Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1902, p. 5

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f J I best General NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Business Interest Allowed on Deposits at drafts and American Draft bought i Collection Simpson and Good WHAl A ABOUT TOWN A Word To The Great Regular meeting next Monday oven- Fruitful or Jiio Mark So eject Lesson Miss Moffat- Leader Cbas Army Toilers Earthquake strip of country miles long by four broad rent with gaspUg fissures and dottbd duryig the as if by a village In ruins and fijm You Are Not as Robust Vigorous of people fieemg for lives axe results of last nights seismic and Happy as Others in Au gust a Bottle or Two of IS K Remarket Corn Lane and R and Sanitary Engineer Adelaide Toronto and Estimates kinds of made toe all The strikers the this summer is seriously Jedparding next supply of coal Dealers are to sell to usual cob- tomers who lay in a supply at this will Give You Health Full Energy season of the year- for the reason that they cannot possibly secure coal to fill orders The price soft coal such as is used at electric disturbance in the valley of Los Ala- in the northern part Santa During the last days that section of the country has by a that is without precedent in the history or of the Paci fic coast began on Sunday fiwmaol us watch and be sober and Happiness several thousand dollars worth of damage to property village and surrounding country This shock men in offices stores was followed by a of an4 during thi hit sum- less severe and disastrous St women weighted continuing throughout the remainder Monday On critically near the Tuesday night at will command fanc prices The symptoms of coming ill- there was another series of and disease are manifested in seven shocks all of which were light sleeplessness tired feel- The most severe shock of the entire Splendid market here last Saturday failing series occurred at oclock this Prices were as follows appetite and poor hlood circulaUon morning Hills were and were I Celery is a pre- to their foundations and the boon to the ailing sick and valleys trembled and rolled rundown in this August weather were run deep in earth bottle or two used at once bills and knolls appeared in level bestow theneed strength to battle springs of water appeared in against the weakening and enervating places that had been dry and the gen effects of the oppressive heat and will of the was enable men and women to go thru the greatly changed in many respects necessary routine of daily toil and labor with heart soul and energy Celery Compound is specially distinguished for its ability to up rundown systems in hot weather- Mrs Mimico says I have much in my INTRODUCTION The tabernacle with its sacred fur niture now stands on- the plain The pillar of fire which towers it and which floods with glory the windowed holy place ls the symbol of the presence of God All ill are the tents and lit full view are the of Sinai from the sumit of which wit fire ard the- words of had been spoken But religious joy is sutettly turned eiening with a shook which caused i to sorrow by an of sacrilege and turned to awe by a judgment of I Hi III THE LEA Of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Kb at private it MARRIAGE MOJBNBBl NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST Wonuments and Head Stones- tar COOK BROS Flour and Feed Butter to 16c per ft Eggs to per potatoes per peck Cauliflowers to per head 5 to per Garden Beets per quart Early Horn Carrots per quart Onions per bunch beads for Cherries per pail Red Currants 5c per quart White Currants per quart- Black Currants 10c per quart Red Raspberries to per Black Raspberries per Green Beans per peck Green Apples per peck Live turkeys to per lb Live Hens 40 to pair Live Spring to 50c pr Live Ducks to pair Pigeons pair Porters per pair Inhabitants Fled With the first warning of the sound of the approaching disaster the ter rorstricken people rushed into the streets and sought places of safety in vacant lots and roads toward the neighboring The testimony favor of Paine Celery Compound I was entire broken precedJD in thc pfsCutoheonStecuart The home of Mrs J Stewart of King was the of a very pretty wedding on Wednesday the alt when her daughter Lottie was unit ed in the bonds of matrimony to Compound I was entirely down by bard work anxiety and sleeplessness and had pains all thru my body Doctors remedies had ho effect and nothing met my case until I used Fames Compound- This has wonders for me and I would strongly urge all sufferers to it as it is the best in the world and effect but they were immediate ly followed by the most terrific shock ever experienced in this section of the country The earth trembled and and twisted until it was impossible for to stand erect It is not for a man to sound in- belief to have clear views of the atonement and the way of sal vation and taught ho new doctrine hut acted inconsistent ly with their profession The life must correspond with the belief There many Sunday School scholars who could pass a good upon the truths of the scripture But there is great need to remind them that as they- to have begun so they must continue life must be measured by Gods standard Many teachers are inclined to give up their terdperanre teaching because their pupils have beard the same truths expressed over and over again teachers should not fact tjhat if they cease their efforts others will not Ask all who not done so to canain after school and sign the pledge The ire to Stay if You have a peculiar fireinsurance agontJ this town remarked new comer one day to an resident Holbein Failed and toe inhabitants crouched togeth- the might open change my insurance from the and swallow them The terror in- Mutual Company to some other con- by the rumbling and trembling suspicion that it might of the earth was increased by a noise absolutely sound So the buildings which gave seen the advertisement of idea of the destruction that was companies on the window of a Mr A of Port Ar- Plucky But Unsuccessful Effort To being wrought When the most your agent I went in thur The spacious house was beau- Cross the English Channel ious shocks had passed and the rum- there He seemed to represent with ferns and Wing souods had died away the most all the important companies flowers while the place reserved for Dover Aug Holbein who start- pie gathered about the ruins of their about here except the one I thought the bridal party was verily te bower at oclock last night from Cape places of business and when they saw out of of beauty The ceremony which was France to swim across the extent of the damage many of seemed strange but he advised perform by Rev Mr of Las- English Channel to Dover was oblige them fearful a repitition of strongly to let the insurance stay took place at pm The bride after a plucky and when experience immediately started to let the insurance stay on it was even persuading me entered on the arm of her brother s goal to abandon the foot or by any conveyance that was that Mutual was perfectly sure Mr Robert Stewart while Mr J attempt owing to unfavorable to be had for places where pre- sound He said he could do no brother of the groom He was landed shocks had been less severe better by me and perhaps not so acted as his assistant A niece of here Holbein was in the water With the of day stricken So of he lost so the Miss Lottie Bell of hours and was beaten by the strong village had thc appearance of business roade a very charming flower He was still swimming well ruins of a city long deserted Well said the older man Im a n rums a city a said the older man Im girl The bride lovely gown- to desist as at the rate church had been leveled the ground only not surprised hut I should in white organdy in train trim W- making it and not one brick building was have known what to make of it chiffon lace and tulle veil would have token him thirtysix hours standing Si FAMILY FLOUR BRAN SHORTS CHOP OAT MEALS GRAIN COOK BROS cor Main Huron Connection Newmarket The if you had had any other experience with Mr He always advises and tarrying a shower complete the journey white carnations and lilies of the vall Although Holbein failed in his air ley The hrideamaids dress was to cross the channel white with pink carnations while mueh distance 4 on c from At were In tins io itSlTSlZ and W he to match The then he was only eight mile destroyed were crack increase or decrease business It to The J to J- off riover stance from Los Alamos turn- trade was followed by a Jg partly around on its But how do got along e sulfation was tho tug man this man companyfng him he was advised today departing on a special a success by letting business go hOW One days something may and your friends will be call- fa wHh an old photo of you he willing to pay any price copy of them this supper after which the bride groom left for points of in tec 1st Ontario and the neighboring stales before leaving for their home in Arthur Among the were the Misses of Mrs and Miss Robin of Mr Mrs Bell of Beeton Mm Hunter of arid Mi and Graham and Mrs of Toronto The brides presents wire Loth costly and among a I from the choir of St Pauls The grooms gift the bride was a leau- gold watch and chain to the an opal ring rid to the flower girl a pearl to kitchener July Amid trenfmd- Lord Kitchener was by having a made by printed with to quit He was bitterly disappointed but cUrnhcd aboard without assist ance To everyones surprise he was and strong His temperature was normal He took nourishment frequently throughout night from a row boat and maintained a Steady stroke He was guided by powerful gas lamps placed cm a small boat The tide threatened to carry him to the open sea when the attempt was Mr K has been elected without to the British House of for tins throe division of Lancashire old Liberal seat train sent from San Lata j by Ufa in- all ready to drop into his advices state that earth iurtu- lap- to tremble at intervals Goal Strike No business man in town has any more to show as the result of his methods replied the other yet I suppose some of selfpro claimed hustlers would tlilnk Mr A reign of Ratlin a little slow What they loso sight of Is the long haul Ho has been a good while he intends an J SMITH Corner of Main Streets Newmarket Grocery and STORE I W 1ti I 1 for Apple ijtrsz fax honor the gift of Cape Town Joseph Mayor of Lon don made the presentation in the course of a South dinner which was attended by many notable persona When enthusiasm hid for Kitchener to make himself heard he modestly re turned thank for the gilt and pressed the hope that In South Af rica at any rate the word would not he drawn from faboard to the mineral g- wealth of the KiUfrer vM You may that you have nothing less than the makings of a xtr America in the Southern Heroism- IT TASTES GOOD Has a Peculiar to It bell Breakfast Food a Health Food Shenandoah July terror holds Shenandoah in grasp Since oclock this even- Centre street of prind- to be here ood while longer streets of town been in get hack to his the hands of an infuriated even if he docs drive them oil trouble started about oclock occasionally this evening when Deputy man carry the Beddall attempted to escort but he went two thru the away with new to think line pickets The workmen were dressed In their street clothes hut one of carried a bundle 1 Trree Us arm and this aroused the Suspicion the strikers n was from him and when it was found to contain a blouse and over- Aug What the man was taken from do- is largest tree In and almost to death world has been- discovered on Gov It Ib estimated that upwards of reservation far up in the hot were fired and the wonder Sierras In this county Six feet that more fatalities dtp not result from thy ground it took a line 151 More than twenty all inches to encircle the tree whom were were shot and it over fe in dia at least two of will die Sheriff of Schuylkill Victoria Au So ly has asked Stone for fat 7 bodies- have been recovered In of todays riot from Mount Colliery at and as a where an explosion and regiments and yesterday Thc of rescue Governors troop wen ordered to much hampered by afterdamp in the mine An exchange has discovered that The Company the moon lull but slc goes on time to like some has contracted with Srai6rd for lay- t rain drops bit it gets of Halt Breakfast mN walks at ton cents per stars shoot but dont square foot kill willow but- never iawe a tear falls but otT Bell break day breaks doesnt tall the a wallows the bees buzz and so do It takes The first meal of Malt Breakfast the It a deli- to Itself No Lindsay July Three law Urns to Mr to A okb ay Take Quinine food can taste like It for no other Seta the money J carefully and made first concession of Vera- K W Matt Food la tie most apjjara were destroyed by fire on Is each box arid nutritious of foods morning The contained ferjij It flfst tons of hay bushels oats barn filled with health arid It and two horses Virifll of good for young and old for weak teen wagons jtoatroyed by liyjrtntog strong AH Grocers A The Latest AND Best Designs HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINBS GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS m J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS HIRE -IN- MENS SUITS Mens Fine Tweed and Worsted Suits fine Italian linings silk stitcned vests doublebreasted and the best patterns we have ever shown Perfect fitters sizes to 42 All at One Price TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES EVERY THING FRESH AND CLEAN Following are a few lints Rice lor Yeast package Celluloid Starch 10c package St Lawrence Cornstarch lb Otter Brand Salmon 3 tins Lettuce Brand Salmon tins lor 25o Pure Lard Evaporated Peaches lb lb Try our Victor Japan Tea Bulk Teas In Green Blade 25o to 10c lb Fresh Confectionery Chocolates to Honey Suckles Quakers and Ktse3 lb Try our Maple Cream IN A CALL SOLICITED E LYONS DAVISONS OLD STAND MAIN ST Buggy For Sale Mikado style In good running order Cost cash Will be sold at a bargain Enquire at the Era BO trust Ac vaatarit a ft4 ituu Moon a Co If titDuii The Gaao Sons Mfg Co of Have amalgamated with and In fu ture will be known as tie United Factories Limited AH accounts previous to Dec sic due and payable by THE SONS Airy person having will kindly send thern in at once as the Company is closing its books and will shortly apply for a return its charter V f

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