Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 18 Jul 1902, p. 8

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J jjjH around AND TO I were candidates at the re- tot examination boys girls Of these following have passed Stewart 2d Dean Hnry Davis Vincent Brown Sunday School picnic at Jack- Marion Pearson Bella Scott Haiti sons Point on success- is now Saturday was a connected by Monday evening while Messrs Wesley Brown and Cooper were with the Bell Telephone J ten so we ae to toad iii no one was hurt- iff NDafoe is home for boll- 0 rtays Nome has gained quite a jH as a solo in tcam Crowe an Indian Jos a preacher occupied the H pit Sunday n drew out large crowds that he church as WbJaw took rteralljr packed to some having to St to say took room This was first men in the toglnh the best way they could The horse was afterwards found tied to a fence in the Settlement While Miss Mary Ann was absent from home day last- week a as Mr A- ago stood a tree a shelter against the storm and bad entered her garden and only got lately away from when quantity of onions and lightning shattered it to pieces He thw This is not first time such have been resorted to and an example should made of those committing for AURORA had a marvelous escape A large number of and of the Baptist congregation the of Mr on the evening of and Mrs with a cabinet in recognition of her T Nearly to- number of years e was made by Rev Mr Wallace who made a short address as did also Arthur CUwl stepped on an iron Rev Booter Messrs Kennedy I M ing Three teeth tile his foot inflicting a severe Found On Saturday afternoon the lights ning struck in an oat field on Mr farm in King and- burn- LOST A Big Bay Work Horse got out pasture here Sunday and as he is older than I am it duty to look after bim It you please tafee care of and me a card I will go after him and cay thanks A Newmarket BO YEARS- EXPERIENCE George and others- During the even ing lunch wai served arid all enjoyed a social time Mr Trull was to have bis broken leg reset on Friday last J7 Miss Mabel Connor con pick- J l J j td the oats over a space of tome rods diatuoter mmedateyon am Q she felt a sharp bite on her solt palate The pain and fright were so great that she fainted A large ant had fastened itself in her throat and was removed by the of a and his tweezers Pamphlets for Tourists Grand Trunk Issues Summer Re sort Publications here celebrated the glorious lath at The appeal of tbe Metropolitan against the decision of the Court of Revision in the Tp of King to the assessment of companys property in that township will be heard by Jifdge Morgan iiere at 1150 on Thursday During the storm on Saturday af ternoon Mr Geo Coulters bam just Marks ft oirtecpKM A WTt CTiUtfcm of k New York PO To Use Meyers Poultry Spice want In ruitf winter For at FEED STORE HORSES WANTED west of the town was struck but publications have just fortunately little damage was done of King had a dog arid was severely at Two new been issued by the publicity depart- Mr J as of the Grand Trunk Railway killed by lightning System One of then is descriptive stunned himself Mr Billings of the charming resorts on thj South of town received a the east coast of Huron iftOVd shock which knocked him over it Kincardine Coder- was some time before be recovered and Ontario and the cars at various points on the Mo- beaches thai a- jtropolitan Railway had motors Huron Mich The is en- burned out banted by direct reproductions in At the recent Entrance examination half tone from photographs is at Aurora- High School there printed in the 5 candidates boys and addition to a fexrirtion of that girls Of these were successful of the country there is and girls The am for the lover of the gun and the order of who passed list of hotels with accommodation are as follows and rales and a deal of other Boys data that Ik pi to those Hums No King are looking for a summer No King The of her new is a Hurst- No King written in a storylike form No King most interesting and dealing Auror embracing the Oak Ridges around the French River To Oak dwnptive matter takes the tourist v Aurora over the Northern Division of the Lewis Slovens No Whitchurch to North Hay from there Taylor Aurora across to Win Tracy Aurora Falls on the River which Willis Aurora as far as navigation by steamer can Aurora be enjoyed The rest of the journey ML Portage Archibald King rS W IW No Whitchurch Aurora Whitchurch The hunting and In raramefy district is No KinV a bass rd ere themost numerous of the AND TOMMY By T STERN Any person having horses of any clans to will find to bis adrrutfege to drop poet card- to Newmarket or if you want bom let biro know Sir has four for trade In a at the team defeated- th- V a farmer near by a from tribe found here and hi of the species run ning from to pounds are a catch charms of Lake are not all confined to the is beautiful in August and September and it Is gorgeous in October and November King Jenkins No King Emma Kennedy No King Ruth Kirby Aurora Pearl No King Lily Aurora Myrtle No A King Maggie Aurora Clara Aurora No rJSS Kin Aurora Aurora No King No King No Whitchurch Mr of North hope fell mi of bis wagon Stratford in- River are alive wltf gamey fish of all varieties Thin Interesting Jut lifued by the- Grand Trunk Includes all as to how to reach lo cality and locked for by sportsmen or tourist Ich ind rftC Bel Ticket May Ida Storey Taylor Wilkinson r 3700 filled In Pretoria July an of the Red depot which the J the of bureau for the forus ftpTOO or rttH Ifi Aurora Aurora King to make satisfactory progress Doctors people agree oil la the test thing take for feel well and especially babies they like it men and but- babies actually Try an Ad fa Itpya ijoy it Miss Ml ffett8tHe stenographer had lost her breastpin That was all And yet there as much the a a tboiigb a were raging In the street outside- book keeper down on his fehees the bead clerk absently searched every nook and cranny of bis desk was In It was a keepsake from It bad three rubles and a diamond a real diamond Oh dear she was sure absolutely positive that she bad IK on her dress when she come to the of fice thai- morning Despite all efforts to recover it the pin remained In obscurity It was then they sum moned Tommy new office boy They did not even know name Tompkins said ittchurd Tommy did not stir Let them come and get him Tmy were only clerks after all called Mack but Tommy persisted at the switchboard Then the margin clerk spoke His tone was not half as loud as that of either of the others yet Tommy Folks seemed to come when spoke asked Tommy Miss bus lost her She this morning It Is not here now Do know anything Sure answered Tommy with as tonishing celerity What Ton dont mean to say I do said Tommy I can see it from here So can you If you eyes Its right caught on her drees- Bay my name is Tommy Dont it At noon Miss came to the switchboard 1 thank yon Thomas she sweetly Tommy looked op He took her all In In a glance the trim little figure clad In unrelieved black save where a of white set off full throat the hair brown eyes that danced It was all brer a moment The next day Tommy wore a new necktie and bis Sunday shoes and bis was brushed to mirror flatness Pro note the change That problem worried biro so that he forgot the telephone once or twice and earned a choice collection of rather forcible epithets When he pondering the prob lem of Ms own appearance he telling Its Miff she bent her machine ficfore he hated who had dared to to her with flippancy Tompkins too had incurred bis dislike for Joking with But brook he baled worst of all with bis broad shoulders and well flttioK clothes was friendly with When left tbe office to gether hominy Was half tempted to Tent fellow was not As time went on Tommys lion pretty stenographer grew To nil ward appearance Miss felts took small notice of bis existence Sometimes said good morning How bright the world was More often she did not The earth was a gloomy after all After awhile bo cherish ed other desperate ambitions He boil ed that the building would burn down and lie could carry her to street in la arms Then again be waited for to her Tommy could then pull out a pistol and shoot him him dead the But no the building re mained and refused to be other than and nice So Tommy sat at telephone switchboard and hoped One night he came Into the office aft er the others had it aflat- Mlffetts was there alone Presently donned her hat and coat her bund into tier pocket arid pulled It out empty Then all storied In to cry- sobbed Alius Yes miss Anything can do for your If you please Thomas bare for gotten my purse and I havent a cent to take me home Con yon lend me my rarer Tommy brought forth a dime and banded it to her She turned to go Then Tommy If you miss thats my last coin Well bate to go home together miss If dont mind and please miss take west side elevated Bo did They push ed their way up the crowded station ad Into the car Tommy learned time lived with chums Miss Mittens earned bat Tommy was with a brace of pantit and four brothers and do you think I asked Miss Nineieeo answered Tommy Correct Ob Im But Ill grow older tome dayf Tommy saw to door end on clouds be astonished bis father by Inquiring whether ri feller marry a On being Informed that an obstacle was no bar to matrlmoB be swallowed hard to bed The next day morning and hi thanks thanked too and said was an all fellow What was of Tommy feated him worse much worse than before After that to aim In fact Tommy was the point of half a dozen times tbnt be bod now- woufhe please wait Hut miserable As add to bis be was to the flanclurhoriedny arid was Inform that If he did not exercise more care with bis duties might The position Wd Ho space ef day to be senaraed from Mis tqIeayt the designs of Decidedly be could telephone Then came Tommy never forgot that Sunday The evening came to his desk Wontyou come over to see me tomorrow Come prompt ly at Tommy Thank miss With a thrill he recognlred that was the first time she bad called rm The following day be went be bung his cap In noted a familiar coat that bung beside feu worn What was that fellow doing there anyway And yet when tie entered room and extended his big broad took it and forgot bis hatred Miss smiled ail the- time except when Tommy took a big white a bit of tissue paper and handed it to everybody cry when bought em crowded fast after that and Tommy remembers but dimly There was snow In it heaps of snow piled high Then there was a church a quiet awful place with rows and rows of empty benches There was also a minister in a gown like a womans Tommys hatred of return a hundredfold when Eaterbrook kissed Miss and called Alice remembers distinctlyvery distinctly that Miss kissed him too and Esterbrook shook him by the band Then Miss spoke Tommy I am not coming to the any more John will be back next week We are going away on a little trip We shall be borne next night Come over to see no You will wont the very first night Heaps of snow and Tommy alone the looming and the tmndle of a cable car a white chrys anthemum on whiter snow drop ped and forgotten had dropped It Yes after all It was right she should drop It God bless them both even But if she had only wait ed ft J J Appreelnttr There was a York writer who being something of an epicure found keen enjoyment In light and tootn- pastry provided for patrons of a certain French restaurant One day be tossed off a sonnet to tho pastry and bade- the waiter carry it to the cook with compliments The next day be was aered a of unusual size inenied with pastry roses and was told that it en offering from the cook who bad been almost fo- the point of fears by At poet cut pis he was amazed see reposing Inside It tbe of bine paper bore The waiter saw a shade pass over his face and at ones stepped forward I dont care to eat my own words said poet sharply but bis pun was lost on the waiter Ze cook said monsieur ho ventur ed humbly to cook said Monsieur makes his so beautiful verse on- my I make my so beautiful pastry on bis verse It not so Monsieur looked once more at the pie and dignity melted It la so he said briefly and pro to test the flavor of his lloesv Hot There Is a delicious story told of an old minister of the Church of Scotland who was often obliged to employ as sistants during tht latter part of his life of thess was rather vain of as a preacher but af fected to quite embarrassed by any compliments he received on that score On his first appearance after ser mon the old divine went up the pro bationer and was going to shake bands with hire Anticipating nothing sport of high flown praise tho young man ex claimed My good sir no compliments no compliments I Na re plied the parson nowadays Im glad anybody How this decidedly left band com pliment fell short of the recipients an ticipation be could tell but bis feelings mutt bate been somewhat sim ilar to those of the orator who having been in vain told by of France that he would be obliged to him If be would make his flattery as brief as possible was at length crushed by the king and saying You must be kind enough to say the rest to fool HI Speaking of children a Hew York physician In to account of big work among them One little fel low whom I know very well had to some dead bones removed from bis arm He gift perhaps thought bad taken a good deal of in terest In him although J was not con scious of showing Mm extra attention The morning he was to leave he sent for When I reached bis bed I bent over him Well Willie wo will all miss you when you gone and afterward Dirt you want to see me specially- The llttlo fellow reach ed hit hand up and laid It on shout- or I bent oyer him My mamma will never hear Ia1 you one ta Lfjillyr SAVINGS COMPANY i j CANADA Cor tod HON GEO A- COX pMty Reserve Merest allowed on Repayable on Iff Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION R WOOD RAILLIE America Years in Detroit Bank References Without Written Coateot If you bare law of sutler- Sell later excesses ncilUu3 I and Siseaies necked Treat wllh scleaiific I to cured quacks A Sidney of l Toledo At Iba age of I teamed a bad habit contracted I treated with a doctor who all promised me- They got my money and I had I Dad given a friend mo to consult K who had cored bin any I called on them and Dr Kennedy agreed to cure me or Alter laklothe Hew Treatment for six week I felt like a without an no pay a like a man The drains wormy disappeared hair topped clear and my epical organs vitalized I j cared by Dr Keonedjaad recommend from the bottom of my heart We Treat and Syphilis Gleet Varicocele Uannturol Seminal Bladder COK8UITATION FREE- FREE Call or write for Blank CURE NO PAY DRS KENNEDY Cor Ays and Shelby Sheet Mich YOU CAM GET YOUR On The Paper Required In a Moment Ii Is Properly Filed J R Filing Devices -AND- J Office Are not an expense and a luxury but a system economy necessity It will cost you no thing bat a Postal Card to get any of our The Office Specialty Mfg Bay Street Toronto Buggy For Sale Mikado style In good running order Cost cash Will be Bold st Enquire at the Era office Sold by All Newsdealers Monthly oven tad a of Hew Copyright by si Half OiX a lor Yearly it IS any at a In get Complete or Piano If gt a A via Mill a J PEPPER a Locust PROMPTLY SECURED Vrite our nlcreftlna or How von ara Send a root ft or model of your vcmlon and opinion whether N Improbably Selected apptlcatkne en by conduct equipped in Montreal through Marion apaclal without the DfUAlaloav MARION Expert and i York Ufa aWr 5 Carpet Weaving Having purchased Uptodate American Loom I am now prepared to gl very- to- all both in and price A loom for sale cheep St All men may be of Oust some have a lot of the than

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