VAC f FRIDAY JUNE f 1 year has CW U alar by Oil You lu nrscaaki as It ordinarily would j a ft thr ift Of per all Witt Bold a ASSURANCE GO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testily to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds 49000000 Annua Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Claims Paid During year 1900 5102 Policies were issued lor Deposit Pom Govt over STANDARD has investments in Canada amounting to vet Fifteen Millions of Dollars J A BASTEDO Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector SPEED STYLE COMFORT Carriage Tires Solid Rufcber Tires for Autos and Carriages Let us tell you how little it costs to get the best by letter and catalogue CO TOUONTO v it I around Hie Hut AURORA too r COS TO Herbert Warren Victoria Umver- occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church hero ettiL Chinese garden party Mr lawn on evening was very successful Music was furnished by Battalion Band and a sum was real Some of our townspeople attended funeral of- Mr Johnston who met bis death by accident at Mr Kerseys raising last week We trust that none of toe other injuries will have an any way ending out people express- left on Tuesday morn- as feeing much pleased ins for Toronto to have bis knee at- t0 re quietude after the busy tended to in the hospital election campaign and it is to he hoped that a quiet and amicable set tlement can be reached as to the one Councillor for the comparative short space of time tatting about the services will be required at the held on Mr board and thereby save the un- filers lawn on Friday evening necessary expense of an election of June under the auspices of the Me- which sum would go a long way to- church and the prospects are ward Grading some of our roadways It i ton into Everybody is Garden Party to very favorable for a large attendance A ihoice program of music has been prepared Every body is time or paying past legal service generally iliat ouide lest ants fcr take invited to enjoy this social consideration the future possibilities i before putting the Council to the KING CITY The annual moetingof the To ronto Association of Baptist Churches took place in this village on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week sessions were on the first day and two on the second day The af ternoon and evening- meetings were largely attended The speakers were Rev J Kennedy Prof Farmer Rev Jesse Gibson Prof- P Campbell Prof Tracy PhD and Rev Dr Weeks of Toron to ft Telephone poles and wires are be ing placed and connection with the whole Bell system is promised by the 1st of July Mr was Home week and reports having bad a most successful trip up the line to North Bay with Carpet Sweepers Mrs Alex McDonald was a recent visitor at Mr J J Mrs Rev of Lloyd- town was at her fathers Mr Thos Pickering Mr and Miss Hodge of Newmarket were visiting Miss Croft The work has been begun in laying the drain tile for the new roads in The new agent who takes charge of the station here is Mr of A very fine new verandah is being built around the residence of Mr Bar ker on Main SI An experienced dynamiter is giving exhibitions in blowing up stones and stumps in the southern part of Township of Whitchurch Rev Mr will preach his fare well sermon as pastor of tlie Chris tian church on Sunday June Mr lias been pas tor of the church for eleven years He moves to Keswick where he has accepted the charge of the church there FOR SALE Several pieces of Square Timber for building purposes En quire of Jackson CO EXPERIENCE Marks Demons Ac tcrtui our Mann cfrii Scientific jmieiicam of boll tf Molly Graham Place rfccclved a legacy of from lief deceased fathers uncle Dr Kidney and Cough la A41iV I Lit If tf iMi f lvf M i J- lLal 4i li by Co Mr Robert of the line had a very on his premises on Tuesday afternoon A football match was played here on Saturday evening between the and teams result ing in a draw neither sides On Thursday evening of last week while Mrs John Winters was in act of preparing the la for her sleeve in some way upset ting the tea over her aim and scald ing it to a blister A Coronation Picnic will be held on the grounds of the Methodist church on Thursday af ternoon June The people are expected to bring baskets with plenty in them There will he a tent on the grounds at which icecream lemonade etc will be served Football Base ball and other panics will amuse all Profits in aid of the school Shortly after noon on Monday last the citizens of wen arous ed by cries of fire The Wave was soon discovered to be in the house of Mr Win Webb Willing hands soon applied their and succeeded in quenching the blaze The build ing was more or damaged by wa ter and smoke The ahum was just in time to save the building from total destruction Mr Stephen Arroitage had a mirac ulous escape from what might have proved death by a runaway horse an Friday evening last While driving thru the the bit in some way became disconnected and the spirited at once slatted at a rapid pace up the until opposite Mr store landed inside the lawn with the rig the fence During this ad venturous ride Mr Arrnitagc hung to the liner he had little or no control over the Infuriated animal Sentinel oo A royal will be fired at all saluting station in Canada at noon on coronation day of an election at so late a sea son Mr and Mrs of Bramp ton were the guests of Mr J Cur tis the past week Mr and Mrs Thomas Minnie are visiting at the parental home Mr T Hi items Mr and Mrs Geo Vernon of Whit church spent Sabbath at Proc tors Mrs Ml Howard Aurora was tailing on relatives on last Mrs Brown of ac- by her sister Miss Jennie MeGinnis were calling oh Thursday of last week Mr Wliite of Toronto is rus ticating at farm Mr A Hilborn spent Sabbath with friends in the city Many Sons of Temperance and others will take in the great Union picnic at Bond Lake on Saturday Mr Holland Land ing has moved into Mrs Lloyds house here Mr Silas Stephens late of Niagara Fa Is has moved to his old home at to remain Union There was a good representation of numbers of Presbyterian Congre gational and Methodist Churches pres ent at Melville Church on Monday afternoon of to take into consideration the organiza tion of an interdenominational Church Union having for its object of a sentiment in favor of un ion of those three Christian After a lengthy discussion a pream ble was adopted setting forth that they the influence of Christs Church on earth to be greatly weak ened by reason of its denominational divisions and the consequent unneces sary multiplication of churches and resolution adopted forming an Inter denominational Church Union for the purpose of cultivating a in favor of Union of the three Christian bodies there represented A committee was also appointed to prepare a constitution and report to a future convention to be held not later thai the of Sept- 1902 The following constitute the commit tee I convenor Rev Blair Malloy and P Crosby the Methodist Church Rev Duff If W Sanders Flint and Geo- Robinson of Altona of the Congre gational church and Rev J Wil son A Bruce Geo Robinson and Mr Hood of the church The tornado in Texas killed at least persons and wrecked the town of teen persons lost their lives in a fire destroyed an inebriate hospital at Chicago The Bavarian sailed from Cape Town Sunday with or dered home to take part in the coro nation ceremonies Mrs of the I station agent at River Philip near Halifax was accidentally shot and killed by a boy who was playing with a gun While the Japanese war vessels on their way to the coronation celebra tions were still miles from Malta the Japanese and British admirals compliments by the aid of wir Black River Mich June An ex cursion train was wrecked here yes terday One man was killed three persons wero and about fifty more or less seriously no escaping the germs of consump tion kill them with health Health Is your only means of killing them Scotts Emulsion of codliver oil will give you that health if any thing will it Jepiarefew the stringent regulations tbataro in Nprtii governing the sale of and for that reason we Wrewithpublfsh toe Regulations adopted by the Commis sioners in this Rid big on the of last They are as follows That the windows of all BarRooms and all rooms in License District of the Riding a County of York in which liquors wine or beer or any other sold or served to customers SHALL not be by blinds or screens or anything to obstruct the view of the during hibited hours That the windows of all shops licensed to sell liquors by retail in the License District shall not be covered by blinds saeens boxes barrels bottles artificial or anything to prevent the public from obtaining a view of the said shop at all times wtiethefc during prohibited hours or not And there shall be no room ed with the said shop to which te public have access That no licensed dealer in intoxicating liquors the said License District of North YorK shall harbor or supply with intoxicat ing drinks any person or who is or are Known to be to excessive drinking or any person to whom he has at any time fiom selling such intoxicating drink That the of a from fine to another per- son shail not be granted without a certificate signed by a majority of the entitled to vote at eections for the Legislative Assembly in the polling subdiusion in which the premises licensed are situate approving of the character of the proposed transferee and asking the consent of the Commissioners to suah transfer unless tbe Li- cense Board unanimously otherwise fict That no OR SKATS of any kind shall be allowed in the any to sell wine and beer in the said License District That any person holding a tavern or wine and beer license for the said License District of York woo indulges in the excessive use of intoxicating drink on his or her licensed premises or who by the excessive use intoxicating drinks is unfitted to provide or care for his or her gliosis as by law provided or who on or about his or her licensed premises is abusive to or illtreats bis or her guest or guests or uses abusive or language or violence of any kind whatever snll be deemed unfit to hold such license in the said District of North York and the report of the License Inspector or any other person and upon due consideration thereof the License Commissioners of tho said District may suspend the License of the par ty so reported for a term not exceediqg two months such of to be signed by two of the Commissioners and and forwarded to the parly or parties so reported by registered letter to his or her post address and the certificate of registration to be evidence of suspension of License having been duly served upon the delinquents who shall be further be subject to the penalties hereinaf ter provided That in the License District of North it shall be a con dition precedent upon which the granting and continuation all Li censes for hotels and all other places where spirituous liquors wine and beer may be shall be dependent that the said licensed hotels places shall he provided with clean and comfortable water closets with separate and distinct compartments for ladies gentlemen and so designated by suitable signboards That said water closets shall be further provided with means of access with safe and dry Walks to and from the same and that of the ladies both closet and walk shall be well screened from public view and said closets shall be kept continuously clean and warm nvnths frequently wash ed out And the INSPECTOR shall PARTICULARLY examine the said water closets when making his regular inspection trips and any licensed dealer or dealers in liquors wine and beer as aforesaid so found not conforming to these regulations or in any way violating them shall be liable to the hereinafter provided- Aid the Inspector shall urge and require practicable tlie introduction of the DRY SYSTEM TOWN SYSTEM and par ticularly so for the ladies water do sets S No person holding a License- in License District of North York shall permit or suiter any Card Playing to be carried on on Licensed premises or in any building or place in any way in with the said For punishment of offences against any of the eight sections above the following penalties are imposed For the first offense a penalty of not less than and not more than with costs shall in case of conviction be recoverable from and leviable against the goods and chattels of the persons who are the proprietors in occupancy or the or agents- in occupancy of said place or places who are found by or their servants or agents to contravened any one of the said eight sections or any part of any one of them auto in default of payment of such fine and costs the offender may be in the county jail of the county in the con viction is made for a period exceeding fifteen days with or with out hard labor For offence a penalty against every such offender of not less than nor more than with costs or twenty days imprisonment with or without hard labor And for the offence a penalty against every such offender of not less than and not more than with costs or thirty days imprison ment with or without hard labor and such conviction for the offence in addition to any other punishment by law provided ipso facto operate as a forfeiture of the License held by the person so convicted and disqualify him from obtaining a license for two years thereafter That the torching rules aial regulations shall be printed and that a copy thereof shall mailed to each tavern shop or wine and beer licensee in Liensc of North York and the copy so shall be constantly ami conspicuously exposed in bar rooms of each and every hotel and licensed place in the said District after the first day of May A I under penalty of lot every days wilful or negligent omission o to do to be with costs from the aforesaid making default All fines collected under the above rules and regulations shall be paid to the Inspector and disposed of by him as juovided in of fines levied under the Liquor License Act That all rules and regulations at any time heretofore passed by this Hoard in any way convicting with the above arc hereby repealed STATUTORY No sale take place In any Licensed place of any Licnwrs as so termed by the License Act FROM PM ON SATURDAY UNTIL SIX AM OF FOLLOWING MONDAY and cm all otter days of the week from the hour of pm in cities and towns and all places from the hour of PM UNTIL AM of the following day except by medical certificate See Sees and License AoL If any person licensed under tills Act permits drunkenness or any violent quarrelsome or disorderly conduct to lake place on his premises or sells or delivers liquor to any drunken person or permits and sailers any pet son to consume any intoxf atirg liquor on his premises or and suffers persons of bad character to assemble or meet on his premises or suffers any gambling or any unlawful game to be carried on on bis premises ho stall be liable to a penally of not less than and not exceeding Sec c 215 licensed person who allows to in his premises by purchase or otherwise any of liquor whatever to any xr- sanof either sex apparently or to the knowledge of the licensed person or of the person supplying such liquor the age of twentyone years shall as well as the person who actually gives liquor bo liable to a rnarty not less than and not exceeding besides costs tor every such offence subsection shall not apply where such is supplied to a person twentyone years of age upon the written order his parent guardian or master Subsec Any licensed person who without proper cause suffers or permits any person of cither Bex apparently or to the knowledge of such licens ed person under the age of years unaccompanied by his or her parent or guardian and being a resident on the premises of such or a bona fide lodger or hoarder without good and sufficient reason to linger or loiter In or about any barroom or other room on such premises in which la dispensed for every suoh offence be liable to a penalty of not less than not exceeding besides costs and any such person so lingering or loitering as aforesaid without good and cause of id who is not a resident on the prem ises or a bona fide- lodger or boarder or who not by his or her guardian be liable to a penalty of not less than 2 and not more than costs SubfiCC ip The COMPANY TORONTO CANADA Cor King St v HON GEO A President CapHil Fund allowed on 5 on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable on days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION WOOD husband wife parent child of twentyone years or upwards sister master guardian or employer of any person who has habit of drinking liquor to excess or the parent broth er or sister the or wife such a personor the guardian of any child or children of such a person may give notice in writing signed by him or her or may require the Inspector to give to any to sell or who sells or is reputed to sell intoxicat ing liquor of any Kind not to deliver intoxicating liquor to the person having such habit and person so notified at any time within twelve months after such notice either himself or by his clerk ser vant or agent otherwise than in terms of a special requisition foe medicinal purposes signed by a licensed medical practitioner delivers or in or from building booth or place occupied by him and or any such liquor is sold suffers to be delivered any liquor to tihe person having habit he shall incur upon convici tion a penalty not and the person giving or requiring the notice to be given may in an as for persona wrong if brought within six months but not otherwise recover from ile per son notified such sum not less than nor more than as may assessed by Court Jury as damages and any married wo man may bring such action in her own name without authorization by her husband and all damages recovered by her shall in that case go to her separate use and in ease of the death of either party the action and right of action given by this section shall survive to or against his legal representatives but the defendant shall not he liable for penalties for the same After service of said notice if any other person with a know ledge of such notice gives sells purchases for or on of the pei- with regard to whom tbe said notice has been served or his or her use any liquor such other- person shall upon conviction incur for every such offence a penalty of not less than and not exceeding 550 Sec Only one bar allowed in any Licensed House Sec If you contracted any blood you safe the of the following rap- torus Oct the skin red of Dont jourBT6t and to out bapn Id W let quarks experiment on you Our New by bank bonds that the disease never return Method or Wyeara No used writ tea consent Mr A Your remedies bare done me more food the doctors and hid pre viously tried Live not felt any of those pains or ulcers or for years and symptoms of Pathesomo have dlsauwaftd My bale has grown In inlly again and I am married and happy CONSULT I Wt CORES QUARAHflEO OR Si MICH- YOU CAN GET i On Paper Required In a Moment I It la Properly Filed Filing Devices -AND- Office Furniture not en expense and a luxury but a straight system of economy and a necessity It will cost you no- thing but a Postal Card to get any of our catalogues The Office Specialty Mfg S Co Bay Street Toronto J This the Bar mads of Page lrt which Is lrfe s in wire wary allow for sapanaJoa traction which Is important to Canadian Our in one strength pounds If made spliced si each would a strength of only KWpoonds make gate poultry netting and sUpjea Co