fc i t TO ft I J School Section No Whitchurch Richardson Vendor Under by virtue of the power sals In a certain Mort gage there will be offered lor sale by Public Auction on Saturday the day 1 at oclock in the Forenoon at the Royal Hotel the following farm viz The East quarter of lot No in the third Concession of the- Township of East containing acres more or lees For further particulars apply to Lloyd Newmarket Vendors So licitor Nov f4 A- v All in Post Mail Contract addressed to ibePoat- Get end will be at Ottawa until tor the in of Hi ily on Contract for four Ser week way between and from the next Prints notice piition at to or tract mar be aeen and Wank f nd other office route and of e Post Office Inspect Toronto ANDERSON uperiotendent Mill Contract Branca Ottawa Mr hasp gone to to visit her Father was the guest of Father Whitney on Wed nesday Under the above caption the Mm of OriUia and Empire has article on spent Wednesday night with Mrs what it pleased to designate its Exposure of the Hon E J Davis Tonto on Wednesday eveamg ior Kingston Office accounts but which real- ity is nothing short of a on Is I truth and a gross icjustice to the PostmasterGeneral The Mail goes yesterday to join her husband in Michigan where they expect to reside for a time on to say that Sir William Mr Edmund Brooklyn dared in bis speech before the New York spent a few days this week at the guest Mail Contract to thePott- n- until Friday 2nd January for on a t CP from nrOtxHed Contract for four Linton and per way next Printed notice aonUloloir further Infor- cordtUona of proposed ar and blank mar be obtained at the of and other route and at the office of Post Office Toronto ANDERSON ftuperintndent Wall Branch IT November ITS Association at Toronto that instead of a deficit his Depart ment would show an alleged surplus of the accounts indicate an actual deficiency of In this the Postmaster- Generals remarks the Mail is not playing a fair and square deal it is dishonest It knows very well that Sir William was draw ing a comparifion of the wordings of the under Tory in and under Liberal rule In mating his said ll predecessors maintained no service in the YUVon and districts and for the sake of true comparison between the of the department by the late Government and the present one all postal matters connected with the Yukon and are left out of consideration in the figures observations I am about to submit to The Mail knew of this statement when it made its charges of cook ing the accounts knew there was a surplus of by excluding the and Yukon services which are maintained at a loss and it bis aunt Mrs Mr and Mrs Richard of were two or three days week visiting with Mr John Street The Misses Millard who have been Montreal for a month or more were here last Friday on a visit with their father Mr- John Millard J Green has decided to remain Newmarket- He has rent ed Mr house on Main Street and will move in inert Miss Downing of Abbey Toronto is in Town with a view to forming a Painting Class Her work is on exhibition in Hughes Store win Mr and daughter left on Saturday for California to spend the winter in a wanner clim ate They do not expect to return till next march Brock who has been in South for over a year and a half a photo of the late Pte Haines grave and sent it to Mrs Haines She was pleased to re ceive it Mr J H returned on Monday morning from his hunting KfeS speV Canadians the title of a iittaM iss from li well deserves cess Its is thsprinterg have spired hq pains to it a credit mechanically The opening continued is hy J Oxleyi illustrated by J of- therm Canadians and each well known in his own cial field A story by Ralph Connor is promised in an number In deed the whole atmosphere of the par per is wholesomely Canadian and we should expect thit Bast and will meet a welcome IT IN rt f Ladies AT PAIR WORK THAN EARN IT The party of eight whom with were very successful having captured that the showing presented by a fox and a the PostmasterGeneral was an hon est- and true comparison as the management of the Post f Correspondence Schoo PA pair of rabbits Mr Willett is the new druggist at Roches He is Office by his 1 M atlWeUand Alter on his Diploma in Toronto he and the year under J rule- Although- the Mail knew all I com from Boston well posted this and also was aware of the drug business tinct qualification under which the Times Mr and Mrs filturea were presented before the Brooks Millard will spend the winter Manufacturers- Association it has in the South going on a trip to the gall to remarktbat 5 me iv and returning in the spring via have been better plain facts been Vancouver and the Mr stated at the outset May we not Millard has leased his residence to rather say it would have been bet- Mr T Tanner of Sturgeon Bay for the reputation of our who takes possession on Dec if it had hot indulged itself in a The third annual report of the Can adian Forest Association neatly- printed and beautifully illustrated is to hand and the subjects of which it treats are of very special interest to the people of this Dominion The paper on Forest fires of de tailing the loss occasioned from this cause in the different Provinces to gether with plans adopted for pre venting them is valuable for the in formation furnished The paper by Mr Southworth dealing with the New Ontario of today the great lumber producer and pleasure- park of the future comprising an area 25000000 acres and suggesting plans fortfee protection and manager of this great of the Prov ince is also full of interest Mr Stewart Secretary the Asso ciation has bur thanks for a copy of this report The Aurora Banner of last week replying to an article in the Ex pressHerald says At the recent revision of tie Voters List in this municipality through the representa tions of Mr Lennox one mans name was added to the list who has not been a resident of the town for two years another who is a resident Holland Landing or East and another a resident of the Township of King Last year every effort possible was made to have the name of ar inmate of the Industrial Home added to the Voters List and a man was Induced to make a declaration which he afterwards ac knowledged was not correct These are only a few of the pernicious re sults of the heinous advice given Mr H Lermox more of which pur esteemed contemporary will learn when the petition against Mr Len nox is tried I I Scatter your dollars unwisely Miles of words meaningless offerings nothing Its Real Worth True Abundant Stocks Wide Assortment Lower Prices that the public want They always have and always will find them here t Paid Up Capital STUDENTS Student Enrolled at Any Time Courses of Instruction DISPLAY corner of Main aa4 Park are nearly the P ttepreaen- GRAND TRUNK iff to Chicago the Stock to flth Tickets going 1st 4 3rd and valid returning from on 7th The Boat road bed Vetlliie cos luxuries Cafe Parlor Pullman Sleep em and made Insure a Winter Resorts weak attempt to discount the management of the postoffice under the guiding hand Sir William The fact is the wonderful change between three- quarters of a million oi a deficit and a surplus over the same ter ritory served in and dis counting Conservative management to that extent accounts for the milk in the and is a surprise to the whole Dominion An Ottawa press despatch settles the criticism of the Mail respecting its alleged the figures Riven in the re port for the year 1902 just issued but the Opposition organ wont do the handsome and own up The despatch says William in his public speech Toronto was careful to say that the surplus of revenue over the ex penditure to the amount of was shown when the territories of and the Yukon were left out He left out or the purpose putting the comparison of Ms ad ministration on all fours with the it Is very evident the radial rail- Conservative regime under which the ever reach the market of Railway Co will up Its notion of obtain ing perpetual franchise It Is too monstrous a proposition to be enter tained by the city corporation The A social theatre party made pos sible by the Metropolitan electric ser vice was shared by a jovial company on Wednesday evening at the Princess Theatre Toronto was the attraction The new prl- vate car of the directorate made the through run to Toronto in one hour and seven minutes Those on hoard included Mr and Mrs A Sain ton Mr and Mrs Ross Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mr and Mrs Cane Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Lloyd Mrs Rocfce Mrs David Lloyd Mrs J Robertson Mrs Rogers Mrs Mrs Mrs and Miss Miss Ross Miss and Clark and Messrs Aha Otoe Norman Rogers KAV and T J Rohertsori Jr Refreshments were passed on the turn trip- the car arriving at Water St at ft a EDITOHIiiii J Another counterfeiter was arrested at Toronto on Wednesday afternoon Two American detectives in company with Detective Davis of the Toronto force did The Globe report furnishes the following partic ulars Joseph Gentile of Ave an American was hard at work in his back kitchen manufacturing false American and Canadian coins in great quantities and considering himself free from suspicion Without any warning three men walked in upon him and before he could realize his position be had been handcuffed and placed in charge of a policemen while the de tectives searched the premises and secured the most surprisingly com plete plant for manufacturing counter felt coins Scattered about the room on tables in trunks in cupboards everywhere were false coins plaster of pads moulds tin zinc antimony conner wire pliers nitrate of silver- In short everything to facilitate a counterfeiter in his work The ar rest is one which caste far into the shade that of the Stewarts and the Raymonds The Altar J St Enoch Church Toronto on Thursday Nov William of Winnipeg Man to Florence daughter of Thomas of Mt Albert deficit ronto- the City about This was necessary if the have to give tit public were to understand matters as they were Everybody except the Mall and understood the tourist tickets on good for tor partiea or e folder and all from Agent A Atnt PostmasterGeneral perfectly no more futile attempt to belittle a po litical opponents achievement was ever made The report of the De partment that leaving out the new territories of Atlin am Yukon which were not a charge upon the of a perpetual franchise one country town Is for this cen tury Wednesday last Mr T Len nox of Aurora moved before Judge that ball be estreated the case of who had ftcit of In has been heen committed for assault on one by t William Wiley The trouble Is the outcome splendid efforts to a aUrjHus of slights the political fight In North over An of the former a Liberal and the latter a that kind cannot be successfully be- Conservative The Judge refused A city paper states that the al most of the order estreat but told the bond men to be on hand when the case called for trial ffi A press despatch from Ottawa on been brought to the at Monday states that Hit Wilfrid and of the authorities it Is Mr Henri Lauder Sir the next Grand Jury may Wilfrids brother and Sir William be to the locality with left for the Hot Springs of the view to indictment Main Sir Street in Newmarket continues only Intends to stay a few state tfll ttre Grand Premier and his party li y three or week The llthof Sir Wilfrid Hurler has Invito to extend their much improved of late and Is at that been to advertle the Era S A from Mr A THE LEADING Furniture Undertaking House FURNITURE At Greatly Reduced Prices During the week of the Fair Bedroom Suites worth for Bedroom Suits with Bevel Mirror worth tor Bedroom Suites with Bevel Mirror worth tor Suite Bevel worth for Parlor Suite pea silk covering worth for Parlor Suite worth for Parlor Suite and pluoh worth tor 2800 Parlor Suite Velouri pieceef worth for WiOO Bib Sideboard with Mirror worth B76 for 860 Sideboard Bevel Mirror worth for 1176 tfraUlmuif A Night calls attended to at Residence John Millard I Phone and Latest Coats Bargain Prices j only Ladies SemiFitting Coats mad this seasons per cut in Fawn Black Blue and Blue Beaver Cloths also Black Dark Grey with tilled Farmers Satin Sizes to Now on Sale at HoneySwing Prices in Ladies- Furs Ladies Goats Made of an Wack curl Astrakhan Dog lin ed throughout with heavy quilted Italian Cloth lin ings Mohair Sleeve linings perfect 28 inch inch worth onethird more Ladies Fashionable In Electric Seal with Mink and Sliver Hair lined with silk very special at Ladies Stylish Collarettes Made of Australian High Storm Collar Heavy quilted Linings Special at to match 150 Ladies Seal Ruffs A beautiful irich Fur made with two heads and tails while they last 298 Ladies Ohio Sable Ruffs Reproduction of the Style Ladies Coats now on Sale at Equal in richness to Canadian Sahle at the price Now on sale ai and arpets at yds Union Carpets in neat full yd wide Regular 40 cents Now on sale at yd yds ply Wool Carpets yd wife regular tor yd yds Jute Brussels Carpet incbea wide regular per yd now on sale for I- Grocery Specials for This Week New Canned Peas and Com per tin Tomatoes lic per tin Pure Pork Sausage fresh daily only per lb Smoked Rolls Backs Breakfast Bacon and Sausage lbs Nice Clear Bacon PHONG NO UNTEE 5 SIGN OF THE BIG HAND NEWMARKET ONT to The Cradle BROWN In Town on Nov to Mr and Mrs Matt Brown a son on the 5th to Mr and Mrs J A Wood nee Miss of Shar on a son GOODWIN In East on Oct to Mr and Mrs Good win a daughter At Orchard Beach on Nov to Mr and Mrs Ar thur a son WESLEY In East on Oct to Mr and Mrs John Wesley a daughter In Town on Nov to Mr and Mrs Albert Tri- vctt a daughter Tomb her late resi dence street Toron to on Sunday November Sara beloved wife of Walter Guerre Interred at on Tuesday At Atlandate Nov Viola daughter of Mr Rhlnebartraged ft Interment at Newmarket Cemetery this afternoon At Industrial Home on Nov Joel from of Vaughanaged years Pine Orchard Whit church Township on Henry Mowden aged JOHNSTON In Mount Albert on Monday Nov Mildred Mael infant daughter of Mr and Mrs Johnston aged months and days Interment Tuesday in St Johns Cernetexy I II J MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET NEW BOOKS FOR FALL TRAD d Friendship Hugh Black A Mans Value to Society 1 f The Investment of Influence 1 Great Books as Life Teachers 1 of 35 The Majesty of Calmness BRAHAMS patent pens write words with one dip of ink Medium and fine at for 5c Try ihem TR0P0L1TAN FASHIONS Ask lor Fashion Sheet Groceries Provisions Fruit CRANBERRIES NEW RAISINS New Dates ALL POPULAR BR OAK GRAPES CURRANTS pie Syrup FOOD PASTRY All Orders will receive Careful CENTRAL TELEPHONE and Prompt Attention Large variety at cost Sponge Cakes Cokes Puffs Jelly Fresh twice each Week The Best Bread and Pastry Flour Constantly on sale always used Famous BonBons Fresh Pork Sausage Fijesh Bulk NSTARR