Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 29 Aug 1902, p. 1

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A The Eta gives more home news very week than any two other papers TaHortBT aeKiittwIeagciT lube GfatTrugTlinrty J 1 2dJ3G r Give m litatf to to to fiigw Recording to all littrty No paper sent North York unless paid la No Single Etch ii l J I I if in J We have a few odd pieces left of Hot- Weather Goods which we would much rather sell at any old price than carry over the Season Glance over this List The are all in firstclass condition only BUGGY DUSTERS Good quality at HAMMOCKS only Reg price for HAMMOCKS with large size refrigerators Regular at each SCREEN DOORS all sizes Stained with hinges Varnished Fancy com- regular 52 for each EUREKA FLY KILLER a genuine OIL STOVES Blue Flame good article cheap at per gal gals left at per PEERLESS ICELAND Quart Quart Quart STOVES with Burner LOO Burner gla3 be 2 Burner Burner CATTLE SPRAYERS Tin Galvanized SO Brass fi 1inch Cotton Covered RUBBER HOSE Regular only per foot Boot For the Popularity of the Paprxiers institute and Furnaces Blacksmith Supplies f i WMARKET A PATENT WlEDIGIIM Compart few of our on with regular Our Price W food Three for Syrup Doid tor so 00 Our Price Dr TtioraAa Oil Burdock Blood Bitter Pierces Golden Medical Pierce Favorite Pre scription 100 16 I All Patent at It The Leading Druggist NEWMARKET W pay wy on all good a to cleaned or dyed W0 IM VA to ft fceautUl piV you Tom Property tor Sale of of ard House asd cm Charles of Bell at the Era Office John lyarkin who resides on Fuller St fell from the- of a building on on Friday last arid received serious if not fatal injuries There are at present eight in the teaching of the city public schools At a meeting pi the Board last night it was expected the would be The lady teachers will get married At a meeting of the- Upper Canada College Board Br Parkin wna don- on his appointment or ganizer of the Rhodes and regret was expressed that it necessitate the severance of his connection wife the college Toe building of a bridge across the at Mills and the to cross the between and Islington are the only two matters which are preventing an immediate extension the Suburban Electric Railway through The Ontario will again held under the auspices of the Toronto Lawn Tennis Club on their known courts street Play will commence on of September The parade of Labor Unions on September Labor Day will be the largest in the history of the city J Hill formerly P P for West York has become financially em barrassed and has assigned to The estate is to show a surplus the assignment being made to obtain an extension Hill has been ill and unable to give full attention to his business as a contractor A communication has been by Mayor from Minister the Interior asking if the city de sires to have one of the old stones of the international boundary line now being replaced as a souvenir Those were used alter trie adoption of Ashhurton treaty The Mayor has accepted the offer and the post will be set up in of the city parks Mr im migration agent left the city last for Liverpool His friends gave format fiahuetbcf0re Jewing m William St feas growing a crop of figs a dozen trees at the corner of and Shaw Struts The fruit was grown under glass The Parliament buildings are large ly visited by excursionists from var ious parts the count il ays Some days from to register in the main corridor Over registered during the past week is that Sir Barton and the party of who are due in To ronto next month will be guests at Government House During three days excursion to Manitoba arid the last week nearly the Union Station 300 The presented many and varied scenes especially for an hour or two trains left With a valise for a table and a bottle of milk or cold tea for drink and both hands feeding hundreds of mouths with sandwiches etc it a Right to behold number about fiK more than sent out on toe firt throe days of the harvesters excur sions year Hon hero from on Friday his way to Hamilton He returned to his office at the Parliament at week Hon Mr went on Friday last lor a trip down the St Lawrnci William Schmidt an of the A Clark Company lifacturerH was Working on a ma chine tanoerx and left hand was caught in the gearing ma chine was stopped ttfer having drawn tliC mans arm through It and extracted there wan a of deep clear from the wrist to the shoulder ft onJy a little while atvAlier lost an arm in the same Fred Rice who was hanged in Toronto trie other day lor of Constable admitted to Crown AVUmey Curry right after suicide Irt Kite had Boyd Toiling Throng Meeting of the E Council held Aug All members present Minutes of last and l In view of the great success of the institute as a means of from in Ontario the Dominion re purvey of has He who can test appreciate the From Lennox Choppia reclaim Agncunure wrt y a I a to ccrOperate with the local rfiarantw that preferred by ft J MiHi nature must unauesttonablv f BY A Babys Oiun Tablets Are Natures Cure lot Childrens Ail ments Medicines opiates should never be givtn lo children little or big- When you use Babys Own Tab- your little ones you have a From Clerk King Line From Crown Lands Department re purvey for Con lots 5 and Communications were also received re Bills and Accounts and payments were ordered as follows Hi Bedford work on bridge John Harrison yards gravel Maria Gibson gravel Harrison dys grading Albert Geo Graham re bridge M 1J dys grading and 1J dys re bridge Hall repairs to road and bridge AH Halt draw ing gravel Mrs Douglas ce dar lor bridge and gravel Wallace 40 Allan re burial John Brammar re Sharon School Lundywork re A and re Township Wm An derson- re grave for 5 and Con and o Con 1 Treasurer of King re gravel on Town Line Mrs gravel John Linskill work re hardware Wight hardware Geo- Claim Geo West bounty kilting dog Wesley Gravel Starr gravel John gra vel On motion Clerk was instructed to notify all Road Overseers who have not returned their Road Lists to do so at once and that all not re turned as perform to be added to tax bills also to at onto Hamilton to at once open the water course westerly from the west Town as per terms of award of P Gibson The following motion was adopted re Township Funds That whereas there has lately been established in the Township a- branch of the Sov ereign Bank Canada situated in the of Mount Albert and whereas it would be in the interests of and greatly to the convenience those residing in the Northern- and parts of the business with tho Township to have a portion of Township deposited in the said branch of Sovereign Bank and it would be in the interest of the ratepayers residing in the west ern part of the Township that a portion of the Township Funds bo deposited in the Town of Newmar ket Be it therefore resolved that the Treasurer be he is hereby in structed to deposit the funds of the Townfihip in the Ontario Bank at Newmarket and the Sovereign Hank at Mt Albert in such proportions as may from time to time appear to be necessary to meet payments in trie different localities and the Treasurer are hereby in structed to such arrangements hanks named as may be necessary lo meet the needs of the Township taxes are- collect ed and that corporate seal lie hereto attached Carried Tho introduced to levy for current year tin following rates were levied ail County purposes mills on the For general rate the- For Town ship purposes mils on the School Section rates as required by Bylaw regularly passed in establishing and nature must unquestionably systems in their brainworker whose Trained speakers to work from morning have been smt to assist in the work in other provinces and the best avail able men in thse provinces have been pressed into service not only in their own province in well By sending able and men from one province to another in this way we hope to get together a evening at desk or counting house Day after day day after day in the stifling dusty beat of summer or tire dense smoky fogs of winter others as is turned into midnight he is always found at his post always actively at work until the time comes for his annual vacation when I thoroughly capable corps of Institute shaking the dust from his feet workers with the and banishing his profession from his tural- situation and requirements in he leaves smoky murky all parts of Canada city hurries down to the coast Prof J McMillan of Charlotte- to a few weeks holidays town PEI of Fanners In- Ah now how he revels in the c has prepared a sketch trancemeot of tlve surroundings The of work already accomplished in delicious invigorating air is Island which may with an exquisite of interest and benefit to those in- balmy fragrance and laden with in agricultural education in gladdening freshness otter Provinces j broad ocean sparkles The Farmers Institute system of arid glitters in the bright sunlight Prince Edward Island is twofold rolling dancing waves crested by its aims It seeks to combine the the breeze with snow white foam ma- educational features the Ontario curl over and break on system with facilities for dealing golden strand with evervarying live stock afiorded by the old Here and there the sea is societies plan Each with the white sails of vessels is a Farmers Institute of varied form and size while flocks and Agricultural Society combined of the graceful tern or sea A Government Grant of 50 is paid swallows swiftly skim along the annually to each Society which has shore edge in the spray of the at least members enrolled and collects per year in membership more stately shore bird the hand- fees- A sum amounting to some scarletlegged oystercatcher stands on a half submerged rock look ing for prey The shore itself is a paradise of beauty to the naturelover its deep was in this way expended last The total membership up to Decem ber was and trie receipts were 91150 receipts of lhi Institutes from all sources- rockformed pools fringed down to amounted to neatly This the bottom with feathery seaweeds money was expended in the purchase of pure bred stock and in defraying the expense lecturers thirty- three meetings chiefly for tinted in all manner of rainbow hues- while corallines wave their pink and mauve crested plumes in amongst which are playing little organization were held during the golden wrasse and tiny first year At the beginning of the crustaceans which dart away to the present year a regular series of In- hiding places in the dark recesses of meetings was arranged and the rock at the provocation- carried ouj Several while scattered en the hard were employed and various sand or on the shingle agricultural topics were brought up up are specimens of many varieties for discussion chief which of shells and other varied treasures of were Dairying Hograising and deep Chickenfattening As all of these Ascending a deep are live industries at present the naturehewn midst wild manifested in the mattings was great- Toe attendance in full bloom tail purple fox gloves peoples golden iris out was good fully people bo- tinted succory spikes of pale brought in contact with the orchis with many another turers who were not slow to take ty of the fields and with advantage of every opportunity to shrubby tufts of flowercovered purple dogwood and viburnum the summit impart lesions of practical value Already influence of public discussion agricultural is shown in an increased interest in everything Which makes for the ad vancement of the calling The de mand tor pure bred stock for breed ing purposes which has more Mian doubled during the past year may be as one instance a al ready derived from the Institutes It may also to shown that an ad vancement has already taken place along lines The people real ize this and are anxious that more educational meetings should be held Five Children London Aug Five chil dren were drowned while paddling in the sea at Files near Scarborough under the eyes their parents The children three and two across hallow Tho Hoove also introduced a to a higher mound sand lav to annul Hoard of Health began to- build castles treach- law re distance slaughter houses tidea soon gathered and dwelling permitting the children were suddenly immersed in formers location at yards in- too water Their cries and screams of the beetling purewhile chalk cliffs is soon attained and here lavishing perfume distinctive of the downs a commingling of the sweet odor of wild thyme and other scented flowers with the natural unsullied redolence of the earth itself blends with the ozoneladen sea air and still more accentuate difference between this glorious atmosphere and heavy smokeladen air the city And by all these en trancing beatifies and revelling in this so delightfully perfumed air the thought crosses the mind whelhV Croat Itealm on high such de- exist Surely yes For sure ly amongst the pleasures which will enjoy who living the life of and laying their sins up on the Divine who for them attain that grand in heritance the enjoyment of var ied beauties of creation will not In excluded For heaven cannot be a mere ethereal Intangible empyreal stead yard from said dwell houses Council adjourned to moot on Mon day Oct am in Sharon MrH John and Mrs Mcdonald were drowned at Spanish Mills It to advertlL In dog owners were to appear Wore on Monday for negiectin to purchase lor their canines opened twentyieen bad the clerk After OverIndulgence get your stomach and liver into proper condition by vis ing this renovned old family remedy for help brought their who rushed into sea up to depth of their breasts The mothers were carried off the waves and were rescued with great difficulty None of bodies of the children have been found up the the last accounts CAUTION l ooo fit K re Mcdonald and Charles Mc- two boys of Thornton were by an in a pow der magazine In the Acadlacoal mine A companion of the hoys oft a toy cannon In Iho magazine A storm swept over Onta rio on Thursday of last week At Florence Mr Matthew Graham was killed by and Ms liorses ran into barn with a burning load of oats Which caused the destruction the buildings Hail drd a lot damage to In several and many barnH were set on fire by This is not a but when you think how liable you are not to purchase for the only llabte remedy universally known and a remedy that has had the largest sale of any medicine since for the cure and treatment of Consump tion and Throat and Lung Trouble without losing its sprout popularity all these years you will be thankful we called your attention to German There are to many ordinary remedies made by and others that arc for light colds perhaps but for Coughs Croup and especially lor Consump tion where there is difficult expec toration and during the and mornings is no thing like German Syrup Sold by all In world Woodbury NJ ft Martin a boy was killed by sunstroke while playing In near his neither opiate- nor harmful drug They are good for all children tho smallest weakest infant to the wellgrown child These Tablets quickly relieve and positively cure all stomach and bowel troubles sim ple fevers troubles while teething etc They always do good and can never do the harm For very small infants crush the Tablets to a powder Mrs P J Latham Chat ham says My baby took very sick His tongue was coated his and he could not retain food on his stomach He also had diarrhoea for four or five days and grew very thin and pale We gave him medicine but nothing help ed him until we gave him Babys Own Tablets After riving him ths first dose lie began to improve and in three days he was quite well He began to gain flesh and is now a fat heal thy boy I pleased with tab ids as think they saved my babys life Babys Own Tablets are sold by ail druggists or will be sent by mail post paid at cents a box by writ ing direct to The Dr Williams Medi cine Co or Schen ectady Toronto pair Excels Itself The arrangements for Toronto Ex hibition will be opened on Monday Sept Labor Day by the Earl of Commander of the forces in Canada and the Gen eral the that was tho first to enter on its relief February after days are now complete and it can be confidently asserted that they found on a greater grander scale than in any pre vious year a The entries all tho classes especially in live stock arc in excess of anything ever known in Toronto As in exhibits so in tractions all former efforts will he well beaten In the piece Orient upwards of performers will be on the besides an or chestra of GO welltrained musicians under one of greatest conductors of age The fireworks will be exceptionally brilliant In addi tion to these superb features troupe of performing ele phants Captain educated seals arid sealions Hardy wizard wheel act Marian the who all ablaze dives into a lake fire the international cycle whirl by tho champions Canada Australia and Southern and a score other acts will be given in front of the grand stand On grounds there will be a midway of Marvels a or fifteen of the very best outdoor shown known to America or No fewer than iu bands comprising have engaged to supply music And to crowri all there are the new Dairy with an acre of space by products of the in which demonstration competitions conducted by will place and the new Art Gallery in which will be on view best of Canadas Ar tists with famous ritures from the States and a display of photography Araureiuents have been with nil railways steamboat lines for a single fare dur ing entire period of the fair and lor three excursions the first week and two the second The funeral the late Rev Fa ther at Hamilton was one the largest ever seen In the city Jones for eleven years principal of Public School goes to Fort William to assume a similar position BC Aug A latge part of the business portion of the city of ltossfand was burner down this evening The loss includ ed brick and stone buildings In tho heart the city Cesivbi burl When we gave Cutorfi When he a ChlM heeded When the Ml to vivt

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