T IT Alio CAPITAL REST prudent NEWMARKET BRANCH A General Banking Business TRANSACTED Interest Allowed on Deposits DRAFTS ISSUED Millar and American Draft Collection- ftftWi Mrs Simpson S3 Main at Goods ON A ABOUT TOWN School This educational institution of which we feci justly proud baa made another splendid record under the present and the Board has issu ed week announcement for next term Prospective High School and Business College pupils will go a long way to find anything better than is right It Leads AUCTIONEER Bent direct Bolton Millards and Church Street fl At the urgent request Judge the Board Control Toron to accepted the fender of tie Office Specialty Supply Co for files and ame Compound DR PHELPS MEDICAL PRESCRIPTION Celery Compound is the worlds great leading medicine and life saver It has no equal lot exhausted nerves it stands first as TIG By Lisle the Just one more pleaded Squab ONeill leaning persuasively over bar No sir said emphatical ly Youve- bad one too many al ready This was well the truth Since nervous system Celery Compound has long Tor the County proved its power as a Court Clerk Department This ft- below the of last a of men and women tired out a builder the weak and shattered leaving the winter quarters of the errand Panjandrum Menagerie early that the erring bad was year work includes a lot of vault fittings and will be turned out at the Newmarket Factories A Ellis Architect Engineer Adelaide St Toronto and Estimates made lor kinds buildings all Jackson of MARRIAGE LICENSES at the Era Office Newmarket papers at private residence If J issuer MARRIAGE LICENSES SUTTON WEST OCT Lots of Since the Reservoir was cleaned the engineer at the WaterWorks has been keeping tally of the quantity wa ter pumped and finds the aver age per day or the first two weeks was gallons In order to pro cure this quantity it was necessary to use the auxiliary pumpon two of the artesian wells which means an addition expense for fuel Iters domestic water should think this and not let the water go to Waste Christian Church Conference The annual Conference of the Christian Church in Ontario was held at Village and was very attended The sessions were characterised by a spirit of earnest ness and devotion The following of ficers were elected to serve during the ensuing year President Rev New market Secretary Sargent Markham Treasurer Wilson Brough am NEWMARKET WORKS LATEST IN Monuments and Head Stones Call Allan- Flour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT GRAIN SEEDS COOK BROS cor Main Huron Sts Telephone Connection Newmarket sleepless nervous morose and de spondent have been given perfect- health strength and buoyancy spirits thru the welladvised use Celery Compound It has given a new and happy life to a vast- number of people who were once tired life and suffering If health is impaired if you are burdened with any weakening or pain ful malady use Celery Com pound today it is especially adapt ed for your case it you well and strong Mr Chat ham says I was so seriously ill I was oblig ed to take to my bed where I laid for four months The doctors hero and in Toronto said my trouble was Addisons disease of the kidneys and told me I would never walk again In November I to use Celery Compound After ing used a number of bottles I was enabled to attend to business and I felt like a new man I can affirm with confidence that Celery Compound saved my life fOOB Sheafing Sheep by shearing machine has many ad vantages in the bands of a skilful op erator the wool can be taken much more smoothly and completely than by the band shears There is very little danger of the sheep being cut in and there is no sec- tuts in the wool This is a de cided advantage as the longer the staple the better the In- some markets they pay a premium tor ma chineshorn wool Where a targe number of sheep are to be at one time the work is trying in sore wrists and in cases in lame hand This is avoided by live use of the machine and as the work is so much better done a little extra expense is wittingly borne The work can also he done much more rapidly than by hand The worlds record for machine shearing is sheep in If hours and forty- six minutes An operator soon be comes accustomed to working the ap paratus and before long is quite skil ful The wool is taken off so evenly that the sheep can at once be sent to market It is not necessary to hoM them a week or two until they be come presentable Then too sheep can be dipped immediately after shear as there are no cuts to absorb the poison providing a poisonous lion is used augmented the raffing flame of within by many an of oil the fusel oil comes In five cent Now bis boo bad risen above brand It for the kind that comes at a throw The trouble was be didnt have tue cents Pat It on the Mac be lta turrible work tiger NOW SEE HERE One these days something may happen and your friends will be call- tog around with an old photo of you and will be willing to pay any price to get a copy of ft Save them this trouble by having a negative made by J SMITH Corner of and Main Streets Newmarket HealthGiving Malt It Is Found Only In Malt Breakfast Food THE HEALTH POOD THAT YOUNG AND OLD STRONG AND HAPPY Grocery and Provision TOR ft Applet 2 tit tor Jwo for Tin Mr A has moved his dental parlors to the rooms over the Toronto Jobbing House Would you believe it The days are growing shorter The rain last Saturday morning considerably with the usual business in the stores Next Sunday is Review Day in the Sabbath bools Several Picnic parties have arrang ed to spend Coronation Day at Or chard Beach The was successfully launch ed at Bradford Bridge on Monday af ternoon The masons commenced the founda tion for Mr Tenchs new residence on Queen St on Tuesday morning Dog Doggerel We dip the following from the Gal- 111- News as the young lady is the grand daughter of the late who formerly owned the Royal Hotel in this Town Mr is Secretary of the Royal Kennels of and raises many fancy dogs here His daughter Gladys who as a recrea tion from her studies as a pupil in the public school sometimes plays on her fathers typewritten dashed the following pontic effusion the day Big dogs little dogs dogs of all de grees Clean dogs dirty dogs dogs alive with Every kind of dog ever barked bit or bayed In city may be seen Uptown and down town everywhere around Piles of them and miles them tift cur arid hound on front street howling at the fog Nothing in soon but dog dog dog I Perfectly Delighted Those ladies who have had their dressmaking done at Roches are in over the work equal to any city work they say Simpson The marriage of Mr John Lukes Marrow to Miss Lilian Eleanor Simp son daughter of the late Simp- fxm of this town took place in St Pauls Church at hall past seven Saturday morning June twentyirrst the ceremony being performed by J a street railway Rev J The bride was of will have his dressed in her travelling ult arm amputated owing to injuries broadcloth the Jacket opening over received by being thrown under the a dainty blouse of ivory car on night mod with lace and insertion and car- ratepayers ol Cornwall on a a shower bouquet of bridal roses fim vote three bylaws The bridesmaids were Miss Charlotte Tuesday to the of Simpson sister of the bride Commissioners and have Florence Hodge while Mr managed by the City Cane of Toronto supported the groom for a new church was prettily the pumping station with ferns and marguerites Ml to cover an existing over- Edna Cane niece of the groom in a draft dainty frock of white silk made a charming little flower ilrl the ceremony the bridal Party and the Healthgiving Malt is found only in Malt Breakfast Food The scientific combination tlic choicest Wheat and the purest Malt produces a food that tlc most eminent physicians re cognize as a perfect health breakfast toOi Matt Breakfast Food is fast displacing oatmeal and other starchy grain foods Try a package Your grocer has ft POQi Ipo 25c immediate relatives of die 10e repaired to he Some of mother breakfast IT which Mr Mrs c ttarrow fcft on the nine oclock train f It cm or Monacal and Quebec vi the St H KKOWLKS j tick we he When a ChlM cried When Chasing the can amended grimly the tiger I insisted the other What tiger There a con temptuous tone to the query and It with some as well triumph that Salamander thats wot tiger Yes thats likely sneered the sa loon man in truth nothing seemed Jess likely than thnt the undersized shambling Irresponsible of odd Jobs winter should be engaged Id any chase to which Sala was the other party for Sala once the prize performer of the Grand Panjandrum bad gone few weeks before and bad gath ered to himself in ml their a trulner and loo ends of other persons engaged about his cage such as care lingers once the better of forearm I guess Its one of your wln no bees on the Job I The Irtisa give It to me ape ONeill nys be to me the only limn Id trust to git blui be Say not In nolmtly be but git Win ho bring him back quiet he to your be twins at end of the week be says Oh cat It out said good Rata inn tillers at borne bis cage where be Youd bet get borne to yours Thats where your brains soften liiy remarked ONeill Rut be will be before Im after I am proudly to door opened It and held It open to fling back a purling word When I ioine back with me tiger muter Hie maybe youll set up thut Two men who crouched up close to tin outer wall looked him he disappeared Id the gathering darkness that be said about a loose tt- growled one of them under his breath One of the shows beasts escaped answered his companion thing we got our pops ready he added feeling for handle of a revolver In IiIh pocket Lot of good be tiger si Id the peering fearfully over Ida shoulder Well be hadnt bibber us Were on the For some minutes they examined the brightly lighted Interior of the saloon from the windows Then they walked In and ordered drinks Before McAr dell bis assistant could Oil tbe or der they wore looking down barrels of two revolvers AH the cash In register drawer an a quart of said the spokesman Well Tin mourned comftted Tula la worse than wandering tigers Shut up an luiatlel snarled the robber casting an uneasy glance at the swinging doors A few rods outside was a spectacle which would have deeply film he have bin seen down the now dark ONeill and a whom he bud picked up In po loon energetically eseoitlng homeward There seemed to tie some unwillingness the of the great striped beast for two men In on flushed and haul Bui was ferocity 1ml bad made tils name a terror to the show a snarl never a growl never the unsheathing of a claw tbe two half drunken guardians led their charge almost to the door of the saloon There they baited loke You bold while I take look Tiptoeing to the nearest window fleered la then clapped a hasty over bis mouth to hold In a shout of amazement Up had surprised holdup Id full awing two robbers covering and bis assistant while they heaped up money on the bar In two jumps eavesdropper was back beside the tiger bis teeth chattering excitement ho twitter ed Can you repeated AJeck who was a convivial With more good In mo I couldnt help but roar Roar then Ilka a thousand devllal hissed Squab Salamander an me Ik goln Inside a band him Now lei In flew doors and through then burst a tangled urns of tiger strip struggling man Down to the with a thunderous crash Id a tornado of whirled -and- while the air rang hideously mad roarings bowlings and For one frozen second quartet In the game of holdup stood like statues Then a pistol shot perforated a for cor ner of celling there wna a strangled bellow of terror and a dark figure dove headforemost through window with a crash of glass Walt me another voice Implored There was a second rush and the glass of another window shattered Across adjacent fields two gashed faces dripped blood at such Intervals as a man may cover In mighty leaps holdup was over But what did care Wedg ed half way down tils dumb waiter he alternately cursed his girth and Im pulse tbat bad led him to that false hope of escape and prayed forgiveness for his profanity tbe fervor of a man who momentarily expects a tiger to reach down and bite his head off Above the din of battle he could bear Tim bis assistant reciting In a series of frenzied bowls a catalogue of hor rors to freeze blood Tims voice to come from up stairs but Ardell couldnt be sure because of noise of Would unequal conflict never end It seemed Impossi ble strength could so long bold out And now clamor began to mitigate then died until nothing could be beard but a hoarse panting Hes getting bis wind before be poor thought the Imprisoned keeper Then come after me a forecast followed by so paralys ing an excess of terror that he lost consciousness for a moment The voice of Tim brought back Mr Oh Mr Where are you In tbe dumb waiter shaft Come up Hes dead Of course dead Did you think tiger was you fool Of course Its thats dead Sbeer amaze at the prowess of Squab ONeill choked McArdell for mo ment Then he called Flelp me out of this Im stock fast- a prize onion In a goats gullet Get me out I say By dint of much hauling and strug gling emerged first glance fell upon tbe corpse of Sala mander stretched on Poor On It sat Squab ONeill breathing bard All about scattered the money dropped by robbers In their baste and Tiro was doing the Jig of Jubilation among it stag gered laid a band on tba striped body of tiger Squab ONeill said he epeak truth to a man thats feared for his reason Is tbat Salamander Itsurels8ftld Squab Is bo dead Deadero tho ant elephant stepped on And youre alive An dry wabbled over to tho bar and took biggest drink of whisky bo bad swallowed ten years Uold hard said Squab resentfully I need that you do Need nothing said can lick a tiger hand to band- you ever do It Well be didnt light back much Didnt buck No explained Squab He couldnt hes stuffed I Stuffed yelled How could be roar if be stuffed I did explained con vivial Aleck thrusting his head In at tho door Ile work but for a long drink I could roar An 1 put In the an growl- In added Squab I didnt go to fool you at first Mac be added ear nestly I told you I was sent to get Salamander though I didnt tell be died week and has been at the tax1dcrmers ever since So I como back to show you an Aleck como along to an when we run Into we our little act Sola no me on be concluded Ju dicially i think It a sensation Do we get a drink three of us Very Into that night left a dis reputable on bead trainers doorstep His fur flecked with sawdust exuded an unmis takable flavor of revelry Cocked over eye was a wreath made of greens and tbe gold foil champagne bot tles In bis inoulb was a flask of brandy Each fore paw clasped a whis ky bottle each paw a magnum of Tho end of bis tail flaunt ed a corkscrew On bis massive fore head was a placard for all to road Treat biro kind for be done bis best It was signed with four names that of Squab ONeill conspicuous mo rig them Next day Squab lost bis Job but lie doesnt care McArdell la going to set up for himself a tiger train er quo of these days Q SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAH TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS FOR HIRE of all Summer Goods commencing June TORONTO JOBBING HOU CALL AND INSPECT OUR NEW STOCK OF FRESH AND CLEAN Following arc a few lines for Yeast Ac package Celluloid Starch package St Lawrence Cornstarch Shredded lb Otter Brand Salmon 3 tins Lettuce Brand Salmon tins for Pure Lard lb Evaporated Peaches lb lb our Victor Japan Tea Hulk Teas in Green and Black to lb Fresh Confectionery Chocolates to 40c Honey Suckles Quakers and Kisses lb Try our Maple Cream A CALL SOLICITED DAVISONS OLD STAND LYON MAIN ST Wendi in outward appearance Wends are throughout a powerful and muscular whose men ore coveted for The leona famous dragoons were nearly all Wends And In day It the Wends who contribute the lions of recruits to house hold regiments Their women prized throughout Germany as nurses They all well built well shaped rich in muscle and nimble In motion the women of old inm Vex to future the most distinct All previous to Dec feature or the race Is due and payable by THE dress which as In most cases CANE SONS MFG CO Any and in most such will kindly send eieriKMe among W them in at as the Company is ween different It vanes very u but tbrouBhout It has some losing Its books and will shortly The Cane Sons Mfg Co of Have amalgamated with and In fu ture will bo known as the United Factories Limited j apply for a return of its charter Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Docker And belt of Full Rig for 40000 On four time Cheap at 600 HTHOMPSON