mm She Good General Servant Apply to A one door Presbyterian Church row fetHoiad miction Changes A jtap Coat Cabinet consequent upon Park on of Hon- J day can have same by paying for this notice topic place on Tuesday Hon James Sutherland has been transfer red to Public Now that fuel is bare buy a real to Mr Raymond Ontario election trialsNorth his- resulted in being declared a In iiit i Daily feat has a of Jfe says Commissioner of Prisons the last days of that notorious instru ment of discipline The Of it as a form labor was years has now been abolished of the must be re garded as another proof of inz humanity of Criminal In near future it Is said Can ada will have an overland system sew Metropolitan Bank is in lately good running order now ay moss IT J Coat Robe and Mitts They Sutbeir- teJegraphywfcich if carried and you f keep you Warm and when you as Minister of are out In cold and and Marine and Fisheries Hon air dont mind If is no fire in foataiaea acceptance of office ac- put robe coat and on tbe bed and all soon be warmer than a coal Are could None like real Gait goods for sale by A HOME applied to any of our special MAIL will produce good results for toe ambitions young or woman wishes to prepare for a better position in Jife The Cost is but nominal Our catalogue to Success contains a par- Write for it Address TORONTO J SHAW Principal A strong acbool J regular teachers a i splendid equipment and well J patronized by students J every Province of- tbe Defining INTERNATIONAL Correspondence SCRANTON PA vacant of tfaitonneure for of be was at last general election It is expect ed Minister will seek re election in former Mr new Minister has been in public life for years having been elected to the Provincial Legislature of Quebec in 1875 and was twice chosen for the Mayoralty of Montreal He was re turned to Commons in 188f- and has been a member of that House ever since Mr speaks both French and English fluently is a strong man politically bis na tive Province and has the courage of his convictions At time a strong hostile feeling obtain ed in Quebec against sending Cana dian troops to South Africa Prefontaine- came out fearlessly in defence of the The Liberal press of the sister Pro vince speak of him as a strong ag gressive man many of the qual ities of leadership Referring to Hon Mr Sutherlands transfer to the Department of Public Works the Globe says he will bring to his new office the judgment that he has shown in whatever posi tion he has been called to fill since his appearance in public life In this connection it is worthy of note out will revolutionize the telegraph system of the country and mike the great tremble for its monopoly The Mar coni Wireless Telegraph Co of Can ada with an authorized capital of was incorporated under Ontario laws this week Instead calling the messages by this wireless system telegrams they will be known as A shorter word would suit this century a little belter- A Magazine Thirty Years Old The Christmas December Number of The is also the Anniversary Number To do justice to this number which for beauty and utility touches the highest mark it would be necessary to print the whole list of contents It is sufficient to state that in it the best modern writers and artists are generously represented The book contains over pages with full- page illustrations of which are in two or more colors The tude of this December number for which tons of and six tons of ink have been used may be under stood from the fact that presses running 14 hours a day have been required to print it the binding alone of the edition of copies representing over 20008000 sections which had to be gathered individually by human hands Paid Up Capital Tift AAA AAA AA first Aerander Mackenzie laid seals of the Public Works Department is filled by an Ontario Minister The Cabinet is now com plete and the is strong in the confidence of the peo ple oo STUDENTS Enrolled at Any Time Goarses of a DISPLAY at corner of and Ptrk are ihe Poet Office G V At Office This Veek An Ottawa despatch states Mr Flint for Yarmouth has been appointed Clerk of House of to the late Sir John The campaign Manual is a neat and attractive compiled by Secretary of the Do minion- Alliance containing a hun dred pages carefully prepared and selected articles for the information and assistance of workers in tbe campaign to secure the adoption of the Ontario Liquor Act- There are about articles dealing with dif ferent phases of the temperance and prohibition question besides a num ber of prohibition a series of striking cartoons There are sta tistical tables and other technical matter put in a convenient form which will be found of much service to prohibition speakers and writers morning The history of tie movement result- ing in the present situation is set out and much information is about tbe working prohibitory laws in Kansas Maine and elsewhere price of post paid is ten cents per copy one dol lar per dozen Address Confed eration Life Building Toronto of tb club last nnday eyenfeg i honor of the- Kings birthday Premier this week received the first barrel of sugar manufactur ed Ontario by the Berlin factory He aid it is to tell it from the high grade gran ulated sugar Jta who af ter erection the monument the memory of re port thai New York statue will be on the southeast comer of the Parliament grounds across the roadway the Batoche monument The central part of the old court house is to be remodelled and made into offices for the County Treasurer and the County Clerk Two supposed burglars were fright ened away an Sunday by a neighbor who them preparing bo of Cowan treasurer of the f and Opera House It is proposed to equip the ten snow sweepers of the Toronto Street Railway Company with special gongs which will be heard a long distance and enable those having horses along the roadway to prepare for the pass age the sweepers and prevent the delays under the present system Our Society Miss Anna Chan tier was home from the city over Sunday Mrs Nelson of Toronto attended the funeral of the late Mrs Mrs J and little girls were visiting in Bradford over Sun day Mr J Johnson of us a call while in Town I Ait Saturday Mr Fred Coombs luiord was a visitor at Mr A last Saturday Mrs J entertained a number of ladies at oclock tea on Wednesday evening The Misses Allan entertained company at their residence Park Ave on Wednesday night A bus load of Masons made a visit to the Lodge at Richmond Hill or Monday night and report a good time Mr Will has accepted a situation On the Metropolitan as conductor and starts next Monday Try for RELIABLE LADIES STYLISH COATS to SEE THEM Newmarket to Chicago 1540 AND RETURN t the Live Stock Eihibition to Deo 180 Tickets are good going let 3rd and valid returning from Chicago or before Dec The Best 8ervloe S road oed wide luxurious Dining Cafe Parlor Cars Sleep and fat time injure a comfortable journey California Winter Resorts Round trip tourit tickets good for nine months for or tin gle and all Information from Agents A Agffnt Write lor to the Com mons of Canada constituen cies of and and far Yarmouth Nova Scotia have been Nomina tions take place on Ho v arid one week A new line of railway from Port to is being pro jected The distance is about miles This line will form an im portant link between the northern southern sections of western On tario Oaf Toronto better During the week Mr Dominion fifeh and Wallace of Toronto visited the ficher of Allen of Ease County and confiscated nets Several Windsor fishermen met the same late A fchin license does not illegal acts 10 Reward above will paid for that will lead to the urn- of the party or parties that my wagon out of the yard it down the hill on Hallo ween A It is announced that Mr John kin IM4 has held the position of Official la the Province of Ontario has resign ed arid Mr has been- appointed as his successor The duties of Guardian of infants are very with the growth of have become important and of wide range The Kington Lews occasion between and public do all If their to the former Mow charge is either true or lake If true assertion Is capable of and the should name the post office or trie official- If not true it la a base upon post- office f labile It fit up to to the name and jr word lor it the not shrinV an example Wilt the sraV now We have both hi trrf wanting or masters in but apply to trnnuIalDtK the Cattle for Sale Dr J Hart Shaw St with a- hunting party up North at died from on Mon day last The body was brought to this city for interment A monument to the Canadians who In the war of will he in the Portland St Cemetery on the A young named was badly burned at her home in Mercer St this week as the result of an explosion of soft coal gas In the kitchen stove The strike the printers employed by the T Co has been settled Aid Thomas in freely talked of as an opponent of Mayor Howl arid in the coming Mayoralty contest The latest development In the coun terfeiting case is the arrest of a son of Stewart aged forger now awaiting here Young was taken near Hull Que on being pleaded guil ty to the of uttering counter feit money About couples were present at the second annual ball given by the Red Hose Club on Monday Some fellows bitten by Gale failure and Kre now- taking extradition prr-eed- to bring Gale from New York A rumored between Kings ton and North Ontario in the matter election protests freely in the city yesterday has marked the of Toronto University The estimated expenditure for current year as compared with last a deficit of Its too high- toned for this democratic country The woman charged shopHftlnj from Was fctnt to the Mercer Ji Cays with OT make alto- Only for her little child the Judy would have given I her heavier punishment Mr Geo Trivett started work again yesterday afternoon It was three months last Friday since his leg was broken Mr Chicago and of Toronto were vis iting at Mr a day or two this week Tribune Mr J and lady friend Newmar ket visited at the home of his mo ther Mrs ftadmore oh Sunday and Mr Rep of the International Correspondence School are in Town this week See ad Mr and son of To ronto were in Town last Messrs are getting out a monument for the family plot In Cemetery jj The BARN In Town on Nov to Mr and Mrs Ollearn a daughter THE LEADING Undertaking House IK FURNITURE it Greatly Prices During the of the Fair Bedroom Suites worth for Bedroom Quits with Bevel Minor worth for Bedroom Suites with Bevel Mirror worth He for Golden Suite -Bevel- Mirror worth lor Parlor Suite pea silk covering worth Parlor Suite silk plush worth for Parlor Suite tap and worth for Parlor Suite Velours pieces worth for Golden Elm Sideboard with Mirror worth for Ash Sideboard large Bevel Mirror worth lor and A Night calls attended to at Residence John Millard Phone and 20 ltsthe Backing we give our store that inspires confidence in our store our weekly- annouricemntslvays tarry so much weight We ful fil every premise we make Goods and Prices are described accurately We things just as we WHHWHa say Even then our responsibility doesnt cease The goods satisfaction or money will refunded gainful shopping chances are suggested in these prices NEW Oat lines of Corset will always be found complete with the very Latest Novelties procurable as as the more Staple lines Some of our most popular Hues for season are Cromp tons Straight No at Imix 197 at at Brash Co No 118 Corset at Childrens Waists all and We on all our lines or money back Underskirts for 12 only Mercerized Sateen marie with deep frill and lined throughout all sizes regular value for each Wvapperettes for 50 Neat patterned Cloths in Bed Cheeks and Plaids suitable for Wrappers or Childrens Dresses now on salo per yd Linen at yd yds of Linen Hand and Glass Towelling also a quantity of Cotton Butter sis lor i won In Nile Green Garnet Cream Pearl White Yellow and Pink full in wide a beautiful even fast colored Silk selling at per yd at Ball Price Mens Laundered White Shirts all sizes reinforced back and front continuous facings all bought at less than half price your choice while they last and value Wear Skirts Beautifully made and Trimmed in Cheviots and prices from Towelling wide wultli very special at yd 200 to A Fresh Canned Peas Corn and Tomatoes very special at per tin 250 of the Purest Iuizeraoll Lard now on sale at per lb Pare Pork Sausage fresh Daily USIi THE PHONE for your orders we ensure prompt delivery to all parts of town No of the Big Hand Newmarket Successors to iY-j- the Lennox election protest meat handed out on Monday last by Mr Justice j action to set aside petition Mr tbe member- Tie motion tailed l on all polnV3 Mr tried to sot aside tbe petition a calityi but failed go A baa several merchants by presenting them with forged checks foe small articles and pocketing be change Marie Nov did to the nearly in motor room the Lake Super Power Companys re duction works in the Canadian Boo last night TO CHUB GRIP IN TWO DAYS removes the signature every box Price 25 cento The Altar resi dence the brides on Nov by Elder I Newmarket Mr to Miss Smith daughter of the late St Basils Church Toronto Nov by Rev Father Mr John McCabe of to Miss Agnes M Hughes daughter of Mrs John Hughes Pearsons Crossing Newmarket Tomb her residence Park Ave Newmarket on Monday Nov Catharine widow of the Clark in the year her age Friendship by Hugh Black A Mans Value to I The Investment of Influence Great Books as Life 1 Kingship of SelfControl The Majesty of Calmness TABLE T HAVE IT Up TO TROPOLITAN Ask for Fashion Sheet CRANBERRIES QUINCE GRAPES NEW RAISINS NEW CURRANTS New Dates Maple Syrup ALL POPULAR BREAKFAST FOODS MAIN ST NORTH NEWMARKET All Order will receive Careful and Prompt Attention- Wagon Loads at a Special Price by the dozen Famous Fresh Pork Sausage Fresh Bulk Oysters STARR TELEPHONE