Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 12 Sep 1902, p. 6

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t RELIABLE V POOL Hi2 capital- PBHTrTAftB at the very lowest lightning firo Halo St iu the 2nd Tuesday or each motb rfopkloa Block upstairs rt to Our stock or this season We have ail kinds of Field And Garden Seeds in bulk and package which we sell prices Powder will kill lice on cattle and ticks on sheep Forrests Drug Store ALBERT You can save money by buying your pit pert Furniture Store A LARGER STOCK THAN EVER OF Parlor Unites Extension boa Parlor Tables and Chaira We are also agents for Pillow Sham Holders and the celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Ticket- Framing a Specialty delivered free of charge quantity ALLAN VV J CONCERTS Company will neat Tuesday and Newell who st ftcis- ahead of any performer in his line in Admission to all BALDWIN here now have him set Visitors Relatives from Michigan candidate for the Central Prison ff Sherwood and two daughters W have great faith In Johns anility n he has beenltridd The recent severe frosts have-blight- THE MARKET Tuesday poor day Tor marked Rain fell heavily in the morning and continued at in tervals during the forenoon A amount produce was brought the unfavorable conditions Prices as fol lows to 17c eggs to chickens 30 to 15c Wilder formerly resident in came over on- an excursion and surprised Mor ton As they were very kind to in Michigan he thinks tiiey de eve a spoial edition of Breezes A son of Geo Mich is visiting his Herman Mrs Willie sister from the NorthWest Territories in visit ing relatives here She is ij by her twin daughters as nearly alike as two peas and very sweet little pets A nephew Owen Sound is vis- the about here Vfas not a the port of a thousand bushels It wheat 20 acres near Thais a little too j The Owl I SUTTON MARKET your WOOL to the Mount Albert Woollen Mills and get the highest Toronto prices in Cash Full oil Cloths Flannels Blankets Yams etc also a good assortment Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken In change for goods Geo Sons OBITUARY Mrs James Hopkins of Holt pass ed on Saturday after a linger ing illness The deceased lady was the mother of Mr John A Hopkins of Holt and Mrs of To ronto The funeral service on Mon day was conducted by the Rev J Morgan and was largely attended many accompanying the remains to their last renting place in Al bert Cemetery THE EXHIBITION As usrjal the Toronto Exhibition draws a crowd from town and vicinity The reasons why they many and various Some go to themselves by in specting some particular exhibits which they are Interested arid no are benefitted by what they see Many go because they always go and are therefore victims of ban- it A go because others go and some people take it in because if they at home they imagine their friends would think tbey not to go And there are We are pleased to on our fetreets alter a sojourn of several weeds in iting aunt Mrs for real a short holiday Miss Daisy Stephens of Rochesfer For very plausible reasons us here- on a visij hex cousins put in an alarm till Misses Sadie and Clara The of Jerusalem says there are no So her kingdom this year Blackberry Bills her statement Preserving season is on in earnest- Mr James took a trip on his to this week Mr of Chicago is visiting bis cousins here Sirs John Boyd and Miss Weir Baldwin was completely stripped of The Rev of suear last weeV- leu pied the Presbyterian last Sunday and pleached an sermon The Rev Roach of the I m Church preached Ladies Col- on Temperance Sunday it parties selling under the as of it as those over the but it is well to keep the farxxiers in line In town out of quarter of ounce of- butter Brown is down on jury Mr J the fall work Mr farm before mov ing- on place later- In the season from the yesterday- where tour inspection hi the early of June Mr J Kavanagh is making consid- in his residence by adding a new kitchen aid painting the Whole exterior beside making a number of other changes Mr John ffestey and family have leftf the Village for an indefinite time preferring Toronto- to our ham let Quite a number of relatives of the late Mr John Thorpe from here his funeral on at OTuIsons West fc THE KING SHIRT The Best UptoDate YOU ASK WHY lit Because the front wont break or push The braces under front dont drag or break it cannot touch the front collar the back of collar band being covered prevents the and chaf ing of the neck which the old style of shirt does at the keep the tie to place Solid conifort fn wearing it Saves Laundry Fitting toe full dress worn always worn fet mana mas luxury A travelling window inter was in Town last week very nice lettering on the windows of some of our prominent business places J Morgan delivered a ser mon on nrobibiUon in the Methodist church on rev erend gentleman handled his subject very gracefully and in a style that would offend no one Read Jfr Stokes new ad this week Mr J Woodcock had the mis fortune to lose a valuable horse Tuesday- The animal dropped dead while being led into the stable PERSONAL J Mrs Geo Leak of was in Town for a few days last week on a visit to friends Rev R of a former pastor of the Methodist church here was calling on old friends for- a few days last week Mr John Rosamond from a weeks visit friends in Bayfield Miss Thompson of London is a few days the of her Mr Mr Allison of Washington with friends here Mr David Collins of is back to his old in Mr Kellers tailor shop Miss Burton of the Burton Con cert Company has gone to Montreal to a few days with Miss Maude has gone to to a few weeks with her uncle Mrs Wallace has returned after spending a week in the city attending the millinery Mr J Ross and Miss Dunn are in the week to jcive evidence against John of Scott who it r alleged sold butter with potatoes some time Mr David Arnold of Saul Marie Is visiting friends here Rev George Arnold pastor of the Presbyterian at Portage la Prairie is enjoying a brief his parents here Mens si Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels ROACHS 1 My young friend Howard Cane bad test beware else hell he caught in Cupid net loo Cupid is an artful diplomat He too I believe takes an interest in lege Some expend a great deal of energy in doing nothing at at all Artie also was a victim to an attack of malarial fever What is it ketch id do you say Well youd believe it is else how would they get it Miss Mary Taylor is visiting Miss Eugenia Yates Orchard Beach Poor got into a jackets nest at our market several weeks ago I hear em say in The women folks piled right into him- Chiefly oocause he could not afford to give more From the howl he raised it is to he turdhi3poJitiCl but merely it guess girls think the fellows arepeslo about poppin the question Some chaps will go on courting year alter year while in other those with more snap will court pop and marry on a weeks notice and perchance have a modest little family circle started ere his slower contemporary has married- I think the girls like the hustler the test I declare from foe some folks bring up their children youd think theyd never up at all just come up Some never teach their kids the rudiments of man And their carelessness reflects back on themselves in after years just like a boomerang Why Ive heard little ones only knee high to a grasshopper and up and give the greatest impudence- yes swear fat those to whom they owe their and those parents never even reprove A revival of the whipping post and public stock would be a great boon Hard up for a fellow A lassie waiting round after church is dismissed until some chap takes on her and sees her home And all young fellows giggle at her They say thats a good description of the movements of one of our young Misses In the reference to Alex Muir in a late Era the writer failed to note that Mr M out before the pub lic Johnson who won tie all- round athletic championship of the world at the Centennial and himself won a shield as champion high jump er ft I in dont our Indian friends on the Island organize a choir and give con certs as they used to do years ago It would be profitable to them and a pleasure to others Our people are flocking to the Fair But for a good old- fashioned virdt and friendly reunion give me the County Fain The sick list has dwindled down to a cipher And now fall is corning well have to begin recording weddings day Is set in one case early next month so Im told My good friend John Savage ha never paid me a visit but if he were VIVIAN Tte shore s empty- PAINT READY MIXED Shades in Beaver Brand JDROWLAND Mount Albert It reported that Mr has bought the htotel pro perty Mr firnfth of Toronto has the old property ad joining Morton Park from Mr Al bert York for Albert has money on that speculation Turk bought the Castle from Rev Colpibts as ho finds no ftumtoer resort equal to The evangelist and Ms family will be back Mr retains the lot next to The yearold daughter of Joseph in waterbarrel A fjcrrlng whale hunt took place Isles when were killed largest j feet in length S New Store Baldwin We are better prepared ever to supply you with aU kinds of Builders Hardware for the coining season Eayetroughing Tin Repairing promptly to at lowest rate Be sure and see our Furniture be fore buying elsewhere SALT BY BARREL HBI8E Central Telephone kid Win is a matter for regret that so few ministers apparently have the courage to speak out boldly against the liqJnr traffic the greatest with which the church and Christian ity has to contend Mr Frank who has been ab sent some years is at present visit ing friends North the village las W22K upon friends Mrs Howard Morton of was Visiting with parents and friends here for several days last week Mrs mother and sister of Brampton returned home on Wednesday of fast week Miss Nellie Crocker who has been clerking for some time at the -XMam- moth store has taken position with Mr I of Keswick She is one of Suttons brightest young ladies and will he missed here Mr and- Mrs Hi Johnston have re turned from a two weeks visit with friends- Miss Gertie Summer eld has gone to Hamilton to take up her work in the city Hospitals- Mrs Johnston was the guest of Mrs McDon ald week Mr Silver and his daugh ter Mrs McLean visited in a week ago Monday attended Prohibition Convention in Newmar ket After returning to GowarH Brae and fterfamily left for home in London Ont Dr of of was in the village lasfr week Mr Osborne of Newmarket parents and friends here on Labor Day- Rev W A French of wit Mrs French anil family have been the guests of Mr and Mrs Cole for a week past Dixon of St Catharines paid a visit to her brother here Mr A Dixon Mrs after a pleasant visit here with her daughter Mrs George Cuttle returned to Toronto last week A meeting of all friends of Temper ance will be held in the Methodist church on Wednesday Sept at pm for the purpose of organiz ing for the Provincial Prohibition campaign to be voted upon on Dec next This Is a matter Importance to every Individual and all are respectfully Invited to attend An organizer will lie present to give all necessary Information Quite a number of our citizens are attending the Fair in Toronto Miss Blanche returned to the High Scfwol last Mon day Miss Gertie returned to the city last Monday Mr Brooks after a visit of several weeks here left for the laid Monday- Mrs has the propertyv store put to thorough repair and she will there to do business Nearly is going to Mor ton Park next Tuesday to attend the Prohibition Pally Mr Buchanan of Winnipeg address the gathering Firstclass music will be furnished Farmers are thru harvest and those who have threshed report the best yield to years Sam who is helping the Scott Bros our famous threshers got the first fengers of his hand cut to the bone by the band cutter but glad to hear he is back at the front of the separator again Tshoine of Mr and Mrs was the scene of a most en joyable party on Friday evening 29ti of Aug in honor of their son Gor don who has felt High School at and started at the Newmar ket Model School Dancing games of all kinds were indulged in late hour An excellent lunch was also provided cake con tained a ring a piece of money and a button Miss Minnie Bingham was fortunate enough to get the ring Miss Flossie Brooks the money and Gordon himself got the button After wishing Gordon congratulations on his success the guests departed for home having spent a very enjoyable evening Miss Maud is spending a week at Exhibition Miss Dolly and Victoria Scott are spending a cOmile of at Toron to Walter Brooks of the It at spent Sunday ait the home of his parents Miss Ethel Miller and Miss Eva were visitors at our school Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Angus are assisting his brother in the Lord Roberts dining at the Exhibi tion grounds Who was the man that al most lost his oat on Saturday night Frosty TV SHARON Next Wednesday 17th- will be the annual meeting of this It is requested that all the members he present and that all bring reports in full of work done in their departments during the past year workers are hoping for fine weather for the I6th day of the Rally at Morton Park Every thing possible has been done to Hire a successful meeting As the Township is to be organized for aggressive work dur ing the corning Campaign immediate ly after the address of the speaker ft is hoped all friends of the cause will be present with practical ideas in their minds and courage to bring them forward also money in pock ets with the goodwill to draw it I The ferry will carry passengers on that day from Belle at ten cents return faro which should bring a fair crowd from points on that side the lake Press The Marconi apparatus Is now working perfectly between and Chateau Bay a representative meeting of Jamaican sugar planters a resolution passed favoring federation with Canada i There are quite a from here attending the Exhibition this week and we hope to hear of a number of prizes coming this way- Mrs of Almonte is here visiting Mrs find several other relatives Mm still continues vtiv poorly i There has been considerable talk lately about the butter on the market underweight but there is no of any- overweight a- we know of three ladles selling hotter Over a year each print weighted throe ounces the It is quite as likely the Lord Roberts Generals French Ian Hamilton and KellyKenny Mr British Secretary of War and three United States of the at the German army manoeuvres In which troops are engaged in a fourdays sham battle To Sleep Wei get your and liver acting right The easiest quickest and safest way to doit is to use Beechams Pills fold re In Leather Belting Belt Punches Mitts Guag Gjksses Rubber Asbtos and Spiral t Packings ftest Grades of aching I I- I SUMMEBFELDFS MOUNT ALBERT I We have a Full Stock of for Men and Bovs Equal to ordered goods and only half the price ALBERT Fire did to the dry ing kilns Kennedy Davis at Lint say Judge Duncan McMillan of Cayu ga wan badly injured a bicyclist at London The Canadian Pacific Railway station at was entered on Tuesday night and stolen The barn and outbuildings of Mr A Duck near Lindsay were destroy ed by fire caused lightning Official statistics show that dur ing the year no fewer than murders were committed in Euro- Russia Over a mile a minute is the speed cars will he run on the first Ions distance electric road in Europe which will be constructed by the Bel gium Government from Brussels to Antwerp a distance of miles Jersey Cattle Six choice Heifers for sale yvo of them are fresh Also two young bulls for sale STOKES Mount Albert GOO New Fall Goods Fashionable New Fall Styles EIGHT You invited to call and see our stock The Fashionable Tailor Mount Albert Buggies Also a number of for Cheap Call and see them J P COOK Agent Mount Albert The Liverpool London Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available IA241MIA Total HEAD CANADA BRANCH MONTREAL BOARD OP DIRECTORS Andrew wortU J Deputy Chair man KSCIoua- ton Sir Alex Accepted at Current Rate DAVIDSON C SMITH Ascent Albert Chief Aent for Dominion ALBERT DRUG STORE Pure Paris Green Bought in bulk and put up In packages by ourselves Poison Fly Paper And Tanglefoot We also carry a lull lino of Patent Medicines among them Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions and Family clpea receive personal attention day or night T LLOYD Druggist i SUTTON I f A Story told of a tombatone informed that a certain man had recently bis wife travelled miles to find the bereaved gentleman only to bo informed that the departed female had absconded two da3a before with the man The would bo similar to thoao of tho person who goods before getting our prices To the This we Mention the Following Pacts Our stock of NeckRibbons complete we would ad viae you to see tliem before making your chpice We have just received a consignment of Ladies Wrappers which to be sold need but to be seen Dont fail to see our assortment And also try and get city prices before getting ours and we will not bo afraid of result These are only a few of oar many bargains i We draw the attention of tho to following questions Do you want a good pair of Moleskin pants Would you like a Car digan Jacket for fall wear Do you wish to renew your lit of un derclothes If you say yes yourself come to us Dont that we keep a full stock of fresh groceries always on hand Butter and Eggs taken in exchange V UTTON WEST

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