t CAPITAL best Total owe General Sanger NEWMARKET BRANCH A General r interest Allowed on Deposits it DRAFTS ISSUED At bought mM Collect pts Simpson Main Bt Facer Goods OH ft TOW Large congregations last Sunday splendid sermons and good music by the choir Vf Kelt Sunday eyeing commences a scries of on Elijah Prophet tie subject be ing Elijahs First Appearance or Mail His Mission This series given In Weston and at tracted Very large congregations Dont the introduction SuMay Official 4 AUCTIONEER Si Street Bolton practical owner Millard Fall Fairs Toronto NEWMARKET Barrio Sutton West Bolton Weston Bolton King- at Sept SEPT to arid Sept to 24 to 26 1 to Oct and Oct and Sept 29 and and acd Sept and Oct Oct W Oct and 24 Oct ami DAY SEPT i- I Open at to or their the arranging setting up of Exhibits Ail be in place by 12 Poultry and Iive Stock Judging wilt commence at R giaear i St Toronto and Estimates made lor all kitis of tiding MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Private t private If J RI1B JiaUEE OF MARRIAGE LICENSES sorrow NEWMARKET LATEST IK and Head Stones- iukitoa A OAT i GRAIN ft SEEDS cor in Huron Stfli HOW BE A may taya AlK raj an old photo of yoM m be willing to pay any price to cPT J feouWe hy a watWe by J SMITH- awl Mala Grocery and Provision feK J Atita- Mr Jur KrafMrraM ft to Ms W6 fa I FIRST NIGHT and Main Building Open to Visitors in front of Grand Stand commences by the IeyliaMotHe Troupe of and Fun Makers consisting of wonderful Trapeze Aerial and Acrobatic Acta Donkey Acts and concluding with their Famous Big Act the greatest success of entitled the Inn or Shop the moat astonishing funny and entertaining performance ever pro duced miss it Citizens Band in attendance SECOND DAY WEDNESDAY SEPT The editor of downtown paper must have eaten something that did not agree with him last He into the Town lor allowing the to water at nearly double the price that were paying formerly then be fling at this office because there were some mistakes the Prize List after it was printed but because our tender the was toe and be failed to the job Then he praises up tie large poster of Agricultural Fair but to mention most attractive part was printed in To ronto- Its a be couldnt else to grumble at The Directors of the Fair were canvassing for special prizes- in on Monday and met with a cordial response by our business people is a sunflower in Mr George Baskets garden stands IS ft incites high and the flower is inches in diameter Hows that for high Home accounts for month of totalled Mr is ouiMmg a new stable at rear of his residence About Royal Templars drove to Aurora on Sunday evening to attend church with the Aurora Council Obituary Mr Jackson for last having a telegram announcing the of his sisterinlaw Mrs George Wright The Mercury of Saturday has- the following brief obituary Mrs George Wright pass ed away Friday afternoon in her year after an illness of about a year with heart trouble She was the tidcrt of late ever retained a deep in terest in this city where she was born in After her marriage to Mr Wright in I860 she lived years in Paisley Block time the beautiful farm In of the Grand at Cones toxa feen her home She was a of more than average gifts end gaie valuable service to Methodist church there having of the Sunday up to the time of her She arid four children three home and on James a at Pa by all of whom many outride she will be She will he burled at Cemetery her kinsfolk oh Sunday afternoon fl flog is how that fanners hog around to localities so and knew where the track was also that it should pro duce a poetical composition in exact ly the same worda We copy this item out of the Bradford Witness A West farmer whose fa or was by a train who imagined himself to somewhat of a poet the Company for My razor back strolled down your track A week feo today Your came down the line And his fife away You cant blame me the hog you Slipped beneath the gate Bo kindly pen a check lor ten debt to liquidate was father surprised a few days later Op to receive Us following came down the fine Arid hog we know Hut on tracks ofWr meet woe Therefore dear we cannot The for which you pine plant dtsi oer Here a foolish awlne U ame in of wwk to an adjoining A Holiday and Free Entrance to the Fair for every Scholar taking part in the School Procession Grounds atiow and all Departments except Live Stock will be open to the public pm Childrens Prfosession Is promised consisting of special School Turn Outs Decorated Vehicles Children on Foot Bands fcc Procession will form at the North End of Main headed by the Band of the Highlanders and the Citizens Band of Newmarket Schools marching will join at the Fire Hall corner of Lot and Main Street arrival at the grounds Judging School TurnOut will take place followed by special School Childrens repetitions in Fancy Drills Club Swinging Foot Races Bicycle Races Tug of pm Speeding in Horse Ring will commence OBEYING OOP i Trot op Broncho Rtinning Race 28 i pm Special Entertainment before the Grand Stand commences by the Troupe of Acrobats and Fun Makers 9 Bicycle Race for Boys under years of age pm Baby Show in Front of Grand Stand Prizes each for Prettiest Baby Boys and Girls SECOND NIGHT Grand Military Coronation Band Concert at Newmarket Skating Rink by the Band of the Highlanders by Mr Canadas Favorite Comedian and 50 Children in the Uniforms of the British Empire of the Concept will bo the on Songs arid Donees of and Jiep Goloniea This Patriotic Selection was composed ami arranged to commemorate the Coronation of Majesty King Edward and will alone worth the price of admittance Children Costume1 to represent Great Britain and I and each of her Colonies will take part The selection concludes with the Grand Final Tableau Great and Colonics THIRD DAY THURSDAY SEPT am All Department of Fair Open pm Judging of Live Stock commences pm Speeding in the Ring commences op Open of Pupae pm Special Entertainment before the Grand Stand by the La Troupe of Acrobat Performance Aerial Acrobatic Act Burlesque Trick Donkey and the Funny Fun Shop Ac Nobody at Home pm Parage of Live Stock before the Grand Stand SPECIAL FEATURES Not otherwise Hi atopy end Exhibition of Mi Birds Animals JntUmCnrlm African Relics Coins Ac and Better than last ywir Poultry Department under the Aunpjce of the market Poultry and Pet in charge of the Newmarket Horticultural Society IliVe promise arc particularly strong for this years Fair Bide other OutPoor Attractions too numerous to mention South I it It j I One ward lot any case of Catarrh tfcat cannot bo by Halls Catarrh Cute J Cheney Toledo We the have Cheney for the- last year and believe him perfectly honorable in all tranHactlons and financially able to carry out any their firm Wholesale Druggists Marvin Toledo Halls later- directly upon the blood and nefce8 of the Hold all Tetlmohfala free Halls Family are the best A earthquake ac companied hy fcuhterranean wan felt in Algeria The of has violent which have done much damage Children for Ep4 There be no daiiht says The Literary thing 1 Bible the chief work of a Christian people lies the furnishing of of but In Advancing the higher Interests of and Jhe Kfrdom of That this order reversed in the United States last year appears from an estimate of the money raised and spent for varidus objects an ahown hy this significant tab of dollars ended For foreign missions 4 For homo church work For schools For For intoxicating Ifcuora Almost three as much away as was spent for all Mm worthy Inclwdin for the whole nation o6o- I TO villi TWO trio J on every box 1120 Sept Golden Text For tirts is love of God that wo keep his INTRODUCTION The of Israels life in the promised land even reached it in peace would depend on the continuity of their obedience to their God They rebelled their kingdom was broken up their peo ple were carried captive and the story alreay rehearsed And now men quit the leadership of the Lord Jsus tibere will be there must be a sorer than for those who rebelled against the law of Moses SUGGESTIONS Peace hope and joyful graces blessings attend on a life which is in accordance Gods will God has revealed this to Israel through Moses and to through the sacred Scriptures as a guide to good ness and a warning against evil The in Deuteronomy is on the vast privilege of the Israelites as stewards of Gods revelation to In the unlearned man cannot be in ignorance of Gods essential will except through sin This lesson teaches that the of men have always resulted from their own choices is the indispensible of love to God Two ways are before us and we cannot we would evade the re sponsibility of choosing each for and In the act of determin ing our destiny The cross is the universal of our race for to the godly it pro claims the glory and peace of life eternal while it reveals as the wrath of God against all ungod liness and unrighteousness of rrcn o Malt Food Is Nourishing and Sustaining Medical Soy la An Food Thousands of really peo ple are quite indifferent to the re quirements of the stomach unless that organ is seriously deranged Poor breakfast grain foods soon in terfere with digestive vigor When Malt breakfast Food is regularly used each morning perfect digestion bod ily energy and happiness will ho your reward is no insoluble starch in Malt Food every par ticle is nourishing The best medi cal authorities say Malt Food is an unequalled health food for young and old Pa Didnt bike It George had been for a visit to the old home at Lafayette and returned to Chicago rocking with One of them re lates to a street fait recently held In that lace Many of the freaks of the fair Midway boarded with the of a cheap hotel who conse quently was at liberty to visit charge any of the exhibits One morning after fair had been run ning a lew days a country boy ap peared at the hotel arid told the proprietor that he and his pap had a load hay to town for animals in show but the load upset breakfast V inquired the landlord Nope We started fore sunup The map tod that boy fhw The boy so but protested that he pap wouldnt It the said Lulu wild girl Nope Haint last fall come and see her Wont cost a cent But pap like it Oh wind It wont take long After they had seen Lulu they vl- the two headed boy the skeleton man the switchback railway the animal show each time the boy warning the man that pap not like It but each time being over ruled his generous- uide At last toward sundown the boy positively Walked at going to see the girl with the elephant feet on the score that he was auto thai pap wouldnt like It J Well by the where is your asked the Hes under the load of hay I i tun lb ChaJ rii we her Cattoria ju If MI the clung i loria LEA I CO iJ JTi I AND HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL GIVE A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE Phone Next door to Post Office oooo There a fascinating fragrance a delicate perfume tbat few can We have some of the Very Latest Odors manu factured the Leading Perfumers And if you like a Good Perfume and who does not Its worth your while to what we have Four Great Favorites with tho public are Bouquet Vena I Carnation Pink ii j is arriving daily and will be It will pay you to trade us iOlW 111 I it The Best Bulk Teas In Town I to per A gpleodW Japan Tea Tea in lib packagco at to Try our English Breakfast A Full Line of Pure and Pickling at prices Beat XXX Vinegar at Tomato Catsup each Force Malta Vita and Sbrodflbd Wheat Food He Surprise and Comfort Soap bar Do not forget our confectionery is manufactured hero on tha therefore always Delivered Promptly Retail- LYON OLD