd could no satisfaction After giving vent to their displeasure by a horrid they dispersed Rumor says while the crowd was watching in front there was a lively back door retreat and that a livery next morn assisted to rejoin her fleeing It is safe to con jecture that in future they will give this section a wide berth as the in dignation committee have a surprise in store lor them Were I to to the wishes of many I would devote a large space to the record aforesaid individ ual but that would accomplish no good and only give him notoriety J A Miller has returned New Ontario He speeds gloomily of the possibilities of this region James has recovered bis flock of lambs He took them and no objections made James Crittenden contributed a liberal supply to the venison steak from a lb buck for our Sunday dinner It was A Our hunters ate all good shots most of them got their lawful com plement ever to Cliff who se cured one and then returned home Word reached here last week that Frank Was badly hurt by a falling near Miss Morton of Morton Little Britain was visiting her grandma here last week Much to the satisfaction of the ma- of the section Mr Amos Kay has been reengaged for The people in Gum Swamp regret the of Miss who has given almost universal sat isfaction Her health is not robust enough tor such A Mail and agent cassing this section last week Too many Grits here to expect 5ome told him his paper was There is still a tug war between Grits and here Last week I recorded a young Tory ar rived at Johnnie Taylors This wilt never do Mrs Archie presented Arch with a rising young dishwasher Alas she can never be a voter John Jr Gum Swamp has leased his farm to Torn Mann and will shortly onto farm adjoining Scott Esq Mrs intends leaving her house here and moving in Albert Where at all possible it should be the aim of every parent to be pa tron of the Public Library and they should see to it that their children have good healthy literature hand Books of science tra vel biography natural history interest and store their winds with valuable information Very many including of sci ence urge plea that to intoxicat ing drink is due a large share of the crime of our land and they quote statistics to back up their contention To my mind the indiscriminate read ing of novels largely contributes the criminal records as it false impressions arid makes heroes We know the scribe and bis brother before him arid- also have pleasant memories of Kettleby T tea parties years ago Yes indeed those girls of those days were good lookers and good coolers We take it for grants that the present generation is dit to Good riddance to bad rubbish is a Laugh expression but largely in use here at present Public senti ment also says Mr So and So is a fool and public sentiment is correct Any man who casts aside the love of a true devoted wife for a low female is truly a fool A fool and his money are soon parted Farmers are rushing the mill these days Every hole corner is full and in a congested state Our mar- set is far from busted by Sut tons spasmodic exertions Monday brought out a big crowd Cold weather makes the bulls active Taylor and Johnnie of Gum Swamp visited his brother Peter at and returned home on Sat urday the time to renew and make the Era man happy The public pulse is beating in a very regular way and this section resents a clean bill health The Owl q u a- fc KESWICK a GO ARE YOU MAKING BUTTER FOR PROFIT Mr I Gilpin leaving this vicinity to take up abode and place of business in Methodist Church veraary was sacceas Rev Churchill of gave two very touching and instructive on Sunday His lecture Weed and Won on Monday simply grand It was fall of wit and humor pleasing and instructive to both old and At the close of the lecture an interesting took place being the reading of the following address Mr I Gilpin the mem bers and adherents of Keswick Meth odist Church appreciate your high moral and Christian worth and the pleasant exceedingly profitable spirit ual communion with you in days gone by desire on the eve of your de parture from amongst us to give ex pression to our regard and the high place you hold in our esteem by ask ing you to accept this Bible and Hymn Book as a souvenir of your Keswick church association and we pray that the God of all grace may ever remain with you and yours till time shall be no more Signed on behalf of the congrega tion Arthur Law Ira Morton We Mr Gilpin replied in a very able and appropriate manner lot of Suits the Be3t Value we have ever showni J HPBAM8QEN mm THRESHERS Lace Leather Belting Belt Punches Mitts Guage Glasses Rubber Asbestos and Spiral Packings Best Grades of Machine Oil Your success and profits from termaMog depend largely on the qual ity of coloring you use during the autumn and winter If you use Wells Richardson Gos Im proved Butter Color your butter will bring a higher price than il colored with am the Imitation colors now sold by some merchants for the sake large profits Poor colors produce a shade rancidity and a mot tled- appearance Any of these re sults condemn yout butter Welts Richardson Gos Improved Butter Color always the natur al June tint arid never fades from the butter Aek lor it and take no other MOUNT aps guest Mrs BETHEL Rev Roach preached on Temper- last Next Sunday he will preach on the same question again Bethel Choir deserves great credit for the way they sing Ret splendid without their organist Mian is under care hut seema to be improving Mr has moved Murrell visiting rela tions in Sharon Mr and Williams were of Miss Annie Sunday Bethel Sunday School is moving along the meeting rearranging the achool The Aid at the home of J was well attended notwithstanding the rain W A Esq barrister of Toronto gave an able and stirring ad dress on Prohibition in the church on Friday the The filled Mr chairman of this polling division presided Rev Washington gave a short spirited address Mrs of visited Mrs for a few days last week The Misses spent a days in Toronto last week Mr and Mrs Taylor of Sand ford spent a few days at the parsonage Mrs J Fit a day in To ronto last week The Misses and Miss Nellie viiied friends in Albert this week Mr and Mrs John Brown visited Rev and Mrs I Bowles at Hut- to last week The members of the Prohibition Committee are pushing campaign for all it is worth A large vote for the Act of will bo given in polling division Mr Frank Doyle and To ronto hi Mrs John o thieves and murderers Dont read novels hut if you feel must and will select those that give a good style pure English composi tion such as Elliotts the Waver ley Kcrles or Augusta Evans Vilsons works Thanks to the intimation given the scribe I enjoyed a brief vizAw1tfa ray former neighbors Mr and Mrs Robert dur ing their visit at das Carry a full Irae Cute pergonal attention Jl LLOYD Chernlat and A Public Meeting held in here on evening iri will be by Rev J and Kid r of Chair to Hew Store Baldwin J We better ttiun yw with all kinds Builders- Hardwate for the coming reason Eavetroughing Aim Tin Repairing promptly to at lowest rates Be and see our Furniture be fore buying elsewhere HALT BY Telephone ROACHS POINT One of the oldest ami most respect ed resident of this place Mr Levi Miller passed away on Friday morn ing Ho had ill for days but on Thursday he rallied a little and Urn doctor and Ilia friends had every hope of his recovery However a change in- thut and Friday morning he entered into rest funeral service held at conducted by ikio of Sutton The re mains were interred at Briar Hill Cemetery The were Messrs Hamilton Mann Marsh and- The was largely attended Mrs Mil ler and her daughter have the thy of the entire neighborhood A handsome Fount was presented to the church by Mrs Oiler of Toronto Boyd had lifir baby baptis ed on Sunday when our rector an excellent discourse on Infant Bap tistn The friends of Mr and Mr A Hamilton took a surprise party to their house evening last week when a jolly time was spent by the young people dancing till the of the morning Mrs Mitchell her daugh ter Mrs Frank Williamson Mr and Sherman spent a few days in city this week Building is the order of day one of our merchants putting a new front In Ida store which adds greatly to appearance A certain young man was Beet rooming on the tot Of a neighboring one night not long ago I wonder what doing SUTTON Children for H Silver shipped a of apples to North Bay last week Mr Morton put up at the Royal Hotel day last week and a number of the boys and young men turned out and gave him a charivari Last Friday at Roachs Point there passed away one of its esteem ed citizens In the person of Mr Levi and highly respected Ilia were brought to Briar Hill for interment We have men here both young and old no more regard for Sunday than to spend it fluking and hunting Burglars picked the and en tered several of our business places Friday night viz the post of fice both drug stores and Mr Wilis Store Mr Yeoman a lob UK Not much obtained at the other Mr Vernon McKay has engaged with Mr Daley to drive tage and the mail The Rev A Rutherford visited the city last week Messrs Thomas and Allan of Toronto v tailed friends here last week Mrs John McDonald Is quite Mrs A has been 111 hut is now much better Rev will deliver an f dross thla Friday evening on the Liquor Act to be voted upon on tho of next month in the Gum Swamp School House Those who have any thought of opposing the Act are slally Invited to attend The op ponents of prohibition say that the lay If enacted could not he enforc ed Who are going to or vio late the law hut themselves This the estimate they put upon them selves as lawabiding citizens They confess that they will not submit to the will of majority and hence ho classed with anarchists point men ought to consider is aim and object Intrinsically good then by votes and Influence strive to make It Mrs- Poster of is the at present of her daughter Dr Mr Israel Dent Wood Ranger has returned from the North Country Several transformations were made In the last weeks items The name of Mrs was changed te read Mr Mrs name was changed to Miss and some items were omitted altogether council Sharon Nov Meeting of East day All members of read and On motion tho following appoint ments wore and InetrucUona given and a to Investigate In Con Councillor re- bridge over Holland tttiver Con Smith to investigate and re labor of Nelson on during past winter The Cleric to notify Councils of Whitchurch and North ro amounts on ttio Town said and and the proportions by each A communication was the Crown Department that instruction been leaueti for veeM to made as retiuested to mark or side lines he tweon and con 5 lots con also from Provincial Kood giving a reply the council securing ten dance to tiro In township on general rood Im provement will bo made In duo tlmq as to dates and places of- meeting The following pay moots wore or dered to bo made Nelson re liar man gravel A- Dunn con lot J Wood cock lumber Albert J ram mar work and walks In A Marios work cos lots 2 and 1050 Kelly valuation of refund HTI 1088 Scott repairs con lot J of on road Johnston re lot con re rail Council adjourned to Dee am hi After Work or Exercise ASK FOR I Have Them Vie Ladies and Gents FUR Many Different Kinds TO CHOOSE FROM the be hail by looking on Stock Do not bay before joa seea our Stock I V I The TilMr The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY tort- ttiii lire of fcoi watery witch preparation to fc the m which cully end conUld wood deadly i Available of CANADA or Eboi worth J Kn Kio Sir ton Sir Accepted Repairing and General Prices KEY TO LOAN and Companies Ivwcat Public Conveyancer o Mount Albert if Two Sheep also Brooding or on pharos J 1 P Eslerchant tor all etc and Farj- Binder Twine always on MOUNT ALBERT

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