The Ei a gives homo news every week than any two other papers in I p V a i Witt i Give ma liberty to to niter and to INTELLIGENCES AND ADVERTISER 8PA according to co above all other liberty No paper sent outside North York unless paid In advenes- LI No Copies i I Newmarket Fridayy 1902 J per I- If paid In advance Dont grow old before your I time Save your bones Use paint more and the scrubbing brush less The Sherwin- Williams Paint is made for all kinds of painting It dries with a good gloss is easily applied and can be cleaned with soap and water Use it this year and housecleaning wont be so hard next year Color cards for the asking at GENERAL Plumbing and NEWMARKET J m Only the Freshest and Best A TV tew of our prices on Patent Medicines with the regular price Regular Our Price Price Williams Pink Kidney Pills food K Carters Little Liver Pllla Electric Oil Burdock Blood Bitters- Regular Our Price Price are ilia Hoods 100 Paines Celery Com pound 100 Pierces Favorite Pierces Golden Medical Discovery J It TOY The Leading Druggist- NEWMARKET ONTARIO Agents lor Parkers Dye Works Ve pay express charges one way on all goods to be cleaned or dyed WILL SELL BINDING TWINS Star the lb Extra Manilla to to ft Beautiful Twine British sub jects will you in- or wmd your to the States Buggy For Sale I Mikado to good running Will be at a bargain Enquire at the Era office SUMMER COURSE From July 7th will he In co the work of 4prt TORONTO fipocltl In Accounting Typewriting Etc Wo VscAtloo May for lull or partial at any time for circular Toronto Riot in Toronto on OYER THE STREET CAR STRIKE Militia Were Called Strike Settled on Tuesday Toronto spent a quiet Saturday without the street cafe as the men The other cars after the windows had struck at noon but made up lor fa been broken were returned to the barn with one of the liveliest Sabbaths j Two arrests were made the history city as on No cars were run from the the previous day the citizens had to street sheds which were surrounded foot it The attempt of the com- j by a tig crowd from early in the lo operate its system as prom- morning to late at night A bakery was promptly suppressed by wagon with food for the nonunion members of the proletariat who was in the afternoon would rather hurl bricks that go to the doors of the were burst off church by the mob and out and The attempt the Street Railway smashed to pieces Nearly all the my to run cars on Sunday in the barns year to the employees than the com panys schedule While the company continue to to the union the men the right to- or ganize under ny constitution they de- Executive Committee of the On- and employee dismissed or AssociatioT1 suspended rimy have a number of bis lh low employees and other l W with whin he puts his case be- convent over any one of the convention there eas late vast resources so p or was broken by morning resulted in rioting i several stones portions of the city Several men attenpi made to run were injured and eight rioters were the cars from the Ave arrested The cars with windows- but six imported men from and the floors covered with don were given a warm reception by sticks and stones were run back into the mob when being taken by the car the bams and no further attempts- from the hotel to the barns where were made by the company to estab- accommodation was provided for them a service The transfer ol the company men to The whole police force was on duty the the hours out of The men with riotous scnes a few hours of sleep while P in the station houses by lying around Km Ave and Street- barns were fore the officials Thus both sides are satisfied and neither pushed their demands to the fullest extent The inconvenience to the citizens the actual financial loss as a re sult of the stiike has been very great To the company the financial loss is severe The earnings of road at this season the year average as nearly as possible a day so loss of the revenue is quite o- thousands of were spent in anticipation of a strike The men lose at least in wages while the city is out per cent on the gross receipts for three days or The corporation moreover will have to pay for the troops called out With the cost of transporta tion for men and hones from hold their annual on Ot The of the For the Era The Ki Gladys Alberta June country has one of the His son Stephen and daughter Mattie the vast a0vantage t know ledge of iHe struggles of the old prov inces The terms under which Mani toba became a province have already proved inadequate arid the people not only have to provide their own roads and schools out are also heavily tax ed to maintain their Government Falls and return their pay and by rations here and the pay and rations crossing on a J T It excursion Although the gates were r down she passed and stepped in out nod it Miss had brother set aside on undue influence had been brought to bear on deceased The judge upheld the distribution The vote of to Lord Kitchener the British Com mons by to A bylaw has been sent to the City Council from the Board of k Commissioners providing for the SJ censing of laundries natUral Minnie was killed at rt same position as we are today Britain had dissipated for the city volunteers called out it the floors and benches Twenty mounted men were on duty It was a tie up of the sys- The scab workmen and tors were handled roughly in many Two left a car over the Don the targets for showers of stones and the mounted police escorts hard alone footed up to nearly a liability that the city must recognize Property of the Street Railway Com pany too lo the value of perhaps was destroyed This is rough ly apart from indirectlosses the loss to merchants and a possible diversion of tourist traffic what the strike has cost the city and the company Slept fop days only been in Canada a short time and nearly all the natural resources in the older settled parts of the country the con sequence was that the Provincial Gov ernment were short of funds for years so threw the burden of development t the counties and townships was employed with Christie Brown corporaions and direct taxation Montreal June 23 Eva the young girl whose sleeping fits puzzled Co The Public Trustee Board is wrestling with the question of Inspector Hughes resignation Mis J Mighton whose husband is Commercial Traveller was found dead in bed Friday morning last at her home in By the energy and sacrifice of these old municipalities Ontario is what she is today They have opened up the vast resources of their back coun try and their Government is now re ceiving millions from them Has this rf municipalities gas in her room resulted and were niile a car over pursued by the mob for The Park Zoo has- receiv ed from the country e back along doctors and everybody else who of the late Hon Allan a served them for years died at four j fine Canadian deer with its little A Webb wagon conveying Food to oclock at the spotted fawn only a few weeks old the company men quartered in theresidvn of her parents Marie Ann Street bams was attacked and street She had been suffering a long the driver and escort stoned the Kin bain there deputation from the bakers were scenes great disorder An attempt to rush the barn where a number of scabs were kept locked up time from consumption Ever since her first sleeping fit in 188 when she slept continuously for days was contemplate but a big posse police succeeded in removing the men to the bam in the police patrol The patrol was followed by a howling mob of strike sympathiz ers and threatened to call out all the un- she has health and ion employees in their shops if any alter each fresh attack she grew weak meals were supplied to the attacks in or ted street car men switch points at and about a foot One day last week con science money was sent to the Cus toms authorities in this city Th have been notified that thieves with skeleton keys have been tie if any at all for we find that their liabilities are nearly equal their assessed value and they pay over in direct taxes There arc two Ontarios the old and the new the old in debt the new without debt ami her railroads and bridges built for her Why the in Old Ontario have not by the enormous wealth they opened up is that their Govern ment being ambitious to make i line junctions en were torn various up and the second lasted eleven days than five different places have been car third only five days but the last entered Hi- the most powerful province in stealing gold dur nc- the past week i n a- Federation of Canada have ne- various dental No less a time she remained thirtyfive days Wit lor the consent After a conference held Sunday at- family Dr who has fecyeral the day the charge of for time with Judge Police Magistrate several other doctors will perform an Kingston Acting Chief of to if the Stewart and Crown Attorney Curry cause of the which men intervened to save the scab workmen from violence They coun seled order Harry Webb had an order to supply bread and pastry to the car barns The contract was discontinued on Sunday and company had to look for the means of sustaining their impoited men Stones sticks eggs and stale vege tables were th weapons adopted by the strike sympathizers to prevent the Company giving a service on Yonge Street and the belt Line Several of the imported men were roughly handled by the mob and Johnson an old employee of After arranging for the company came near losing his life The riots at the conifer of and Yonge and and Streets n proximity to the barns The attempt to run out five Cars at the King Street east barns at o clock was attended by scenes the greatest disorder and violence sever al persons being injured by Hying missiles including Mr W Moore Private Secretary to President Mac kenzie who was severely injured in the side by stones Mr Moore how- it was decided to call out the militia lor strike dirty at seven oclock this morning This proceeding was deem ed necessary in view of the Railway Companys Intention to run the Line cars on Monday and of attempts the long sleeping fits A A Remarkable Customs returns show a big in crease in imports at the port of ronto for the fiscal year ending June as compared with the last fiscal year which was considerably above the interest of their people to build up New Ontario If our Gov ernment had not relieved the Domin ion Government of responsibility of opening up this country the Do- P minion would have liuu ij an collated at Toronto Ontario has sent A poor woman for us said who has been Seems as if the 1 that had been made to damage a num ber the Companys switches at Lord took very direct ways to reach various points along the city lines peoples feelings sometimes Now I Col Was at notified of wag astonished once in my life the decision and lest no time in set- lived out west on the prairie me to St Michaels Hospital ting to work Two hours later all children and I couldnt Several street car conductors arrangements had been completed committed for trial during the men from the provisions kept getting low- past week for using the to Note The writer at present in thy city one night we sat extract nickels from the fare boxes overlooks the fact that an average communicated with Niagara and over our fire and I was gloomy Graham at a recent meet- million dollars a year for cored a like number of mounted men There was about a pint of ihc Hoard expressed a comc lnt0 from the camps there The total- in the house and that work on the Inhibition build- he Provincial treasury from New tbe proceeds received from the natural the previous highest rcorU for duty Slll to of them up But by the arrangement our or have made we have to open thirty delegates to the International them up by taxation for Sunday School convention this week Dominion Government to receive the The convention will be invited to To- proceeds If we became a province ronto in 1906 without receiving natural resources May Bell a fell through would relieve us for a short a skylight on flat roof at time as was the case with Manitoba- street cast last week and dropped borrow money to do it also down a stairway to the cellar Her the same both spm- was and ihc was taken and interest would in the end jhave to he by direct taxation 100 men will be made up as follows Queens Own Grenadiers 100 Highlanders Second Dragoons Hussars 0 Mounted Hides Col will be chief in com mand and will be accompanied by ever was able to be at bis office later Kingsford in day In addition to the per sonal injuries three arrests were made Kllded lor disorderly conduct All five cars After the of Sunday and the were badly shattered in less than five ugly feeling following the rioting and minutes aftw they made their yp- destruction the companys property Not more than the announced Tuesday ward trip was attempted by the waft heartily welcomed by everybody crews and the only persons to try the fho negotiations between the ridc were policemen or two be- toe of the men and the Company car ing on car on thru the Board Trade com- alt I said Well children may be the Lord will provide something do hope it will bo a mess of good po tatoes said cheery little Sell It seems to me I never was so hungry for tutcrs before Alter they were asleep I lay there tossing on my hard bed and wondering what would do next All a once the and rest came over me and sank such a ing I was planning the of meal into mush and fry it In a greasy frypan in our last meat had been fried As I op ened the door to go down to the brook to wash I saw something new There on the bench beside the door stood two wooden pails and a sack One pail was lull of meat the full a tots and the sack fugs was not progressing as well as It should The architects will be urged lo push on contractors The Queens Royal at opened last Saturday with a military dance The Great Northwestern Telegraph Company have finished laying a sub marine cable from a point on the mainland near Windermere across 000 I good sleep Next mom- to reach the new Royal that I would make koka Hotel The cable is now in suc cessful operation placing the hotel in communication Toronto and oth er points On Friday last Mr while a horse over the jumps at tire Woodbine fell and broke his leg The horse stumbled and was thrown On and the To- brought my hands to- Driving Club will give a big by me ponce auer a a fight mass noting of the men I the JJK The Street barns on York- thin agreement both sides make was such a precious gift I hod vllle Ave were the scene of riots concessions present rate of the empty palls times during the day Two wages by the company jJJfiiTC cant and two street cents first year cents second year them on where I out in the morning jo to the fifth year cents to One car succeeded in getting ground the vcm cents after is the Belt Line after being badly smash- allowed to stand HIM July and at different points The motor- that if the men vote for the rate man was several limes slrick by previously asked by them cents stones as also were the eight police- an hour for the tout yean and men on board and Mr Moore after that the will give It rem J The nvins rate it is tood means about more a private secretary to Mr Mackenzie to who hit in the face by a rock found and the next morning they were gone I tried and tried to find out who had befriended I never could The Lord never seemed so far oil after that time said the poor woman looking down with Arthurs Magazine Try an Ad the Era It pays city for a few days The new house surgeons lor the Sick Childrens Hospital are Dr Wright son Dr Adam Wright Dr Gra ham son of the late Dr J Gra ham and Dr Waters A large crowd turned out to annual inspection and review the Toronto Public School Cadet Bat talion last Friday afternoon In Park The boys performed their manoeuvres with skill ami dash worthy of older brothers of the city regiments and the many onlook ers them Babys Otun Tablets Cure All Minor Ills and Bring Joy and Comfort to Baby aid Mother Disease attacks the little ones thru the digestive organs Babys Own Tablets are best things In tho world for all bowel and stomach trou bles of children They act quickly and gently and always cure indiges tion colic constipation and diar rhoea They are also a great help to teething children Mrs Barnes Six Mile Lake Out says Babys Own Tablets reached me in time as- my baby was ill with indigestion and bowel trouble and I am happy to say the Tablets relieved him after a few doses He is now do ing splendidly with just a Table and then when he is restless I the mother of eight have tried nearly all the oil medicines but have never found a- me Heine equal te Tablet The Tablets arc guaranteed to con tain no opiate or harmful drug and crushed to a powder they can be giv en to the smallest feeblest child with a of good results Sold by all druggists or sent postpaid at cents a box by writing direct to the Dr Williams Medicire Co or Schenectady Joyce a locomotive ftremah from Toronto fell from a train near Station Man and was kill ed