HA I- Sugars axe away down in price just now Granulated we sell at lbs for Rich Yellow lbs for 100 Look out for low grade sugars as here are lots on the market Prices may go up any day buy at once A Car Aimed This Week Canned Corn BY BUYING AND from us We are selling our en tire stock at prices Below Cost to us in many cases as we want to close teem out quick Our Women Oxfords you see also Mens Boys Misses and Childrens We hare yet to dispose of STOAT 13 GOmQ OK Pulling Doom Mr pas purchased material in old North American- has commenc ed pulling them down and will rem oB the premises as soon as I THE NEWMAR JUNE ij J FRIENDLY ftDYIGl TO WEAK NERVOUS AND EASI LY TIRED WOMEN Given in the Story of One who Had Suffered and Has Found Renewed Health and Strength From the Sun OranfeeviLe Got It is a good many years since the good wrought by Dr Williams Pink Pills was first recorded of the Series local lacrosse- club is to play its first championship gam we of the intermediate series at Aurora the Sun but during next Wednesday afternoon It is tie sterling merit or the medicine to he that a good crowd will has increased its reputation and every go down- to cheer the boys to victory day adds to the number of those who DressMakers lUanted Goal wages A wedding of much interest to their friends took place in Toronto on Tuesday evening when Miss Lille was married to the Rev R H Mode assistant pastor of J arris Street Baptist Church The was performed by Rev- Thomas in the presence of a few intimate friends of the bride and bridegroom The bride who was in a travelling costume of navy blue ladys cloth was assisted by lier sis ter Miss Dollie and Mr A Ray of Gait was the grooms man- Mr and Mrs Mode will be absent for a week alter which they will reside at Amelia street The bride is- a niece of Mrs Sculley of this Town Visit June And have something new to talk about Ontario Bank The fortyfourth annual report of the Ontario Bank which is to he presented to the shareholders at the annual meeting to be held on Tues- June indicates that the afl fairs of the bank are in a very healthy j red blood that they have found health thiu the use of these famous pills Many in this Town have freely spoken of the benefit they have derived from the use of Dr Wil liams Pink Pills and to these is added in the person of Miss Vic toria To a reporter of the Sun who had heard of her cure Miss said Several years ago I became very much run down I felt tired all the time my blood was wa tery and I was in what physicians called an anaemic condition I was always weary and worn out not able to do anything and yet not sick enough to be in bed My heart both ered me with its constant palpitation brought about by my extreme weak ness My appetite failed me and I was gradually growing worse I had heard and read of Dr Williams Pink PiFs and decided to give them a After using them a short time a de cided change was noticeable and it is no exaggeration to say that I felt like an entirely different person My appetite returned and with it good blood and strong nerves I can con scientiously say for Dr Williams Pills that they did me more good ihan can tell To alt weak nerv ous easily tired run down I say by all means give Dr Williams Pink Pills a trial and you will be de lighted with the result It is fce thes pills COS- TO m HOLLAND LANDING Erection is over and everyone has settled down to work once more Mr Brown of Toronto is spend ing a few days in town this week Miss Chapman is visiting at Sharon this week Mr and Mrs Cook of Toronto are visiting at Mr Lucks J purchased a new driver last week Mrs Little has had her residence reshingled this week and several oth er improvements were made Miss Minnie Bell of Toronto for merly of this place is spending her holidays at Orillia and vicinity She expects to spend a few days with friends here on her return Mr Trios of Aurora who has been spending a few days at Mr returned on Monday last We are pleased to say Mr is gradually gaining more strength and hopes to soon be around as usual Mr and family moved to on Wednesday last Mrs who went under an operation at the Toronto General Hospital a few weeks ago we are sorry to say is improving but very slowly and it will be some time be fore she will be able to return home Mr Will Chapman who spent a week at home returned to the city last week AURORA Just opened the greatest Snap in Toilet Sets we have bad for some time Very Price Fine Styles and Very Low in Dinner Sets Away Down Leading Reliable condition The paidup capital of the Bank has been increased for the year Net profits were is equal to per cent on the present paidup capital of The profits the preceding year were per for the year before per cent- The rest fund has been increased by mak ing it The sum of Ws reserved for officers pension fund and the premium on new stock issued was The dividends paid this shareholders amounted to the rales being and per cent for each half year and the amount car ried forward to profit and loss ac count is Deposits now ag gregate of- which are interest bearing Im mediately available assets are while current discounts Mr Win Linton left here Tuesday evening for England to purchase a herd of thorobred cattle for Hon One of the moat peculiar accidents that has ever happened in the town occurred on Tuesday A drover was driving a herd of cattle rich down Street and when opposite cure such a steer left the other ma as anaemia shortness of breath cattle and passed thru the door of rheumatism erysipelas the postoffice which had been left dance and the functional ailments standing open As soon as the make the lives of so got inside it wheeled around men a source of constant misery made a hound thru the large plate- The genuine pills always bear tie full glass window breaking it into having then been name Dr Williams Pin for reds of pieces The animal at such great the to order Miss then address to Mr and Mrs Arnold and Miss Vina Rye and Miss Sadie McDonald made the a very pretty lamp is as follows Mr A Arnold and Wife We your schoolmates and friends are gathered here this evening to wish yon Godspeed In your new lion It is with feelings of pleasure that we tender you our many congratula tions and best wishes for a happy and prosperous future We know that this mortal world is not our abiding place that care and trials mar the few years allotted to man We would not mar the pleasure of this evening by presenting the gloomy side of life yet to wish you contin ual pleasure is vain as well as un profitable for whom the Lord he May your walk thru life be as the setting sun that brighter and brighter unto the end and may it be your highest de sire to live high and noble lives lean ing upon that higher power that alone is able to save In conclusion we present you with this lamp not for its intrinsic value but as a slight token of our esteem Signed on of the boys of the charivari Mcdonald P After the presentation games were played and a dainty lunch partaken of In tlie course of the evening some sweet music on the violins and piccolo accompanied by the organ entertained the company which broke up with three cheers for Mr Mrs Arnold and three for Saunders who furnished the music and a good comic and sacred songs The of here has every indication of winning good will and assistance all the young peo ple in this section All seem inter ested in and hope for the success the Society When the musical com mittee get to work it- will be a bene fit to the meetings as was evidenced by the of a very appropriate selection last meeting by Mrs Stephens and Mr Stephens Mr M Rose we undei stand takes the topic next Tuesday evening Mr J is trammg and fitting a superior road horse lia- a heavy harness even to surpass aflwrtajatttfa lbs Best Granulated Sugar for lbs Brown Sugar for ants per lb THIS Tomatoes Pineapples Pale People on the joined the herd and passed down the box Solid by all dealers or by street as if nothing had happened mail at cents a box or six boxes Some time ago a dog jumped thru the for 250 by addressing the Dr same window Fortunately the glass Hams Medicine Co Out was insured in both instances o6q j On the farm of John Buckle a distance northeast of the town about of the stalwarts of North York assembled Tuesday afternoon to assist in the erection of one of the finest barns in this- section of the The foundation is built Portland cement sand and gravel feet and high and is most TO THE Of the Township of King Ladies and Gentlemen By the untimely of the late James Whiting this munici pality is without a Reeve This is the first time in the history of the substantial construction and neat Telephone See our New Coronation Fan cy China The eyes at req lire assistance Wheiyou are is age reading or work becomes an exertion end glasses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained We are experts in this line We examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction L GRADUATE OPTICIAN A Co i NEWMARKET OUR PLATFORM Is to deliver pure springwater Ice Into your Refrigerator Icebox or at a mighty small price call at the Office and see telephone No and you will us ell glad A The Ice Man A young son of Mr James Mat thews of slipped In lr a train and was run over arid and a severe killed all their silk- hive ruined of 5h Italy Silver Tory Hill Queen St East was the scene of a pleasant gathering on June when about assembled congratulate Mr and Mrs A on oc casion of their Silver Wedding Dinner was served by Mr Goodyear at one oclock after which congratulatory speeches were deliver ed by Messrs J McKay J Davidson Ellis A J Hughes and I J Crittenden To from the happy appearance of everyone it enjoyed Afterwards the party was photograph on the lawn by Smith of Newmar ket and about oclock the friends departed hoping that all might be pared to come back at the end quarter of a century Following arc a list of the beauti ful euumoraiKes sent Hon 2nd Mrs goldlined sterling lea service Hon J Davis Mrs Davis sUr custard dish Mr and Mrs teaset Mr and Mrs A J Hughes silver marmalade jar Mr and Mrs J sit- yet custard spoon Mr and Mm J Davidson silver pickle dish Mr and Mrs Geo Mainprise silver butter dish Rev M silver fish fork Mr and Mrs Kills biscuit jar Mr and Mrs I J- linden fruit spoon Mr and Mrs 13 Doan biscuit jar Mr and Mrs J table linen Mrs Is card tray Mr and Mrs Isaac meatfork Mrs David We silver pickle dish Mr and Mrs James Crittenden bis cuit jar Miss Myth silver butter knife Mr Frank tend en silver butter dish MUs Mary Macdonald silver breakfast cruet Mr silver fish fork Mr and Mrs John sugarshell Mr and Mrs Addison Williams silver pickle dish Mrs J and MlftS Kavanaftli spoon Mr and Mrs napkin stand Mr and Mm J down tea knives Mr Mr and Mrs berry Mr and Mrs table spoons Miss Lucy and Messrs Win and silver Mr Harry silver butter knife Mr Good year silver fork Mr and Mrs Jaraea Mincnir spoon Miss Etna Plttchtr callbell Mr Henry butter- knife and sugar fihell Mr and Mrs Mr and Mr and Miss Mary 1 Township that a vacancy has appearance It was put in by Mr caused in the middle of the year by the death of the head of the Cow- carpenter work was in charge of C It now becomes for the E and the ra- busincss of the Corporation to with winch the was the vacancy filled eroctrf is a tribute to Mr Stivers Such an occurence is a serious sK M eau to the business of the Conn- Introduced in the erection and many important issues are thc prominent being sub- thus unexpectedly thrown upon other j tbe old hands Not only tlie direction of matters bclors Council Meetings but a many scttknents actions and under- J takings now in progress have to stales when carried on to completion by I wi combine Made from Pure Cream from Mr Silas Dairy The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly completion by After careful consideration the members of the Council who thus found themselves without a head it was thoiiRlit to be in best inter ests of the Township that someone in lijiith with the business of the muni cipality and possessing a know ledge it many matters to he hand led should assume the duly At their unanimous request and the of ratcjiayers consented lo offer my for balance of the year to the municipality have served for the past two and years as Councilman living which time have devoted myself closely to details of the office To do this it was necessary to re sign 1 position in the Council On Monday June official nom ination wil he as required by tatute to fill vacancies It was far from the wish of the members of the Counei to make an election with attendant costs and turmoil at this season of the year and for the few remaining months of the term if this can be done in the Inttrest and to satisfaction of the people it will be well Their wishes will prevail I am at their and if in their opinion their important trust will be best disclfcarged by I will give my best endeavor to this end and out for the balance of the year the various plans and business on by thc present Council in the hope and believing that the of the hoard with the now member added will be harmonious pleas ant Yours respectfully JOSEPH ROGERS Ay res advices say the Ar gentina Government appointed an agent to South Africa and try and induce Boers to emigrate In a collision between the whale hack Wilson and thc steamer George rwr was sunk and of her crew drowned Refreshments were serv ed on lawn The Ladies of the Presbyterian Church Pleasant will hold a gar den party in Mr J as Hamiltons bush on evening June A good program is being provided Tea served from to oclock All come and have a good time of Toronto is spend ing a few days at Mr John Hamil tons The people of the Meth odist church are holding their annual Strawberry on lawn of Mr the even ing of June Tea served from oclock ladies are sparing no to make it the grandest garden party ever held here Mr Hewitt the- comic winger of Newmar ket Is expected to favor us with a few selections Also Miss the elocutionist of is to be present Those who have heard Miss know her ability The Orchestra in to join in making evening a ileasart one Other talent from a distance Is ex- contests as the Toronto Industrial London Ottawa etc Local authorities give Mr I Ste phens and Mr Win White the credit of having a pair of Iwo-ycar-oMlioad- sired by Boy that are right at the top of the list for stylish carriage and superior ac tion But for draught spring colts the same authorities acknowledge McDonalds Royal Victor has the precedence in this vicinity Mr has the credit unloading last week a bunch of the best finished fat cattle that has been en into the Mt Albert Stock yards this year Mr J has an extra good piece of early sugar beets Al so there is some very tall and very heavy rye up in this neighborhood some stalks measuring six feet A couple of our young people while driving on town line east of Sunday evening had the misfortune to he deposited uncere moniously in the ditch with the bug gy following wrong side up Fortun ately the horse did not get away and no serious damage was done Mr Arnolds man also had an accident on the fifth on Friday His horse away with the rig and dam aged it considerably Mr J is drawing timber from or the of remodel ing his bam The Raven hue report a pleas ant evening at on Tues day The views were the light Icing char and really It was a beautiful evening and there was a good attendance A of farmers in this Won are testing cream separators Onlooker 000 PRETTY AS A PICTURE are new arid pretty styles in trimmed hats that wo are showing in all the light fluffy airy effects that will be so popular this Summer Never before have you seen such ari and superb effects in millinery as you will see this week at ours OXFORD3 in most exclusive styles giving that touch of elegance to the foot in very finest footwear Ladies who require a shapely shoe as well as one giving a great degree of com fort will be entirely pleased and sat isfied with this line Cor Main Timothy Sis these circumstances go to show the whole business was a planned scheme worthy of the author of the switch- ballot frauds developed in Mani toba DEALER IN Captain Howards schooner Canada has Cement To Newmarket Dear Sir In the un der date of May there appears an Item referring to being out buying calves actually deny the charge of having anything to do with calves or anything else only was trying to explain the false statements that were made by the Whitney candidate and others in his behalf I had knowledge of any calves unless it would be those who would not discuss the public questions the day at Nomination Day and I been launched at The boat from White Horse reached Dawson Julie 3rd There was one case of smallpox on hoard Fruit tarts and cakes are served out to the crews on board steamers trading between Australia and New Zealand five times a week GOOD I door east of STREET The Era AT- Newmarket cm v peeled Come and the rest in other meetings and refusing to hold a lovely time Is Childrens Day at the Methodist here Rev J Simpson preaches at pm Rev Addison of Toronto at In the evening Owing to Conference last services here were conducted by Mr of At close of lesson in the Sabbath School about fortyfive minutes were spent In patriotic service Stirring with suitable songs were made by superintend ent Mr Cole J A Cole and Mr Rose Closed by singing national an them A young folks spent a very enjoyable evening with Mr and Mrs Arnold last Friday for yout valuable joint meetings Thanking you I am Yours c STEPHEN WINCH The recount in North Grey leaves Mr McKay Libera a majority five Conservative organs in Toronto Mali and World both make much ado about tour switched ballots but as these were all proper ly counted and seated for thc proper party when the closed and as knowing ones In the Conserva tive ranks previous to the discovery were wire wrongdoing would bo made apparent at a certain polling division 1 tlie further net that neither the deputy officer or scrutineers observed tlie switching on the WtaTSr valors alt arrived Mr night ballots were Special Seed Sale Prices Lehmans Drug Store NEWMARKET ONTARIO This to certify that Hon J Davis in pursuance ol Section of the Ontario Election Act has pointed Dr J Norman ol Aurora as bio Financial Agent lor North York Newmarket May J AS J PEARSON Returning Officer is Ideal County Weekly It Covers Our Business Course IN WIRELESS AND SOUND TELEGRAPHY now has students No thing like it ever given The cost Is nominal The results aro good for parties Address Telegraph De partment Central TORONTO WHSHAW Write for circular Toronto