Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 11 Jul 1902, p. 7

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I V lHi r uwv l CHINA i AND We still talking Shoes tee saving of dollars to you while we are not making a profit are accomplishing our object as Boot Shoe Stock Indies Summer Shoes awl Slippers Misses and Childrens Shoe3 and Now is the time to buy Yes away down cheap makes them better is are Stylish and Good Wearing Also Mens arid Boys Boots very interesting prices for the purchaser Grocery Department CAMPERS SUPPLIES A SPECIAITY ml Mil Seats is ox a sown During the electric storm at noon the barn Mr Henry Sheridan on the of Whitchurch was struck by lightning doing con siderable damage fortunately did not set it on fire metropolitan On Monday morning Engineer gall and a couple of taking levels for the ex tension of the Metropolitan Road to Lake Newmarket by way Morrisons corner thence up Queen St Election in Whitchurch At the nomination last Monday two candidates were proposed to fill the in the Council and as one is- required an election will take place next Monday The can didates are Mr Win Leathers a first class farmer at and Mr of Vivian in the op posite comers of tbe Township Buy your stock of Granulated Sugar tow as price is the lowest we ever at Wo handle it the best for preserving pound Have we sold you barrel yet Six double rigs and a number ol single buggies took the Christian to Wilcox Lake on Tuesday tbe boys and girls Kay they had a splen did time The weather was delight ful and tbe boys spent most of the time in and around water Din ner and supper were served and the rigs returned between and oclock It is about a two hours drive to the Lake The grounds are not equal to Bonds Lake but water is safer for bathing and paddling in Quv Blue Oil Stoves save their cost in one season Costs per week to run them Sold only at Hard ware Other cities and towns of Ontario besides Toronto will be interested in the result of the Bell Telepbono Com panys appeal to tbe Privy Council to test their right to put up poles and wires along the streets without tbe consent of the Council la a re cent Justice Street de cided against the contention of the company holding that company had no right to carry any poles or wires whether the wires were above or under ground along any street in Toronto without first obtaining tbe consent of the City Council The company notice of appeal on Monday so betted The heavy wind and rain on Mon day did considerable damage to the crops Mr Gordon intends leaving shortly to take a position in the city Mr and Miss Mary also Mr and Miss Walker of spent Sunday at Mr Mr Barker had a severe- attack of sickness on Saturday last but we are pleased to see him able to be around again TheAigonaut eight of Toronto won their first heat in Henley regatta Arrangements have been completed for July Orange celebra tion usual procession will be held about taking part parade will start from Queens Park at am and proceed to the ex hibition grounds At am on Saturday the Iron Holders are to form up in front of city Hall and march down to take the ferries to the Island They have guaranteed to take ten thousand tick ets on the Island boats Mi James has written a I i Sunday School workers tins world over will regret to learn that Newcastle grandest man of the cen- days letter to the School Board of this for city withdrawing bis resignation and Mr Jacobs of Chicago dfcxi on the 23rd of June in his year He was the father of the In ternational Series of School Lessons now used around tbe globe Deceased was associated with tbe late L Moodie in evangelistic work both before and after Civil War- By profession be was a dealer in real estate in Chicago He was the grandest exponent the Bible the editor ever beard At trie Provincial S Conventions in Ottawa and Gait hundreds people in bis audiences were moved to tears Rev and family left on Saturday for the noli- now some members of the not want to let him withdraw J- Board do Phis Week the Special Sale of Dinner Sets AND Toilet Sets Closing out those lines larg est stock of China and Glassware out the City to select from The Leading A Telephone Tired eyes cause sick ftfuaiGQl Among the students at the Toronto Conservatory of Music we notice that Miss Jessie I of Newmarket obtained 1st class in Pianoforte 1st year pass in Organ Department year honors in Theory 1st year Miss Annie Lundy daughter of Co Councillor ob tained pass in Pianoforte 1st year Miss Jessie M took honors in organ 1st year and 1st class honors in Theory 2nd year Last Sunday both morning and evening large congregations greeted Rev and with bis discourfies We have every reason to believe tbat within three months there will be scarcely a vacant seat in tbe church The fel lowship Sunday morning was also well attended and exceeding ly Interesting arid profitable Tbe Ladies Aid carpet ed the platform in School Room and also the stairs leading to tbe pul pit giving the place a neat ap pearance None of us have any money to burn arid it the strike beeps on we will have coal to bum has commenced for Mr new residence on St Town Water service put in Work was commenced on morning at excavating for the new Bank Building on the old North Hotel properly Circus to on August The Woodstock SentinelReview re ferring to Mr Justice decision in Lennox case observe It is not likely that any Liberal will imitate the spirit of Conserva tive journalism as illustrated in po litical matters of late and accuse Justio of being bought over or influenced to give judgment against the Liberal candidate in tbe Lennox case It is true that the learned judge seems like return ing officers in to have stood so straight as to lean over back- wards towards the Conservative can didate But this will not prevent the liberals from accepting the Col Way ling has tbe stone wall nearly completed for his new barn Our young men have organized a football team for summer o Mr and Mrs E Fox returned on Tuesday from a prolonged visit with friends in Detroit Miss Bessie Robinson and Miss Flo were guests for some days last week at farm Mrs Win and family Toronto were visiting in this section last week Mr and Mrs Wm Lloyd of Mount Albert were calling on friends here last week Messrs Wm Paxton and Ed wards spent Sabbath last at with friends of the brother Mr J and wife of Newmarket are spending a portion of their holidays with friends We are pleased to report that Mr little boy who has been seriously for tbe past days is now convalescent A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr on as just and the result of a con- Tuesday evening last by a few desire to do his duty But Ice cream and Mr the Judge who would have given music box were very entertaining he ilar pilloried can you gay He would have added one more to grave as you wish list of Mr Whitneys political in this Haying in this locality is progress ing very slowly The continued wet weather has already spoiled quite a percentage of the crop while other crops are being improved The Methodist people are preparing On Tuesday evening previous to for removal of their pastor from the departure their pastor Rev to our burg at an early tbe Christian date church met at bis home in StouTtville A Jersey cow supplies the milk for to make him and Mrs a fare- ice cream and you just bet well visit met to express their its rioh sincere regret that the time had tome when Pastor and People must part After expressing in many ways their love and affection for their pastor arid family tbe following address was read by Dr Bales Dear Pastor and Mrs KESWICK The Excursion- of the Keswick and Sutton West Sunday Schools was a decided success The weather was We the members the delightful After paying expenses Christian Church have met here to- tticr was of a balance to to convey to you our sincere between the two schools An ness the tire easily tome folks they ire not In most there eyestrain to produce Be wise Have your Know their exact condition from an free Atkinson GRADUATE OPTICIAN Co OUR PLATFORM la deliver your Icebox or at a mijty price PI call at tbe Office and or Ho and ywi A WDDIFiELD lot Man Wanted Boys Early last Saturday evening a of young fellows went down track towards Pearsons Crossing in a pasture flcW adjoining commenced ieitmg them with stoics This is not first they have been at this trick arid when with by the owner they gave him a great deal of impudence Last Reason Rob- had two colts injured by being hit with stones thin will get into ser ious We are also informed that a ftufiUr of young men are in habit of going into the bush in vJdnSty of Pearsons lor the of bathing playing hall cards have been notified occurs again they may to appear at the Police Court 9 Sale SATURDAY July la All e house- furniture to Mr will be sold at The Newmarket at am Frank Duncan auctioneer- of your labors with us unusually pleasant time was spent on eleven years As a Pastor wo have May made excel- ever found you earnest and faithful in enfc arriving at a few your labors You have endeavored ait to give us not only spiritual for the Mttho- have always here next Sunday Rev Dr Warden has consented to occupy the pulpit at the usual Jiour 1030 We look for a crowded church Mrs I Crittendens sister from is spending a few weeks with her her Mr lost a valuable cow last from milk Mr had com pleted a cement silo last 30 ft high On ft leaving only or feeterect It was caused by lite wet weather or was struck by lightning Master Ward arid Mill Lily Ward of are spending a few days with old friends in this neighborhood Owing to the storm on Sunday af ternoon there was no in the Mr- church which Is the first time In years that such has occurred Mr has sold his house and lot In the villa to Mr Richard Pollock Mrs who is in poor health Is spending lift summer here with the of the family Mrs and Henry are visiting at Pollocks this week Mr John Smith of was PHI ItKfiiDEHUB for two yum vltfc preferred A J St An attempt was a portion of pt de Paul peni tentiary with bombs three American and many American to the ovJ- SaVirday the lu to those in distress and your life and conversation you have en- endeavored to represent our and Master Jesus Christ In looking hack over the past years it is with feelings gratitude that we many precious souls who have been brought from darkness inUi His marvelous thru your instrumentality Your name will be long by thrss who thru your labors were brought to and fiiid that better part which shall nev er he taken from them To Mis we would our heartfelt thanks for her untiring la bors in assisting you and also in her endeavors to advance the interest of the church by her help in the various schemes hi aid of the church Believe us it is with the- most sin cere regret we part with you both so We know that our is gain and we sincerely trust and believe that your labors in your new Acid will meet with the success you alvays merit from your untiring efforts When in your new field we you to always feel that the members of the Christian will ever remember you both in their pray ers ard we to us to a of may ever be kept close to side of our dear Redeemer We an a pray that your may be spared yet many years to fight trie t- ciohs hope this fiftieth anniversary of your ministry may be the owning year of your life Signed on of the JOIfH HOLDER Church Clerk A prisoner D while being taken to Itat trial Jumped from train and is still at large visiting at Mrs Pollocks on Monday The meeting the Methodist Mr Ames President the Board of Trade is being mentioned as a probable candidate for the Mayoralty next election While bathing in the Lake the Island on Monday Mr Mac- barrister- met with a pain ful accident by rupturing a ligament in bis ankle He will be confined to his home for some days Little York and East Toronto muni cipalities are talking about union in matters of light water and drainage The report of the city fire depart ment for last year has just been is sued and it shows the losses by Tire in Toronto during were the low est in fourteen years and the number of alarms or actual tires was the low est on record The demonstration at Pt planned for what was to have been Coronation night which was postpon ed owing to the dangerous illness of tho King will take place on Saturday next The our military bands of tho city will render the pro gram prepared for Coronation night and the display fireworks by Hand Company will be as ar ranged The extensive alterations now in progress at the Long rifle ranges will delay ccnmenccmcpt of shooting practice until the first week of August Local marksmen this but find consolation in thought that the changes will give them the finest rifle ranges in Canada On Friday next unless royal clem ency is extended Fred Lee Rice for tic murder of Constable Boyd will expiate his crime in the jail yard in this city The supply ol strawberries during the past week has seen so great as to almost glut the market The lowest price paid by dealers so is lc a box about half tie cost of picking shipping and Thomas Berry a in the employ of the Grand Trunk Railway was running accross the tracks in the yards in East Toronto on Tuesday at noon when he was struck with ter rific force by a Grand Trunk Midland Train and so seriously injured that he died before medical aid could be secured A cabman named Colby was to the Central on Saturday for 12 for stealing a ladys purse She left it on the Beat while she went to view Howards monument The con tained 156 and was restored The Provincial Convention of the Dominion Alliance for will he held at Toronto beginning on Tues day July at am and will probably last for two days It is stated thai since the Chinese have displaced almost white laundry workers in Toronto that they now do onethird citys washing There are forty- one white in the city and it is asserted Chinese laundries with or Chinese employees Corporation Counsel on authority of Hoard of Con trol without the consent of the City Council been sent to England to prosecute the citys a the Privy Council with regard to the scrap iron assessment Fuller ton there will he tittle said this action of the Hoard as suggested by tb Mayor but if not there will be a tremendous howl about wasting public money Another Corporation law suit is now looming up but perhaps it Is a bluff The Mayor has received a letter from solicitors of a resi dent of Brandon claiming damages because of the treatment ac corded their client In the recent street car strike He was driving along King street during the disturbances Delivered at any hour HOLLER The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly AURORA Mr and Mrs Buckle and Mr and Mrs Pearson residing a short dis tance north of Aurora were waited upon a few evenings ago and present ed with two magnificent rocking- chairs as a party given the evening of June 24 School Reportta NO 11 WHITCHURCH Lottie Da vis Hannah Wright Ill Salter Edna kind renumbrance of the Elsie Penrose n Mr Buckles barn on g Vina J Jr III Colin Widdifield Lauretta Lundy Bertie Willie Lun- Eunice Littiejohn Jess W T U On Wednesday last the ft Fred bu Jr Spalding After the regular routine the mem- vis Toole discussed the advisability of holding a huge Temperance picnic rtnSV Morton Park in August having the best ml arc available It was also ar m able to invite all E Societies and Temperance bodies within reach of bury a Morton Park to send representatives IOh j to discuss the matter and ar- SSiJSSL at our next business meet Everett Miller totuat which will be held in the Penrose Frank gal Pierce Rose Pierce Albert Ada Reynolds Roy Reynolds Fred Starr Hilda Pickering Jordan On June on the eve of their J Toole Average Attendance 40 Hall Press Bowles were entertained by a large number of their friends at the home of A sumptuous tea was prepared by the ladies and par taken of after which Rev gentle man and his amiable wile were pre sented with a beautiful silver fruit dish Mr ami Mrs Macklem attended the wedding of Terry at Mount Albert on the 2nd ins Mrs of Niagara is spend ing a few weeks with her Mrs J as On Friday evening last a num ber of representatives from the dif ferent appointments this circuit met at the parsonage to a welcome to Rev and Mrs Washing ton A very pleasant time Was spent Mrs Shaw of Epsom is visiting her sister Mrs lor a few days Mr and Mrs Conk celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of their wed ding day on July 1st They were the recipients of some handsome presents from the members of the family Hope we may elect a good man for the Council on Monday next VQ church last Sunday evening was- large ly and an Interest ing meeting was held conducted the president Mr The topic next Sunday evening will be introduced by Mr A Mr A King and a crowd attacked him one of the companys He was not badly that he was hurt Mayor has writVn a let ter to make denial of the au thorship of any for the post ponement Aid Graham declares that he was Rose stopped at on Tuesday for a Weeks visit with her faW4 at the Mayors letter staters who live there ooo United MJne Workers of Ken tucky have decided not to strike The Illinois miners have taken a stand Children for CASTOR The will reconstruct at once those rations the Perth car shops destroyed by fire Mattlre an elderly woman under arrest at Brock v I lie for tempting to poison cattle of at a bam raising near on July i experiencing the worst washouts of the season along Dow River In the urday ex- A Id of London was mountains There no Imperial Iburlell In debris and his stoppages the yesterday Myrtle just the falling periment can be made more have made an attempt to settle in tins Klondike The brick wall the old Gross building at Whitby collapsed and the two adjoining buildings were wreck ed Metropolitan Ry in Paris Is over tho Sine though it will sustain the number of trains a day carrying passengers will be the lightest one in the world Lightning struck the barn of Mr Kenny near Rldgetown on Saturday and the fire that followed did about damage Mr Kenny and his hired man were In the barn at the time and are considerably from the shock According to La Nature with any glass tube whatever it is possible to easily reproduce the song of a bird It suffices to rub the tube lengthwise a piece of wet cork In order lo imitate the song of a bird the ctrk must I moved with varying rapidity now slowly now rapidly and abrupt must Intervene The eld Clarence May Teacher MOUNT ALBERT Promotion Examination III to Jr Class Total number of Required to pass George Alta Alice Case Herb Sibley Jr III to Total number of marks ion Required pass Moore Mary Morgan il5 Myrtle 2G 281 Wes ley brooks Teacher a a a train left Winnipeg for the limited time night on roof Mr injury miraculously rubbing an piece of cork ordinary bottle simp with a Spring lamb and green peas are all right only the lamb is a little too high priced for te country editor He can reach old mutton in while however and think of it as has been- New York Farmer says The coming farm will have all the trolley lines superb state roads centralized schools telephone connec tions and electric light and power owner and tiller of the soil will be the most comfortably situated pro ducer in the world in this century The preacher who can preach to please every hearer the editor who can write to please every reader the school teacher who can instruct to please every parent and the dress maker who can please every woman also merchant who pleases every buyer all dead and wearing wings in heaven Silk should never be folded away for any length of time In white pam per since of lime used in bleaching the paper produces a chem ical change in silk and impairs the color A way to prevent silk or woolen turning yellow Is to of beeswax in white fabrics when putting them away Many young men beginning a business career for themselves make the mistake of supposing the financial credit Is based wholly upon property or capital They do not understand that character and reliability com- blued with an aptitude for ones busi ness and a disposition to work hard are far more important assets to have than millions of dollars Try an Ad in the Era

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