Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jun 1902, p. 6

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I id t a iWi h Tvdy Of each In ICYGLI8 I to eel quick at reduced Lady Orient Genre Bird DAVIDSON Mount Albert Our stock for ihU has We have all of Field and Garden Seed in and which wo sell at prices Poultry will and ticks on sheep- Forrests Drag Store ALBERT You can save money by your Furniture at the A LABOBH STOCK THAN OF Bedroom aid Parlor Suites Extension Lounges and We are areata for Sbam celebrated Carpet Stretcher and Tacker Victor Framing a Specialty Good delivered tree of charge when ordered in quantity ALLAN WOOL MARKET Take your WOOL to Mount Albert Woollen Hills and get the highest Toronto prices in Cash Full stock of Cloths Flannels Sheetings Blankets Yarns etc also a good assortment fashionable Suitings always on hand extra paid for wool taken in ex change for goods Geo Sons Man MANAGER i wtetint OF CANADA CORRECTION A -iiical- error in one of our items last week made our oner or Globe read per annum It should been per THE MARKET Tuesday was as usual a busy at the market Pries as butter to lit lie eggs to 13c thickens to turkeys live weight HORSE KILLED Mr Archie Goodwin of the con cession was from Sharon one day last week when the horse he was driving became unmanageable and into- the ditch dislocating his The animal had to be shot GARDEN PARTY The party in connec tion with the church will be as on Dominion Day at the residence of Mr Thomas Watts near the village- Prepara tions are being made for an enjoyable MISSIONARY MEETING The Womans Foreign Missionary Auxiliary in connection with the Me thodist church regular monthly meeting at the home Mrs Geo on Thursday evening of last week The usual program was proceeded which the la dies were entertained to tea by Mrs ASSOCIATION The annual Convention of the Association of East will be hed here on the The evening session will be special in terest to the public Rev Brown will speak on The Responsibility of the Home Rev Simpson on The Temperance Question and John A Patjerson on The Work of the Ixjrds Day Alliance PERSONAL Miss Kate of sKnt a few days in town on a visit to her sister Miss Laura Leek of was a guest at the home of Mrs Hunter for a few days Miss of Aurora spent a few at the home of Mr Ceorgc Haigh Miss A my Forrest Toronto was in Town on a visit to relatives Mrs returned on Saturday from a months visit with in Toronto Mrs Card of Sand ford is paying a visit to her mother Mrs Mr Stanley Moorehead Dick sons Hill at the home of father Mr John Moorehead Mr John and family left on Monday for North Hay Mr Joseph Lap and daughter Of Cedar Grove arc visit ing at the home of Mr Tims Row land STOCK -OF- Dry Goods Boots and Shoes It Arriving Dally and to make ate Selling Balance of our Winter Stock AT HALF PRICE Bos our prices for Ladies Coats and Furs THAT TOWN HALL In discussing the Town Hall inci dent two weeks ago we gave the facts of the matter pure and simple and we do not consider it necessary to go over the ground again Tlie of last week de votes nearly threequarters of a col umn in attempting to show that the whole thing was the outcome of a plot hat J in the Liberal Commit tee rooms here Somebody has evi dently been very successful in stuff ing that journal as we are in a position to slate positively that no thing of the kind took place The facts which the ExpressHerald claims to to its readers are on the part of some our friends here and On Tuesday of last week Mrs Kay Zephyr nee Ida Wardell the beauty of Owl town pre sented her wit a Miss Canada long sweet of a maidens life in most cases seems to to have a brilliant and to have it artistically written up to ex cite the envy of less fortunate maids Such have no doubt been the dreams of some of our girls and DA they will shortly be realized to their satisfaction After a stay of four months in the city Miss Aggie returned home on Wednesday last wee Ag gies attractive personality and pleas ant disposition made her so as to make it needless to sa This I will add however I wish there were more like her Mr John Stevens one of the star graduates of Central Business College and now employed as Clerk in the Globe Office Toronto was visiting ftis aunt Mrs John Hanil on last week I would seriously advise all young ladies who value their reputations no pretext whatever to allow their names to be submitted as candidates for prizes in voting contests for the most popular young lauy tearfully roc it if you do I refer to for In by gone years voting for candidates in cake competitions became such a source of discord that the church promptly sat upon it At those who purchased a bottle of were entitled to so many votes Tis said the excited admirers of the rival candidates hot the nostrums in lots and then threw ibcm out on the pile riot was averted by each candidate receiving a of a gold watch The showman had a hearty laugh the public It is said that twentyseven flasks were picked up in the neighborhood on Sunday morning Peace Rail for Kitchener Now has not Britain proved a mag nanimous conqueror worth of tht worlds emulation Those who have read the terms of peace will recognize generosity and clemency One of our business men felt tho spirit move him to give friend Stat- ton a lecture on his political fallacies fie did it well no doubt but at the same time did himself an incalculable amount of injury as time no doubt will show It dont pay lo quarrel with ones bread and butter Men who possess ungovernable tciu- pers and abusive are certain ly unfitted to fill responsible public offices is a mark of good breeding- It is now fully expected that one of the hotel men at Sutton will it where the chicken got the ax at the next meeting of the License Commit- it is also considered that one of our rural hotels not will come under the ifiin owing to its loose management much to the detri ment of young men and even boys A traveller is reported to have emphat ically remarked on this declaring that women we all drunk and made night hideous his sojourn there I think this story Is probably grossly exaggerated Mrs Cliff sister from the Canadian is paying her a visit The Judge had best official inquiry as to the 5 dropped on the DavisLennox contest by I notice a number our very young boys frequently smoking cigars From the practical offhand manner in which they go about it 1 presume they are no What can their mothers thinking about or dont they care est young ladies and predict a bright future for the Like the of Israel a citizen of Newmarket was spying land last week and obtained much damaging of corrupt practices by whiskey will win party There is irembhpg amongst the sinners It is reported that Henry Park Fred and Jock Hazel ton bad rather an unpleasant episode on Monday evening 2nd This trio of Tories were returning full of Joy from Lennoxs little at Sutton Jogging along homewards in a cart near Donald McDonalds in the inky blackness of night they ran upon a cow lying in the road This cow presumably Grit lay quietly un til they got upon her then arose wrecked the cart and pitch occupants into the road It was a dreary miles trudging home and the next day they gathered up the fragments of the cart On Friday last Mrs Geo Arnold and sister Miss Horner of Sutton were calling on Geo I frequently refer you to Suttons many fair ladies Now there is Hattie one of the first choice amongst them all and hard to equal As a household queen she would surpass even tbe notorious Little Annie Much to the regret of very many firm friends the time is near at hand for Rev A P Braces removal from this district By his enthusiastic temperament and frank cordiality be has himself with many outside his own church circle His shoes will be hard to fill Mrs Andy Tait nee Beatrice Thompson Baldwin of lately presented Andy with a hubby little Mr jr Much to his chagrin Merchant is said to be another man who mourns the Kiss on the man who could not lose Jack Ma- honey now gleefully waves the V in the air Alex Mitchell is here preparatory to making tracks for home in Port Huron He has made many additional warm friends during his visit amongst us Grandma leaves on Satur day for wbcro she will bo house- Keeper for her daughter Mrs Alec Crittenden during the ab sence in Manitoba The Owl SHARON Mr A la suffering from a sore hand caused by the fall of a stone which was being used by his father in driving down a gatepost The wound is slowly mending Rev Stanley is attending con ference and had his place filled here on Sunday by Mr Morton of Kes- wick who did exceedingly well for a beginner Mr P Irwin improves but slow ly the bruise in his hip being very sore W Coles mother and sis- tcr were visiting at Mr Coles on Saturday Mr successfully raised the part of his old building which was not torn down ready for a stone wall on Saturday last Mr Abb Wilson built a new fence on the farm occupied by his son this week During May there were opened in Canada new OTICS Miss Sadie has gone to for a couple of weeks for the purpose of taking a special courso in Music with Miss OBrien prepara tory to examination Stewart went to city last Saturday and returned on Monday Mr Morton and his bride went on a wedding tour to Niagara Buffalo and other places Mr Edgar and bride attend ed service at Presbyterian church last Sunday Dr Warden and family who are spending the summer holidays at Roches Point attended service here last Sunday in the Presbyterian church The Rov Best of preached an excellent sermon in the Presbyterian here last Sun- day Tbe Municipalities of and Sutton are petition ing the Grand Trunk Railway for additional train service on ton branch Dr intends putting another story on his dwelling house and oth erwise improving it Mr Mann baker and confectioner has put a new sodawater fountain in his establishment A meeting of the citizens was held last evening in Hall to talk over the matter of erecting a public hall for the vil lage The matter received favorable consideration and the was re quested to endeavor to get a suitable site on which to erect such building The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian church intend holding a gar den party on Wednesday the on the grounds of Mr Donald Ego A good program will be pro Miss is spending a week or two in the city Rev A P Brace attended the Me thodist- Conference last week in the city Mr Stock Toronto uncle of Mrs Brace was a guest at the par sonage last Sunday week Much sympathy is felt for Rev Me K enroll who has contracted blood poisoning in his amis while caring for a sick horse He went to the city last week to consult a specialist He returned home last Monday feel ing very weak We trust he will soon be restored to health again Miss Till of Wilfrid is to be wedded today Wednesday Rev officiating Mrs Dr Noble Mrs and Miss of Sutton are among the invited guests The Messrs are doing work at the Mr It is fitting a room to be used as a Dank Mr Oliver lost a valuable cow the other day She was apparently well in the evening and next morning was found dead in the field Rev A P Brace Is to be trans ferred to The best wishes of this community go with Mr and Mrs Brace to new field of labor AUTHORIZED CAPITAL SUBSCRIBED CAPITA St Toronto STEWART GENERAL MOUNT ALBERT RANCH CURRENT ACCOUNT OPENED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT INTEREST ALLOWED ON EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD POSITS GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS il STHRK Screen Doors Screen Wire Window Screens Dairy Pails Barn Door Rollers warranted not to come RFELDT MOUNT ALBERT vc venture If at the Garden Tools Rakes Hoes Spades Shovels PAINT MIXED Hew Shades Brand J ROWLAND r Mount Albert of hems charged with perverting the truth that secondhand conjectures should not he published as facta Very mile interest has been taken In the matter here either by fair- minded Liberals or anyone else and we therefore do not consider it ad visable to pursue the subject farther The annual Sabbath School conven tion the Township of East will be held here Thursday the The newly branch of the Sovereign Bank here is doing an business We are the Era from now to end of the year for it a trial The old bridge the creek on the Centre is being replaced by a new one Messrs Jones Bros of have the contract Mr Joel Crone is from the cancers in his fate The Lawn Tennis Club have secured Lew grounds and have had them level led sodded extend a cordial welcome to Dr Clark the young den tist of Newmarket who will visit Mount Albert on the 2nd and month Those who visited Dr Clark professionally very favorably of his treatment and we bespeak lor a liberal patron age See card another column Where arc their eyes and noses A mothers kiss occasionally might set them mothers to thinking as their breath would be a dead give away Mr Howard Morton is man deserving congrat ulations on having the good fortune to captivate Miss Georgia Milne of Sutton in the capacity of as sistant in the she endear ed herself to all her cheerful cour tesy and ladylike manner Georgia is one out of many of Suttons Public Decoration Day at Cemetery will be June Mill at oclock in the afternoon for purpose planting trees shrubs and flowers and otherwise decorating the grounds By GEO Will MIT President a minister rehear see his ser mon be to practise what Central Telephone HEIS New Baldwin NEW GOODS Now is the time to select Wo have received a full line of Prints Art Muslins Cretonnes etc NEW LACK CURTAINS WINDOW SHADES CURTAIN POLES We have a fine collection of Wall on hand at prices to suit All We on band a larger stock than ever of Bedroom and Parlor Suites Extension and Parlor Tables Lounges Couches Chairs and Sideboards Give us a to please you SALT BY BARREL Reg Jersey Bull For on Lot 4th Con East Straight bred St Lambert J t T ALBERT DRUG STORE A CHOICE STOCK OK find Gordon Seeds Just Arrived Carrot Sugar Beet Mangel Turnip Seed sold at right prices A full stock of SPRAYING MATERIALS Constantly on Hand We also carry a full line tent Medicines them Cos- groves Remedies and Rheumatic Cure Prescriptions Family receive personal attention day or night TLLOYD DRUGGIST We are Always Ready to Show You Our Goods We pay careful attention to your work liy to you with a nice hanging garment KELLERS The Fashionable Tailor Mount Albert The Liverpool Globe INSURANCE COMPANY Available tt3464lfi Total CANADA MONT UK A I Or It KOTO UP And row J man Bam- Alt Actpteti Rita Cbalr- tnuel CIoub- DAVIDSON Albeit PO SMITH Tor Buggies highest grade buggies Call and boo them Price moderate J COOK Agent Mount Albert STOKES MOUNT ALBERT Breeder of Jersey Cattle Some choice young belters for sale now al so a young bull Before Buying Your SEE OUR STOCK ALL QUALITIES FROM he Very Cheapest I TO THE FINEST- MT ALBERT I We have been watching the markets and are pleas ed to say have been well rewarded for so doing with a much better Assortment and at much better prices PRINTS AND PONGEES MERCERIZED SATEENS GINGHAMS DENIMS c Ate Our Print 32in wide cannot bo beat for weight of cloth and washing qualities BOOTS AND SHOES THE King Goods Speak for Themselves Our Groceries Resins 3 lbs Cleaned Currants for Bars Comfort Soap for Bars Soap for 3 Cans Pink Salmon for lbs Fresh Figs for lbs lor lbs Rolled Oats for 6 lbs Rolled for Malt Breakfast Food Breakfast Foods Prunes from up Dried Apples bright sample COME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF AND WE WILL BE SURE TO DO BUSINESS WITH YOU J GENTLEMEN r We are prepared to please you in New Suitings style workmanship and price Now is the time to order your New Suit I LADIES Our stock of Staple Dry Goods is equal to anything you can buy elsewhere and just as cheap See our new Dress Goods Groceries Always Fresh KEN YON a

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