Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 21 Nov 1902, p. 4

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health sod AS ever memory It bunches In the the inflames the the Veda the power the into t Two of my children bid lore and kept their to Hire M medicine did no good the ore to W children bar it radically and per it his rid LEGAL J Robertson Public o Sorest to food Farm bloyd if Solicitor Notary ere Una Court Build School Trustees must that there is a change In the law and tbey cannot the office sadat the sametime be a candidate for pal honors Globe of Friday says The re- RHEUMATISM It is now stated that IS THE PERIOD WHEN YOUNG against election- of Mr far West York In the Dominion House will be heard it WW Presents A Nov Mr Campbell was return- of tee Terrible Disease at the last Jab port is current trial of the Marked by Pale Faces Heart after demise of the late Rheumatism which does its terrible Ration Loss of Appetite- and Gen- Hon Clark Wallace fiCERIKG INTO Walter is seyeneat- ton of rector of 46oijfot Cos arecerHi mother faini to city where they were spending the summer is the custom in church for the clergyman and congregation to bow in silentjfrayerfor a minute or two just before sermon H was a new proceeding for the child for be was not seeing this done to fathers church but the little chap bravely and reverent ly did Bis part flfter was- of tbe is It re School- had W object to bead- U No other pedtoine gives such prompt e election petitions In North York and North- Ontario will be postponed til aiter session The cornea to- hand ttis week enlarged and very come This Condition joints tis- caused uric acid which gathers in To LassitudeHow to press never about Grit cor- vuw tife poisonous acid the but we fcave tailed to notice iJZtZ- up claims to fee in- the reveJattop of v cases fe Shlldren can safely take this famous known remedy Made entirely of herbs warranted free from and poisonous substance that is why everyone likes tiny corner of bis Pink Pills Mrs Henry Immigration who round- enoe the slightest early here tbey may find Port sound ad- fanatical and use of Celery Compound will 5t Convey Ac fl South fice marker Aurora wilt Court tfolicivon Bom Co Sinker Tut J Widditield Reformer Block fy Load Nortolk election tolSrC d cbeeks W etnai prevents a Suhsbere support may easily down Wtura ol tbe dreaded disease Paces publishers consumption and to J The may leave tbe prevent the young girl J thft instating Territories Do- in health and strength- mothers poisons tissue and muscle are built minion The elders sect have should insist upon their taking a blood his return last from the up and digestif organs perfectly petitioned the Sultan Turkey for making tonic such northwest Mr Frank super- Do treat with a home in some wide dominions where shelter and not be compelled to obey laws made by man declare do not want to be subjects of any monarch or- eartfc The Mr A McKay for North Grey leaves tbe Govern ment with a- majority two with four seats open where byeelections will take place vir North Grey North Perth North Norfolk and North Of these there is every probability of Government winning three seats will en able present administration to hold fort and run the business country while Opposition side of the House will try to extract con solation on what their organ is pleas- A DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing House rf J ft Aeot for to fct jfio ed to call a moral victory At Conservative Convention in North Perth last week Mr J recently unseated by tho election court Was again placed in nomination as the party candidate at the approaching byeelection to fill the vacancy in the representation of that hiding in Ontario The Liberals of North Perth tn their convention have also placed in nomin ation Mr John Brown the same gentleman who- contested the constit uency with Mr in the last general election Liberals talk as victory were already assured tbe health of daughter Bertha began to fail She grew weak and seemed unable to up vice to other in cases this back to their homes in an prevent weeks and months sutler- kind She says About three interview by a press reporter says J Macponald Corn- years tbe health my takes no stock in the wall Out writes as follows craze He thinks they simply adopt- For three years I suffered terribly their peculiar methods tp secure with rheumatism It seemed to me stand the least exertion Sbe of the land laws in te that I Was forced to endure all the from distressing headaches and fainting fits her appetite left her and she lost fiesh I spent much money on medicines but they did doctor was persisted in for a long time sle seemed to be growing worse and I began to fear she was going into Territories The are anxious agonies and pains that a mortal to hold their land in common could experience from the had method in their madness Had disease While I trfed many the Government yielded they would the advertised medicines also doc- help her I took to a jj giveri quite as much trouble as tors prescriptions but never found or and although his treatment Mormons gave Uncle Sam at a euro until I procured supply Salt Compound It like charm and seemed to strike The Ontario Government thru the at the very root of my trouble I am now cured all pains are banished and in every respect I am a new Tbe Western British American pub lished at Chicago has the courage of consumption Then I took to a Department of the AttorneyGeneral specialist but bis treatment was entered an anneal azainst the likewise Finally upon judgment Justice the advice of a lady friend a doctor the late Mr J A practising in Bertha began madc It is another using Dr Williams Pink Pitls and jfcteez case Mr MacLaren was an before long there was a decided im- illegitimate son wo died unmarried provement in her condition and by without issue on Decern- its convictions Archbishop Ireland the time she had taken nine boxes j No speaking before the Minnesota she was once more enjoying the hestljn he four but Mr John ety in New York told his audience of health and had gained fifteen Stewart of Perth produced what how much better off- Minnesota will purported to be a copy of a will when the inevitable happens and dated June 25 1897 At the trial Canada comes into the fold of the Dr Williams Pink Pills a fair trial judge Stew- American He also stated art entitled to and that the hearts across the border this appeal is taken as without already beating with love for us la will the property would go to the and commerce and agriculture are call province for espousals The British Am erican however gently bints that by tbe At- talk ie cheap and states that so commended his reverence with an af fectionate oat en the bead It was very pleasing he a group of bystanders- tQ see this little fellow so deeply earnest prayer before I Wan my service What prayer did you offer to the Tyrone of Grace my lit tle- boy All unconscious the it produced the little fellow candidly replied I said lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep pounds in weight I would strongly advise all similar sufferers to give Williams Pink Pills a fair as her case seemed as hopeless as could be ji All and ailing and wo men sufferers from backache head aches indisposition to work or ex ercise who show by their pale and has been received sallow cheeks that they are in ill- Department that long as the Col gang Wilson Star tolls a fiDd relief bright the Committee Privy hatted to Canada and the A A fire lyjw tad Isolated Shoo WcTrnuxlcet GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE story of a woman in that town Who that husband was if a fare use the kissing the girl You can obtain these pills from any and resolved to detect him in t dealer or by mail postpaid story goes that one at or 52 Council upholds Ontario in the mother country no rushing in the sacted that husband was ait Pink Pills in the case of direction indicated by Archbishop f property The appeal the Ontario reed anticipated It concludes by Mining Company dismissed with saying When agitators and slander- costs This action was brought to ers are sat upon by good citizens of States a day of better felling will dawn Act The joaoo I an Co 3 I o M w 9 AS a a s n 4 rt 4 J Q in n i fc S3 and placing a shawl over her head as the hired girl often did en tered tbe back door and immediate ly Was seized and kissed and embrac ed in an ardent manner With heart almost bursting the wife prepared to administer a rebuke to faithless husband and tearing herself away from his fond embrace sbe stood face to face with hired man pi w a S3 i i Hic4 a AT journals are figuratively speaking shouting themselves hoarse about Grit ballot etc but they forget their own party record With them memory is too to remember Dodge election in this Riding when the con stituency was deliberately bought and paid for they forget the adjoining of South Ontario whore a number of brawling brood of lory bribers punished Lately when they are brought to as in North Norfolk IHty throw up tle sponge to save ex posure Since Confederation court records show that members have been unseated for prac tices of one kind another Of tiiese were Conservatives and Mi Literals Tike conclusion Is Conservatives have more to anologiye for than the Supporters the Libera Party Those Tory journalH wro are now chewing the rag as small hoy to chagrined companions can ponder on their record for a has a paragraph in the Hun the of On election protests which the Conservative press appear to overlooked Whenever the even re motely the pa pers refer to it with relish nut when the other aide the picture la tbey have no tine for Mr flySWnder In the of Wednes day remarks Tbe patty In Ontario has not by the manner in whiih have with the ejection pfrfcV arid the Conservative loudly proclaimed that secured a ma jority at the general election by fraudulent Yet far one against a fcrnmerjt supporter baa to Nearly ail beer of In a of Jj or rtee hive equally dis creditable to both ft reasonably been haying loudly denounced their opponents have to them- Nov 15 Dr Kelly was summoned to to attend Joseph Cox who while hunting on the back of his farm met with a serious accident By explosion of his gun tbe thumb and part of his left hand were blown off- The wound was a dangerous one but no further serious results are expected State of Ohio City of Toledo Lucas Frank J Cheney makes that be la the senior partner fltta of P J Cheney Co doing business fax the City of- Toledo County and State and that firm will pay tftffcaim Hundred Dol lars for and every case of Ca tarrh that cannot be cured by the of Halls Catarrh cure J Sworn to before toe and In my this day of De cember I Notary iublio Halls Catarrh Cute in taken inter nally and directly on blood and mucous surfaces of the ay stem Send for testimonials free J CO Toledo Sold by Druggists Halls Family pillare the beet Pa A visited George residence East in the search for to eat while Mr and Mrs Robinson were out In field topping helped fcelf to 539 in cash and Some eatables Wby do I wear Co rub ber Because tbey fit properly and wear better than any other rub ber shoe in the market You can not afford to be without a pair if you value your health struck by a I leering and ttenson was Or and Trunk train at killed In the recent mint directors re port o I the United from Washington Canada is placed third for the years gold pro duction of world the United States Wng first and Australia Sftfl tfc flick fl ChlM flliecrfed for h The establishes complete control of the of Ontario over what was formerly known as the disputed territory but the Prov ince did not put forward any claim to Indian reserves when set aside or constitut ed with the approval the Province The property involved is the famous property on Sultana Island in Lake Superior According to reports which have reached the western part of Ontario there is cause for dissatisfaction among representatives of outside con stituencies at assumption of the Liberal for Ottawa Mr A who appears to fancy be should have the recommendation or at least a say in civil service ap pointments at thc-capital- That he should as a of the Admin istration have some deference paid to to positions the same as exists in other such as appointees to local courts etc is not un reasonably but when he presumes extend bis claim to appointees to the Printing Bureau public Works and other Departments be presumes too much These belong to tbe Dominion and the of outside con stituencies arc entitled to just as Consideration as Mr Ottawa is not all Canada by any means although has cost count rv a pretty penny to town tho Ottawa of A cablegram dated London Nov th anounccs another victory for the Province of Ontario by an im portant decision of tbe Imperial Privy Council The despatch says Judicial Committee of the Privy Council gave judgment today allow ing the appeal of Ontario and revers ing the decision of the Supreme Court in the claim of the Province of Quebec against Ontario growing out of the Common School Fund This Fund arises out of tbe lands J set before Confederation- Nearly all the lands were Sold before Con federation A portion of the pur chase money is still uncollected and Ontario as these moneys come Into the treasury pays the collections over Dominion Government Upon this fund the Dominion Govern ment pays the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec interest In a proportion vatied by each census Tbe dlslon of Privy Council up holds the findings of arbitrators that Ontario was not under lia bility to account for outstanding bat- HAVE YOU TRIED Malt Breakfast Pood Young and Old Are Delighted With It The purest most delicious health ful nutritious and altogether the most satisfactory breakfast cereal ever placed before the public is Malt Breakfast Food Have you ever tried it If not you are missing one of the luxuries of life that costs money an agent that keeps the digestion of young and old in perfect condition as no other break fast food can do Malt Breakfast Food is economies one package makes a meal for twentyfive people by thousands of physi cians as a true health food Your sells it f To say this splendid work of science and art is finer and better than ever is it mildly The demand for It is far beyond all pre- vIouk years To say that such reaching through thirty years are not based upon sound sense and usefulness Is an Insult to tbe intelli gence of the millions Prof Hicks thru this great Almanac and his famous family and scientific journal Word and Works Is doing a work for the whole people snd not approached by any other man or publication fair test will prove this to any rea sonable person Added to the most luminous course In astronomy for forecasts of storms and weather arc given as never before for every day the year all charmingly illus trated with nearly two hundred en graving Tbe price single Al manac including postage and mailing Thirty Cents Word and Works with Almanac Is per year Write to Woidand Works Co Locust Street Mo and prove to yourself their great value it Co rubbers are most tasty and best constructed rubber shots In Canada due and uncollected at close I If you value comfort and wear as Quebec Province contend- 1 on your shoe dealer supplying J you with this brand TO COLD DAY Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund the money if It fails- to i Groves signature is on each box furniture factory at Que was burned Loss 550000 The Armour plant occupy ing three and a half acres in Sioux la was destroyed by fire OOO WANTED We would like to ask the cot- urons of your paper if there is any person who has used Greens August for tbe cure of- indigestion dyspepsia and liver troubles that has not been we also mean their results as sour fermentation of food cervous dyspepsia despondent feelings sleepless ness in fact any trouble connected with the stomach or liver This medicine baa been sold for many years in ail civilized countries and we wish to correspond with you and send you one our books free cost If you have never tried Au- Flower try one bottle first We have never known of its failing If so something serious is matter with you Ask your oldest druggist GREEN Woodbury The Company will build big mills and an elevator at Fort William At Brussels an anarchist attempt ed to shoot and kill King Leopold of Belgium one was hurt Gananoque Spring Axle works were damaged to the extent of or by- fire An Explanation Rubbers are rubber shoes MADE I CANADA by The Canada Rubber Corripany Builder Contractor la now in a position to take tracta for all bruxfeea of Work Estimates Given at Short V and BOILER AND GRANOLITHIC HOOFS builders trill do well to consult A HUNTER Gotham St Box Ideal Sold la Story In ml we la to tad AGENTS WAMTED Either on Full or Part Time Ate you Battened with Income Is your time full oc cupied If not write us We can give you employment by month on good terms or con- tract pay you well for business as you secure for at odd times We employ both male and female representatives The next three months is the very best time to sell goods No deposit is required outfit is absolutely free We have tie largest nurseries in over acres a large ranged valuable new specialties and all our stock is as re presented you want to re present the largest most popu lar and best known nursery us It will be worth while STONE WELLINGTON Canadas Greatest Nurseries Toronto AIR HO All ON SATISFACTION GUARANTEED your Machine Kara Lawn Mower brio it in A THOMPSON Practical Ave our boiki i if through Wrj tAiiot I MARION MARION Patent I J

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