Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 8 Aug 1902, p. 2

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4W Recent eXvorerBtbni the Albany Miss Is visiting region is rib City at Never Lets Up Brighter and Better All Printing Dens j- Still staging across fcji The World Toronto has reached Out a late aeuairancef at Misses and Edna Sal East are spending robbed him observes Mrs A an- a week at Mrs J Davison s Coastal Lawrence and Stewart are by her motherinlaw Mr Frank Lloyd is home from looking into matter Dr Foster I beaten definite ady years of age Bluffs faoUc tbe Imperial Confer- drove into Tarpon Tuesday to days wnico he will spend mostly badly of the Colonial Premier and the day with Mrs Kings mother Mrs Lake Mrs was Miss Millard West Lawn Colonial Secretary at It also declares that the failure of the Con ference to accomplish any real good is due in large measure to the indecision and stupid One hundred and twenty men were years old on the March home on Tuesday killed in the colliery disaster near last and is smart and active a good spent weeks friends in Sydney j conversationalist and enjoys spending There is great in a good deal of her time Gray and fact of her being able todme in a Misses and Florence fee discovery oil and gas carriage from her sons a Toront0f were over Civic hag Peoples Popular Store a tore at mention of our Csnadian representative of miles and speed visiting their parents a car of especial of Sir Wilfrid Lauder who visitng is of note and should have Che British believe that the future of the Empire is bound in the devel opment of Canada The World goes Dr Stephens and son from tons of coal the largest on record Vermillion Ohio son Mr A I ien thousand tons of steel per The Free Press of London Stephens of Whitchurch is here on month will be turned out fty tieDo- It ma be the rains and the visit for a couple of weeks minion Iron and Steel Company at hazy atmosphere in Ontario this sum- j MrGamet and Mr- Sydney mer has been to the of Toronto spent Sunday in To build up the The same conditions r and joined a picnic party Empire you must legislate have prevailed in Switzerland t on Monday for Canada And asainIi Wt almost daily tteny- s two months are swollen- Swiss scientists tribute this to the presence fine fawreU was given in her dust or ashes in the upper currents of air and are opinion that this and the Yankees to deal with Great Britain alone they would tangle the Island all up in a month Within ten years they would convert the little kingdom ancient his tory According to this notion of our John Bui becoming an Imbecile and should not allowed after dark- But is nothing serious about it As the The World simply in this twaddle giving us another ex hibition of the style of fireworks which ha gained it such an able notoriety for flying off the handle The colossal gall which would imply that Canada is the hub of the Empire if not of the Universe is not patriotism it is simply At the present time the British Empire has a population of millions of which millions or than percent reside in Canada The British alone have a on Wednesday night- Mr Joseph of Chicago bro therinlaw Mr J Wilson has been carried across the Atlantic Mont air To wv two or three days in this strengthen this supposition comes the news that after a shower of rain it f in Canton thef was covered with a thin layer before returning home of grayishblue ashes Morrison received word from Williamsburg by telegram on Thursday night last week of hex It is stated in the ess of Great Britain that Osborne House Isle of Wight will nob likely be used again as a residence owing to the Expense keeping it up and dis tance from London The- conclusion reached appears to he that in all pro bability will be turned into a san itarium Oar death Mrs Morrison and daughters went East on Friday even ing and Intend to remain there a few The following company spent over Sunday at Mr Cases Mrs Toole Pa Mrs Mr Cecil spent the Civic McConneH Co in Newmarket Toronto Mrs son Mrs J Davev is Toronto this and daughter of Toronto week visiting her About twentyfive people from Miss Maud Hunter of Toronto is Weston who were for in the visiting in town tbu week pastorate of Rev J spent Miss Julia nieces last Friday in Newmarket Both of Detroit are home on a visit dinner and tea were served on trie Mrs and children are arsonage lawn During the or nearly eight the guests of Mrs the visitors took a stroll rnr I ir and around town and were very Canada population The ana lainuj spent it Civic Holiday with friends in King impressed After spending a ordinary of the time left on the tor horn gulwcrtijsfmctttfi To it Hay Concern My Hit left I hereby pi re notice Tint le any nay and refuse to pay for any ibemay Aug Farms for Sale offered for Sale on rasonabU- In the Whitchurch of acre which about Lake Wit cox sod 0 acre In limber a brick bank ham and aiobing The farm la well of ireea two wells la an excellent rr4in Urea In ttla altu- at the east Thill- way on part of con On farm there a bank barn rood house and la well situated miles from Apply to Weve no desire to use these special offerings for August selling All are bargain gems and show our determination to make August the banner Mid- A Summer Month of the year These lots with many others are now ready Ladies Handkerchiefs hem stitch selling at fpr25c- Ladies Cotton Hose sizes to inch selling at for Mens Suspenders heavy weight selling for Mens Linen Collars all selling at 2 for to Ladies Summer Vests half sleeves cream white shades selling for I0C Childrens Vests sizes for ages to cream shades selling for 150 yds Feather Ticking wide width heavy weight worth yd selling for yds Table Linen unbleached in wide worth this week selling for don alone lut year w while or Pratt month at home with their visit It certainly shows than oneeleventh The visiting her aunt Mrs of Canada a compared with the old- Master Edward of New portion of the Empire it is inie have to be considered it is m- a of the tail wagging the dog think that Canada can or demand favored treatment unlets the home Kovernmeut is prepare to recommend audi to the Im perial Parliament No doubt the Conference will prove of to the Colonies hut it no legislative function or power All that w ever expected of it its possible educative results on British public opinion respecting colonial importance Toronto is that people Weston the Cyrus company of Mr and Mrs- It is announoed tlie Durham purpose a po litical demonstration in Pollard Grove on Aug The i represented Libera at Ottawa Toronto arid no doubt the gathering will he erf more than usual interest York is visiting his Aunt Mrs Mrs Osborne Toronto spent a couple of days in Town this week Miss Bain of Toronto spent Sunday with her cousin Mrs Hurst rMrS Smith of Toronto was visit- ling her sister Mrs last week Miss Florence Belfry spending a week with Miss Mabel Miss Rose spending a months holidays at her in Miss Flossie Collins is spending a week with Miss Mamie and Hose is visiting- in for a couple of weeks witft Mrs Mr- and Mrs A spent a few days lifts week visiting friends In Woodstock Air Wilton and family of Toronto were in Town on Monday visiting friends Miss Mabel Toronto Is visiting friends in Town and vicinity for a couple of weeks The Misses and Greenwood are In Mrs Mrs of Staywr and Miss TO LEARN rubber shoe making good wages steady work Apply Maple Leaf Rub ber Co Port The Customs revenue is still an increase A statement giv en out by Department at Ottawa on shows that the in- of revenue for the month of Raton of- Toronto are he July was The figures for Mrs Niagara St the were as einl Miss Cameron of Meaford la pared with lor the visiting at Tarry All the home month of last year of Mr arid Mrs I Mr fvan ard family are fc direct w Ontario A the HIM Jw an to Northern bat Alter an absence years Mrs In discoveries of beds fas Kincardine is vlsit- Iron ore has been friends In town and vioinity examining the various locations to from his to the department says for a while an excellent body ore hue changes are made in the dry- found ibe Iron In dock township It is probably he la gear Mrs Walt and family who ore with the exception of the wri in for range discovered returned high enough in iron ore be week fc and two daughters are spending a A to the Mail and j vans reports Mr IK wwf iseredit4 with Uin of vis- ed in every an Mr Harris Cotter ballot 14 every polling fe of vith her daJgtr wXoVrjPV and also fr Rrowu of vats in York May of w fW Wood A J of HOLLAND COUNCIL rating of tiie council Aug Present tho and all the mem bers SflmitfrH Inst and adopted following were to Ik paid John Da Hon days and hours work on Jos Hot- eleuidn bricking well 8O0 Goodwin days and hour on roafe and bricks Goodwin fifty ami on sidewalks Cooper bourn on roads with team Wright days on roads team Fred Iiours paint street lump A Allan bell rope 75c George West halfday on sidewalks drawing from Brad ford West days on sidewalks Lane commis sioner on Duncan top of park well and two posts posts at each J McKay on printing account the Reeve and Mr Bell I appoints to riOrrow of one for the of Carried West Mr Bell and Mr to lnfrtct tins park on Monday Aug at am and Elliott who rented park Is not doing according to agreement to ho does Car ried On motion council adjourned Next meeting of council at pm defeated in a ingle scull riice at Barrie on Monday A mine superintend ent kilted by a cavein at Hot mine The barn Mr John near was by lightn ing on Tuesday and burned A very dtKaetrous tornado thru fit Catharines on Sunday several buildings uprooting etc no loss of life Mghtriiig struck the factory Maxwell Sons at and a fire in the which was easily ex Mr- MORE ABOUT OUR CLOTHING Our Clothing is made specially for us and is not the nary readymade goods but the New Ready-to- Wear Clothing Cut by Experts and made by Experienced Tailors The only difference between the Clothing sold by us and that made by Merchant Tailors is the price Mens Blue Serge Suits well made and good lining merchant tailors price for same suit 1 Hunter Bros readytowear price Blue and Black Serge Suits sizes to all wool material and guar anteed to- fit and wear merchant tailors price Hunter Bros Mens all wool Worsted Suits blue or black the best lining and fii is short of perfection merchant tailors price Hunter Bros All Goods Sold as Advertised Money back if you want it 750 1050 HUNTER BROS Newmarket DUNLOP All kinds of Rubber Tire for all kinds Vehicles Chair Tin for The Co Sign of the Big Hand Successors to E The Cradle Aug to Mr and Belfry a daughter July to Mr and Mrs a on A expected at the gar den party next night at Mr residence Mm from a Revere illneas her hua- with a daughter on Aug- 1st- The Aurora Band passed through our village on Saturday evening on their way to and inuniu were erowd- with jiropli ani in getting I a fnd for the young people to the village and tramp up and dawn fitreet until or oclock Wm will reprenfe Court Zephyr at meeting of High I OK CAMPERS SUPPLI Mail and telephone order promptly attended to our wagons go to the lake four times each week FORCE SHREDDED WHOLE WHEAT MALT BREAKFAST MALTAVITA A CREAM OF WHEAT Our Special Boiled Ham to Slice Also Corned Hoof Chipped Dried Beef Potted Meat Pork and LEMONS BANANAS BERRIES PEACHES PEARS PLUMS WATERMELONS CABBAGE BEANS ONIONS LETTUCE J Mr 1 of j itM hjrn W York fa a two a Mrs Children Cry for CASTOR I A A Dining Boom Bedroom and Parlor Suite lor before stork at that are Blmpl Now Is the time to fit op your home with furniture at Iwt Come and f Millard Hotel A PFJIALTY The July 30th at of Francis J Rev M Drown Mr bollard to Miss Martha Jane the task by Eld Frostier at Ms home on Pearson Ave Mr Albert Lloyd to Miss Albert a Took- of Whitchurch ELLrOOODFELLOffAt Park by the Rev Thomas Kills to Miss Good fellow all of North The Tomb King July Mar Curtis aged years Hilllir Starrs Bread THE BEST Tried Used a MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful and Prompt Attention Pastry In Great Variety AN D ICECREAM CENTRAL W STARR

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