Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1902, p. 8

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v Excavated- j kruoa jam 1 July pro- lessor in the Protestant theological faculty of the Vienna wvp recently of Kin mans castles has arrived at Trieste- fa -j- irriil 4 Palestine l He excavated Canaan- ScS or years at preset owned by Mr Benjamin -ii- WedDesday- The fire appears SfS f from a detective Arabian castle He ta old Most of the was a great saved There was an insurance of taduaing Jewish S400 on the jjaintiOga U altar- decorated with six cherubim four Hops and two mythological i STOUFFVlLLE i J J J I ENGINES FOR SALE Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO op Peerless SEPARATORS belt Your choke of Full Rig for- On four years time Cheap at 600 THOMPSON ill NOW IS THE TIME To Use Meyers Poultry Spice you want Eggs to the early winter For Sale at FEED STORE Opposite Forsyth House Choice Guts Mr and ifrs Phillips of Sharon are J visiting their daughter Miss Mildred may be a trust in beef but Phillips it is not in evidence at the store ox A bus load of out young people butcher journeyed to Mr Cooks leraon- must he days for the on Tuesday evening in the country a pleasant outing a little We that Mr il War- a calf it have been a riner has got a snap in too purchase cow would have had of four fine cottages at mo the fcanV from he Canadian Rubber Company shall we three meat again clover is rapidly spreading choused the citizen his wife and bis this locality and is becoming ftl they read the latest reports ante It is destructive tcastures the rise meat and is good for neither man nor- a a the hungry looking person the opening a hox of plate glass maa outward appearance Monday in the part Messrs Heres seven do- Stark block twavalu- charitably replied the one ad- able panes of glass and two luxter Go and buy small steak lights were The box was it fastened in a vertical position and the According to all reports are was being removed When the grass is grow- nuts were taken oil holts holding street triclcs on James the box together the weight of the in the City of Hamilton glass coming upon the lid was so lot of money that is came forward with crash The loss is a heavy one VTh9 ma ten air i git To the To Where ol A tows i L- For To fcmHrn tie oak old Safe WhereScrtrttUTreir the crown Acpllt ftveet Wlxoif her r And Ioyfag nature oceans anna aha lie Fair faced with Julia whMft From and the t The Of who wooed Scot or Til ilrtj more with bop and grim Flask past the 1 Lady Anne Barnard best known as he author Gray- tells of ChVktmas at htr home Scotland Mr J our genial post master is having an addition put to his store and dwelling James Thompson met with an accident while working with a binder the other day The machine one of his fingers and ampu tate it about an inch from the end A reception was held at the home Iff- and Mrs R on Tuesday evening to Mr and Mrs A who wen recently married A very enjoyable evening was spent and Mrs eon will leave shortly to take up their home in Port Arthur in remarked he who make a study his neighbors fairs Guess so said other neighbor They have meat at their house three times a week now To- World such occasion mong ithe At rtintwi pi the as tady- Anne each I person agreed a description his character and one person jWaitread essays aloud and the others were to guess who was lTbe character gave seems to have been quite frank other things be that bis plain and manner was a blind as he was in reality exceedingly j and he declared that was Vanity bad lodbim to publish a thing he regretted not that bis opinions had undergone any change hut that he had deprecated on society 1 All of this was immensely to the ladies so when Hume there was still one point about himself he had cot touched on but would add if they would give him back the paper they eagerly did so whereupon into the fire remarking Oh what an idiot nearly proved myself to be to leave such a docu ment in the hands of a parcel of temporary published a series And that act some one remark- which come to the would served to identify knowledge of its Humes character if nothing else had correspondents Among these were SO the following Whales Welsh egg3 a I kill myself every j 7 Tuesday arid Friday Take were wrecked during a when this board is out of site the storm on the Gulf California river is dangerous Widow with Official figures of States Urge family wants washing by the fisca yea show a week Mr and Mrs Jones of exports of 000000 Birmingham address have left clothing of every description- increase invited splendid for everyone Once more waken With the lift fear hearts alii abnkei Rnat iepa Green ale of bearer Of happiness Dyed hue yet fairer The red of poke of THE KINGS ENGLISH Sam of or A short time ago a midland HORSES WANTED 1 he Value Tim One tine morning when Benjamin Franklin was preparing his newspaper for the press a lounger stepped into the store and spent an hour or more looking over the books Ac He fin ally taking one in his hand asked the price One dollar One dollar said he Cant you take less than thatl No indeed that is the price Another hour was nearly passed Is Mr Franklin at home the home of Mr and Mrs oh evening last week when their daughter Miss and Mr Isaac of Man- Any person having useful horses of Heavy or Classes to sell will fi4 it to their advantage to drop a post card to Hill Newmarket or If you want to buy a horse let him know Yes he is 1 want to in the printing office see him The boy informed Mr were Untied holy matrimony that there was gentleman ceremony temg perform by the lb Rev Mr Cannon the presence of Franklin was soon behind the be bride was supported by Miss Fan- thw Franklin what is the lowest you can fur this book Mr Albert Holden attl as best The was the Sftt Pr P Om doIUr d Tarter t t dollar and I been some a the Kami I tuny Sn MAM ft a dollar and a an reception The had ten Vt-s- said Franklin and I had S t fette taker that dollar and a mar at entrance were delivered by the Mr J who theyvJii man on his return from the war Mr Scott replied in present ix their kind reception J- he returned soldier present- with a graphic account ter than a dollar and a half now lounger paid his and about lift business if he had any Franklin returned to the printing of fice Why is it askud a man of a plryr- that so many people ate Montreal Aug Canadian have to fct North Bay the town having certain to company Winnipeg Man Aug A heavy thunderstorm appeani to have follow ed the main of to of the battle at With in which he took part and In whtcli Jwl lj operated upon the played such an import- nothing rf ant part Tea was served on the My young jlavn after which a pleasant lie doctor ihif was spent an Impromptu We world ever program being preinted in which fiJncc vyas perhaps that tor aid fceveral others acquitted losing a rib may creditably iKxrausc he was operated on for appendicitis When your grandfather a was ft hoy bin neighbors had it ail for harvest weather to him and they did SKTftt r1 V- they ol the bowels stomach acute indigeH liver orfionfthlng of that The pa- of ever opened him when he wan living how do you change your what 1r it as vell that they did not for Irate you have of the surgery of tUow days was more danfjerwa than any No I1 mind reported to have during the to ard ak for at Swift ball when you nearly feikatoon ard Ill one of my it it not for thin The of the Hut air weaUr report would have got ten children weve on- clear weather at all on ball Halt ftta- at noon today The ft about The robber rtj i SVa4 I ft 14 by Co by who gained entrance by forcing the front of tatlon In to have boarded V if- are unless you are lean nature you need more fat enough arc losiog the of it Scotts Emulsion of will help you digest your food and bring you the plumpness of health Especially true of babies eight I of imports over Ladies and gents Beaverton has an -mdspendeat- tele- is gents phone system established in arid ladies is gents phone system established the old shop thc Telephone Company come from above A large stock of ladies host pure cashmere to be satisfaction to those cleared at per pair They wont usm iDes last long at this price Try our is only to farmers arid Is 2d butter nobody can toucb it to those residing in tbc Village Abominable belts made to order The Wife of a Methodist minister Sailors vitals cooked here- Virginia has married tombstone Erected to the memory n of John Phillips fV a mark of affection by his brother husband was named Why go further and be gulled second Sparrow and the where Step inside Bring your present ones name Is There here good prices given Closare now two young Robins one Spar ed for the day owing to funeral of row and three little in the proprietors wife and will can family grandfather was a on as usual tomorrow morning anil We have also come across the tolLr lowing collection of curios in Writing J of speaking A certain politician j ln Hawk avenue condemning the Government of thi Islands and the author day for its policy concerning the In- this article is a lyre bird and an in come tux Is reported to have said keep cutting the wool the sheep that lays the golden until they pump it dry An or bare off the palm for mixed meta phor when he declared that British Hon whether It is roaming deserts of India or climbing forests of Canada will not draw id horns or retire Into its sheH A lecturer on chemistry once drop of this poison placed on the tongue of a Is sufficient to kill the strongest man and a lieuten ant that the Niger wished to kill him to pre vent his up the river Until next year On one occasion one of Irish whips in the of Common telegraphed to Dublin that the Hit- of the Irish members Would be heard in the House of Commons no A cor oner a Jury once re ported that deceased crime to death by excessive drinking apoplexy in the minds of tho jury Golden Penny relative of the family A minister who once had a ser vant boy was the habit oi dealing with butcher named Paul to whom he owed a large sum of money One day immediately alter service he sent bis boy for some moat When he came back he found the minister that every one should pay his debts As boy entered the church the minister was on the point of saying What did Paul say meaning St The boy think- the minister was speaking to him shouted out He aul he wouldnt any more meat until him what you owe you A Till Is a very delightful vlllrijro as anybody who has there during summer will he only too ready to testify but the about Is that It doesnt know where St la so to seem to be quite a number of counties desir ous the pretty place within their with the usual retiJt too many cook spoil the broth and token occa sionally Kefs mo a muddle to how It exactly stands In the matter of location The postal authorities tell you to address your letter to near Jills the vJluge come In but if get parliamentary voting lists you will find that for all electoral purposes la as in the county of Oxfordshire And then as If to drive Inhabitant out of Ms there comes the Poor people who nay and that Is In whole very much like comic opera although the comic sldo Is not al ways obvious to the Inhabitants raffllr late of been appointed by King near the Sovereigns entrance at Windsor Castle This gallant soldier wear- iho dis- conduct bravery n South Africa in whiJi the was set on by and our wounded were burned to death Morgan lost both bis officers by his and of Winn the out of he of the self w I The Sovereign Bank OF CAN DA Authorized Capital Capital HEAD OFFICE TORONTO BOARD OF DIRECTORS Holt President Montreal Randolph Toronto Montreal VicePresidents A A Allan Toronto Arch Camp- bell MP Toronto Hon Peter Mc Laren Perth John Pulley Toron to Hon D McMillan Alexandria York Stewart Manager Savings Hank Department interest Allowed on Deposits Commercial Credits Issued Ex change Bought and Sold Travel lers Letters of credit available In all parts of the world General business Special attention paid to the Col lection of Sale Notes and Money ad vanced on the Newmarket Office Branches have been opebed at To ronto St Catharines Perth Am- Mount Albert Newmarket Exeter and Montreal LL Manager Have a paper today professor Ive no money with me you can pay mc Hut what If J die tonight Well It wouldnt bo Fond I How you look child I You arc soaked I Frank loPlcase pa 1 fell Into the canal Fond Parent What 1 with your new on I didnt have time to take pa I Signature THE- LOAN SWINGS COMPANY TORONTO No Oh It HON GEO A COX President 500600 Interest allowed on Diposib Repayable on Demand -I- Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable oh days notice WHITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD Director K Diseased Men Thousands of are as dually early and later Belt BloM hare and wrecked life of many a Hare any of symptom and Despondent Tired No Memory Poor Easily and Irritable Eyes on the Face Dreams and Drains at flargaxd Lookln- Biotchfc Sore Hair Pains In the Body Suaicta OUtrnRtful and tack of add Oar will build men tally and suioally or Pay IN DETROIT Karat Without Written Consent A WfiECaVi p a Warrow Kscaoe I live on a farm At school I an early habit which weakened me physically sexually and mentally Family I Into decline Consumption Finally l Golden Monitor edited by Vis Kennedy A KergaA fell Into my hands I learned the and cause Self abate had my I took the and cured My think tared of I all of whom New Method Treatment and en CiHllitiHFri fir link Drs Kennedy Kergah Wfi K K K K KA K YOU On Toe Paper Required In a itoment It 1 Is Properly Filed OUR Furniture Are not an expense and a luxury hut a straight system and a necessity It Ul cost you no thing hut a Postal Card to got any our catalogues The Office Specialty Mfg FACTORIES tied Bay Street Toronto Vhen was sick we fare a Child cried for Cator en Miu ahe to Cattorla GRAND TRIM Los Angeles and San Francisco And return for Biannual meeting Knights Pythias San Hound trip tickets will he sold at low Valid July and 1st to Returning good till September Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo Colo Hot Springs Co Dakota and Salt Lake Utah Round trip excursion tickets to above points at Single First Class Pare Good going Aug 1st and and Sept 1st to Al- reduced rates good going July it to Aug to to 1 and Sept to AH tickets valid for return until Oct VACATION TRIPS Ask nearest Grand Agent lor Routes and fares lor Sum Tours giving rates to Lake Bays Lakes and all Atlantic Coast Resorts Tickets and all information from agents Grand Trunk Railway System District Pass enger Agent Toronto A McCLELLAN Agent Newmarket PROMPTLY SECURED for our Interesting book Invent or Help and you are Send us a sketch or model of your to- end we fret our optolon ssiowhtlher probably by We conduct fully equipped offices Jo Montreal and this qualifies us to prompt ly Work and quickly secure as broad the Invention reference furnished Procured A procured through Marion A rion special without In over newspaper the minion bust new of turera and titers MARION MARION Expart and Solicitors York J Carpet Weaving Having an American Loom I am now prepared to give best satlef action to all customers both in workmansliip and price A secondhand loom for sale cheap ISAAC Second St Geo P Williams dry goods store at Greenwood BC destroyed by fire loss

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