Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 13 Jun 1902, p. 2

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House to On Court Street Apply to She a Lloyd Brighter arid Better Each feus All Printing at At Two or three toice of stone Apply to Society Mann T- WaHTED GoOd genera servant in family three Apply to Mis Howard Wil- loughby Keswick- bicycle for Sale The recount in is finished Good as new American lateral being declared Cheap Apply at the Church The recount in Rectory Go from home to bear news Toronto Star rises to remark It is said that Mr Lennox who ran against Hon J Davis in York is getting ready to a fall with Hon ffm at the earliest opportunity Hcil get the fall all right Apprentices Wanted To the DressHating Apply to MISS Opposite Forsyth House- Wanted to Rent A farm of or acres Must be firstclass land and good buildings Possession wanted this fall Apply to Box Era Office HEAVY TEAFfl The property of J Wesley will be the Market Square on Sat urday June at eleven oclock Also a Buggy Terms months on approved pint note or per cent for cash Kavanagh Auctioneer FOR SALE A house and five acres of land cm St This property is just outside of the corporation There is a good house with all conveniences bard and soft water at the door All kinds of fruit- Good orchard and garden Also a good frame barn with underground stables and root cellars For further particulars ap ply to George Stephens Newmarket I Fine BuMing Lots FOR SAL Tenders will be received by the un dersigned up to Monday noon the day of June for that field belonging to the MARY SMITH ES TATE the rear of The Cedars in one block or lots to suit pur chasers There are some desirable lots in this block particularly those on the North side of Park Avenue east Cyrus residence They will be sold cheap First come first served Apply to Solicitor for the Smith Estate 2 Houses for Sale On St Newmarket and good gardens Artesian well on one of the lots Terms reasonable Ao- to Barry Farm to Bent acres Lot 2nd Concession of Whitchurch near Aurora Good clay loam For apply to A Love Aurora or A Ave Toronto NOTICE persons holding accounts against lion J Davis are requested to Immediately forward the to his financial agent Dr J Norman Aurora Perth leaves Mr Conserva tive with a majority of two The recount in East Middlesex confirms Liberal in his seat- by a majority of 21 Journalists are again to the front in the newly elected Ontario Assenv On the Liberal side we notice Preston of Brant of Kings ton of Woodstock Clark of Northumberland of Amherst- burg Graham of and of On the Opposi tion sideDowney of and Clark of the Kincardine Review The great world event of June coronation of King Edward of England will picture that have had no parallel in the lives of the present generation and for this rea son an article by Sir Arnold on the Coronation Festivities and by the late Sir Walter fiesant of the Pageants of London in the July Delineator are especially timely and interesting Just before the the Whit ney organ at Toronto made this an nouncement The King has ordered the master of the Hone to have a place in the Coronation Procession for the Hon James P Whitney Premier of Ontario Since the elec tion His Majesty has cancelled the order and the organ is now hunting for James P Whitney who has the prefix of Hon to his and who claims to he the Premier On tario There are undercurrent rumors floating about to the effect that the recent election in this Riding be protested We have been informed that a petition in favor of such a proceeding was in circulation One gentleman told us he was asked to sign it hut quietvy told the agent that on a previous occasion he had been induced to sign a petition favor ing a protest and after the proceed ings he was called upon to pay bis share the legal expenses connected therewith hence be begged to be ex cused Protet or no protest Hon J Davis is the for this Riding and will represent it during the present Legislative term no mat ter what his political opponents may say or do In response to requests that have reached the Crown Lands Department from settlers in the TetoisVaming dis trict Mr Direc tor of Colonization and Mr A Campbell Commissioner of Good Roads have been ordered to visit that part of New Ontario The rush to into the country this spring has been so great that every available lot within a long distance of the roads has been taken and new settlers are forced to tramp miles thru woods to got un claimed land The local road com missioner reports that it is well nig impossible to gut the roads extended because all the men are more anxious to do clearing on their own farms than to accept good for work ing on roadmaking South- worth and Mr bell will look it to the and devise means of remedying the Jackson of Toronto was iome again for Sunday Mr Garnet and a city chum were visitors at Mayor Canes over Sunday Mrs J Hark of Hamilton is spending ten flays at Bowery on a visit Mrs Thomas were up to Lake last Sunday visit ing friends Mrs Gallagher has gone to the city to spend three or lout weeks with friends Mr Sam Irwin- was her from Ohio over Sunday guest of Mr A J Mr Mrs- left on Tuesday for Man to make tbetr future home Miss Mamie Millard returned from the city last Saturday after a stay of over two months Mr of also Mr Waiter Hunter were guests of Mr Hunter over Sunday London Free Press Miss Mc Lean of this city has accepted a position at Newmarket Miss of Toronto a col lege churn was the of Mrs Egbert Cans last Sunday Mrs of is visit her mother Mrs for two or three days this week Mr Walter Trivett left on Monday to resume his former duties at the Parliament buildings Toronto Mrs Geo Rose left this week on a trip of three weeks visiting friends at Lindsay and Mr Waiter Cain left on Monday for to accept a situation on Millard of Toron to daughter of Mr Alex Millard is spending a couple of weeks at The and Mrs Phillips of left on May for a months visit their Mrs J J New Yorlcclty Davis went up yesterday to bis at St Elmo Lake Muskoka He expects to return about the middle of next week Mr Prosser of Courtrey Dakota formerly of writes My wife and I are spending the summer months near Courtney North Dakota We Tike the country very much A great deal of rain fell he is a little late The weather at present is fine and pros pects are bright for a good crop Wheat and flax are the two- products of late yeas Weat is worth a bushel The Era is highly appre by in our new home Ones Tfta Cash u The Peoples Reliable St ore us 0WWOOOO i Last week the people of Newmarket and surrounding country appreciated our effort to sell Seasonable Goods at un heard prices The consequence was that crowds left our store with goods bought at from to less than their value This week the rush will continue the following quo- r must bring Thousands of Customers to our store Babys Own Tablets Make Children Welt and Keep Them Well If your children are subject to colic indigestion or any stomach trouble if thby are troubled with constipa tion diarrhoea or any of the ills that little ones give them Babys Own Tablets This medicine will give relief right away making refreshing eep possible It will put children on the highroad to health at once It is doing this to day for thousands of children in all of the country Bristol i I take pleasure in testifying to the mer its of Babys Own I have used them lor my since she was three months old and previous to staff of the Expositor as local re- she She is now quite the as she is plump healthy and strong I think Babys Own the best medicine in the world for little ones These tablets are good for children of ages and dissolved in water or crushed to a powder they can be giv en with absolute unr est weakest baby Guaranteed to contain no opiate or other harmful drugs Sold by ati dealers at a box or sent post paid by writing direct to the Dr Williams Medicine Co Ont or Y Wall Paper at choice of our and this week for Roll Your Paper poster We notice that in Hall Exams Mr Angus Williams of Newmarket has passed his secontf year in law and Mrs Wm went to the city on Saturday to at tend tbe funeral of their Mr J Ham airs IS Canes sister Miss Marrow is here from the States on a visit and a picnic parly spent yes terday at the lake on her ucount Mr A Coombs Principal of the High School went- to the city last night to attend a reunion of the Graduating Class of at the Uni versity Mr and Mrs Model Ian of Berlin were spending over Sunday with Mr Hughes They were on their way to their summer cottage on the Georgian Bay Mr and Mrs Walt came back from California last week on account of her mothers death in Mr visited his parents here on Tuesday Mr and Mrs A Evans left on Wednesday for a trip thru New On tario for a couple of weeks bister Mrs Wilson of Toronto is at the Royal during her absence Mr Strong of Bradford brother of Mrs J Y is the new assistant at drug store and the girls alt say he knows how lo make A icecream soda Mr Scot received a tele gram from Pembroke on Wednesday announcing the death of his uncle Mr Frost He loft the same evening to attend the funeral remain over Sunday The Montreal of the Methodist Church wilt support Dr Rose as a candidate for General at the coining General Conference at tor of Newmarket Methodist Church when the present edifice was dedicat ed The revenue for May for the Do minion shows an increase of The water in Lake is ex ceptionally low this season cavalry camp at Niagara wilt last from the until the of June In State Utah there are Mormons in a total popula tion of 276740 The Orangemen of district will celebrate the in this year Orange Lodges in the vicinity of Midland will celebrate the of July this year at Lindsay The Coronation contingent from British North Borneo consisting of and due at Southampton on June 20 The Municipal Council of the Town of Brampton at its last meeting pass ed a bylaw a license foe of on all parties selling cigarette there It comes in force on July 1st Hemp Stair Carpet at 10 and Special value Hemp yd wide Striped Patterns extra heavy good color carpet suit able for bedroom hall or dining- room only Super Union Carpet beautiful pat terns 38 in wide a splendid parlor carpet worth per yd for Floor Oilcloths All widths in Floor Oilcloths this seasons latest designs splendid as sortment of colorings your choice at per yd At per Pair Ladies Black Cotton Hose sizes and limited- A car Load Coming Place order now for your seasons supply It will pay you at price we are quoting Dane Corn for Yes Cans of lovely Corn this week for Only cases at this price Mens Heavy Boots for parr only Mens Heavy Boots for every day wear all sizes worth per pair for At per Fair 20 pair only Ladies Fine Oxford Shoes sizes to worth per pair for at 6c Your choice of pieces while they last at per yd worth They are wide and good Dress Goods We are agents for the celebrated Priestleys Goods Every person knows of these dress goods A range very derirahle Serges Just to hand a beautiful assortment of shades worth per yd lor At 33c per yard Two pieces only All wool Black or Blue Serge in wide extra special a Dress Material worth per yd for Men Suits 5 00 Mens Suits bought this week bargain Sizes to AiUw 1 made of all wool imported Tweed The very latest shipment of New fittin Shapes to hand selling fast at worth from to 25c and 50c Your choice while thty last foe hop where you get most for your money If possible come in the morning to avoid the afternoon crowd to H J Cash Buyers and Many fishing vessels have been wrecked by the storm off the coast of Newfoundland I Wanted PRIVATE In Newmarket Will lease for two with option of location jyrojirida and stable preferred Add re a A J St To ronto The statue of Queen Victoria by Premier Rows wWle he was in last year is said to now on its way across the ocean arid will be in place in Queens Park many moons The Star re marks The contentious question of where it will be placed has not yet been definitely and the will lie to the of Public Vorks and his Ex cluding the excellent site occupied by Sir John A at of averiue two post- lions remain are to of the approach to the building one where the lolly flagpole now and lh other at the junction erf two immediately In of the of the of fctatue in It is a a of a in Kong is a AlrikinK representation Victoria who in a on her throne with and full Children Cry for CASTORS A The In Toronto on to Mr and Mrs Johnson Eva formerly of New market a son Sharon on Inst to Mr and Mrs W Cole daughter a Wanted A couple- of to of for light work in faith- t good a couple of Men experienced curriers Apply to A DAVIS Lowell Tannery Ontario Seven perionJs drowned a at Mr that end days in Holland a Saratoga June J One fcen was killed three inpied by a fire here early today which destroyed proper ty value which estimated at Michel June A fire here destroy td her pvket full of tarn- barely encaph with their of the la the Crow Pal Coal it they will w4hi On Vorrge St Juno to Mr and Mr Win a daugh ter is about fen were also destroyed Word has been received from Car- berry Man that Mr Frank Wright in improving slowly ft is more than since he was hurt arid he cannot use his arm yet His father Mr Wright Is also poorlv again Mr on fine and Mr Jos likes the place well Thru the sympathetic Influence of Hon Brock family received a cablegram from South AN last Friday containing the wel come news that Brock who was reported seriously ill in the Hospital is improving A letter was also re ceived from one of the Hospital nurses on Saturday giving for his recovery Mr Alex Lock hart is over from Mi lagan on a visit with friends in Newmarket Aurora for two or three Weeks He reports that times are hotter there now than during all the years tliat he has there and for good crops He to in the hardware Newmarket his brother Charlie but le is now fanning In Dining Room Bedroom and Parlor J offered for days before stock mm rating the Hospital and th5 to w for at New York b AMmaodious Cofoe and see artistic and brick the of Br brother or Mrs Mair Allan of this Town aril last year treated cavts with a largo degree of success be congratulated is to John Millard Opposite Royat Hotel and Embalming A SPEC The STONE At St Johns Church by Father Whitney on Mr Jos Stone of of to Miss Hannah of the of Whitchurch the par sonage Way by the Rev A Chambers Alexander Beverley Toronto to Emma Louise Hughes youngest surviving daughter of the late Hughes of On June at Holy Church by Rev Dr Bernard London to only daughter late J of Toronto MANNWOSWBEWlErAt the resi dence of brides on June by Rev J Simpson Mr Benjamin A Man ning son of Mr John Manning of Newmarket to Mary A daughter of Mr Israel of King Township the of the brides mother Huron Street Newmarket on June by Rev Robinson King City assisted by Rev J Mr Frank lin of King to daugh ter of late Benjamin The Tomb In Scott on Thunriay June Otto son of Mr and Mrs Oliver aged months and days Interment on Friday In Mount Albert Ceme tery Glass Fruit Bets Tea Sets Berry Bowls and Individual Dishes Glass Water Pitchers Plain and Fringed Low Priced Once Always Used In Great Variety ft J MAIN ST NORTH All Orders will receive Careful Prompt Attention AND a CENTRAL TELEPHONE W STARR-

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