Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1902, p. 8

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l THE health A processes begin in the so naturally if when fato of look firet to for th is found to disease of the stomach tsd and tracts result ing in low tntioa ndcon physical Pierced Hardwood is at pec cord sound of wedding Wis 7ill be heard in tbe near future Mr is doing a rush ing business with his The latest railroad news is to the effect that the road will be completed in the course a few weeks when regular traffic service to and from will take effect NORTH was visiting friends at recently Miss Minnie of Toronto was visiting at Mr- George PoHok last week Mr and Mrs Will Hoi bo having returned from their trip The effect is grand In stood before one schools arid asked te many t be pupils had never seen a saloon of attendance or over of tbeir hands went up in answer they were young boys and girls who had never a saloon We have a four weeks term special train ing for teachers in the summer months in each county and I have asked as as of teach ers at these how many had never seen a saloon and in an swer the majority of hands went up that we have driven the saloon from the state There arc no drunkards Too old soak who- steaming With Whisky of beef is a thing of the All attempts to resubmit the question down at every session of vni vote of the law hasbeen passed he that any res or traffic on the Can it t Christian a are voted harAi with these ami rtiarcii antf The law is enforced as well destructive and as any least four- filths of the state Tt is as easily enforced as any other law in nineteen twentieths of the State and the pop ular feeling is for enforcement Of this law with as much rigor as any law The Kansas City Journal Kansas poorhouses are most all Judge Adams for twenty- empty and the hank vaults- are lit rem of Fa f Dr rUh of tA towels it liae durxog writ Mr She one bcljl from fcfttr jd ftlt new Ho no 4uch towel to Dr Pierce Pleasant Pellet cure and But ftkdih they t Vi J FARMERS ADVOCATE and HOME MAGAZINE taM it xrA he vyjtax you the i late lor by curing of stomach nod and no and thft digestion and feiiHilattori of food from which flesh and are raa a for Monday week held a reception that at John a large JliSitvd wre al so a goodly number of uninvited outside the sson in the oldfashioned style of charivari A young visitor a wee little girl has come to stay at Mr Shaves Mr J who is much bet ter since the amputation of his leg has moved to and is start ing a private of young last week i J Rogers aikd Love left on a fiuntingerpedition Mr Jameson has just completed for water at of fejt and erected windmill to water for stock J JPastor of the Methodist church hare has moved from to this village Mr Geo McKcvsock has kindly to remain as teacher for 9 No another year Mr Walter who was on jury on Monday of last- week was quite unexpectedly dis charged on- Tuesday morning there being but one case on the docket Cidermaking is the or der of the residence occupied by Mr Pratt is being remod elled Mrs A and Miss Stella a down at last week HowCheai How Good ft For to every of FARMERS ADVOCATE of raffxb for J 3 School For i 1 ENGINES FOR SALE No EAST Barbara Young Kmitb Leslie Young Carrie Sadie Burrow Hosa Mabel Rose Vera Myrtle McDonald Burrows Jahn Jr Young Martha rows Lulu Mildred Wed- del Smith Nellie don McDonald every day Barbara You rig A For the Kca- Prohibition in Kansas Secretary Kansas State Historical Society the Prohibition Policy has broken up the organized traffic in intoxicants as a bev erage My impression Is that it has the consumption at least threefoutthSi very much more The formerly spent lor drink goes to better support and to provide them with homes arid the comforts of This pol icy has proven a financiaJ benefit to the public by lessening the expenses of crime and by adding to th6 effici ency of our industrial- force It is- no more difficult to enforce prohibi tion laws than criminal laws John A Martin Kansas gave he following statement in his retiring message to the Legis lature in l ninetenths of the drinking and drunkenness pre- Kansas eight years ago have been abolished and I affirm with earnestness emphasis that this today is the most tem perate orderly and Sber commun ity people In the civilized world The of tie saloon has not promoted the personal arid genera prosperity of our bitit has enormously dimin ished crime has filled thousands homes wtere vict want and wretch prevailed peace plenty and contentment and have materially increased the trade and business of those engaged in the sale of useful or merchandise Notwithstanding the fact that tjlie population the state is increasing the of criminals in peniten tiary is steadily decreasing Many of our jails are empty and all show a marked falling oft in the number of prisoners confined The dockets our- courts are no longer burdened with long lints of criminal cases In the Capital district containing a population riot a single criminal case was on the docket when the present term began The business of the police courts of the larger cities had dwindled to one- fourth of its proportions while in cities of the second and third class the of the po lice authorities has practically gone Newspaper Evidence Reliable and journals corroborate this personal testimony Two years ago the New York Trib une had a thorough investigation made into the world of prohibition The following is an extract from the report the Trib unes investigator The real fact Is simply this full of deposits The farm ers are out of debt and have plenty of grain and cattle which they can sell at high prices whenever they want to go to Press TO CURB A COLD rNOSE Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets Alt druggists refund the money if it fails to cure Groves signature is on each box For the Era Appeal it Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer AND PAINTED ALSO- Decker Yottt choke j Full Rig for On four year time Cheap at WANTED A to a old A fide weekly Mlary of try dm tub MxvA from were drowned hi wreck of tejo5r off coast A In liStt Canadian Royal missitn on the liquor traflic visited several cities of Kan and witnesses learn ed it was difficult to enforce City Kan which only ly a river from City Mo where is in and that difficulty was worth op the which a military a large foreign population unfavorable conditions even in cities the much good In other parts the the beneficial effects of law were strikingly More than three fourths at the testified to the good effects of the Jaw A who had opposed the adoption fljifed that they tad teen led to change their views iJy favored it The following extracts from the evidence taken merely of many nirhilar that were of Cleric of the County Court We have to of in thin county and we have not had the adoptjpn of the policy We jive ban four on now people do not average a capital per year in this court and has exclusive criminal We have fctrit lea than twelve men the penitentiary In the past year from ttfia for all Hon Mr Gain Super Public Salt pork is a famous old- fashioned remedy for con sumption Eat plenty of pork was the advice to the consumptive and years ago Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most method of feeding fat to consumptivo4 Pork is too sensitive Scotts Emulsion is the most refined of fats especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in this is often the only way half the battle but Emulsion does more that There is some- thing about the combination of cod oil and in Scotts that puts new life into the parts and has a action on the diseased lungs -A- sample will be free upon request Oar BOWNE CHEMIrTTft Toronto tad I tQ Rev of Mont real widely known one the most effective and well posted Temperance workers has issued following stirring appeal to the people of Ontario concermng their duty in the approaching contest The Christian men of Ontario have before them a solemn an awful responsibility in the approaching re ferendum vote was an importance attached tothepieblscife vote They gave an expression of public opinion and they did a good deal to arouse puh- We did nob obtain from them all the results we had a right to expect Nevertheless the advanced Legislation in Manitoba Ontario and Prince Edward Island has in reality heoa the outcome of the plebiscites An Important Decision It is a great gain to the temper ance people in this Hie and deatJi struggle to know definitely tiiat- the Province can prohibit That deci sion serves very Important purposes It clears deck for action It is a very important thing on a field ox battle to be able correctly to locate the enemy and to exactly where to concentrate the The Privy Council decision teaches us this one great fact that- henceforth the pro vincial election must be the real ground lor the If the liquor trdfftc with all its hideous train of evil is to be per petuated in the Province of Ontario then wo shall know that the sin and shame of it rests- electors the proliquor men to parliament We may regret the position and of certain politi cal men Hut it would not he wise it the intelligent and Chris tian electorate of Ontario were to get into a frenzy of temper over the attitude this or that politician There is a task before them of infin itely greater consequences at present than wrangling over the political parties A Great Vote Needed Let the people on the fourth day I December in the name and fear of God do their duty Let churches the furious species earth There are tens of thousands of in Ontario good ardtrufe earnest Reformers There are of thousands of electors in Ontario good men and true earnest Conser vatives the fourth of Decem ber sbalt come let these good for once forget the distinctions of their party politics la the- of the most High let themj as one and determinodvaymy inarch against the common foe When Canada was invaded by loyal Irishmen Englishmen brave Canadians Roman Catholics Methodists Presbyterians Baptists Grits and Tories impelled by the same noble sentiment of and loyalty shouldered the musket- They did not stop to dis cuss nationality nor creed nor pol itics They marched under one com mon banner the grand ok flag ol England and back the foe All Together In the late South African War brave men from Mew Zealand Australia from the East Indies from the West Indies from all parts of as well as the Britisher rallied to the scene of conflict and they won a magnificent victory On the fourth day December one thousand nine hundred and two the Christian electorate will have to fight a deadlier and more fatal enemy than either the invader or Boer No Time for Division A Q President Canadian Bank of Commerce Toronto VCPRf8lDEMT8s imperial Co Toronto JW Managing 3aiieQ Limited President WationaV Trust Company Toronto SIR PAIYLpKi Toronto- Messrs Hall i ROBERT- J AFFRAY President The rlnting Company Director Bank Toronto President TorontoRailway Company Toronto CHESTER a President MasseyHntris Company To ronto J J KENNY Vice President Western and British American As- ranee Companies Toronto the Sons of Temperance the yea let every man who loves bin children who is concerned lor the salvation of his hoys who loves his country and his God make it a point conscience and of duty to pi to the poll and to register his vote in the interests of truth and righteousness and in direct opposi tion to great drunkardmaking the tralic In whiskey Ontario has already given handsome major ties in favor of prohibition the majority of Dec be of unprecedented It should by all odds be the biggest that has ever been given And then whatever political party may hold the reins of power will not to defy the will of peo ple Whether it be a Reform or a It bow it will have to how to the supreme power of that majority In nayH of the pant the Christian elector and the whiskey dealer have on the ticket In the name of God In the of all that Is pure and good let ttvat iniquity cease December and forever A The great and Godlike work Prohibition that rises far Intercttfi of thin or that patty The question to be der elded laa moral question It Is a The drink no in an enemy to the human body It is an enemy to the Immortal It is an enemy to the family It la the roost terrible enemy on to the wife and children It an enemy to the Church of God In- Is an enemy to everything that pure and When the fourth day of arrive the DifctiHer Brew er the Tavern peeper and the Tav ern Hummer will march In to the poll and vote to a man to continue the traffic in liquor from the love of gain and tome from a depraved appetite God forbid that any voice should he raised or any arm lilted up tp produce- discord In the ranks the Temperance army There is one thing which above all others is es sential in the present struggle and that is unity of action The great enemy of God and man and all his agents would greatly rejoice if the electors would off into parties and vote one hall of them for the enforcement of the law and the other half linking their forces with those of the liquor men vote against enforcement That would mean a signal and decisive triumph for whiskey It would mean a humiliating defeat for the cause of temperance It would be a disastrous shock lor the prohibition movement- from which it would take some time to rally Voter Counts There is still another point which can hardly be too strongly empha sised The conditions of the vote are that those who do not or cannot to the polls are to be reckoned as opposed to and that only those who mark their ballots for temperance are to be reckoned in the count That ar rangement Is not just or fair to the temperance people Nevertheless it should not discourage them nor any wJso tend to paralyze their ef forts It seems to me it should rather tend to rouse to the most resolute and determined effort to swell the majority in December to the highest figure It would be a unwise policy to l any spirit of revenge over certain unsatisfactory details of the law A Great Opportunity There is a splendid Waterloo vic tory in sight for Temperance people Let them first of all see to it that they win that victory In the decisive of Dec very special care and pains should he tatter tx secure an honest vote It should he possible to checkmate Hie vllllanies of the men who give and take the accursed bribe money All possible vigilance should used to prevent or detect the con temptible and guilty habit of person ating votes It should he surely possible to prevent the stuffing ballotboxen with bogus ballot It well known that these are the favorite methods of liquor They resorted to such tactics with shameless effrontery in the late pleb iscite vote In thoclty Montreal write personal knowledge by any means the Christian tern- electorate of Ontario can pre vent all that of fraudulent trickery on the their the last hope the Infer nal liquor trade Ifi gone a Sir Wilfrid will visit Hot Springs Virginia lor the benefit of his health If alcohol were unknown half the sin and threequarters of the unhappki6B would near from the world Edmund A Robbery and would not law breaking If all I against them were repealed laws frequently and persistently violated- than prohibitory laws pearly- every law to or which law Is broken dally In every- saloon The keeper of ft licensed saloon who allows dice thrown for prinks and the one who throws them are an really law breakers as the keeper blind pig in a x town I POTTS Victoria University Toronto A A- Vice President Toronto Savings- 5j Loan Company Peterborough- I I r I FREDERICK BAYLOR Lindsay Director arid Secretary Company Toronto Per Pid On Deposits 4Pw Paid on Debentures Write for particulars to A MORROW Assistant Manager J p MS2Mkki W YOUTH MAKE NERVOUS WEAK DISEASED MEN ml TUP jroth of mind wrecking Ibousaadtoi Bone fade and at an earl at manhood WtrrrUltlcild inelancholy hat Yon ran no la Bank fltiiHiidIUrttrittMiMiR I am jean of Whwi a life and later formed JlV a a in me That ara Eer J J vy HANDSOME I ft J TOVfPte Don yonr money away you Kant Wafcb that any Solid Gold Watch made 1 your name and add raw oxitti and iff IadigbatiQii torn wit Trouble Oil- 1 for they ere grand and life our regular cent your In your loxeaby sold you Mod anil we will you the A the Mime day money A rare loquickiy introduce our jfrajvl ftml when yon thu it to your Imve from u and ore del rul with them Thi gtorioitHOMHluiiity a fine yi write Atmiec The PbT fii r J J I Health and Vigor upon the quality and quantity of Blood The liver is the great secreting organ the body and when it to perform its bile cumulates and tie blood poiaoneo causing many symptoms such an dull heavy feeling indisposition to attend to duties pain in hack or shoulders sour stomach conatipattbn nesa of the skin restlessness at If these symptoms are not promptly dealt with they aggravated so- an to induce severe Illness To at cure permanently DR CARSONS TO NIC a t PROMPTLY ailVnrt conduct fully IhUquallflMMtoprtfflfJl and have long been recognized as tho sovereign treatment These are made from formula of an Canadian physician who has used tbe prescription in practice for mini years with the satisfactory results A Purely Vegetable and Blood purifier Prlco W Bottle you can pre- of your local druggist but If unable to obtain it in neighborhood we will send to any address one or more on receipt of price per bot tle carriage prepaid Pamphlet sent Free on Application Sample sent on receipt of to coyer postage he ftlg Hon rtcalv over loo lurtraAtflra tb MARION Pat ft The Bra idtei Weekly It York

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