Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 20 Jun 1902, p. 5

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IT CAPITA- 1 hud ORB A R FRIDAY J UN IS WT7S J BRANCH teral business TRANSACTED Allowed on DRAFTS I SUED At 0lBTt it JIS R g55 fisWng opened on Monday having summer our waters- are now naWng pre parations for their usual out ing I Sundries and Good millinery Is right and at right ftaa A meeting of Executive is to Purines Blood Fortifies tie is understood the Dominion Min ister of bill in Parliament next session to protect fanners against the purchase of adulterated seeds by enforcing pen- allies t The recount in East Hastings was Jem and that Vigorous flashed on Wednesday The Health Resists Disease lb official decision wastirtat Mr Russell the Hot- Liberal received legal votes and Mr Conservative giving a Liberal- majority of 36 deadly dangers of the hot weather will soon be with us The weak nervous sleepless run down rbectoatict neuralgic and those burdened with diseases resulting from prrank Duncan AUCTIONEER Etata Collected St street tomorrow impure and stagnant blood will he A full attendance is antict- they will he the first to be cut down by pestilence and epidemics is The president Rev Robinson leaves on Monday next to Denver Col to attend the Interna ttonai S S Convention The Conservatives of South Perth changed their minds There will he no recount in that riding now When they ascertained that Mr Stock the Liberal candidate erected had a majority of of they threw up the job ftr 1 A city paper takes occasion to re- tffitoS P y that Dr by health and strength to meet aEte all He Bolton Corner Lane A Ellis Saaifcuy St aad made tot all of MARRIAGE LICENSES At the Bra OaoeHeirniArket FT t private residence if fitted The Citizens Band went to a Garden Party at Bradford on Monday evening 1 choir sang at an eaterhainment at on Wednesday night A load of Newmarket people attend ed a garden party at Vaudorl on Thursday night last week only defeated by 8 votes I Instead or Dr Bridgland having tion at once for JLJ J J LICENSES NEWMARKET IN Monuments and Head Stones- Flour and MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS 55dAT i cook br6s cor Main Kiron tB Telephone Connection pine Block One of the of te Town North American Hotel being torn down and removed to give place to a handsome rick hlocfc three stories high which will be the most- that street has had for many a year In view of the property being oc cupied as proposed tbe Council has taken steps to purchase a strip of feet along south of the whole Hewitt property for the sum which will make Botsford Street a respectable width especially in fact that there is to be no sidewalk on the north side of the street The new be erected on the corner of the property having 56 banishing ou- casta to fear for his narrow escape a positive source of reason to feel proud of doubl ing his majority as compared with As an Newmarket boy tins Town congratulates Dr Bridgand on his success r6at are danger in July and August If Celery be used at once ft will give you pure fresh blood strong nerves new strength and vitality and an in flesh ami muscle If weak ailing sleepless and despondent we urge you to try t invtgoratiog vir tues of one bottle of Celery Compound In these June days the great medicine will bring you the hap piest results Be wise toKlay delay hot the good work piondeiy ib Scotland A of the Scot tish University which is worthy of special mention is it aOorded an opportunity to poor dente- obtaining education There has always in uni versities a fine spirit which has re garded with honor the struggles of students who are endeavoring to supr port themselves And these students have so an education as to lead lives of strenuous Wfrotage on Main St feet with their eyes determinedly set upon depth The southeast corner is to far-off- goal be fitted up for the Sovereign Bank and the remainder of ttre will ftEany students from their Highland have appeared at the arranged for a store with entrance of the academic year with- a bag during the past week seuered his official connec tion in Canada and saifed for Eng land on Saturday last from Montreal- He was given quite a at the Central Station on leaving Ottawa the Deputy Minister of Militia and of ficials and clerks of the Department being among those present The MajorGeneral left the Federal capi tal with the best wishes of the mili tary and social life of the city The New York Central Railway eclipses all long distance railways on this continent for speed The flyer between New York and Chicago known as the Century Train makes the remarkable run of 980 miles including eight or ten stops in minutes Fancy a trip between Newmarket and Toronto in min utes and you have an idea of the speed of the New York Central Century Train It was announced on Saturday that Hon Mr acting Attorney- General has Mr Irving to proceed to North Grey and inquire into the alleged ir regularities concerning four ballots polled in Division No of the Town- ship of St Vinocnt Mr will among others interview Mr LESSONS us therefore east tile works of darkness and Set us put on artoor of- light Rom June INTRODUCTION drunkard and the drunkard- maker cannot be actuated by any no ble impulse Related as they are to individuals and to the commun ity and recognizing as they must toe frightful results of their traffic cannot be that they acknowledge the sway of the law laid down by the apostle For there is no baser ex ample of the curse or selfishness than the and drunkardmak er present In order to secure the gratification of appetite the one is willing to destroy the happiness bis family and and the other in order to accumulate money or to make a living does not hesitate to imperil a human soul PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS Intemperance stands for everything that is bad power that works for right- whether in the individual or in the community is of Christ There is no love in offering that puts one to shame in the pres ence of friends Bow THE building will be ready for occupancy by 1st of November Postal Changes A new scale of postage rates on all classes except letters comes into ef fect on July The following are new rates compared with the old On legal and commercial papers and all other ters either wholly or partly in writ ing except the matter mentioned in the next succeeding section the rate shall be two tents perouncc or frac tion thereof Present rate the same manuscript of books and newspa pers and on those documents of tbe Dominion and Provincial Governments and of Municipal authorities now sub ject to the onecent two rate the rate shall be two cents feor the first four ounces or fraction there of and one cent for each additional two ounces or fraction thereof ate one cent for each two ounces On all other than newspapers wholly printed or lithographed hiding circulars catalogues books etc the rate shall be one cent for each two ounces or frac tion thereof Present rate one cent for four ounces or fraction On maps prints drawings engravings photo graphs plans One of these dayB something may sheet visiting cards not write- your friends will be sperirnena the fe around with an old photo of you rate shall be two cents for the first al will be willing to pay any four ounces- or fraction thereof and copy of it Save them one cent for additional two by having a negative made by ounces or fraction thereof Present on both Mam and Botsford St The of oatmeal and a barrel of potatoes remaining frontage on Main Street is refptesenting sole store of life reserved for a three story hotel and and energy for to come So 3rd story of the bank building common was this practice that a be used for Bedrooms iday the midyear was appointed TTVh As soon as the Metropolitan makes known as Monday in K rcl connection with the or the give the students an opportunity city of Toronto another scheme is returning home to their u ar This day is still observed as a Hamilton Spec is now the h of Robert Chambers tells the that It is expected that the new comer w story early at the May as sure a his brother j w conges so sure will Whit win but he didnt The Otta- had to tie store too was among the bag of oatmeal The three bags it said hung from one of the rafters of their Ross Government has only room and landdy would Sunday take a handful of the meal out of each bag in order to mix the morn ing porridge according to a strictly equitable principle of distribution It must be remembered also that in many cases sacrifices must be borne in the homes whence the sons set forth to secure an education in order that they may live in a uni versity town at all even in the sim plest manner possible is by means an isolated case that story the father who had but and one them he sold in order to send bis boy to St Andrews St Magazine J SMITH Corner of and Main Streets KNOWL Grocery and Provision AfD pur to c fcrirtt Applet Cor Jun viOo KvaporaW fa Sc I Tin V15C rate one cent lor each two ounces Seeds tout not cut flowera bedding plants scions or grafts and patterns and samples of merchandise shall be subject to the rate of two cents for the first tour ounces or fraction thereof and one cent for each additional two ounces or faction thereof Present rate one cent for four ounces Miscellaneous Matter Merchandise or miscellaneous mat ter in general including stationery and Wank books dry groceries hardware etc sbaU be subject to the rate of two for first two ounces or fraction thereof and two cents for each additional two ounces or fraction thereof Present rate one cent per ounce or fraction On all matter passing between the Atlin and Districts and any other part of Dominion except such as is letter rate of two cents per ounce or fraction thereof circulars not exceeding two ounces in but the Rosa Government is still do ing business at the old stand The Telegram makes reference tct recently appointed KCs in the fol lowing satirical manner taking occa sion at the same time to give a at tilled- distinctions Canada has too few Doctors of Di vinity in her too few of Kings Counsel In her law courts for this crying evil of our country and our time is to make preacher a DD every law yer a every school teacher a and every banker a Col onel The tame journal referring to too degrees recently conferred by Toronto University takes a hit at the promiscuous distribution of as follows Ontario has a mighty sickly lot of statutes which should oiler a steady practice to J P Whitney and the other Doctors Civil Law who arc being turned loose upon the Province by the University of Toronto Away back in it was predicted in these columns if the city was al lowed to erect and control the then proposed new court house the rate payers of York would bo called upon yearly for the payment of an share of its expenses Already the I fears then expressed are being reali- Malt Breakfast Food rich in Malt At last meeting of It Surpasses All Others Malt Breakfast THBBRST FOR YOUNG AND OLD FOR THE STRONG The Breakfast Dish of loyalty Glutted and Phosphates and free from insoluble starch the one perfect cereal food for the nour ishment of the body nerves and the Council the Court House Commit tee reported that in going over the building they concluded that some of the rooms should not be charged We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure P J Cheney Co- Props Toledo undersigned have known J Cheney for the last years and believe perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm West i Wholesale Druggists Toledo Klnnn A Marvin Wholesale Druggists Toledo O Halls Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Price per bottle Sold by all Druggists Testimonials free Halls Family Pills are the best brain Its marvellous buildingup i to the judicial County York and virtues bless tins young and old the others only partly On the first strong and weak Ask your Grocer floor the official stenographers room for a package rooms of the Registrar of the laity and Courts were objected to on Thirtytour new that these offals use onJune omci for private purposes On theot- Blue pet can publication the postal rates JSWita per can per can shall be double those charged on sarhe classes matter passing in any part of the Dominion opened A bear weighing Its was shot in Thornbury on Wednesday evening tbe second floor the County and di vision court rooms jury and witness rooms and judges rooms are objected Thousands of sheep perilled to are used conjointly yevere cold for the County and Division and winter storms in Capo Colony while the city is alble for the Division Court The County further considers it Is In no way responsible for the payment of any portion of the cost of cleaning lighting and repairing and furnishing I the rooms of the First and Tenth vision Court Clerks upon the ground that such rooms must be by clerks themselves also certain f h c her the w the toe the became ht An Business The consulting of a Carlsbad physician seems to be about the last place in the for humorous inci dents Yet this is what happened in one of these haunts of the sick the other day A new patient after hav ing been cross questioned by the doctors had received minute in- as to and was dismissed with this injunction As lor smoking you must limit yourself to three cigars three little ci gars and no After a few days the appeared again in the consulting room and how are you asked the physician I should be all right replied the patient l your orders about smok ing are bard to am sorry said doctor categorically but no mow than three cigars a day You must put up with it but doctor it really is an awful busi ness Wouldnt two a day do I feel ill every time I smoke man what do you smoke at all for if that Is the case thte- doctor roar ed But doctor wasnt it you yourself who said three cigars a day and no more course I they were part the cure and began them llio Ive never in my lite taken to smoking Tableau The Westminster School AHARON PUBLIC SCHOOL Kit- Arthur Jr III Nellie Wesley Ruth Haines Bella Doane Lilian Laura Watson Mima Black Lilian J A Peternian Black I Vive Cole Gordon Jr Barker Johnny Lewis Bessie every day Haines L Wes ley L Lepard Gladys V Cole J Fair Barker L Present every day bub one A B Hughes Cole BRADFORD Mr and Mrs Henry Lowe of martet spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Poole Mr of Newmarket Is Mr Durhams In the harness line Mr has Mr Shields in the barter ing business Coronation Day June will bring to town a number of fast horses the Bradford Driving Club having de cided to hold their annual meet on that day a our Two men were killed by the cells on the ground floor which are lapse of a railway bridge at Hamlet a wholfy unnecessary and ix others were Injured Latest SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU EVERYTHING AS REPRESENTED J A ALLAN NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION JACKS MR HIRE We undersell every house m the trade in the following lines boot HAT CALL AND INSPECT OUR STOCK OF GROCERIES EVERY THING AND CLEAN Following are a few lines Rice lbs for Royal Yeast package Starch package St Lawrence Cornstarch Shredded lb Otter Brand Salmon tins Lettuce Brand Salmon tins lor Pure Lard lb Evaporated Peaches 12Jc lb Aprioots lb Try our Victor Japan Tea 25c Bulk Teas in Green and Black to lb Fresh Confectionery Chocolates to lb Honey Suckles Quakers and Kissea Try our Maple Cream A CALL SOLICITED LYONS DAVISONS OLD STAND MAIN ST Tbe Cane Sons Mfg Co of Have with and la tore will be known as the United Factories imm All to Dec are due and payable by THEWM CANE SONS CO Any person having such will kindly sand them in at once as the Company closing Itfl books and will shortly apply for a return of Two Cornells Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO op A And bolt Your of Full Big for On four years time at THOMPSON

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