Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 7 Nov 1902, p. 6

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r f- rf fc It Hopkins Jersey Cattle Six Choice Heifers Cor fit than we bolls for sale STOKES Mount Albert THE attendance it foe on not quite up to the av erage Prtois as follows butter to eggs 17 to IPC chickens to ducks to geese to turkeys BALDWIN BREEZES Oar stock lor has arrived kinds Of Field Seeds 111 which we this season We have all Garden hulk and package will sell at prices Powder will kill Ike oh cattle and ticks sheep Forrests Drag Store ALBERT You can save money by buying your Furniture at the A LARGER STOCK EVER OF Bedroom Suite parlor Tables poacher and Fancy Chair We are aota or Pillow the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Picture a Specialty delivered free of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN Mrs A who has visiting friends here for the past lew weeks returned to bit home in Toronto on Saturday- Mrs Rogers and shitdren of returned borne on Sat urday alter spending a week at tor fathers Mr Evans Mr Win of North Bay lis visiting with his parents here for a few days Messrs Wf Rosamond Stokes Geo went north on a deer hunting expedition on Wednesday- last During October Mr Robert Hayes shipped two car loads of hogs and sheep Mrs J Shields shipped hogs during the same month East Council meets on Friday at am Remember the school entertainment the TownHal tonight Friday- FAMILY GATHERING A vcry pleasant reunion of the mem bers of his family was held at the home of Mr Stephen Terry one last week There were present Mr and Mrs Davis of and family Mr and Mrs man family of Sir and Mrs Geo and Sly of and Rev David Terry the only son There were sixteen grandchildren present Mrl and Mrs Terry received a number of presents from their chil dren WOOL MARKET I Take your WOOL to the Mount Woollen Mills aid get the highest Toronto prices to Cosh Full stock of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment of fashionable Butting always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex- change lor goods Geo Sons Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Shovels WEDDING BELLS A marriage under rather unusual circumstances recently took place in our town- which proves that the course- of love does occasionally run smooth For some years a widow named Mrs Maggie Jennings resided in our quiet village and made a liv ing for herself and two small boys by carrying on dressmaking In St Joseph Mich dwelt a lonely wid ower Mr I A mutual friend in St Joseph a former resident of Mount Albert placed the two in cor respondence with each other Alter this had been carried on for some few months Mr paid a vis it to our town met his corre spondent face to fact Tie came he saw and conquered and after a few days courtship took his bride elect to Sharon where they were join ed in the holy bonds of wedlock by the Rev Mr on Tuesday of last week After a few days spent arranging business matters here the happy couple left for home in St Joseph It Is needless to say that Mrs Jennings good for tune has excited the envy of many of our young ladies who like last rose of summer are still bloom ing alone LEMON VILLI Mr Wan Thompson Bachelor Bil ly of Owl Town was married Miss daughter of the well known Jonas of Lake Shore last Tuesday is Use our most and upright young men and will have the wishes of all The boys were pre pared to give mm a right royal re ception on his return from his wrdr ding tour on Saturday eve Sinfulness is one of the most- dis tressing forms of nervousness It is truly pitiable to see the situations it will lead one in to If you wish to enjoy a hearty laugh and pull several nails your coffin Id advise you to read The Blunders of a Bashful Man Its a side splitter Three Thompson boys Rob Billy were married last week Two of them married It seems just as natural for a Thomp son to marry a as It used to be in for a Morton to marry a Mann ffm is erecting a fancy wire fence on the front of his lawn Quite a small army of sports their departure from here last week in quest of game and glory Most of them go to the Bear Lake dis trict Amongst the new aspirants for fame as a huntsman is our who has been hard training for several banging away daily with a popgun at a clay bank near town doubt ere this he has rode the goat as initiation into the noble order of Forester Cliff recalls the exploits of another Ger man sportsman which must re late Our German friend or some wrongfully call was threshing in his barn Looking out of the barn he perceiVed a fine buck Raising the scooP shovel which he held in his hand he took aim Ban- says he Just this moment a concealed hunter fried his rifle and the deer dropped dead Concealing rifle the hunter walked up to the astounded Dutch- roan who the game Of course boy does not like to be designated a milksop I do riot like to see our young folks break Next Sunday Rev away from all- family ties and go of will preach a sermon on Tfce Refer- into a far country to make a home Yet thte is getting to be the rule not the exception Life is too short Peter is in very feeble health Valentine jr has a house full of sick children One died nose bleeding AH efforts to it were of no Burial toof place on Monday pm Market is increasing in spirit All of reduce is new offered So long r as our boys spend their charity in candies at store I no particular objection to any unfortunate who enters tie matrimonial ranks But I do strongly ohiect to such heathen rites when they make a bos line for a hotel and there dispose of their filthy lucre In a there are youths along who are forbidden by law to resort such places then there is sure to be an infringe ment of the license law Theres a great deal of unnecessary running back and these days It will not be surprising to a fresh outbreak of smallpox The Owl Great axe going on for the Grand Fowl Supper in the School Room of the Methodist church nest Monday night Special anni versary sermons will be preached at am and pm next Sunday by Rev of No doubt the entertainment on Monday evening will be a great success In addition to the excellent supper which ladies are preparing a pro gram of unusual excellence will also be provided The speakers are Revs of Roach of Sutton Robinson of Kmg City and Miss Styles of To ronto and Miss Williamson StouffviHe are Miss was viewing j OBrien of the Ha says the strang er bete killing deer out of season HEADY MIXED Hew Shades in Beaver Brand PAINT ROWLAND J Mount Albert ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought In bulk and pot up la packages by Poison Fly Paper Tanglefoot a full lin of Cure clow ay or nfst T LLOYD DruKUt A public meeting in the prohibition will held in tlifc church on evening ihe A Toronto lawyer will giva the flJrlreaj of the evening A time there a rally of the temperance people and to he enlightened on the of the hour Mr Mw Miller of Manitoba her Mm Hancock Mr Mm Pretty of vhiitei at the on Monday Mr Martin home aiier eight weeka on the jury in Toronto Patrick purchased the farm of lat Cook for the Of 300 Mr VYii Phillips in visiting rela tives in Toronto for a few day The Mermonitea held their prayer mating at Mr A dy night The for the wmV favorable for farm era to their- crop which is a large one Indian fcu miner with all beauty ft here Let it hot turfi for time yet A from vicinity attended the funeral of the late over yeans old There were five present Geo rig ton the termon Rev of Toronto fepoVe a of the many virtues of the ted thats an uolawful deed chitQ- gracious I didnt know blame thing loaded Oh well give me half the game and Ill say nothing about it Halloween off perfectly quiet Our acted sensible No one disturbed am a great and lover of athetotic sports even if for nothing more than the healthful exercise they There is a series of games such as football lacrosse hockey fctci that have degenerated into ex hibitions of brutality that have lost all trace of manliness They should he thoroughly purged of all rough ness All three of our merchants are on the hunt in the North country Mr Fred accompanied J Miller to Ontario As Fred is the design til hu manity ft ins he should be able to view the country to advan tage The leaves are late in falling this year In the vicinity of water they did not fall until Nov 1 Charles is erecting a new residence to the rear of store Grandma has changed her residence She is now living with her son Ben The last act in the drama Is now being enacted arc having a most vivid illustration that where two are unequally yoked together a legal separation in the best remedy Owing the flagrant violation of lava decency and order many Of citizens feel justified in refus ing to recognize a wellknown here This refusal of social recognition cuts deep For the benefit of from chapped who can And no effectual I would refer to the neverfalling virtues of It will do marvels directed Thoae suffering from cracked heads have to hear their misfortunes Christian res ignation no remedy 1st and music by the church choir Everybody in the vicinity should take in this Bill of Fare PUBLIC SCHOOL Nora Irene Moore Byron Carrie Soules Roy Wight Bessie Frank Wright Katie Milne Jr Minnie I home from Kaslo HO or Liquor Act of A great moral and economical question is before the people will the verdict be on Dec next We hear that some will not vcte for the Act tear it will place the Gov ernment in difficulty This a very low view to take Let every map ask bis conscience Vis this li quor or evil a blessing or a curse in the community and then vote according to the dictations of that conscience the heavens fall The farmers weekly market was held here last Tuesday A good business was done between buyers and sellers also the merchants of the village The Misses Thornier are moving from the old family home on the farm in into the village to reside Master Ross Student at High School spent last Sunday week at home with parents Messrs J McKay Lennox were in the village the early part of last week Mr and Mrs Inksetter are spending a few holidays here With friends Mr Stuart Howard and Mr Lyall Scott spent last Sunday week at their respective homes here Court of Appeal was held here for tbe Municipality of Sutton en tbe and for on of Oct Honor Judge pre sided The Hon J Davis and Mr Lennox were present with counsel attending to their respective interests We regret that occasion should arise to to the sloucfay go-as- youplease in which these courts are conducted On en term the court room what do you find Some with hats on others with them off every other individual with a pipe or cigar in his mouth and the room literally filled with offensive to bacco smoke the floor spotted like a leopard with the still more offen sive tobacco spit so thai it is a severe trial and hardship for anyone not saturated with tobacco to remain in such a disagreeable and- unsani tary place Why does njft the judge have the same order arid decorum maintained that is strictly enforced in the Division Court Mr James Anderson has returned Robes FurLined Coats Ladies Jackets and Capes Beautiful Assortment of HDRAMSDEN ALBERT THRESHERS Lace Leather Belting Belt Punches Mitts Guage Glasses Rubber Asbestos and Spiral Packings Best Grades of Machine OiL MOUNT Geo has purchased the Farm on Con of and purposes moving there next fall Annie is on a visit to friends in Toronto at present Miss Ida Millard is plying her nee dle in this neighborhood A meeting of the Temperance cause to be in the Gum Swamp School House on Tuesday evening Nov At which all are requested to attend It 13 with much regret that we hear of Mr Gilpins anticipated removal to in the very near future Mr has been a worthy citizen always rr to assist in any jood work Even the worst his worm enemies could say was Hes a Tory which was an when we con sider hid frank political lean- we will be loth to both Mr and Mr Gilpin and family but our will be FEW FALL GOODS TO HAND THIS WEEK Dress Goods Homespuns New Store Baldwin We are better prepared ever to supply you with all Builders Hardware for the coming season Eayetroughing AND Tin Repairing promptly to at lowest rates He and see our furnlVjre he- fore elsewhere SALT BY BARREL Central Telephone Baldwin Wright Dillon Lewis Dan Moore Mabel Anderson Ernest Watson Herb Wright Jr Sara John Fogg James Lewis Levi Franklin Milne Mamie Rose bop 1 Do Not Be Misled by Dishonest Dealers who Try to Sell Im itations of Our Popular Butter Color When a merchant or dealer would Joist on you some poor substitutes for Wells Richardson Gos Improv ed Butter Color do not let them de ceive you who buy Wells Richardson Improved Butter Color never pay for Mud or The last drop Is as clear as first and Is sold under a posi tive greater strength llian other colors Ask for this perfect color that makes prize edged not allow any dealer to convince you that Home other kind just as School Report For October No 1 and KING Phillips III Mary Walter Harry Proctor Waller Basil Laurel McCarthy Stanley Barker May Morning Ira Annie Jr II Rose IL Ruby Morning Gertie Proctor Stanley Morning I Viola Jenkins Jr I Arthur Lincoln Regular aVtcndanco Stanley Bar ker Edith Aggie Roe thur Mary Teacher A Box will be held in the hall at on J in connection with the referendum A programme of Gram ophone select Ac will given Elders and Rev J and J ftl Walton are expected The public are invited Proceeds in aid of campaign funds KESWICK Beet JVIade in Berlin Oct 3D The Ontario Sugar Company Limited establish ed in for the purpose of making sugar from sugar beets started erection of a plant just six months ago and this morning the first beets passed through tbe various channels preparatory to being turned out Into sugar which takes about twenty hours This is the first sugar from sugar beets grown in Canada and to Berlin especially thi6 honor belongs The plant is a one and the town of Berlin and the county Waterloo are indebted to Mr J Williams Managing Director for the put forth by him in securing this enterprise Mr analyst lately of the Royal Agricul tural College has also put The friends of prohibition in thin in a lot hard work and has the polling division have organized furl confidence Waterloo county Referendum campaign A meet ing of workers is called for evening in Temperance Hall A special meeting of the Hon of Temperance- to be held on Satur day evening A good attendance hoped Mr Terry is having his boarded with paper under neath It will improve also make it decid edly warmer Municipal matters are beginning to be talked about Mr John is urged by his friends to be a can didate for County Councillor In all probability lie will ho in field We that Mr Myron Sil ver will be a candidate for filiip The anniversary of Church will to held on Sunday and Monday the 16th and of will preach morning and evening on Bun- day and on Monday evening will give Ids lecture entitled Wood and Won which a very popular lcc- The turnip crop an immense- in thin locality this year and is about gathered Mens Clothing Underwear PRICES THE LOWEST Of the Newest Patterns be had by looking our Stock oyer No 2 f5r Cook Myrtle Alice Jr Morton Wesley Cook Bees S3 Russell Ill J Cole Jr in Norman Cook Joy Pros- The Act to he upon on the of Decern her la a prohibitory law of the coiaptete compre hensive character that the limits jurisdiction will permit Tlie farrnere hereabout are ing In their root Crops which they find quite good Miss lias gone to Toronto and is bookkeeping at the Trust Ac Ijoan Co The Quarterly meeting at Bethel on largely attended Children for era The factorys capacity is six hundred tons daily and tons of coal and tons limestone are used in every 21 hours This produces barrels sugar and from to men will he employ ed main building five stor eys feet long with cooper shops seed and engine house feet long There Is also a pump house at the Grand River feet away with a capacity five million gallons daily There are three wagon sheds two railway sheds long There arc now tons of beets fctored The good times of when a at hog brought will long bo re membered Coal Is being rushed into New York and dealers arc selling to everybody who orders at per ton And this Is newlymined coal Pickering Nov As James Trull who lives about three miles east of Pickering was boiling coal tar on kitchen stove to repair a today the boiled and took Ire Mrs Trulls clothing was set on fire and in a moment she was enveloped in flames and It Is feared that her Injuries prove fatal Goods Do not My before yon tart seen our Stock KELLER The Fashionable Tailor Mount Reliable Lady Agents Wanted take orders for the befit custommade dress skirts and walking skirts in Canada Write Dominion Garment Co Box Ont FOR BALE Karma of too not wob lit vicinity of Mount Albert Bach wJlh wood tarn and DAVIDSON o Mount Albert rlvalo Fundi to Loan at Loir tat London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Availably 7177777 VW1MS Alan do of Total- or Ko Chairman worth J Deputy Chiir- Est Sir Alex Accepted at Lowest Current DAVIDSON Albert Chief Tor Dotal w Cutters Repairing and General Prices moderate J Agent Mount Albert Sheep for Sale 8 Shropshire Buck Lambs Breeding at a Bargain or let on shares J P WW SHIELDS price paid for all kinds grain seeds Salt and Farm- em Binder Twine always on MOUNT ALBERT

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