Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1902, p. 4

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THE NEWMARKET EHA FRIDAY AUG a mi end la ugly I It in too finrci the ens the redact Of to ted Tee of Conservative Association wift be held in Toronto of Sep tember- WILLS TOO OFTEN WRONGLY BY PHYSICIANS ii l J ill l J- ran end Ontario Commissioner of to of tSMKii hid which kept to for thrca j St- Johns ilcgrap2i says c I children hit Ontario Commissioner of Pub- Works Hon is ibis to Provinces to- is Cured by Section- Alexander FRUIT APPLES Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Prize 44- U 0 J Wood Out Perhaps figuratively speaking to heap coats of it fire on their heeds tt hit rid LEGAL J Robertson Public Main Street to on Solicitor Lean at owes lint- Ttolldlay Ontario- will prove to tfcousaids of women know that almost all their Dominion has and diseases are due to a- poor con- just returned to from Pitts- the nervous system burg where fcas on an The ills irregularities diseases visit iff connection with peculiar to such as nervous dispute as to the roetfcod of payment headache nervous prostration iron bounties to toe Dominion mia loss of memory irregular and Iron and Steel Company If Mr suppressed periods hysteria refusal to sanction down pains poor and watery blood proposed payment is sustained it neuralgia general weakness and will mate about troubles can only be cured by a Post new New market Herbert Aurora will Kemixket Court Or Co Banker Ontrio Mi Bit ri iter Money to 9 a I DENTIST Over Toronto Jobbing guArtat e Vlff A for Fire At the Office A A Ramsay on Town ProVtrt 75 in the bounty Conservatives of Lincoln tried to set- aside election petition against Dr on ac count of an irregularity Tie peti tioners described the ac cording to toe Dominion designation compounded medicine like the great Paints Celery Compound This wondrous medicine nature popular tens of thousands of our women carries its rich nutriment to blood nerves and tissues giving power and new life to inactive and of tho electoral district instead of dieased Provincial but Mr Justice y Wjnan- with a twinkle in his eye P aDi obdurate he thought was not misleading and dismissed the application Unless is a Mr election will have to stand for scrutiny nine ills no other medicine ever de vised can so truly keep the nervous system blood and bodily in a condition to fulfill their duties Mrs A Saunders says was a great from severe There is prospect says a- Pennsyl vania exchange that the coal strike attacks of neuralgia in the left ovary Will soon be ended and attimee these were so acute that it is to have the as- I I would lose my reason su ranee of one of largest coal era doctors treated me and I dealers in the United States that was a patient in hospital I will be no increase in the price no relief from medical coal on the part mineowners doctors said unless I had after strike is settled He says tbe ovary taken away I could not be If consumer has to pay more cured Instead of to the than what has the ordinary operation used Paints Celery it will be because the middle- pound and I am thankful your dealers are takmg advantage cured me I feel like of our troubles This will be new woman and would like to come news to users of coal all ft what your nixltcihe has over the country j j Real estate in Toronto have u j i jj a According l Ottawa reached the conclusion ji x there is a possibility of Hon Scott Senator becoming suc cessor to Sir Oliver at Landlord arid Tenant Act is not what it should be as it serves to help dishonest men from paying rents and at the same time makes it dis agreeable for good The exemptions too numerous In many cases is nothing on which a landlord can levy- Some legt House Toronto If this should prove true the office Do minion Secretary of State will be come vacant Steps arc being taVtn by Mr Creel say the Act at present pro- man Superintendent of Agricultural neither owner nor the ten- Societies and others interested in GRAND TRUNK All According to a prevailing the of Township fairs lawyers and real estate out the Province to eliminate from men a new landlord and Tenant Act the fairs in the be presented to the Legislature as horse racing shell and adoption next Session lercon games til I Borneo and TABLE p a a a a a o r i 1 a p- pi Via v a a as 4 t3 I I l in A I I 14 ill Metropolitan tty- io i r to f o h aa a W a future such ard otb- Man from female snake cbarrnors pie were present from all over Dominion Officers from Societies in Wisconsin buyers from Indiana Iowa and wore The fair held last week at others of that for the bale of Yorkshire was theatres etc and to substitute for great This first sale features hat ate calculated to of the that has been held be more instructive in and Canada Mr of destructive to the pocket arid Institutes says its success morals of the people Tire will make it an annual One the change is made the better for sow was for tlie largest public price according to superintend- eat evir paid for a sow in Canada In the Telegrams report of The average price paid was and j Toronto Police- Amateur As- number Of those sold were porkers annual tournament last only two or three months old following reference is made the to some observations by Mr Alex a former public school teacJer Of this town with regard to Bob the Caledonian feurpca in 182 Hob put 21 founds ounce- ins That never been beaten No roan in America can do Muir doesnt talk about bis own but nobody Iras forgotten how he held the championship of America in quoits for twenty years and in running leaping pulling stone until he brought out some and tralrred to win McLennan and An Ottawa press says that WHolt the conrnsbioners apDointoJ to into cattle guards for last Thursday at the of railways Jong with Mr A Mountain chief engineer of the Canada Rail way on will a re port tlietn The will meet the chief engineers of the other lcadiog railways and will bold a conference with 9ir of the Mr W of the wbr take an in matter It is intended to give every who has got practical lo an opportunity lo bo heard as far west as Winnipeg and will likely leave for there fchJctly Mr of American Russet American Pippin i ti Li J mm Ben Davis Duchess of Oldenburg King of County ftfeirfcns Blush W 4p iifviiji tnm Spy Island Greening Russet J U V V I 5 IIVm 5 Twenty Ounce Pippin prp Yellow Bell Flower Any variety named Collection best and largest of each large U small 1 25 Beurre dAnjou Clapps Favorite 27 Beauty O 5 29 Fall any other variety Winter any variety 5 Collection not leas than assorted or more ttiah of any one variety 1st given by son County Constable Toronto 2nd one years Era PLUMS AND 12 0 50 DO 50 DO 50 fa 50 50 37 CI I I Golden Drop Gage Gage Lombard Glass Seedling Shippers Pride Yellow Egg 12 Japanese any variety Any Other Variety named Collection best and largest of each 1st one years subscription to ExpressHerald bunches Concord 3 bunches 45 Delaware 3 bunches Niagara 3 Any other variety black 3 bunches Any other white 3 bunches ny other variety red 3 hunches best and largest bunch each 1 Extras 50 Section Class Garden Judged Sept- 23rd 1st Prize 2nd Prize In Methodist Magazine lor Sep tember an Illustrated of Salisbury and an ar ticle on Hatfield House the home of the Cecils for hundred years with engravings Also a with portrait of Mr Battour new illustrated are Lying Slate in Cairo on Queen Char lotte Islands arid a clever story Christian trial and triumph with five engravings by Maude Carman writes on Current Harrison on Mileage and Tonnage and has a bright Canadian Coronation William Watsons and Mclean Witts Coronation Odes etc up a number The BeoVm Is quite rlyit it says read and hear all of talk about what Wilfrid it Hon J I are going to do The latest yarn Is to effect Sir Wilfrid vill a Court or rehire to life rd wilt beeotno is aU atid is imply play by a lew pxtta Sir J toe state- MiWmhxi after him tho far as la concerned fa Domin ion The delude arrived on titoe ard never above frince mi to be a prophet we liberty of be a iftxnd John a Sir Wilfrid Tberi may lj of ffteat men of ever the tame senw of 1 Beets Half Long JO 2 Beets Long Blood 3 Beets Turnip largest head any kind named 5 Cabbage Summer heads Cabbage Winter 3 heads Cabbage Hod heads Cabbage collection not less than varieties 1 head of each named 25 Cauliflower head heads Carrots stumprooted 12 Carrots Point Rooted Celery Red fit for table use roots Celery white fit for table roots Golden fit for tabic use roots Com Sweet ears 17 Cucumber table Cucumber Citron Round Plant best Herbs Marjoram Sage Savory and Thyme bunch of each dried j Hops grown this year 1 lb 75 23 Musk Melon Water Melon 1 25 Onions Large White 26 Onions Red Onions Yellow excluded 75 GO GO 50 50 50 50 i 50 very injured by by a bull r Wilfrid and Hon W S were entertained at Mr Kent the Pacific will le by Christmas Onions White Pickling pint 29 Onions Prizctalxr Parsnips roots Peppers large 5 Peppers Small and Long Red Pumpkin Small for table use 34 Peanuts plants with nuts attached matured Radish Winter varieties each 36 Salsify Vegetable Oyster Potatoes 2 plants with best matured tubers Squash tablc collection of not less kinds Of each 39 Corn ears 40 Hubbard or Boston Marrow 2 of either or 1 9mm Tomatoes largest single Tomato named Tomatoes largest named share lor table use 5 named 44 beat aojl largest named collection of eacn 45 best three plants cut oft close to ground 75 Collection Vegetables largest and best not less kinds of each 1st by J A Simmers Seed Merchant Toronto Seeds vahitMatv 00 by Society 48 Extras Bouquet and Designs Section Judged Sept 1st 2nd I Annuals best collection 2 PerennUU Hardy best collection 3 Asters best Balaam beet Wnbiaa best col leotion without collection single j las test collection fl Hollyhocks btaii coUecftiortvi Panslee best collection on with Phlox collection v double collection Petunias singio beut Verbenas beet 75 or Chinese a blooms Carnations collection not 25 blooms collection of more 20 of bloom to be looio in vaisea Nasturtiums host collection in 1 vase foliage 20 Snap Dragon 75 I It J mam Professor Scott of says that wild birds soiiietimea introduce Variations their and ftgHlp more rarely imitate hot tee songs of birds but barking dogs mechanical sounds like creaking of wheels the filing of a saw human speech A Birdlove gives morning while was standing on my back steps voice say are pretty Wbere are you I wondered bow any parrot could talk loudly to bo beard at distance tor the bouses on the street behind us not near voice came again clear musical and strong are a pretty bird Where are For several days I endured tbe sus pense waiting for tiineto Then I chased him up There he was at top of a tree arid bis gorgeous- attire told me inediitely that he was At tifc end of a week he was Bay ing Pretty pretty bird- where are you He and bis mat stayed near us all last summer and tills spring they came again He same remark as plainly bird can speak it Your Home Joy Will Poll When You a Regular Malt Jin every town arid villag may be hat IIP IK horses glad i IT IS THE CEREAL FOOD THAT PEOPLE TALK- ABOUT LI There Are Poor Imitations But No thing to Equal it as a Strength and HealthGiver The joys home life arc not attained until your breakfast becon a relish arid pleasure When you a regular user of Malt Break fast Food at tle morning meal you truly to enjoy life because this marvellously delicious lood keeps di gestion perfect adds to physical strength and keeps up vitality It is the food people talk about every where There are poor imitations avoid them and insist on Malt Breakfast Food Your can supply you A soda water generator exploded in the Hotel and tore holes thru two floors Experiments in wireless telephon ing were successfully conducted be tween iassnitz and a miles named Martin from fell a train near He is in cri tical condition at Port Arthur Hospi tal l- Water an unused shaft broke thru into a working level in the mine at Two miners it It you decide about education and select a schoil you see the- New Catalogue- of the TORONTO A postal willbring it by mail and aside from its artistic value you will be inter- tbe work of an up-to- date Business School Which em ploys Twelve Teachers owns One- Hundred Typewriting ma chines sends out nearly Five Hundred Young People good positions each year Autumn Session from Sept any time Write lor catalogue I fal The ft Sons Mfg Co Have ted with and in fu ture will be known as the United lactones All accounts previous to Dec are due and payable by THE Wit CANE SONS CO Any person having such will kindly them in at once as the Company in closing its books and will shortly a of its charter lfi J iflrim GENERAL BuMi It now in a position take tract for all of Macon Work Estimates liven at Short iii and guaranteed at wo miners Charles and flOILER i A m drowned and several others bad a narrow escape Winnipeg Aug Alex T Mc lean was a telephone wife- yesterday morning while at work in Fort Kouge TO IK TWO Laxative the signature on every box Price cento Parry Sound Aug caught a black bass in Six Mile Lai- it is alleged weigh ed pounds two ounces McLean was killed while wbrkworking a telephone wire at Fort Man Mr Davidsons bakery at Port Arthut and several adjoining buildings were destroyed by week granolithic and concrete sidewalks ROOFS FOR Tit Intending do well to In A it Box 8J St Newmarket HO TO CURB A COLD IN WAX Take Laxative Quinine IfJV falls cure a5d k sighAture on each box 1 J The Dominion exported worth of live stock last year tho bulk of which went to the British Thirty thousand is a the number excursion visited Agricultural College during June and July- lit daughter Mr A I on day thru her clothes catching pro from matches in of a boy Thieves secured WO worth goods at Littles store City Man Friday night OhlldretiOry- fibr jOOVOMWHTS AC MM l A It Covers

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