Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 15 Aug 1902, p. 7

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v CHINA August Boot Shoe Bargains Clearing Sale Oar Summer Shoes are going fast at our cut rate sale Do you want a pair of fine Oxfords For 75 What we have in Childrens are good and you can have them very cheap This is your chance for Grocery Canned Goods For Campers A Specialty A can of Ham Chick en or Tongue makes a meal for three person Fruit Jars all Sizes Prices Large Stock Rings for Jars 3 for Batter Paper Pure Parchment Ream No Ream sums No change price yet but know this is the for it may go up better have a barrel of the Band j1m an op- Main and this weather permitting lieagae Regular meeting next Monday even ing of Faith Gen Subject Miss Millard Lesson Miss Lottie Leader Richardson V t a The Gospel meeting on Monday was well attended considering busy harvest season and those who were rewarded by an exceptionally good program Beautiful solos were rendered by Mrs Kilgour of Toronto and Mr two each by Mrs Howard Morton and Mrs Rog ers instrumental selec tions by Mrs Morton reading Canadian starts from Came For and What She Got for Sydney has before him a of lb Tew Two Sara of Fact lover it hair by Miss and a WorfcHouse by Mrs Rogers realistic man ner that there were few dry eyes the audience Mr of Toronto was of the evening and is always listened to with attention- He Mr Frank assistant at the I pointed out that the farmers were fitationtwiteda cord Id bis finger not only tte producers lor the cities white playing giving Mm a Some of the boys went out and Mr Howard on Monday night Geo Buskin colporter for and Northwest connec tion- with International Mission in Town last Fri day and- received subscriptions to 54 nd be us to thaufc bis for their do nations Last year 3348 of books were iy in in the nistrict about Marie Baseball About 200people a large being ladies the baseball match fur jcouuds here last Saturday between button and Office Specialty teams pretty good game till the the Specialty iiine neared to collapse score stood Sutton rt Specialty but were the feeders as well for of men were being continually recruited from among the country people and to- them as backbone we look for legislation along Temperance and moral lines generally Legislation begins with school boards and municipal councils working upward to Parliamentary Legislation The counties of Ontario need to the encroachments of electric railroads system which is rapid ly stretching through Province and legislate any encroach ment on the sacred nature of te Lords Day and P of those counties should have it made fully understood that no tampering with our rights in respect would be tolerated The Lords Day Alliance and Tem perance bodies work hand in hand and the same rule should apply on Temperance lines who had proved recreant to the trust reposed in them on these lines bad many of been left at home in recent elections sadder and no doubt Wiser men and many more should be taught the same son in time to come In fighting against liquor you are against devil himself An instance was given in cornec- SPICES When you them get the beet they cost only a little more and certainly are more Good market last Saturday hot withstanding the busy season Lots 5 of butter eggs and garden truck Prices were as follows Butter to per ft to 15c per New potatoes to per peck Cauliflowers per bead Cabbie per bead Garden Beets per quart Early Horn Carrots per quart Onions per bunch Celery for Black Currants per quart Red Raspberries to per mart per box Green Beans per peck Green Apples per peck turkey to per ft Live Hens pair Live Spring Chickens to Live Ducks to pair pigeons pair China Glassware in line Wedding present our attraction Would you like a Dinner Set of 97 pieces for and see one The Leading Billable Toronto At the meeting to consid er the petitions for and against a gentleman who examined signa tures was astonished to find very many of the names were found on both petitions and he requested that an adjournment be mad till this could be inquired into He found that the person in charge of the transfer had put down these magnificent month of continuous traveling the most pleasant and profitable week of the four will probably be the one ijpent in crossing the great west of lais own country To pass through that land of beauty and resource is a supreme lesson in patriotism that should form part of the education of every Canadian For the rest the journey he sees nothing to mind him save by contrast of scenery- He crosses the equator and eights tropical where the pineapple banana At last he comes to Australia a land that baa the kangaroo instead of the beaver and the Southern Cross instead of the North Star a land that has the moon when Canada has the sun ft swelters under a temperature or degrees In the shade when Johnny is playing hockey Indeed I Jett Toronto in the depths of winter picked spring ia gardens of Vancouver spent an ideal summers day at Hon olulu and arrived at Sydney to find thankful that autumn had at last Thus In a alhgle month traveler through the four seasons of the year Tbe first stop on the ocean voyage a Honolulu seven days out from Vancouver Men who have traveled pretty well over the world agree in pronouncing this on of its most charming corners The town stretches itself along the sunny beach and struggles halfway up the mountain side beyond Winding roads and white roofs among he trees make it a splen did sight from the sea And the in terest does not vanish when the har bor is entered and the people axe Honolulu- indeed a atlnK medley of Yankee native backwardness and Or iental picturcHfiutness The streets lind shops are crowded with pigtailed Chinamen In their char acteristic garb dirty loafing nig gers with no clothes beyond the two essential ant hustling American business men dressed In immaculate tacks Big fat native women In the market pluce Jostle the slight American girls whose stylish indicate that are probably visitors from York or Chicago Rut of all the persons be met in the town by far the most engaging ore the dainty little Japan- At the traveler en- jgfrfndesty harbor in perhaps the city of hemisphere n paragraph a impertinence 0 would be short of insolence The one- requires at the very least- letter to itself the other deserves a volume I reached Sydney the city mild state of over a fresh the bubonic plague One theatre and several hotels and shops were closed on Its account plague Is still here and two fresh cases were reported today but the alarm has subsided a- good deal Many citizens indeed dispos ed to accept the plague as a- institution The health authorities however are fighting It with great vigor and intelligence Their measures are prin cipally against rats for they are deemed to he the chief source of in fection A dead rat is sure to cause a Sensatibrt where it is found It supposed that the disease is comrnunicated to man by the bite of a flea which has been poisoned by biting a plague- There have been just dur ing the present outbreak and the mortality has been slightly less than the usual A week or ago the disease made its appearance at the Zoological Gardens and sev eral valuable animals died If ener getic measures are of any avail however the epidemic will be stamp ed out before long The whole city has declared war against rats and cleanliness has been made the battle- cry Every citizen has been to set his house in order and if he will not do it himself the Board of Health does it for him All classes in Sydney have joined In the sani tary crusade and formalin be come fashionable perfume of the Cohan in The Toronto Globe any authority never dream- ladles arrayed their native RASMITH Telephone Tired eyes cause sick ness the tin mat folb they not well hi most such cut there turn to produce Have your eyw their exzet condition from I expert free GRADUATE OPTICIAN NEW MARKET PLATFORM be looked into With regard to tfte repeated phrase that you make men sober by legislation nor by closing up some of the drinking places he cited the Liverpool crusade against licenses some years In there wbre convictions for crime drunk enness before and in 1900 only by this there Is a movement to secure Papers and pledge tids ftnothcr Convenience in house and then there is a man hates to collected was found that many owed their salvation to having h afteC a days work it is t saw wood and even laborers wont saw wood if there is anything they can get to do the result is that men have that work whether they like St or not Coal is likely to be high in price this winter more wood will be used or some years past In order to the demand Cook who occupy the old storehouse on tfe corner of Main Huron streets are negotiating for pur- chase of a large quantity of wood up nor and will ftrfng it down on the cars In with their chop- they are also putting a machine and to have it running tomorrow firm will then in a position deliver yood any length required They expect to do a wood busi ness the coining winter If there good demand they will also put In a woodsplltUttg Oh Monday night the wondering moon shone down on a motley crowd of gorgeously attired gentlemen coons and K painted who corralled themselves Inside a rack and journeyed mid the of the discordant of brass trombones reed and flre- to Mr Wakefield bride wiotley crowd was at once tfie pledge in youth This of pledge had been let fall in to by many our Temperance bodies- Some claim it is impossible to save a drunkard A life insurance agent Chicago got into difficulties through drink and went to Winnipeg He went out on Sunday morning to get a drink but not was refused He dropped into church the time in a long while and while there was savingly on- verted Keen saloons closed and the have a ttohCe to hear and re ceive the Gospel with a clear In lands a man Is seen intoxicated Ihey say lie is a Christian Let our pulpits ring out against the stigma on the Lei not the name Christian be longer as sociated with the except as its relentless enemy After prohibition was enacted In Maine Jails were closed the only oc cupants being hens and who were violators the law fie cited and other finan ciers to how that with prohibition of drink- money could easily hu rais ed With Prohibition the duties on useful i goods would soon overcome the loss of revenue What Christian man or woman would not he willing to contribute towards good to the A schooner went ashore off the coast of Newfoundland and her crew vital the old tamf rmrn were drhed stead and ghen a of fell to J his gh its interior J death at while trying to Kpworth Admiral bridge to and Mr jr Several persons pvt Into your Refrigerator toebox acknowledged blackfaced if lot have by a or at a mighty price of the evening whilst an who has been raising hills to call at the Office and e us Man took entire charge of or Ho will orchestral leadership A choice cigars lay mm upon srnokligroorn tble and ladles of the pasl cake and steaming hot- cups A enjoyable the Brigade evinced Its In of to celebrate Golden Wedding at the popular young til glad A foe Win Ice for MRS BAYLYS PRIVATE SCHOOL iliOa of these gftle- jmtTi of color On Hi Will rfsopen on Tuesday 2nd of Sept costume and looijimr all the world if they hnd just out of some or Oriental tea house But unfortunately the traveler la allowed only a few hours ashore and as ho watches the Inland fade in distance- he has a faint feeling of homesick s If he had lived In Honolulu all life Prom Honolulu to Suva the cap ital of the Fijian Islands is a sail of nearly The Pacific In the tropics is usually as calm as a Canadian hacklake in August In deed never saw Lake Ontario or Erie or Huron ah culm as the ocean was during these ten days water looked ps if ft covered with oil for not even a ripple dis turbed Ha surface At times the heat whs oppressive and there no breeze to relief in tho till in the after noon was practically Life was confined to slttlnK In a deckchair reading chatting or lnxlly watching the flying fish played the boat Four oclock however brought cricket and evening had its own in the form of a tropical perhaps a cool ing breath of air The colony of Fiji constat of 2r5f of which nearly and of thest be seen on the way to the capital harbor of Is entered a narrow In the corn I reef It when aaw It and the re fused to allow anyone to land wan reported in Honolulu It necessary therefore to view he town from afar off The natives however kindly alongside for Inspection and a magnificent lot of they to be wear no covering except a White cloth wrapped rouni their and hull way down to their knees This gives full opportunity for admiring their powerful shoulders broad chests backs strong and muscular legs But more conspic uous than his wellknit body is the mop rod hair that crowns each grinning tar Fijian with any pergonal pride or pre tension has lie gets It much Mrs do bleaching It with llruc I had way I bought that win a of latterday hut apparent ly there Is nothing new under on The bleat hlng of the hair Is probably as old as the of skin in the com of the Islanders however copper kin while teeth black eyes and red hair constitute a human color that surely ha urilnus From It is a live days sail past New Caledonia to Die Aus tralian at the mouth of the Brisbane Itself the capital of Queensland a city of more than Is about m Ilea from The sea are allowed a few hours and malls leave the steamer io go by rail to end The trip by lioivt the greater part of two days miles down coast of New Pineapples Cherries Black and Beans and Peas Plums Peaches Red Bananas Watermelons FINEST BRIDGE IN THE VORLD the Strait Tram The bridging of the Strait of ao between Cape Breton sod the mainlnnd of Nova Scotia is to be undertaken at once The task is an immense one involving great engi neering difficulties and an outlay about J A of Kansas City has been engaged to oversee the work is Canadian and a graduate of ami been knighted by the Emperor of Japan where he was one time professor of civil engineering in the University of Japan Mr stated in a recent in terview that the bridge would he a cantilever with of feet the longest in the world and have a height of feet clear above high water Tho bridge will span the strait between Port on the Cnpe Breton side and Cape Por cupine on the Nova shore distance of Two piers will be sunk near either shore in about feet of water The bridge Is designed for nicking Mr that It would he the finest bridge in the world A tunnel he said would be practically impossible An agree ment has been reached between Mr and the incorporators au thorizing Mr to with the work The construction of this bridge will remove all delays and- now experienced In crossing this strait It Is that the Canadian Paci fic Hail way is behind he project which preliminary to ihecstuii- of fast steamship line on the Atlantic of story of news paper life When a Mans Mingle will remember the telegraph editor who headed the dispatch beginning The- have taken umbrage with a line announcing that the Vil lus had captured a post and made the opening sentence read The have taken Umbrage The In cident- Is recalled by a dispatch in The Evening Journal dated Man June and an nouncing the results of tho voting In the district In the territor ial elections The dispatch atates As a result- of vote Meyer and Shad a negro have- elect ed for the constituency It should be of course Meyers and not In thin cane the wideawake telegraph editor in The Ottawa Jour nal added In the firht negro to bo elected to leg islative body in Camilla And he headed It up Kltst Negro to Hit In a Canadian Assembly Not If as Iken in the Territor ies On contrary not only bus not been elected but there Is no Hon A the new Provincial Secretary of Quebec la third son of Olivier allle of Quebec and was born In Que bec In tftofi He was educated In Seminary being called to bur In Inly He Is senior member law linn of Hoy his partner being Mr Hoy M for four yearn Mr was a civic alderman and entered the for provincial honors In when Hon Mr was returned to power was elected for Quebec defeating Mr Vlclor vert a strong candidate by a majority of At Painter Ive just show ing my round picks out Hie to admire good Second Painter ill d she anything about mine she yours Punch DREAM Cents QUART Ice- Cream put up In 1 pint and pint Bricks Delivered to all parts of the Town and at any hour The Grocer Grocery orders called lor and delivered promptly North York County Fair 23 and hist of Prizes fowls a 2 00 PPOQVam of School Competition Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 1 Best Turnout from Any One School Special given by Harman Organ and Piano Agent New- i market one Organ valued at Largest Load of Scholars enrolled the year from Any One School l6oo For School Coming the Longest Distance 10 Pest Class in Club Swinging of not less than twenty Best Class in Wand Exercise Best Marching by School of not less than twenty Rest Class of not less than twenty Pupils in Military Drill 3rd Prize pits having only one teacher 5 TugofWar children under 15 Foot Race boys under years 10 Foot Race boys under 12 years Foot Race Girls under 15 years Race girls under years v 13 Boot Race Race Class Special Prizes Ring Purses for in the King donated by Friends of Society and not taken from Association Funds Judged Sept 1st Prize Pxizo Farmers Trot or Pace fur horses that never won public owned by driven by a farmer purse divided Ml ws 25 3rd Prize Trot of Pace purse divided as follows Best Roadster in harness years old special given tailor One Suit Clothes valued at Lady Driver given Pair Ladies Shots at a do 2nd by Atkinson Co Goods to the value of Pony Running Race half mile heats Best throe in five by A ICvans Royal Hotel Newmarket 10 by M Thomas Chop House 3rd by P Clears valued at Dog Race for Children entrance free go C For lies Dark Grey Horse In harness from to Hi bawls special glvon by The Simpson Co Toronto Goods valued at Trials of speed subject to the following our to enter to start fee per cent of purse to accompany entry each event and per cent additional to winners Class Special Section Judged Sept 1st Prize 2nd Trot or Pace purs follows 30 3rd Prize 2 Open Trot or Pace 5750D divided as follow 40 Above trials of subject to the following Four to en ter three to start entrance fee five per cent of purse to accompany entry and cent to winners m A Class 3 Roadster Horses Section Sept Prize 2nd Stallion In Harness Standard Bred given by Lloyd barrister by Hugh Coronation House King St East Toronto Stallion 2 years old given by A- Smith Grocer V I I iX I ft44 I S lV 2nd by John Hotel Toronto 2 Yearling Stallion by A Crow Toronto 2nd by J- Flerhctter Blacksmith Newmarket Span in Harness given by Co Toronto 10 2nd by A Greer Carriage 3rd by Phil Tremont Toronto 50

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