Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 24 Oct 1902, p. 6

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i TO Private aad Funds at fete aTOjr Public Albert for ft 1 Tuesday month obiter vvti 4 yi vvjvvg I ifm We have all and Garden Our totk for has arrived kinds of Field Seeds in bulk and which A will fteH at prices Poultry Powder will kill lice on cattle and ticks op sheep Forrests Drag Store MOUNT ALBERT can save money by buying your Furniture at the A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OF bedroom id Parlor Tables Conch and Chain We are agents Pillow Shim and ibe celebrated Carpet and Picture a Specially delivered free of charge when ordered ra quantity ALLAN 1- THE MARKET There vas Prices as to We eggs 17i to to to50p to- To 10c j BAND A grand concert under the auspices of Mounts Band will be held if all on Friday evening talent has been secured Mr James Fax the humorist To ronto Miss Lira the clever child Mr firaiiam Cornet Soloist Sharon and our best local talent- For particulars tee posters These who stayed up late on Thanksgiving night had a splendid of the total eclipse or the moon These who have been blowing about heavy yields ha are reminded that Mr Mat of the town line of Scott bad loads acres TOo can heat it fail to come aiid bear Mr at the to-nlgU- A few pjore seats left Secure them at once Office WOOL MARKET The Exercises of the Albert Public School Will in the Town Mount Al bert on the evening Friday Nov There- will be short addresses by the local and an excel lent program by the school children choruses duets solos readings drillsdumbbell exercises and a novelty May Pole Dance The presentation of diplo mas to successful pupis will be an important leattir See posters further particulars fiees to which you have been elected In all responsible positions you have so conducted yourself as our admiration and Thus as a mark of esteem to fehow our- recognition your faith fulness we take much pleasure in presenting to you this clock and chair that may contin ually remind you of our respect Also the choir would overlook the efforts Hiss Carrie in using- her talents music in our services We believe that the ser vice it song constitutes a very im portant part in the worship of and that much depends upon the faithfulness of those who take you the choir presents this bracelet as a memento of their last ing regards To the family we join in wishing prosperity in your new home and pray that you long be enabled to employ your endeavors in ser vice of Almighty God and that may never grow weary in welldoing for we are to 4 that in due season we shall reap if faint not Signed in of the church and friends Mrs Geo Mainprise Mrs Crone Mis TousK on of the choir Miss E Thirsk Miss A Crone Mr Rose made a most feeling be said that words could not express his extreme thankfulness to his- many kind friends for their ex pression of kindness to him and his family Whatever good he or his family had done in the church or community was done because they felt it was their duty to God and to to their fellow citizens party after singing God be with you till we meet again retire to their respective homes Mr Rose is moving his family to New market where he has secured a good position James place jbdenV appointed agent for the Implement Co A Brace A Brace gave a highly lecture Methodist church last Friday evening Person al his theme Rev of wa making her initial visit here week under the of Miss Mrs Cameron as usual was Mrs attendant at the Fairs j 1 I to toe Woollen and get- the highest Toronto In Cash Full of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Yarns etc- also a good assortment Suitings on hand extra paid for wool taken inex- change for goods Geo Sons FALL FAIR CONCERT The Annual held under the auspices of the East Agricultural in on Wednesday evening last was complete success Mr Fax was the star of the evening and possesses the happy faculty of being able to amuse an audtenoe without either mating himself ridic ulous of being Fetch recited Very nicely at a disadvantage owing to a had Miss made a voice which quite charmed the audience Mir ti Blake Hewitt the a good deal of commenda tion The Orchestra played several choice selections not only at the- Concert Hall during the progress of the Fair PERSON Rev- J left on Sunday evening for Richards Landing St Josephs Island to attend the fu neral of bis motherinlaw Mrs Foster Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels PAINT late for last week SUTTON Died in St Catharines on Oct Rev David Pi former pastor of the Presbyterian congrega tion here DrO Noble visited with friends near last week arid had a return visit from Miss Harrison of that place who accom panied bet aunt home those who were here on the day we note Messrs Bert Town- ley Joseph Harry Hawker of Toronto arid Miss Nellie Crock er of Keswiojc Thanksgiving Service was held in the Presbyterian Church on Thurs day At a the Elevator As sociation the following were appointed David llaver Donald Ego Robert and Silver a managing committee Donald McDonald trea and secretary A baseball was her last Saturday and married men The former were the victors A large number of this year John Taylor has a ram Its fleece like drifted snow It follows Uncle full tear on the go He bought it of Sir Edward A- breeder of renown And Uncle John hopes twill im prove The flocks round Baldwin He paid for it in gold Which may be reckoned cheap As it hath oft won alt honors from All other noble Wild geese have gone south early betokening some say an- early win ter Our hunters are on the stage action now Geo Crittenden our Tailor is making them coats of a special grade of cloth for hunting Users of tobacco do have all pleasure and no ills Tobacco is one of the fruitful sources of cancer Excessive of the weed in either form poisons the bit arid thus- generates- disease So ex pert authority From my own ob servations they to verify the above statements A number of Indians were in town en Friday with a full compliment of their wares They seemed a civil respectable party but the noble red man seems deteriorated since the days of Hiawatha immortalized by Longfellow Some say the Indian is Not so only out of his proper sphere Put them in their natural home the forests in deer or other game and they will undergo the severest hardships Their time has come and they fully realize as a condemned criminal does hour of his execution was- 6ver sold to occasion tlonj it inostcerfeiinlywiuld have been If he had been elected Old Joe TOmplftintto Elmore that fc white fr whiskey no good l no make crunk come cannot of the obtained about here as was by conduct or tome of our boys i It made them top heavy and their centre of gravity was constantly shifting consequent ly their antics were most ludicrous One of them is laid up Lightning on Sunday eve fin- the indicating an open sail by the old sign in which no reliance can be placed The crop is a huge failure here many not even getting their seed back If other localities are similarly affected potatoes will be pumpkins winter Well sir I cur market was dying and I should awaken some and fine it had evaporated to Sutton But it is lively enough The new buyer Mr- makes bid up if he gets anything The Owl a A Robes Fur- Lined Coats Ladies Astrachan jackets and Gapes Beautiful Assortment of Caperines ALBERT THRESH Lace Leather Belt Punches Mitts Guage Glasses Rubber Asbestos dtid Spiral Hackings Best Grades Machine Oil be The annual Fall Exhibition of the Cast Agricultural So ciety was held on Tuesoay and Wed nesday of last week was not as favorable as last year and somewhat with the attendance The entries however compared favorably with year every department being well repre sented Fair is in every sense a model agricultural Exhibi tion The exhibits are the attrac tion There is no horse racing fakes or side shows Following is a list of the prize winners DRAUGHT HORSES Span in harness Linstead 2nd John Brood Marc Henry 2nd J Hamilton year old or Yearling Gelding or Filly W 2nd Vita Greenwood Spring Colt or Henry 2nd John Hamilton GENERAL PURPOSE AND CULTURAL MOUNT ALBERT Farms for Sale or to Rent North lot and East J of West of lot in conces sion East Apply to JAMES Sheep for Sale Buck Lambs also Breeding Ewes at a Bargain or will let them out on shares J P O Cutters a number or Cuttcrs for Cheap Call COOK Agent Mount Albert WWSHIEL rain READY Hew Shades in Beaver Brand J ROWLAND J Mount Albert t Toronto spent a few days at her home here Mr French of Toronto University Thanksgiving with his parents Mr arid Mrs of Roachs spent Saturday and Sunday in town Marion of Toron to spent Thanksgiving in town with her cousin its Florence Rosamond Mrs David of is vifiting friends ijiHijrvpi Miss Thanksgiving with her parents in Rev David Terry was in Town for a few days on a visit to his parents Annie Sibley has returned from a pleasant visit with her friends Mr Isaac Rose left on Wednes day for bis new home In SURPRISE PARTY Fred Victors and Alex Uxbridgowr visitors at Leaguers of button attended lire borne of Mr John Walton on I Rally at last Tuesday Sunday- A goodly number from Sutton and Miss Flossie Forrest who is neighborhood attended- the Demon- student at Ladies College at given in hon or the Hon J Davis Mr Win Park principal our School has resigned that position much to tfce regret of the here he having proved an able and teacher A considerable number of our teens attend the Markham Fair and considered tltmsclves well repaid in doing so days of the Fair here last week were as fine as could be desired which no doubt contributed very largely to its success All the de partments were well represented and the attendance very large The entertainment in St Jamee Hall was well patronized In all a grand success Society in the Victoria Hall was fairly well although little effort was made to advertise it DRUG Pure Paris Bought to bulk put tip in by Poison Fly Paper We carry a full lint Rm5ieJ m Cure Family Re cipe- personal day or LLOYD and Or and family aRtembkd in Franklin After of hours in social served out or their wellfilled TJiIk ever party called to order by of the Franklin Christian church whn read following To Mr I Rose and Family We the members of the Franklin Church having learned of your from bur insist desire In way to show our hearty appreciation of efforts you have put forth for the advance- merit of cause this place and your many friends and neighbors join with us in their re- in a sincere friend and a kind We are pleated and thankful that you have ftten fit to labor in the church and Sabbath ana we have fully appreciated your and faithfulness in the duties in connection Friday evening Oct m many friends and Mr I rend family atembkd reinforcements of Indian to strengthen the expedition agalnsb toe Mad Mullah You go into any town that you please and look over the field and you will find that ft is the bus advertiser that en joys trade the beat of people To keep cider put In two pounds of raisins and a quarter of a pound of mustard fieed thirty gal lons of of driving too bung in paste a pitce brown pa per over ttje hole At last week John be I an was convicted- of stealing from store and sent to the Antral lor six He also tried to get into Dean residence but was de tects j Tom Graham and Tom got to spatting over love affairs one moonlight eve last and made a great yowling itrTac6 and Jack Tomilson up to see fair play and final bad a set to themselves in which Jack got much the worst suffering a broken leg thereby must not to mention that two Toms felines Jacks were canines ft We understand the reported Bale of Morton and Albert Yorks farm near by are mere canards If I were asked where farmers wife should probably an- in an manner Mrs Union St EG for she has always been my of a smart housewife In all departments of housework such as bread and butter making fine needlework- rite excels Her success at the Fairs In years past amply justifies my or I make this statement unre servedly as my ears are at a safe distance no fear of them being linx- Mr Archie Murray is to be mi nev storekeeper as he has a deal Miller We for film patronage If at all ponsibV like see scores settled I noticed with pleasure the other day two of our residents who for and years were at swords point now sociably enjoying friendly commun ion Morton Is a great jrutxM to roe Sometimes he has the blues not being very well at others hes as playful as a kitten He regular Watch for the comet this Are we to understand that Herb Is placing his game re elec tion- protest He talks of North York pot aware that It rr to two days the droves signature on every box Price cents Hew Store Baldwin We are- better prepared than ever to supply you with all kinds of Builders Hardware lor the coming season Tin Repairing promptly attended at lowest rates Be sure and see our be fore buying elsewhere ALT BY BARREL Central Telephone Baldwin jT 2nd Greenwood Gelding orFilly J iloagi 2nd Wrh Yearling Gelding or Greenwood 2nd Spring Colt or Green wood 2nd Wm Greenwood Cart Horse- 1st 2nd CARRIAGE HORSES Span In Frank 2nd Single Carriage Horse John A 2nd Dan- McMillan Brood Mare J 2nd Hamilton 2 year old Gilding or Filly J 2nd Rynard Yearling Gelding or J John Hamilton Spring Colt Allan Rogers 2nd doubtful ROADSTER Span in harness Frank 2nd Robert Single Driver Dr Forrest Millard- Brood Mare Allan Rogers 2nd doubtful year old Gelding or Filly John Stephens 2nd Monkman Yearling or Filly Morrison Erring Colt or Filly John Ham ilton Lady Rider Miss Johnstone Gentleman Rider Fred Lady ftforrison 2nd Mies Woo ten Saddle Horse Taos Cunningham 2nd 2nd John Lln- ntcuvd SPECIAL Span Ponies hands under Pony and under Abb Pony 13 hands and under Morton Best Gents Jas rest lit at turnout open to members any Co Council John A DURHAM Agea Bull Rynard Bull years old Doan Yearling Bull 2nd Frank Milch Cow 2nd Heifer years old Continued on Pago the premises of the Undersign ed lot Scott a Red Heif er Calf Owner is requested pay expenses AxA take it away BYRON STIVER Mount Albert Oct 22 Ew30 Highest price paid for all kinds of grain seeds etc Salt and Farm- era Binder Twine always on MOUNT ALBERT ROSS BROS FEW FALL GOODS TO HAND THIS WEEK Dress Goods Homespuns Cheviots Jersey Cattle Six Choice Hellers for sale five of them are fresh Also two bulls for sale D STOKES Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available of Capital Total HEAD OmCE Or Andrew Aafrain Fin CIoub- Alex AcctpUd at Rate Albert PO j HH Ladies Jackets Of the- Fewest IjatUrascui be had by looking Stock oyer Mens Clothing Underwear PRICES THE LOWEST Do not boy before seen Stock The Mount Albert The Peoples Supply House When the falls upon the head of a employee of tho Gov ernment there Is a great outcry from tho Conservatives and when it upon the head a Liberal it creates similar excitement in the Reform camp But we have no doubt when our axe falls upon the high prices the both Libera and Conserva tive will express nothing but it his fallen and is falling for we have declared war on high prices Our stock LI mens waterproof ton for everyday wear is sold out but we have Just received another consignment which you should sec and price- We have also just received a new lot of Moleskin Overalls which are just the thing for outdoor work Our first lot went like hotcakes at price at marked them and we ex pect these to do the same Wo have also full lines of mens and boys heavy working and fine shirts at closely marked prices to us for anything you want in collar and tie line In fact you will allow us to collar tie you it will please both you and us See our new assortment of fourply linen col lars To get them cheaper than we sell them you would to steal them Although the people are now prosperous there are still a few who would not object to being saved two dollars on a suit ox overcoat To all such we would say drop in and see us next time you are In town Our stook of flannelettes beats thing for quality and price thought we had a large stock of all lines of underwear but we havent We shall have to replen ish at nee Dont we keep- all lines of groceries and will handle all the butter and eggs you can bring to us PARK HODCPMS SUTTON WEST

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