Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1902, p. 4

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THE NEW Aching Joints In arm and other parts of the body are Joint that are wad of the which fcfiect Sufferers dread to move especially after or lying Ion and their condition commonly in we weather from but hare been completely Hood for w Wcply l wp ALMOST IN DESPAIR tut arwdanatuciotheipwhJchJtme c2 reads as follows and fceiplMi and tottering from I medico me I no to ray lire J Dot Hoods Trade With A recent cablegram from Sir Wen Indoa JOHN tte km rontobtiraaiea tbeValmost- immedi ate possibility of a line of between this Dominion and South Af- rica and toe opening up of commer cial relations between the two coon- tries of a character An toe early future Sir From tie Sun Sun is enabled week thru Suffered from a Burning Sensation in the Stomach Dis tasteful and she Grew Weak and Despondent v v i OF He KING W the courtesy of John a lady wellknown and much by many of residents of ville to give the particulars of an- other of those cures that have made LEGAL J Robertson public o Street to Loan on food security Solicitor Hour At Court Ontario Ken Con ac Cfcopplo door South of Feat Of fice Herbert Aurora will alto beat and Court Co Banker and Ontario Aurora at Arranging for service this mo ment from Canadian ports to South Africa- Wire at once by what time you can fall first ship no rf As Pink i household prompt and the civilized rfcrid onlrd application can Take it ft fe Association delighted reporter said About three prospect of African service Think Hying in I was October 1st best date sufferer dyspepsia In November of last year Can- and Manufacturers Association j adopted resolutions calling lor this a sensation in my and expressing the thought me j did not that tnis Dominion was in a position at flesh and be to provide paying cargoes These I was constantly resolutions were presented to Sir VS doctoring hut it did me no good and bis Cabinet and as a gradually growing worse result a certain amount of space was and despaired of ever being well any allowed on the transports which ay a friend who called to Halifax for South Africa for supplies strongly advised me to to the British Government This Pills She spoke space was always filled and the trade of that- I decided to relations thus opened up led to the her advice and I soon for a Jast line of service be- like the other jtween the two countries From had been taking and that which the Manufacturers fc ast to have gathered it is estimated the continued using the amount of freight from this a couple of months when I ion to South Africa will reach restored to health torts per month in addition to an iin- l W always since my meals limited timber trade at sailing rates J have had no return Montreal and Toronto pacers appear J experience I entertain the that the feel f sufferers will Line of steamshicB will pro- a fair service y will find a cure sets to ply to the port of Montreal Pink Pills the in summer and Halifax in winter The an strengthen the future of this South African trade no It is thus that they- cure dan now the name of dyspepsia ailment- Sir William will always be partial paralysis heart connected with its development troubles St Vitus dance and the ail ments that make the lives of so many women a source of constant misery These pills never fail to drive away pain bring a glow of health the whole body and make despondent men and women bright active and strong Do not take any pills without the full name Dr Williams Pink Pills for Pale People on the wrapper around every box by all medicine or sent post paid ah cents a box or sir boxes for 5250 by ad dressing the Williams Medicine Block Montr to There fa a touching and true Utile of two soldiers of the KFek Which yetteep Moil- Both i and in the middle period of the wax both were engage supers In the ballet of The Soldiers of the the Theatre each received summons to and in the the men left and went with their respect ive to Africa where ihey lost sight each other One of them a Northumberland a terrible gunshot wound in the throat and for months upon the point of In a far dlatani quarter of South Africa the other exsuper was in the thigh and to lime went on the news that the oilier had of his wound had buried with his upon field of battle months Inter the man of the Fightings tifth returned to England leave- Wandering one day streets of the old eye was caught by a poster an nouncing The Soldiers of the King the Theatre Theferos a and the mod led him to the door where- he presently his old chief and the prospect became reality- Cheered by his good fortune man passed again into he the narrow passage to the door he all with one who limping painfully wan making his way along crowded thoroughfare As the men met they stopped tor a moment or so looked silently into each others face As last the man with tho wounded throat man aged to gurgle out Well Im bang ed I Why Jack thought you were one of the lot thats out there under the grass They told me you died of the plug you got at Klip- to R I dentist Oyer Toronto Jobbing House r An J R fiaatedo id development Homey to in inter cat at Current Orrics a R Ramsay Fire Low on and Town Newmarket Windsor Record remarks on the side The Illinois editor who is publishing the Bible as a serial will be surely tempted to put a scare head on that adventure of Jonahs Even the New York Journal while reflecting on the coal strike breaks Company out in poetry Old King Coal a jolly old soul And a jolly sou was he GRAND RAILWAY TABLE has CI rt I a CO Is And chuckle in fteodish glee Train Robbers Caught Paso Texas- Aug I Two more robbers who held up Mexican Central train and secured Heavens me judge I thought you was a firstclass casual ty too replied the other in a breathless way Heard you was hit in the throw t and planted a week after Then first told of We his good and King in or an imperfect left leg mud could do with a few boh too I wo tier II theyd mi hack limp and could on the inside and nobody wouldnt notice it and try whispered the Fusilier You see I can the Jor of us arid you can do enough Hflitfili for two In than minutes they were hark to the stage again and for than a month those two welltrained sol- of the King tilted their old in thf A -l- J-r- There stUJ letter written- fcloor to his wife the news carne to him tibait his at Chel sea with its offices and huge gran aries had been almost destroyed by Instead of over bis loss bids her first find put any poor neighbors bad stored corn in and if so to pence them Secondly to discharge- no servant until be has ing place and lastly to bo of good and all the hoyseboM to cburbh and there thank God for that which he hath given us and what He He urges her I pray you my children to be merry in God Most pi it we had lost property and home a night would think did well if we were patient under the will of God but to be and merry in Him is an almost forgotten grace Robert Louis Stephenson in a er written for the family before bis death asked that the day returned it should find them strong to endure it it brought sorrow J and eager to be happy if happiness was portion Why asked a Hindu sage Why are the Christiana melancholy men if I believed as they say that the Great my Father His Son wis my Elder Brother should be most happy and gey They do not believe what say David whose life was full of trou bles and griefs and sins taught the world its full of a mighty- Joyous thanksgiving Paul in prison knowing that death in its most painful shape might be near could exhort his friends- not be patient but to rejoice in the Lord always And again I say rejoice he adds urgently Most men will laugh when they are well fed and their lives are comfort able but it is a different thing to when ones home is find time to attend to poor and be merry in God like old Sir Thomas Moore w- I policy I I a ft a 4 X According to crop reports the Express the Canadian Northern Railway up car have been captured at the end of last month the outlook nearly has been re- has been better The yield covered The first robber to be will be last year caught hasbeen fully identified as a week later Wheat will run Taylor who held up a Santa lift to bushels and oats as high Pacific train in Texas and killed GO bushels per acre This applies two men He was sentenced to to points in Manitoba death for that crime but to Mexico Fifteen thousand dollars of dates of harvesters booty secured in the recent to Manitoba and the was from Taylor nave been fixed The first ex cursion will be from Maritime Provinces and Quebec and Ontario on August and the second on August 20th After that date they wilt run daily except until Aug wjih the re nil there I J J fly ft of Ontarios interests the Provincial Government has pass ed an placing hem lock fogs in the same category as pine logs after April the end of the year that is they J not le exported Of late years a considerable trade in logs has sprung up owing to increas ing value of this class of timber NKyrMJLRKErr is is U vi to if Z w to to A m w rt ia o So August Canadian Magazine ik an Number Lord Sir Parker Professor Smith the Hon J lley Chancellor Chancellor Wallace form Campbell John and others discuss the various of The include some handsome of WeatmlnAter Abbey and royal picture printed in colors The of this will be pleaded to learn that isat least one dreaded disease science has able to cure in all Us stages and that is Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive re known to the medical fraternity Catarrh being a constitutional re quires a constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system there by destroying the foundation of the disease and giving the patient strength by building up the constitu tion arid in doing work proprietors have so much faith id curative powers that oiler One Hundred Cor any that it fails to Send for list of J A Co Toledo 0 Sold by Druggists Pills are the best policy iv n I and I it citmc to no effect The wit by King wus to be due to he to the help of in a diw- hail with I haries of ah to who to on the pi workmen were enKaod for Months in erection of a wood Ihe were in the extreme certain of the exirHVuKuiit features being to He genius of fVi1 were pain or cloth of g I while silken wcu- uvlshly used with his iiiUM and Court at on rode SuisiKs A for Ihe of Dauphin with Although the medicine business oil be carried on with utmost conscientiousness and sense of responsibility the unfortunate fact that in no there so hum- bag and deception anxieties of the sic and tit are traded upon the manner possi ble cures many tioriaarc worthless and some are positively to As a consequence all proprietary remedies with suspicion by many people the good suifer Por these reasons we announce that our proprietors are the principal share- bolder in mm WALKER I LIMITED t o lh of o d Q o www Quebec Aug Another of tboso There is Rome arid the usual of which In this excellently print- this ha Been so many of nhrloAfAal occurred at Levis this time the miss- VJ K f S O periodical party a lad of only An referring to fact W Coughlin of Mr Jj employed an on to fcay From Grand Trunk Railway it is evident several TO CURE TWO DAYS Laxative removes cans JE W on box Price In a New York factory of is on Hebrew The enormous water power avaUabte mourners following the of the I in country wMm Canadian Rabbi and fierce manufacturers to at a low figure In fact it can be delivered In Europe at a price which yleldlix ni good profit l away below Wo- rope an countries depend almost en tirely upon Canada for calcium The in the manufacture of Ik and has to the till fiiGiriiy arWaoB wwt of it there wan Report at Manila that on Saturday there weyW and 25 cholera dauriter of McColl of Drayton fop Mary tfrrdiiBOdp torn nit began King with and other courtiers wen- while Khr4 and his nobles iiiti to maintain tho honor to ouMlo iu other In arid niinorl Ihviil- elvch the tout of I heir and the of At mole n fTort to put iullrH on tod hearty loci only by two knight a and a he roile over one morning to before 1 It risen aptarinj bis told him ho took him pr- eiiterei into the iihd appreciating the indue In hi potto threw costly his captors ritckV to for of his pris oner responded by gift of it thus find carried on hy on tiding as the of hi of ind to In of nil tin sjitelitrlOH of I that of t rival of Francis will we arc be an ample guarautee of the truth of every made concernlog IRONOX THe Ironox Co Ltd at Sound Sound Aug A man nam ed William Lewis Wail drowned the dock at Parry Harbor last night Ixwis had come In a small ex cursion party from Depot Harbor where he was employed On r-turn- to llw he fell drowned before could be rendered An liquet will be held toinjrrow morning Lewis came from Port Perry Another drowning accident occurred evening oclock Two lads and were In a canoe a hort Way out from foot of Hill In gome Way the canoe swam for the whore and was picked boat Gardiner who could not ftwlm clung to the before assistance reached him he had relaxed his hold arid sank to the bottom Hls body has yet been recovered relatives live in To ronto Once when by chance with Dr the of at a certain club remarked my Lord what a nuanc thfi dining Two IahKoluUly a dinner and a long think that and a dinner either may ought to mora than quarter of hour or the Mall well could wo not arrange thin my lord Knock ten off and put It on to the rilnnir Of One man killed and several persona serlouflly Injured auring tho election riots at Camden J Hi is ft for Castor- Drops and Syrups nor is pleasant Its guarantee la thirty years by of destroys Worms and allays cures llarrboea and Wind Colic relieves Constipation and assimilates tbe regulates and Bowels of Infants and giving and sleep is Panacea Mothers Friend in for Mother hare repeatedly told toe of Ha good effect their children Matt adapted to children that a to tojct SL A 1 THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER Pineapples Cherries Black and Red Raspberries J Green Beans and Peas Plums Peaches Red Bananas Watermelons ridiculous fad has been branded by roost competent au thorities have dispelled Billy notion to at one Hod food is needed for another for muscle and still another for bones A cor rect diet will not only nourish a part of the body liat It will sustain every part bow- ever good your food may be its nu triment Is destroyed by or You must prepare or appearance of prevent their by talcing regular of Greens August Flower the favorite medicine of the healthy millions A few doses aids digestion the liver to healthy the blood and makes you feel and vigorous You this at Pharmacy ICECREAM Cents QUART Ice- Cream put up in 1 pint and pint Bricks r Delivered to all parts of the Town and at any hour The Grocer Grocery orders called For and promptly ii GENERAL Builder Contractor Is now In a position to con tracts for all of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short Notice and atlGfactEon GRANOLITHIC AND HOOFS TOR Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER Box Newmarket Wanted New Shop Having erected a new building Ave Newmarket am fitting It up with We to do all kinds Repairs to Iron Work Will be ready for week Prompt and aatiav guaranteed A THOMPSON Practical i Gladstone Green aged drowned while hdtWng In- the Rivet near Town Property for Sale A couple smart JwyB 17 to 18 years age for in Ballot department at good wages a couple ot Men experienced cnrrlere given preference Apply to and Lot on Charles Street A SON te fanes Factory the Lowell Tannery of Enquire

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