Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jun 1902, p. 4

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a THE Your Jose is what you breath through DO yoor rooutti Bat there may time you ca tarrh so bad breaths It mouth for longs tod It is especially so when their delicate tissue have been weak ened by condition of blood en depends for Mffr His bead felt bad was In bis ears Tod do breath through one of from which derived no benefit be was aired- by Hoods This radically and nd op gboia resulted seat Council The meeting Township of King Muidctpal for was at tWTemperapce Halt in his j present with I vacancy caused by the The in this- Wc Cross- Riding who were looking for a on pro flV for a apfepifitTneti tlcircutistaices on recommendation of tbe who was bound to win have about reached the Express editor they counted chickens before tbey were hatched toe they were syokefeel- of their and of the loss board Af ter which it was moved by Phillips seconded by Airmtage that take Reeves chair rb tern Adopted Minutes of last Referring to the returns in North York election it is gratifying to see that Hon J Davis polled a Several commune in every two and Sutton than Committee of the whole on accounts J Street Newmarket to Loan on good security Solicitor Notary Ioar to Court Ontario liennox Conveyancers c Post Herbert Lennox Aurora will tuw be at New market Saturday and Court Solicitor for J- ft Co Banker and Ontario Batik Aurora Block A I Post Block Cburcb DR to Dr Dm Store grand trunk railway TIME TABLE S a iC to I o 9 ft and his total vote is 285 more than be in 1898 which shows that be is a stronger man in the es timation of the electors than ever be fore and this in the lace of the fact that tbe Government returns show less- names on Voters than in A discovery has been made of where the Conservative machine operated last election with practical viz North Toronto and Hamilton For full apply to leader North To ronto or Mr late member who persisted in contesting East Hamilton against the Conserve tive nominee got less than These two men have reason to know what a real machine is like The Commons member lor North York Hon Mr the Board of banquet in Toronto last Thursday night foreshadowed a growing trade with Australia he were a nation of workers all engaged in the task oi and there was no portion the community iroon which the task fall more than upon the gentlemen in the hall men gaged in pursuits Be wotId say to men the extension their trade that they might a permanent cargo line being established between His coun try and Australia tbe next few months Seven who ran as straight Prohibitionists last ejection were al in London and Carter in South Wellington poll ed large votes but they failed while their to the defeat of Liberal candidates candidates from both sides politics who subscribed to the Prohi bition platform were defeated These facts show explain them as you may that those who tried to make the issue detennine the fate in the chair Resolved that the Reeve pro tern do now issue his order on the Treas urer to the persons hereinafter men tioned for the sum set opposite their respective names and that the Treas urer be be is hereby authorized and requested to pay the same and that the Corporate seal be hereto af fixed Pottage snow shovelling J P Wells repairing J repairing culvert L snow 910 Lewis letting water Bennett and Appleton special gram Motley Proctor repairing bridge Joseph Billings Salary Clay ton Davis Picking stone Walter toice stone 2 toice Stone Stephen Pottage snow shovelling Cornelius repairing crossing Con lot Stephens burying dead horses Stephen Pottage Ktis io Culvert repairs on the Marsh road by 2485 Davis repairing culvert John Elliott snow shovelling Bert Ross Dog 400 Kitch en bridge bolts 120 RESOLUTIONS Moved by Mr Pi ilips seconded by Mr Rogers that the following changes be made in the appointing of pathmasters Aaron Campbell in lieu of Geo in and Ed Mar shal in place of John in and Jas Ross in place in Alfred Long in place of Cornelius in and J Edwards in place of Proctor in and John in place of Walter Davis in to raise the culvert Jeadroe the said the dam removed oi culrext lAdopted w the sum of fce granted to repair on Con lots and temas Hamilton and fa- commissi oners Adopted- That- sum of 2500 be granted- to repair the Marsh road between Cons and John and Richard poms And 2500 to repair the same road hetweeri Cons Tat- ton Com Adopted PhillipsRogers That the assessors he paid each being- balance salary and ea for disbursements and extra time in con nection with assessing the A Adopted Rogers- the peti tion of the Ratepayers of the unin corporated village of mutation Statute Labor be receiv ed and that the Cleric be and is here by instructed to prepare a bylaw in accordance therewith and present it at the next meeting of Council- Ad opted the sumo be paid to Mr J in full his claim for dam ages to engine on hill oh Con op posite lot This is made without prejudice Adopted this Council with the information we have cannot entertain the petition of Groves re closing of street in King City Adopted No to authorize the continuation of an between the Councils of the Townships of King and Whitchurch respecting main tenance of that portion St which forms the boundary lire be tween said Municipalities That the resigna tion of Joseph Rogers as Councillor of Kiirebe accepted Adopted On motion of Mr Phillips Council adjourned to meet at Watsons- hotel Locke on Saturday day June Boers as as the i iOOOf and That a special grant of 54000 be made in polling aubdi vision No to gravel North opposite lot Con 2 j Thai Mr Bert Ross be paid the sum of for killing got rebuke they tit anticipated- The was Adopted S the Council The tempted in North but the good tense of the great- majority of pro hibitionists averted trouble CO I- fll 3 IS I rt 3 a metropolitan Itj Co AND SO 5 tf IO to o t fig a n f tf ft ir to n CO Q Ml W to O to to Bin CO ft W ft 4 c ft to a H i H o fl in H 4 a i w 5 rt Wed- tlp8 fi i fc Toronto lor of old irswaPAPjsBS AT THE ERA Corner journals are claiming that the popular majority of the Province is against the Ontario and as a consequence Hon Mr Ross and his shouW re sign My but these Tories have short memories or else consider rule governing Tory precedent and practices should not obtain among Liberals Before Confederation John A supporters from Ontario only numbered a bakers dozen in Wife Assembly but he on office depending on Lower ada support the Tories thought this all right suppled Sir John fcocordingry because it and yet now kick became Hon Mr Ross retains power J the break made by the World when it declared the Conservative party had Nobody to for Then followed ground floor wire arid the Toronto Mayoralty election in which the boy to cheer for got an awful shaking up We have now had another Pro vincial election but the fellow to cheer for still out in the cold arid the World man appears to have is the is ten years since lire Conservative won Manitoba carried the general elections in Sir John died that year and they carried the byeelections of from that day their has been On the war Some date fall from but the real fact to rerxnie is was year of Conservative The program givhrg details proceeding not reveal any ma terial from what bad previous announced contains no fcjrprlic A under date of Jutre nays The Bishops of Oxford will support the in place of the of and Loidon arid pall or canopy will be held her by JJuvAev of and The of the Lord Karl Spencer gan ard Berlr The Kings Crown will be carried by Marlboro and the Quetns by the Duke of Mr jDymoke who to ap- jpear in Hall King and challenge all and mortal combat of fay do now resolve itself into a court of Revision to revise and correct assessment roll for the year COURT OF REVISION J Moyes on behalf of the S fk A value too high confirmed Sol too high lowered on lot 11 5an to the amount of llios Morris assessed too high Assessment sustained assessed too high Assessment reduced Thus assessed too high Assessment lowered Crawford value too high As sessment reduced If Webb unequally assessed sesnent Kustatned statute labor re duced onehall day Herbert assessed on income wishes to have on lot Con to be assessed to Central Trust Corpora tion Toronto Conit The following were released from dog tax John dog dog Baldwin bitch of dog That the assess ment as amended be and that the Court of Revision now adjourn Adopted Roger the Treasur er be and hereby authorized to pay to Deputy Returning Officers in the Provincial Elections of May the sum of each for rent of the booth fi Adopted Phillips- That Councillor a Rogers and be a Committee to investigate matter Mr and Mr Kitchen Adopted bo granted to repair hills on Con op posite lot polling vision No and Tew be Corn- Adopted ArmibaKLvPhillipThat be paid as per resolution dated Adopted a grant ICO made to turnpike the High way opposite and In tire Con and Jackson be Adopted sum of be grardied to gravel North between the and cor8 the County grant an fcuro Annitae and Leonard Adopted parties to use the water in the pond on Con opposite lot be Wiitchurch Council met at on day of May and as a Coujt of Revision Alfred Irelands assessment on part of lots and Con was reduced 100 assessment on part of Lot 32 Con was reduced 200 Mrs Dennis was assessed as owner for part of lot Con 1 The following named persons were assessed as tenants for the following properties John Rogers part lot Con Alfred Ireland part of lots and Con I Joseph H Pen rose part lot 22 Con Miller part tot Con 8 Michael and Morris part lot Con Joseph and Herbert part lot Con I Jacob part lot Con owner part lot Con Dogs assessed to Burnett a A Toole and Henry Brown were eras ed from the roll The AsEessment Roll as amended was by the Court as finally re vised and the Court adjourned sine die COUNCIL Oliver was appointed lieu of Elijah Rose June the a large camp He made a speech informing hU hearers of terms of peace subnnssibrv to Boers be said should and and with the British form one working together for the benefit of South Africa The Boer leaders be said had concluded that it would to further continue struggle The scene was pathet ic Among the thousands Boers assembled there was scarcely a dry eye arid at the conclusion of the speech the women wept without re straint Afterward the Dutch Presi dent spoke tendering grateful thanks for the kindly treatment the Boecs bad received- He said that the of peace was the best that could have been Received His speech was with sobs As Mr was leaving to visit other camps he was besieged by the who shook hands with and plied htm with questions regard ing relatives He promised to Monday Thousands of throats voic ed their and tiurst into a song of thanksgiving as Mr drove away London June 8 War Office ha received a despatch from Lord under yesterdays date in which he says that surrenders by the Boers continue in an entirely satisfactory manner At burghers laid down their arms and handed in a complete pompom The hiding of a howitzer and Maxim have also been indicated At Boers laid down their arms and in the Cape Colony have surrendered of whom 219 were Cape rebels It is expected that more of them will sur render at All the Dutch the Cape Colony Lord Kitchener says have expressed joy at the news that has been concluded Pretoria June A great service was held here today concur rently with the sen ice in London General Kitchener troops and civilians were pres ent Ten the singing The Archbishop of preached the sermon General Kitchener pre viously distributed decora tions He called for three cheers for the King were given The troops choired Lord Kitchener -000-ft- TO CURE CHIP TWO DAYS Laxative removes the cause 57 Groves signature on every box Price cents Geo master Jas master Geo Swain was appointed in lieu of A J Smith was appointed to act with the Reeve in expending the made between lots 20 and 21 Cons and Joseph Steele was granUrd permis sion to water fom a hole on side lire lots and Hi Con fi the pleasure of the Council were presented by P on road damage by roads 8 Atmitage damages to by making snow roads Stephenson malJng snow Good Roads Machinery Co to road ma chine 1750 Roche Co goods for Chan Brandon repairs to culvert Con Albert Gear snow 150 Mrs K Hill goods for Harm an 8 vas claimed by Bur nett for one sheep by dogs Burnett claimed a bonus for de stroying two dogs caught killing sheep The Treasurer was to pay the bills presented two thirds the claim for killed and to Burnett for destroying two was granted to gravel wide line between lots- and Con 20 was to repair hill on lake road opposite lot TO CURE A COLD pA Take Laxative Quinine Tab let All druggist refund the money If it fails to cure Groves signature on each box Brooklyn June Prettily with and banners waving children were Wen Friday afternoon In seventy- anniversary parade of the Brooklyn Sunday School Union Children for s is estimated that probably two hundred or more were kilted by the mine explosion near Coal Creek in Work is to be started immediately on the construction of the branch railway- which is to connect with Rhodesia A War statement shows that the total reduction by killed wound ed prisoners deaths from disease and men invalided home of the Brit ish forces in South Africa up to 30 of the present year was Ottawa June The South African Memorial Fund to erect dis tinctive memorials on the graves of Canadian soldiers now amounts to The latest subscription of note is one from of 100 Brampton June Mayor has received a communica tion from the agents of Andrew Car negie in New York notifying him that the necessary conditions having been fulfilled which Air Car negie offered Brampton for the lion a public library a short time ago was now at his disposal and will Ire forwarded as requied Immediate steps will be taken for erection of the building FOR SALE Valuable Farm Properties IN TUB TOWNSHIP UP KING The Toronto General Trusts Cor poration administrators of the es tate of John of the Township of King in County Is desirous of receiv ing for the purchase of the following properties belonging to the estate viz PARCEL The and the South of West of Lot In the 3rd Concession the said Township of King containing to gether about acres There ore erected on these a frame house with attached frame bam with stable under the same drive house shed etc PARCEL ha West J of Lot In the 2nd Concession of ship of King containing acre more or less On property are erected a brick with kitchen attached frame barn stable drive house etc For further particulars and condi tions of sale apply to Tie Toronto General Corporation St Toronto Toronto May is for Infants arid is a ijrmiess rabatltute for Castor Oil Paregoric Syrups it neither Opium nor other substance It Is Pleasant Its Is thirty years use by Millions- of Mothers destroys Worms and allays Feverish- cures and Wind Colic Troubles cures Constipation and Flatulency assimilates Food regulates Rowels of Infants and Children giving and sleep is Childrens Panacea The Friend JJ accJltit for repeatedly told me 1U apod children Osgood Mats is well to children I recommend 11 u superior lo any to A Brooklyn ft THE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER Trim YOKr V Will be received by the Toronto Gen eral Trusts Corporation of Toronto lor the purchase of ttte premises known as the J lot east side of Main Street in the Town of Newmar ket on which is erected a store occur pled by Mr E Lehmnm The pro perty is said to have a frontage on the east side of Main Street of feet by a depth of feet more or less Address The Toronto General Corporation Toronto lour and Feed MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT GRAIN SEEDS COOK BROS cor Main Huron ts Telephone Connection Newmarket New Telephone Directory Spring and summer woollens to be had here cannot be as our comprises the most select and productions of foreign and domestic manufacture em- bodying the most desirable Toe Bell Co of Canada staples and a very compact The Bell Telephone Co Canada will issue a new sub scribers directory for eastern Ontario including the of Newmarket early in Jure Orders for new and changes in firm names should be sent In at once to ensure entry In this book variety the latest fashion able fabrics and eBects in de signs and colorings entire selection is exceeding ly replete and especially ad apted to the requirements of all who well and wish to be uptodate Call and select yours before the rush MAIN NEWMARKET DAY EXCURSIONS TO THE CANADIAN NORTHWEST AT FOLLOWING RETURN Winnipeg Man Areola Aaa Man Man Ass View Man Man Swan Rive Man Man Man- Moose Jaw Afefla ARES STARR Local Manager Newmarket May 1902 WrUtf for our loki Help How are Bead a sketch or of wr will tell our opinion to It I Rejected en We conduct fully office Id ad this qualifies u to prompt It dispatch and arruir Jsteol od aa the Invention Highest procured Marlon Ms- re eel v a special notice over too the rmlnton- Specialty Patent of and MARION MARION Patent Export- Solicitor Prince Albert Safin Alba Calvary Deer Aiba ft Alba WV Good going June 3rd June fib arid July loth Return within CO days from date Issue Where to Spend Slimmer Muokoka of Bays Lakes Georgian Bay and Highlands of Ontario The Royal Hotel opens on June Tickets descrip tive folders and all Information from Trunk- Railway System A Agent Newmarket GENERAL Builder Contactor Is now in a to take con tracts for all of Mason Work Estimates Given at Short Notice and satisfaction guaranteed BOILER AND CONCRETE SIDEWALKS GRANOLITHIC ROOFS FOR BUILDINGS Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTER St Box Newmarket Bsa I-

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