Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 14 Nov 1902, p. 6

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St- Sew jlsto oefrSyocrtmonih Ho joFSQy Bit Heifers Co el are fcidla for t this season We have all and Garden Our Block or baa arrived kinds of Field Seeds in hulk and which we will sell at close Poultry kill on cattle and ticks on Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT You can money by buying your Furniture at the put Furniture Store A TOCK THAN EVER Bedroom and Soiiea Extension Parlor Couch fancy Chain We are also for Pillow Sham Holders and the Stretcher and Picture framing a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in ALLAN THEAKER WOOL Tabs your WOOL to Mount Albert Woollen Hills lad get highest Toronto Id Cash Full stock Cloths Sheetings Yarns etc also good of always on hand 2c for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons i fV 91V24 V I THE MARKET was a good crowd out at the market on Tuesday and some spirit- competition among the Prices as follows butter to eggs 20 to chickens to ducfcs to geese turkeys LECTURE On- Friday Nov Rev Brace will- deliver his famous lecture Experiences in South AC- j PRESENTATION Promotions George Oross French Herbert Alice Case Wesley Theater Morgan Ger trude Moore Reg Wesley Vera Walton Nettie Tie proceeds amounted to the admission fee small and the pupils of the school about of course admitted tree Mr occupied the chair I BALDWIN isflEEZEi 1 in the Methodist church of Zephyr See hills for particulars Rev Mr Brace will occupy the Methodist chinch on the following Sunday evening FIRST OFFENCE A neighboring farmer was driving through our town a short time ago when his horse suddenly dropped dead on the street The owner stood re garding him for a moments in silence and then calmly remarked Well Ive driven that horse for a good many years and I never knew him to do that before A most enjoyable evening was spent on Wednesday last at the borne of Mr James general at Holt when a large number of his many met together to express their sentiment of cheer towards and to bid him au re- It is always a painful iask for me to family Jars and evil doings of my I prefer to speak well rather than HI pi them but sometimes my indignation gets the better of me arid I tell ttie plain un varnished truth Morton has departed from our midst under a cloud after disposing of every avail able chattel leaving his wife to work out her own salvation as she may I leave his case in the hands aiPro Bono the cit izens of Sutton had prepared to do honor in which tar leathers and masks play a prominent part Christ said Let him who is with- out sin cast the first stone We all have our shortcomings had his too voir since be is about to sever his There has been among connection with the neighborhood As a practical token of their ap hreciation of- Mr excellent qualities Mr Stephen step ped forward and read an address in which he stated how seriously his removal was deplored from the scene of his labors and bow deeply his loss was felt throughout the community hut still there was ever a citizens Mrs Broad has remov ed from our village to Brock Kenny Cameron has purchased a house in the village and the family have mov ed in The average farmer here is terribly behind with his fall plowing They seem to consider they do well if they get it turned- A flourishing fanner out in used to consider CLUB The meeting of the Liberal Club on Tuesday was fairly well attended The principal business transacted was the election of officers which re sulted as follows PresidentsEugene 1st 2nd JBoku 3rd Vice Boyd Cunningham Cor J of the exemplary and it his duty to cross his J The Ladies Aid in connection With the Franklin Christian Church a successful meeting and tea at the home of Mrs Crone op Tues day evening Several our citizens took in- the hot roast at on Monday and report an enjoyable time Good progress is being made With the Sovereign Bank building The work is finished and the roof is almost completed Messrs Cunningham Sols sold three horses on Saturdays The team weighed 3080 ttis manner In which he dischargee bis in the League and the Sunday School That it was sincerely hop ed that kind Providence who ever watches over and guides His people would continue to bless and prosper him in bis new sphere of action that the people of his new home as his high anc no ble character and that his labors might be abundantly blessed On- behalf of the donors Mr A Harry Baker BA then begged to present Mr with an chair a rocker and table not for their intrinsic value but as an evi dence of will and as a mark attachment Mr made a neat and- reply thanking them for their gift and wishes Refreshments were then served parlor games indulged in until an early hour and the gathering broke up with singing Auld Lang Syne land twice every fall Consequently his land was in fine form The Immigration Department at report the proposed settlement Canada of Our knowledge of the Poles are that they vic ious superstitious rebellious and troublesome class of people In De troit there are a number of them The police have much diffi culty with them A visitor to the quarters after is in danger of his life The present dif- residence Art ere lougi expect will be building a cage tor his- birdie But it do to mention it often hes bashful At the same- time as friend of Mr Owl One day I remarked to nay friend Donald Riddel that a certain spot of land would raise fine praties He planted potatoes there this year and had a splendid yield He and Thos- Graham were the only ones in our district that had half a crop Shall tell you of a truly good have In mind the late Mrs Francis Starr Her biography would indeed be a pleasant one of a quiet unobtrusive nature yet tie depth of her Christian char acter seemed to shine in her kindly and sweet motherly face Those who have been on most inti mate acquaintance with her speak of her at home or as a true mother in Israel If she be not one of Gods chosen ones I fear there is little to hope for the majority of those still in life company which recently at Johnnie Taylors is another plowboy Johnnies family tree now has two olive branches Aint he well The last arrival like paw and maw is very New women and wine are all very fine Wben kept in their proper place But when you abuse it raises the deuce And plunges you deep in disgrace For verification of above apply to Mrs Grundy Baldwin It ft correspondents special pri vilege to record what transpires within bounds of his own territory o Robes Fur- Lined Coats Ladies Astrachan Jackets and Beautiful Assortment of Lace Leather Belting Belt Punches Mitts Guage Glasses Rubber Asbestos and Spiral Packings Best Grides of Machine OiU HUDWAR MOUNT ALBERT ficulty with the Doukhobors should therefore you must not deem me Books ore Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Shovels READY MIXED PAINT Hew Shades in Beaver Brand I ROWLAND Mount Albert j Mr- of Toronto visit ing at the borne of Mr Miss Grace McNeil has returnee borne after a two months visit with friends in Toronto and elsewhere Miss Lola Card visiting at the home Mr Marian Mrs John A Leek Hertford lis visiting her tether Mr James Moore- head Miss Jessie Davidson of bridge spent at the home of her brother Mr Davidson Mr J McKay of the was in town on Monday and Tuesday Mr of Toronto was town for a flying visit on of was in town for a few days on a visit to hex sister Mr Vim who has been spending few dayp with his parents returned to Hay on Tuesday Violet Walton of Newmarket spent Sunday at her Mr Ben and friend Mr George of Toronto spent a few days with friends in this vicinity Mr and Mws of were of Mr ALBERT STORE Pure Paris Green in bulk n up in Poison Fly Paper amp Tanglefoot We carry a full Una of them and Cure PrWTtASon4 or LLOYD A memorable event in connection with the Mount Albert Public took ace on PMy evening when the were held the hour for the town hail was packed to the and were to Tte presented the credit on our teaching fataH the pupils were carefully trained and their par try MitBta Clara and two pretty The May Dance and deserve special Although it good Add res ea were delivered by J IK Mr II An ieaVire at Wife close the presentation of to Jul candidates by the principal Mr Following are those who were made happy that re spect Iblrantfr- Lilian Porter An nie Blizzard toss Frank Public leaving Poster If fet Books are insurance policies fully paid and can be cashed at any time They insure against for in moment we can in our eye call in the most delightful company of We can revel in the drollery of Sam or laugh at Mr Pickwick bear Tom Sawyer re count his liveliest exploits or smile indulgently at garrulous Dietrich Knickerbocker If in a tender mood we may roam with gentle grieving Evangeline in search of her lost lov er or let our hearts stir in sym pathy with Utile If lite ap pears and commt ones bookshelf has a policy that provides lor the emergency With Homer we may follow the deeds of the mighty ancient warriors We may ftee to a lonely with the ever-handy- Rob inson Crusoe sail under seas with Captain Nemo share the romantic savagery of Hiawatha or the last of the Mohicans or unravel mysteries with Sherlock Holmes If friends disappoint us we may turn to that ate ever constant in the pages that have grown dear to or or we nay reassure our doubts if human faithfulness by reading about Damon and Pythias or Penelope Insurance against discouragement is found in the Hie of George Washington Ab raham Fred Douglass or Booker T Washington any of whom conquered more than can possibly con front us- If we are listless and In different have but to open a of history of the deeds of olden ofl If we feel of selfishness our good Impulses we may read of have given their labor and- their lives to help their creatures and so shame ourselves to higher thinking and more unselfish doing Success be a lesson to the Dominion Wardens house looks handsome an ornament to our street The hoys axe as proud as a peacock Joe Mill er has reason to be proud of his work Ketch and Sherwood are up at BurkV Falls on a In deed a good yearly take ad vantage of the hunters excursion to take a visiting scoot Mrs has quite recovered her lost vitality and will shortly return to her home hubby Rev was making pas toral calls in Egypt last week and dont you know have a high regard for his perceptive faculties as he too has discovered that Mrs Hadden is a model hostess and sets an appetiz ing dinner His JRevereric at a casual glance impresses as being well balanced mentally His expansive forehead indicates great intellectuality while his physical proportions are of such a liberal mould that might have a busybody or in other peo ples affairs has established a repu tation here lor dainty millinery ox which she has just reason to feel fiat The dying as no doubt many noticed are delightel music vocal instrumental Tt seems to soothe the nerves Elsewhere youll find a favorite song witti many The Owl BUTTON acquitted himself with credit as a College He is- a pleasant conversationalist and has the faculty of one at east But I have set out to write a biographical sketch hut merely- a penportrait or him He too reads the Mr Henry has leaned Pollocks farm in will soon remove from our neighbor hood of wliich he Is a most highly respected resident We shall him Gordon Is trying the New Life Remedies quite built up end faopeful Wis Geo Yates was cured of what city physicians pronounced cancer by use of Ibis We hope Mr will enjoy similar happy re sults Our good friend Park has been ill but wc understand Is Improving His liver was deranged Some time ago I had occasion to call public attention to girls about after nightfall without proper escort Folk about here generally knew to whom had special refer ence Some one at a distance in quired of one of our citizens to whom I referred They mentioned the name of one of our best conducted young ladles It annoyed me very much Whatever was tho motive for so doing unless for potty jealousy I cant conceive Artie ft up I consider Tablets one of the thoroughly satis factory Proprietary I have be come familir in more than experience No pill or tablet that I have so well of an effective yet gen tle liver pill regu lator of the bowels while at the same time acting a tonic to the blood and nervous sys tem Hick Druggist Ontario T New Store Baldwin We are better prepared Man ever to supply you with all Builders Hardware for the coming season Eavetroughing Tin Repairing promptly attended to at lowest Be sure and see our Furniture be fore buying elsewhere SALT BY BARREL Central Telephone Baldwin Last Sunday being the anniversary of the Kings birthday Special Service held in the English Mrs Cuttle was presented with a handsome Clock by the congre gation of St Georges Church as a to ken respect and appreciation of her services as organist The are holding very interesting meetings in the Meth odist Church every Monday evening Some of our hunters have returned from the chase on party with two deer and six Mis Kay professional nurse returned to Chicago after a long with her mother and friends Mr Osborne of Newmarket parents and friends recent- jy Mr Joseph is spending a of weeks in the city Rev Rutherford was at Mi Albert last week in connection with An uncle of the the guest of Mrs a few days ago Mr Will Percy was homo on a visit with parents A very market was held hero last Tuesday a largo increase over a week Rev last Sunday do live red a powerful on the question of Liquor Act of to be voted- upon on Dec next He considered the question from eco nomical moral and humanitarian standpoints each of which was corft- dealt with showing how little ground or reason there was or for continuance and that it ought to he abolished- There should be no apathy on this Every human feeling lofty aspiration for life and human progress should call awry voter to the poll to cast his vote to put it out of existence as a beverage Miss was taken severely ill last vith inflammation of lungs but wo to say she is improving met at the home of Mrs Mrs J gave a report of Provincial Convention held in Toronto Mrs Nell Morton of Morton Park was present and gave an interesting report of the County Convention held at Oct and Next evening Rev Roach speak on Ontario Liquor Act of 1D02 and hear what is to bo the que ion A speaker is expected to address the electors hero some day next week In all probability the Hon V Why cannot the liquor party if they think their cause a one meet the temperance people in debate on the public plat form Bring on your able men A number of friends met at the Methodist Parsonage last Tuesday evening and spent a very pleasant social time playing games after which a substantial tea was served Halloween some one entered the little office in connection with Mr Stevensons Weigh Scales and de stroyed the record book Some there are who consider this fun The hardware store is being re- shingled and Mr Kemps blacksmith shop is undergoing repairs Last Sunday Rev F Roach gave an earnest taking for his subject The Sin In brief he considered it continu ed and persistent rejection of the promptings of the Holy Spirit and thus sinning away the day of grace Op8 ASK FOR The Heavenly Song A Favorite of the Owl Come sing to me heaven When Im about to die Sing songs of holy To wait my soul on high 11 i When the last moment comes Then watch my dying lace To catch the bright seraphic gleam That oer my features plays Then to my raptured soul Let one sweet song be given Let music cheer me last on earth And greet me first in heaven Then close my sightless eyes And lay me down to rest And fold ray cold and ley hands Across my lifeless breast Then round my senseless clay Assemble those I love Sing songs of heaven delightful heaven My glorious home above Waste of Postage The lawyers were discussing merits and demerits of a wellknown member of the New Orleans bar who been gathered his fathers and one of the party the Times- Democrat recalled the time when he studied in the old mans office We bad a copying clerk whose In efficiency continually worked the Judge up to a point of explosion One day a basket fell of the top of his desk and scratched his cheek Not having any court plast er he slapptd on postage stamps and went on with his work A little later he had some papers to take to United States Court and forgetting all about tho stamps he on his hat arid went out As entered the the judge raised nla head and fixed him with an astonished stare The clerk stopped and locked frightened and Anally ask ed sir Yea sir thundered the old gen tleman You are carrying too much postage for secondclass mat ter It pays to in the MONEY TO LOAN CGtnpfcnlw at rat ea Notary Conveyancer Mount Albert Good tor Have Them Guarantee Them Ladies and Gents FUR COATS Many Different Kinds TO CHOOSE FROM V I the Patterns be had by looking oar oyer Boons Do not buy Mm seen our Hi KELLER The Fashionable Tailor Mount The Liverpool London INSURANCE COMPANY Availably Sf Capital yjg OFFICE CANADA- BRANCH worth J So Dpuiy ton Sir tit AaM DAVIDSON Ml Albert CbUJ A a tat for Cutters and Prices moderate J COOK Agent Sheep foi- Sale Shropshire Buck Breeding at a Bargain let them out on J P SHIELDS Grain Merchant price laid tor all grain Salt and era Binder always on ALBERT

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