ant orncfl a w BRANCH A General Banking Interest Allowed on Deposits CCKKIST DRAFTS- ISSUE AT Draft Kirs Simpson Main St Bund Good prank AUCTIONEER Collected Street JXUGLAS CO Stock is per cent And Toronto Flits Estimates for of CARRIAGE to OK ABOUT Splendid Program At the Monday Sunday pastor will com- piste bis series of sermons on Elijah which have exceedingly inter esting as evidenced by the growing congregations Tie morning subject will be NabotVs Vineyard or Sin and its Consequences sub ject Elijahs Translation Toe Inspector has made matters rather lively for a lot of young fel lows who were busy destroying on Halloween They fancied they were so smart that the could not round them up Young man you see those minions of the law looking very demure as tbey pass along the street dont fancy they are asleep They are just tak ing in tbe situation of the lawbreai and way are quietly dropping in to settle show are beginning to realize the fact Bonn 1 J IflternHoaai- WORLDS TEMPERANCE LESSON Golden Text They also have erfed through wine j One mail aMtbe sharp moves as was evidenced of in we heard of One of the parties fell Newmarket last week was tbe best short of ready cash put up from the Teachers his bank book and game went has been held for years The day merrily on The next morning by were well attended but there some means other parties having a was not the enthusiasm at tbe even- The of the interest in that hook gar- cessions that formerly character- the bad led to the Bank to kick feed such gatherings- in this Town support of the vilest of all over the roar is a very The great Denver Convention was idolatries Riches had form expressing his chagrin reported by Rev Robinson of riches had comeJuxury City in an admirable manner TPte introduction was descriptive of of the rights of the poor a down- the approach tho ware course which often has been re- address last Sunday by Mr Rockies wonderful growth Plated in history increase corn- McCarthy Grand Worthy Patriarch the city ami the richness of its min- opportunities increase the Sons of Temperance was the era wealth turned to the Weaiih increase of luxury decrease best yet since the opening of the Convention touching upon the decor- of trust God decrease of human campaign The speaker and singing under Prof Ex- sympathy selfindulgence and in- dealt with the objection to personal cell as preliminaries The Temper- creasing use of intoxicants national rights conditions of the Liquor question was set at rest by the Act of and its constitutionality statement that one lesson in every ita advantage over Scott Act quarter would be continued on that that Prohibition does prohibit and theme and a Beginners Course will Progressive Pormer Will go on the Excursion to Berlin next Wednesday MessMeeting A public meeting be held in the Newmarket on Fri day everting when tbe Li quor Act of will be thoroughly explained by Hon an eloquent- Toronto Lawyer As this is to be the only weeknight meeting in- Newmarket for the- discussion of most important question before the public at the present day it is hoped that the hall will be packed Opposition is invited and an will be given for anybody to ask questions concerning the Referendum of Dec His Worship Mayor Cane tote the chair at oclock that in the interests morality and domestic happiness the people of On tario should vote the Act into force on the December If people of Newmarket really knew what they are missing from standpoint there would be much larger audiences at these Sunday afternoon meetings Next Sunday Mr Simpson ex- President of the Young Peoples League Toronto Will be the speaker and address will be given in the Church commencing at Dont Miss the Excursion To Berlin next Wednesday Good music will be provided collection or admission charge No or- Paper lit ft J p MARRIAGE LICENSES BOTTOM ONT NEWMARKET MARBLE WORKS Monuments tar To COOK BROS FloMindiWd cot Huron i PHOTOS Lbi Ute new Corner Main nd is The business man who gives bis home printing office goby and gets stationery from a travelling fa kir ought not to expect the home to boom his business your borne office right and the paper will help your business otherwise otherwise The same rule applies to citizens who send to Toronto and outside points for their goods Build up your own town and guard interests by buying from your own merchants They are here to do business and must stand by their goods or sail out of town city business men whar do they care want your money and get goods and shoddy at that nine times out of -ten- Be loyal to your town a if You Doubt About growing beets for profit take in Excursion to Berlin Wed nesday Church not fail to hear Knox College Hals next Monday night Alone- will be worth the price Besides Miss Church Choir are to fake part Come to tea and enjoy Ibfi AiuAJc pi the evening with us services next Sabbath will be especially interesting Rev Robinson A of St Marks Toronto will conduct ser vices as the pastor is to preach the anniversary in that day Mr Robinson i a superior man having lectured for a year in Knox College Do not fail to hear Miss win is so well and favorably known here will sing at both services That the attendance will be large both Sunday and Monday evening we have no doubt Trip to Berlin Wednesday Take it In of Moulder Another of the pioneer settlers in so They Three strolling German Musicians hailing from Philadelphia struck town last week and put up at tbe Forsyth House- They gathered in what shekels could laying on the streets The next day they told Mr Jackson the proprietor of tbe hotel that they were to give some selections at the North end and then settle their bill That was the last of them On Thurs day in answer to telephone enquiries they were located at Borne Mr Jackson at once laid an information for fraud Constable Savage went up on the midnight tram and found them in bod at trie Royal hotel It was about 2 oclock in the morning but he concluded the surest way of having them on band at the morning was to lock them up so with out any further ceremony he march ed them Up to the cells On arriv ing at Newmarket on Friday morn ing they down Main Street carrying their horns but owing to their hands being somewhat tied they did not favor the citizens with any music They pleaded guilty before in Mr J Woodcock and were fined SI each and costs or days in jail at bard labor To save the County the expense the case the Justice very wisely suggested leave tbe instruments as security to be deemed inside of days and earn the money is Metropolitan Ry wanting men on the construc tion near They willing ly accepted the offer and left at once or Bond Lake Their game includ ing board cost them about They and others of character will learn tbe public are not obliged feed them for nothing and will In future give Newmarket a wide be introduced The good efTeOfc of Normal Works and Decision Day was spoken of and the beneficial work of the Sunday School interracial and interdenominational bickerings He paid a tribute to the late F Jacobs who was known as the Fath er of the International S Miss Edna of Newmarket contributed a beautiful solo with Us Rev R J Simpson then gave a splendid address on Preparation for Service He exemplified the great necessity for preparation in view of the importance of the Work Some of the characteristics of the idea teacher were A student of human nature a man or woman of great piety intellectual ability common and tact The feature of the Day Sessions was the admirable exposi tions of the by Prof Harris of the Bible Training School Toronto which were inspiring and helpful to all who availed themselves of the privilege The first two lessons wore upon the following synopsis ACTS PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Only those liquor drinkers who have already begun to feel- the fangs of the serpent are humble others deride wholesome temperance advice- Picture strongly the effect of drink on both tie physical and moral na ture Because their sins one of which is the drunkenness referred to the Lord will smite his people This was accomplished by the Lord giving Israel over into the hands of her enemies All Christians are agreed as to the evil strong drink All thinkers declare that youth is the time in which habits are formed The con clusion is therefore that the has a golden opportunity to the value of total abstinence and should endeavor to to abstain from drinking intox icants Grocery and ProYisioji r ft ft ytifj l tAAte pu km this section passed away on Tuesday morning in the person of Henry of Pine Orchard Some eight or ten years ago de ceased was injured by a horse step ping on his toe which at intervals gave him considerable trouble Some two weeks ago he decided to I toe amputated it so gangrene Bet in and frUtr much he departed on Wt was a of a quiet life a of for integrity and traigh and was an honored the Society of service was in Friends Church Pine Orchard yesterday the remain interred in burying- ground bird by pot to Think An important letter from Mr Wade of the Dominion Shorthorn Breeders appears in the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal this week It reads as follows It has been privilege to read for a number via from time to read the farming papers not only of our own country but of the United States and Great Britain and I beg to say agricultur al news in the Family Herald and Weekly Star is alone worth many times th6 subscription price Your Agricultural Is a good one and he appears to 1 thoroughly vers ed all agricultural matters Signed Wade Office Registrar Live Stock Toronto Mr Wade accompanied his letter with a years subscription one dollar The family Herald and Weekly Star Is recognized as the best AKficuItural paper In Am erica and as a family paper excels in every department Key Verse I Theme The Evangelization of the World Persons Purpose Program Power I The Evangelization of the Jews Jerusalem Samaria Peter the Central figure The church in Jerusalem I to VII Church in Palestine to Evangelization of the Gentiles the central place Paul the central figure The Apostleship at large The Apostle in bonds At the close of the lesson several questions were answered by the Dr a manner which was factory showed his familiarity with the scriptures as a whole The next lesson was on the book of and to present the claims of the County and Provincial work King Rev Amos Whitchurch Rev Robinson Kast L Jackson and Rev J West Martin It was also decided that all pledges should paid to the Co Treasurer not later than the 1st of June in each year At the Friday evening Session Rev Robinson retired from the Pre sidency and Rev J assumed the duties of the chair in a brief address accepted the re sponsibility in the hope of unity of desire for increased usefulness in work I The address of the evening was by Rev Dr McTavish of Toronto who with much eloquence and ability spoke on Teachers En- stimulating verv look on the bright side the work have believed that relic hunters in England were interested specially in anything Canadian Hut they are nevertheless and rare Can adian stamps are in demand A London special under the date Nov to the Toronto Telegram nays At a sale of rare old stamps today here a Canadian twelvepen ny lightly cancelled brought a Now twelve penny mauve of the same year WW sold for Do you wear rubbers If so buy rubbers with a KEEP YOUR be reputation that when you for Perry have stood the test of you Jat that and Use rt promptly to hall a ccntuary and for and ware cramps diarrhoea all other Key Verse I Theme The Church the Body of Christ The Salutation The Wealth of the Body a Reservoir of Blessing Character of Blessing Prayer of Blessing The Workmanship of the Body a Spirit Work in the Head Spirits Work in the Members Revelation of the Mystery of the Body Prayer tor the Communication by the Spirit of the Riches in Glory in lie Head to the Members The Walk the Body a In Unity In Purity In Varied life The Warfare of Body Warfare The Whole of God The Valedictory VI The Rev Amos expressed to Dr Harris the great obligation the Association was under for the valuable assistance he had so ably and kindly rendered and the Convention manifested its appreciation of the Work by rising in a body The report of the Treasurer was then received certified by the audi tors Messrs Lehman and Mar tin showing a balance on hand of Pledges were then given on behalf of Provincial work by the Township and Schools amounting to The report of the Nominating Com mittee was adopted- without amend ment and the officers or next year are as follows President Rev J Newmarket V4ee President Rev Robin son King City Secretary A Davidson market Treasurer Garrett Executive All the the re presentative from each Association and Rev Amos Aurora Mr Martin Bradford and Jackson Newmarket Mr A Davidson occupied about minute In a talk on Moral Edu cation Dr Harris had to leave be fore Ibo schedule time to nil another engagement At the close of the Afternoon a meeting of Executive took place the following delegates were appointed from County the sever U Conventions convey the fraternal greetings County Association taken from the chapter of Isaiah which was natural ly divided three parts Division of Employment Cooperation Mutual Encouragement One of the auxiliaries was appliances but essen tial was one living soul in contact I with another living soul Mutual is necessary and with the assistance of the home the results are very encouraging The speake regarded the 6 as the greatest evangelization agency In the Church of Christ at the present time The importance of the work is better in the fact bat the teach ers life enters into the heart of the scholar and lives forever The re ward of this service was touched dp- on but he dropped a word of caution that it was not obtained without sacrifice The collections at both the evening sessions Were over 55 and in to the appeal of Rev Amos some SI were promised as per sonal subscriptions to contihufe the County work The report the Resolution was adopted It expressed entire satisfaction with the work of Harris and commended the study of the Bible along similar lines It returned to the several speak ers for their addresses gratitude to those who assisted in the service of and to the citizens of Newmar ket for their hospitality to tho dele gates also to he Trustees the several places of worship After singing and prayer the annual convention the Association was brought to a close J y Iron Ox Tablets seem to attain an immediate I have sold easily in the few months I have them at double as malny as I ever did of any other Patent Medicine in the length of time Nearly every box sold to be of selling jiJwMkera HICK Ont 1 1 I A Superior Blood An Tonic iirlV3 fj AMD m HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL i GIVE US A CHANCE r TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A AN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE At any time to have a troublesome cough or heavy cold but If you contract a cough at this season of year it Very dangerous as It is liable to hang on throughout the entire winter and perhaps develop into some of the more serious Lung Troubles We have an excellent COUGH MIXTURE made from own formula and contains such valuable remedies as Wild Cherry Sassafras Bark Blood Root and Balsam Tar Is nicely flavored with agreeable and quite pleasant to take It will help to throw oft a cough or a cold in a time TRY A BOTTLE 26 CENTS Main St I Next Post Office Phono Ho 15 DAYS AT TORONTO HOUSE HI I l ip-r-f- iV-iSy- The Best Bulk Teas In Town THEM taTMi M to par f A flpltwUd Japan Tea Ter pack to tt Try our rt t A Full Pure Beat i- Tomato Catsup em VIHlCWIfctoWJSSll Food Ho Comfort bar Do rrot forget out fa manufactured alwayt Wi LYONS A Retail DAVISONS OLD STAND I