A- Trip- NEW MARKET I- A am a J I v J October Just a map In Decorated Vase Lamps Very neat and coloring regular price and our price and a limited number Dinner Toilet Sets To still farther our stock of Dinner and Toilet Set ve will give very close prices for the balance of Oc tober I Bo Shoe Bargains Out stock is moling out nicely but in order to close them out we have to ibry up and now we bate quite alot coming on for Fall All will bi cleared out at prices You will save money by visiting us A Special Snap in Ladles Empress Shoes heavy extension edge for nair Grocery IS OH The body of William Rose years old who liver with- bis soninlaw Edward Grant on the lake shore to ijthe north of here was found Monday Sold a poo of water about two miles In King offers Sunda sons place and or was not drowned This should bo the old channel strong argument for those in this shut up and a new one is made into neighborhood to vote for Prohibition the sea Tbo large bar at the on the of December the bay is shifting and as the T changes take place more of the wax is unearthed so that miners are not always obliged to depend upon Mrs Mainptke presented v The settlers in this vicinity have UQtil I found He leaves a widow and nine both doing well arranged with Mr Pearson Branch the United making contracts for the delivery of Bolts at the fac tory here for the coming winter following per cord White Birch Beech and Hard Maple PJfltft WW m Weatber prophets say we are to have a mild winter Considering ie fiCArcity of coal everybody will nope this may be so It would be a good thing pati ents would look after their boya and not allow tbem to run the streets at night Curfew dont Tine nv more You Whether it be Bast West North or you will reach your destina tion and if you take the Trunk Fast time and uptodate equipment has been aim of this Company for some time past and the handsome electric lighted Dining Cars Luxurious Cafe Cars and the modern wide vestibule coaches now being operated on their trains make a trip to To ronto North Bay- Montreal Buffalo New York Detroit or Chicago one of enjoyment and pleasure The Din ing and Cafe Car service has been endorsed as second to none in Amer ica- Night trams also carry- Pull man Sleeping cats between all above point Reservations Folders and all information from Agents or by addressing J McDonald District Passenger Agent Toronto Church children BO- 4 KING CITY The Junior League is providing a in Crossleys Hal on Friday evening Nov that will no doubt draw the whole countryside It Is uniqqe in character and Marching and Patriotic Songs Doll Drill a Flower Scene Golden Wed ding Scene Umbrella March Sing ing Readings and will conclude with a Mother Goose Drill in there are no less than seven teen characters The concert prom ises to be the thing ever Those who want a seat will require to go early as the Hall will be packed The admission is since a doing it yet to some extent They have found a ready market by Ti rfir Astoria boats or overland on 2 IT took J lecture on experiences South o the Metbodut Fri- day the Those have meeting expected wreckedrfilp is quite be toian church on Wednesday j so Jj night when everybody should go and Mrs Olive Henderson of Woo- to give her address Why we shouM j and marketed 4 the supply seems no nearer being exhausted that it was twenty The Willing Workers have made ar rangements to hold their annual Tea Meeting on Monday evening the 2itfc Winnipeg is HOLLAND LANDING Mrs CD of Toronto spent a few days with Mrs last week Miss Rosa Young of Tenn who was spending her vacation under the parental roof returned on Fri day evening last Mrs of Aurora spent a few days with- her father Mr William Stephenson Mrs- of Bradford is visiting friends here tbis- week Mr John left last for West where be has leas ed the Bruce farm Mr Frank West has moved into the house vacated by Mr Miss Annie Morton of is home on a few weeks vacation owing to her recent illness We are pleased to say she is improving ExReeve we axe sorry to say is seriously ill necessitating the daily attendance of his Department We pay special attention to oar Quality Is our first consideration and then we sell close as It and a living profit Our pure and appUts to our LINES Hew Codfish New New Currants Leading Reliable ft A SMITH of Nov They Lave been very for tunate In securing the Knox College Male Quartette that so delighted those present two years ago also Miss who has always been a favorite in Newmarket In to this musical talent an address will be given some Presbyterian minister of Toronto It will be her father Howard KETTLES Bros sold their saw mill outfit to Mr Lemon to gether with their contract as the former were likely to cut the mater ial faster than Mr Lemon wanted it seen that the ladies are sparing net- thee pains nor expense to make this J enterUinment a will also sing vices on Sabbath the Mn Sabbath the pastor will give the fourth of the series on the Re- 1 m of Christ to the Serial Quel Mr M iJ Tired Eyes I if I for our Fay warnings eyes demand E ttut tire easily call for help adjusttd glasses d possible mike specialty of and fco GRADUATE OPTICIAN fi- Co tove NEWMARKET JUST ARRIVED Coal ty it fr p J Main on tion the of which is The Message of Jesus to the Man of Wealth Convention The annual Convention of the North York Sabbath School Association opened in the Friends Church here yesterday afternoon with an attend ance delegated from dif ferent parts of the Riding Rev Dr Harris from the Bible Training School Toronto was present and conducted a study In Acts which was greatly appreciated Last night a public service to be held in the Methodist church fi At this morning and this after noon Dr Harris will continue the studies in Acts and where of the Lessons for are taken from ibis evening a rare treat- may bo expected In the Method church when Rev Dr of the Cen tral Toronto give the He is such a magnificent apeaker that we hope tie church will be crowded to the doors church spent last Sabbath with Mr John Crawford Mr Edgar Hughes of the line visited Mr Crawford also Mr Jos Rogers got a telegram Manitoba stating that his sis ter Mrs Holmes Rogers lies very low has a great many friends here who wait anxious ly for a more favorable report Mrs Pratt was called to Newmarket to wait upon her lather Mr Kills Hughes who is very III t Mr and Mrs Marshall left Wednes day on a visit to friends in I wonder if they will see the Owl that Uvea out that way I wish they would catch him and bring him out to Kettleby to see what fine girls we have out here good lookers and good ha ore bear the wedding bells ringing near vote for Prohibition and save the boys Mr of Victoria College oc cupied the pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday night and gave a most practical sermon Mr J I A Hop kins will etbe service next Sun day evening and the- following Sunday Trooper Brace will preach Quite a number of the farmers in this neighborhood have put up so as to do their chopping pulping by power is quite a saving on a large farm Among the last to put up mills was Mr Thomas Livingstone and Mr Sellers both uptodate farm ers SebooJ Report For October No WHITCHURCH Davis Hannah Wright Delia Sr Lloyd Elsie Pen rose Edna Walter field Delia Lehman Jr III Lauretta Bertie Colin Willie Lundy Jane Nellie Penrose Clara Mill er Fred Penrose Jr Herb Jessie Toole Dawson Davis Pt Frances Denne Gladys Penrose Fred Reynolds Moss Jr Ft Muriel Van Luvcrn Ella WiUte Cora I Harman Starr Clarence Oldham Lehman Stevens Jr I Harry Penrose Everett Etta Ada Reynolds Roy Reynolds Present every day Widdifield Eunice Bertie Widdifield Hannah Wright Jessie Toole Stuart Starr Clarence May Teacher Mining in KESWICK The anniverfary services of Methodist church next Sunday and Monday are looked forward to with interest Sermons at and by Rev of who has reputation of being a splendid speaker Lecture on Mon day evening by the same gentleman solos by Mr of Sutton and music by the church Chair to be taken at Everybody come There was a fair turnout at tbo Division on Saturday intend regularly every Saturday evening now Mr Is Just finishing the brickclad on Mrs Mitchells Why certainly I am engaged to atterd the Hot Fowl Supper and Entertainment at the Christian Church next Tuesday evening In addition to the supper which will be a bountiful supply of daintily pre pared there will be an even ings which no person can afford to Trooper Chaplain Brace 2nd R will give celebrated lecture Canadians Under in It is quite an improvement Line This baa- bee village given before crowded houses Mrs returned home and elsewhere and in on Monday after about a weeks Vis- reports it is of In the moat it With friends in Aurora terras This lecturer Mr John has moved will be of interest to all into the house lately by South African veterans who may Mrs Mann able to Trooper Brace will One day week a resident of appear in and will exhibit j Jersey came by boat to Keswick relics from the battle field j visiting the hotel left for home In and will also sing The Maple Leaf intoxication He managed Hob will be sung by to reah his boat and In trying to ingle Mr Scott get In fell Into the water One of All tickets will be sold at the the villagers helped him out and church or the evening of the supper tried to persuade Mm to return to elsewhere All tick- the village but he would not This will numbered those who about oclock in the afternoon nurchai ticket first will oclock in the evening ho at the tables Supper will found in his boat on the bay be ready from pm Ticket- of men boon at- will be charge Mr Joseph tracted by his cries for help lie Stephens and can be procured of was in a bad state alroosrt lcnuinWi as early as pm Come and enjoy with the cold and In an almost evening with wa te condition It la a wonder he From the Los Angeles Times Mining lor Beeswax is an industry confined to a small stretch of the Pacific coast and it exists nowhere else as far as can be ascertained About thirty miles south of mouth of the Columbia River is Bay and beach and Is where the beeswax mines are found It is hardly prober to call the de posits mines for they arc scattered along the beach in an uncertain fa shion and are probably not of na tures- production The deposits are mined however but in any other kind of mining resemble placer diggings more than any other The beeswax miner uses a plough and team of horses to work the al luvial deposits at the mouth of the bay and sometimes goes at it with pick and Occasionally some fine specimens of the wax arc found floating or cast upon the sands of the beach How did the beeswax get there Authorities diner as to this Sam ples have been sent to men to be mineral experts and they say it is probably ozocerite other wise known as mineral wax or na tural paraffin mado from petroleum products not much different from that produced from gives a similar when melted and it Is easy to see that a mistake be made On the oth er hand beeswax experts insist that It Is the product of the bee the char acteristic odor disappearing some what from long exposure to the ele ments When found the pieces have a corroded- appearance like mineral ore and the discoloration extends through the substance to some ex tent This might be expected for much of ft has been tossed about by the waves or has been buried In the beach sand for two or three centur ies The alluvial or made lands near the entrance to the bay have trees standing thereon which must he more than a hundred years old some being three feet In diameter and deposits of the wax are found beneath the roots of these trees in many in stances At present sea is mak ing Inroads lend and is away support from quite a tract of lowland covered with forest and largo quantities of the wax arc brought to view The riv er Is a large stream carrying an liny amount of water in the win ter and Is constantly chang ing the country in the region of the Years ago Small bits of the wax have been picked up at various places along te Oregon coast and as far south as Santa Barbara in Califor nia say the scientists who have generally regarded it as mineral wax It is known that there are depos its of genuine ozocerite in the moun tains of Southern Oregon and in Utah but they have never been work ed The mineral wax has bean found also in other parte of world and these facts have no doubt led some to the erroneous belief that the product is of a mineral origin And should it prove to be true oz ocerite it is evident that some of the samples have been worked and moulded by early explorers There are strong reasons however for believing that the wax came from a ship and from a Span ish ship at that Few regularshap ed have been found but which appeared to have been mould ed was marked plainly with the mon ogram and several cylinderic- al pieces have been found which might have been intended candles If so however the wicks had decayed long ago The supposed candles are two inches diameter and the through the centre one half an inch in diameter These have been found in broken pieces none mere than foot in length A few large masses of wax weighing as much as lbs have been unearthed The remains Chinese junk partially in the sands of the vicinity but this wreck has been in that place less than a century no doubt At the southern end of the beach near the mouth Tillamook bay is an old wreck which is un covered at times and which appears to be a ship made of The timbers arc fastened with copper nails and holts This may furnish a clue worthy of credence for the Indians have a legend of a boat being wrecked some time in the misty past possibly some of the Spanish vessels in the time of early and others made trips along the coast as early as probably and several similar expedi tions went as far north as Sound shortly afterwards The In dian legend is tolerably definite and has been- down with some detail This story is that In an cient times a strange craft was wrecked on the beach and that a portion of the crew were pale faces others being black In a bat tle the pale faces wore killed but the black men were adopt ed into the tribe The In dians are large in stature and very dark as compared with other tribes In that locality and they attribute it to their black ancestors Ac cording to their tradition the bees wax came with the ship and they aso relate a story of buried treas ure The Indians say that several v chests were hurled near the loch at the of Wore the white men were killed and that the place has never been dis turbed on account of certain super stitions Peculiar markings on face of the cliffs are supposed by some to lie an Index to the location of but no one has ever found it so far though the wax is in evidence everywhere in the vicinity Quaker Oats per Package loc New Dates lb bars Laundry Soap Baking Soda per lb 3 Washing Soda per lb Royal Yeast iffi Raspberry and Strawberry Jarri per pail 45- New Figs lbs Fruit Biscuits per lb A Ginger Snaps 4 lbs J 6 lbs Rice 6 lbs Tapioca ISO Nice Sweet Seedless Oranges New Raisins per lb New Currants lbs New Apricots lbs bag Family Flour Cakes Toilet Soap Lemons per dozen 5 Bushel Baskets or 2 for Bushel Root Baskets or for New Labrabor Herrings per dozen 25 New Red Herrings box White Beans per lb 4 Mixed Peels per lb Spanish Onions pounds for Apples by the barrel Quinces per basket Pears per basket The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly Report show thgt the black baas which have been placed in the waters of the Park and in Buffalo Lake near Calgary are do ing well Is always this to be said In honor of agriculture Its products are always honestly earned no man engaged in It has ever cause ti have a tussle between his avarice and his conscience study to ee how nice ly he can violate the Intent of the law without breaking letter Its rewards are never deftly filched from some other mans toll Merlin Ont Nov The direc tors the Ontario Sugar Company have decided to another com pany for the purpose of establishing a new Industry In Berlin The new firm will lie called the Ontario Chemical Company and will manu facture alcohol for scientific purposes out of the made at the Ontario and other sugar In the Province The company will ho distinct from Ontatlo Sugar Refining Company for OF CANADA AUTHORISED CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL J HEAD OFFICE TORONTO NEWMARKET Toronto Clinton BRANCHES MOUNT ALBERTUNIONVJLLE Montreal i SUTTON Que St Sterling Ottawa Pert Exeter LLOYD BRANCH- J STARK ALBERT The Mens Leading Out Fitter BARGAINS FOR THIS WEEK pre Mens Fine WoolLined Mocha Gloves Regular Price and OUR PRICE THIS cents only Tweed Suits Long or Short Pants cheap at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK J- Mens AIIW00I Suite Reg Price OUR PRICE THIS WEEK Mens Grey Overcoats made to sell at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK 600 Mens Oil Grain Boots Oak Tanned Leather better than you usually see at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK Dont fall to see this line doz Mens AllWool Underwear Good Value at OUR PRICE THIS WEEK 36 cents Cor Main Timothy Sis NOW IS THETIWIE Meyers Poultry Spice If you want Eggs In the early winter For Sale at DENNES FEED STORE Opposite Forsyth House House for Sale Corner of Huron Street and Pros pect Ave J CANE Newmarket Six Fresh Cows Wanted at once WATSONS DAIRY Newmarket House for A Brick Houeo with Lawn and Garden all in good condition Fur nace and other conveniences For further particulars after Sept to MRS MARY OLIVER St House and Lot For Sale or to Rent on Main St North Garden attached well Cis tern furnace and modern conven iences Apply to JAMES KAVANAGH Industrial Home Rooms to Let Furnished or unfurnished Mrs Lot St r t-