Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 May 1902, p. 8

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THE Wlb ASSURANCE CO The Company has now enter ed upon its year The following figures testify to its STABILITY LIBER ALITY POPULARITY Accumulated Funds 549000000 Annual Revenue over Bonuses Already Declared Paid 598000000 During year Policies were issued lor Deposit Dom Govt over To STANDARD has in vestments in Canada amounting to Fifteen Millions of Dollars J A Agent JAMES CLARKE District Inspector Detachable Tires First in Foremost ever since To have been first merely proves antiquity To have remained first proves merit TORONTO til f I fir jj be f 9d A risuieff A I j Mr rough the too to the of last week a somewhat description the at ieUlety was STREET given Prejudiced as lU writer may fcrave at the time be might regular monthly better as to the meeting of tbe Union St Christian caaej your Church will be held in Christian permission set church at Keswick nest Saturday at- tfce the 19th an at After the V meeting was called at the the ordinance of Bap- Lennox being largely will be administered at lake supporters all side A memorial serri ie VT st The of mans anguish went up Morton be r a- r Lord take away pain in Christian next of tbe oldest arid most resi dents this Township The Melrioi dlst Church has withdrawn their ser- may attend the the A meeting of the of was held in the on Wednesday evening A grand ad dress was given on by Rev Humphreys and the Prohibition Circular was taken up several mem bers taking part in the excerense Mr Humphreys said in his address tbat we could all live temperance pray temperance and he hoped the time would soon come when we have in our fair Dominion vice so that all service There is intense over election here this week Mr Marritt returned home from the Junction this week Re speak in the Endeavor meet ing the Methodist nest Sun day evening The many friends of Mrs Joshua will be pleased to hear that she is doing as well as can be expected with her broken arm v parts of this Township and every thing was passing oS as is at a meeting of this kind up to the time this unusual disturbance began chairman bad not even asked for or der as yet Not one to the meeting arm Id with a to disturb meeting organis ed or otherwise The County was present outside the hall Thorpe has beautified saw no to order dent considerably by acMing two outside the hall were composed one on east side awl the of as many of one party as the other on the south if aiyhing more Conservatives The storm last Thursday hid most of outside damage in our village by places and strangers here down and any One and indiscreet J amount of fences but we came oft weil when we read of the damage it did in other parts of the country Sir Crake has very fortunate with his property in Mani toba Last week he received word of Lennox at this point I tame out of the hall and used threatening language at the same Mr P P Crosby had the fingers divesting of his coat and of his left band badly laceMat Monday by being caught in tbo versa planer while one individual rashly picked The Fire Brigade and Band will to wlebrato the 1st of July at g over the heads of others hit the assailant over year before the bank in- which he had in- deposited a good amount of cash fail ed that all the on one farm weie destroyed by fire Last year the elevator in all his years grain was stored was burned and the with a fine program of sports A most enjoyable basket party was held at Mr David con on Friday night last eighty young people from Mark ham Pickering and Sear bo were there o Presentation the head not- doirg any jury beyond a slight scalp wound scrimmage then border the party was proceed ing to clean out the crowd threaten ed him with assault arid ueing arm ed with a sapling was striding and left fhe crowd however sway ed around the combatants and in a short tine the racket was over A P Brace out anyone seriously hurt- Pastor of the Sutton many summonses in circulation Dear Pastor We the and our Conservative adherents of tgypt appoint are have misrepresented the have desirous of expressing our caused us to write you as an eye- of your efforts amongst us as a Pastor and having learned with re gret the of your this notwithstanding the unanimous invitation we gave you we feel the work you have done for this appointment has merited at lie reward of some expression of gratitude The success that has at tended your efforts is most apparent to the older members of this congre gation they recall to memory the unattractive and uncom fortable place of worship we had at the of your pastorate with this modern and KaiituaTy of which all interested are justly proud As a small token of the esteem grateful remembrance of those to receive the Bread of as broken to by you we you to this Secretary from a people whose pray ers for and your worthy partner in life is a successful and happy iiftf- over lifes overchanging ocean to the Harbor where we trust cur Hea venly is guiding little in Safety Signed on behalf of the Congrega tion Vrrn Station Leader J as Kay Steward Bailey aid 1 ft Miller Society representatives Mrs Station Aid Mrs J Kay A Miss Station See A May witness of the scene that a more im partial conclusion may arrived at Yours c EYEWITNESS and ask a Mr Irwin met what When the constable demanded have proved a fatal accident on Monday In making some repairs to his fell about sixteen feet but alighting on his feet in soft earth he was not injured so badly as at first expected The election excitement will soon be ended and we hope the lonMcKay combination will be set tled down to their usual for another four years A large number from here attended the meeting at on Monday Evening in the interests of Hon J Davis and report a grand gathering Mr Harry Martin of Toronto was a guest at Mr Is Terrys over trehoH days also Mr and Mrs J Kavanagh son also Mr Shortly of Toron to were guests at Mr Kavanaghs Toronto is the guest of her mother for a couple of weeks an addition to the St James Church choir last Sunday It is sur prising what election influence will do Mrs Rodney Wilson has been spend ing the week at the home of her late brother Mr J arrang ing for final settlement of Mi estate a the Old man Says FOR SALS Several pieces of Square Timber table for building purposes En quire of BO EXPERIENCE Trade 4c pro 1 f fU i Scientific wi Xercvt a York by a deatl- of it and Cough Powder KSJff4S A Km V PA A4 by A Co Amongst tbt visitors we have the past week are Miss Love and the Misses Fax ion Misses Irwin Kit a spent Vietoria Day in the The old friend- tnd acquaint ances of Mr of Mulligan a former resdent here thirty years ago were much to welcome him back to our midst Mr John Shanks aliO a Michigan been visiting old friends at place the past week Mr Shanks is accompanied by his sisbr Adam Mr Curtis the city a by gentlemen spent the holiday his parents here Mr Stokes Miss Pur ely of Toronto Victoria flay here Cora ilie city vi her pantw fctid wife of the WJtMHOl Mrs J Mrs has a few dayj with friends in the city Pardon me If I have overlooked any Interest or any visitors to my being the past days Ve admire description by the the Mr Jvrld at on Monday evening of Well let it pahs the line of education wishing it understood that we are heartily proud of our educational trust that ere this the pres the same old party continue hold the reins prosperity continue fire and smoke have in the earth it Oporto ever in this world there was a reasonable worship among barbarous nations it was the worship of the sun ll is a creator It tu waters and they swam with life it kisses tkc earth and a carpet of green covers It centers all the of the rainbow in a drop of dew It paints the lily and to rose gives color And no one knows what iif is Men laugii at the ignorance of savages fell down and the sun in the morn ing and yet when has resolv ed it ino a mass of fire or a it has only another name to it its mysteries are still the of its and are si ill A Target A wirrle Turkish troops ik reported annihilated by re- in Arabia f gold output for to ounce- nearly double that of the preceding year The British says Julian Ralph in An American with Lord Roberts is likely to be a high and mighty person when you meet him first hut he softens in time into an exceedingly fine fellow Yet at any moment he may be expected to in a truly manner At the battle of several were under a shower of that came like water shot out of a needlebath They were all press ing their bodies down as if they would have liked to press them into the Suddenly one very tall fellow began to rise First he got on his knees then he straightened up on his feet to his full stature and stood in that spray of lead the only target the He fumbled for his eyeglass found it contorted his cheek as a man docs to fit such an ornament into his and then drawled out Aw I say I vlrcrc these bullets are coining from He ion tinned to stand an1 stare at the kopje where the lay and he drawled again while the air was tattered with shot and bow ing noise Aw say can any of you see where they come from The other fellahs squirmed and wriggled as if they were going to get up and help him boll but not one raised his head or his an inch Get down Reggie you silly fool said one Youre doing what the fleers want and that Isnt playing tKe game At that Reggie adjusted his glass anew and after one long hard stare at the Invisible enemy slowly return ed to embrace the mother earth The present Pole star Is the one ailed Alpha in the constellation Ur sa Minor ft has been tlie worlds Pole star for- nearly 2f00 your wife arises one of these mornings with a look of determin ation in her eye gives you hall a breakfast then wraps a rag around head one of your old coats and opens the windows It Is time for you to make a break for your office arid stay there all day If you should happen go home at noon you would find the curtains down the furniture out on the lawn and a woman whom to cherish honor and Persons have been known to gain a pound a by taking an ounce of SCOTTS EMUL SION It Is strange but It often happens Somehow the ounce produces the pound It seems to start the digestive machinery going prop erly so that the paltent is able to digest and absorb his ordinary food which he could not do be fore and that is the way the gafe- 1 made A certain amount of flesh necessary for health if- you have not got It you can get It by taking hast made close coiling chain That strangles the heart tire tardea that weighs On the wings away pain from tie world hast made it love Tfcee the more Then answered the Lord to the cry of this world I take away pain And it the power of soul to endure strdng by the strain Shalt i- take away pity teati heart to heart- v And sacrifice high Will ye lose all your heroes that lift from the fire White brows to the sky Shall I take away the love that re deems with a price And smiles at its loss ye spare from your Jives that would climb unto nunc The Christ on the cross Julia Lamed For the Era A BY A BANKKR Thruout the range of nature organic and inorganic very many ex amples exist of organisms and bodies which possess inherent ing properties Amongst the latter the most remarkable of the pink ruby which if ex posed to bright sunlight and then im mediately taken into a dark room glistens with a beautifulglowing fire Several other minerals notably of course phosphorus gives its name to all varieties of natural lum inosity also possess similar charac teristics But organic nature by far the most numerous examples of phos phorescence The humble glowworm lights up its sparkling lovelamp when in search of its still more humble mate even its eggs shining in the dark like lustrous gems The beau tiful firefly flits among the myrtle boughs as though living diamonds were sporting amidst the perfumed sprays And the rookboring possesses the property to such an ex tent that it is said that if the flesh of the mollusc be eaten the interior of the mouth will shine with a lamb ent luminosity for some time But the most remarkable and beau tiful effect of this animal phosphores cence is he aspect of the sea on a dark night when one of those Vast of countless myriads the lit tle spheroidal is migrat ing- The writer was crossing the Sea at night and was for tunate in witnessing a most magnifi cent display of this and start ling Soon after starting it appeared as if a moon were shining on the water the ripples and wavelets with its beautiful silvery light Hut there is no moon over head only the usual of brightly shining stars which there fore could not have produced the strange effect Soon as vessel approaches nearer it appears as if the sea itself were on the foam ing crest of every curling wave spang led with brilliant jets of aeneous flame the lustrous falling resembling showers of brilliant ly shining opals and moonstones And now the steamer is in the midst it Tie bows cleaving their way through the waters raise volumes of sparkling liquid flame to he hurled hack in glittering cascades into the seething molten silver of the which is now one gleaming and expanse of light Bur the pageant is at the It- wheels pour forth a blading cataract as of liquescent molten metal as though the very of natire Itself were intermittent streaiiis of liuuid sil ver which flung on agitatrd sur face of the rolling deep creates a furi ous conflagration of the elements in which the fire and the fully strive for the mastery At length ocean fires blare less intensity the crests of the hol low ridges of the sea are no longer gemmed in burning silver and soon the good ship cleaves her way thru the Cimmerian darkness of the Hut look In wonder at that gleaming ocean our revert to that of glass mingled with fire whereon those bright ones stand who having accepted the reconcilia tion offered them by the Saviour and having lived the life of the righteous have attained to the glories of hereafter t there are others who live for this life only who alas will shut out in the renter of the out darkness in winter If you are thriving upon dont the obey sweating about the house with a smirch or dirt on her pretty ft will also be a visit Sty away You may have to beat carpets you go home Natural gas of excellent quality has been struck near and flow was lift the 1800 lb bar throw portion of rock feet In air in grocery store J at wan blown open early Saturday and 126 in other valuable pa- pets taken work showed the landmarks of an expert and al so opened the door of the store a key -j- uiH l I ling iheStomari a ftp THAT SliasIATURE Promotes nor Mineral A perfect Sour and LOSS OF SLEEP Simile Signature of NEW THE mm EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER I fa la set sold la to auythlDg at Us jart good and will I Boo you get W SINFUL HABITS IN YOUTH MAKE VEAK DISEASED MEN TUP yoath of and induced of rata Borne fade and age manhood forced to draffcnta and melancholy reach aolaca or comfort la all of Hie farm iho office the workshop the are guaranteed oar You ran no dak 15 a Detroit Sank CURED ALL am of and married When I led a gay life Early and later made rouble for me My kidneys became and I feared Married and f treatment from Kennedy Thetr Hew Method built ma and I and act my home J tried failed till I They treated me alx yeara ago ate fcooeit flnadcUUy6ivfay patron and when you be cared by reliable doctor A mm msm ft Shelby Sim Mich Kennedy Kergan Page Metal Ornamental Fence S fthovvy ttalaurpiifilDRl dun p It is for yards division in town FOOT think of It fall We fence poultry and Page Fence Co j The Latest Sold by All Newsdealers Spring ami woollens to be had here cannot bo sur passed as our line comprises the moat select and exclusive productions of and domestic manufacture em- lag the most desirable staples and a very compact variety of the latest fashion able fabrics and effects In de signs and colorings The entire Is exceeding ly replete and especially ad apted to the retirements of all who dress well and wish to be uptodate Call and select yours before tho rush Jas McLaughlin MAIN ST NEWMARKET Hew Telephone Director Furnishes Monthly to ill overt of and vast volume of New Choice Copyright by the popular authors Pages o Piano JIHisIb Half Complete Pieces lor Piano lor Yearly in Any J fnonthl In one you get nearly of comptWog for you git a copy uxA And mill a J PEPPER r Belt Co Canada will issue a new sub scribers directory or eastern Ontario including the Town of Newmarket early in Juno Orders for now connections and changes in Arm names bo sent In at once to ensure entry in this book The Bell Telephone Jo of Canada I Manager Newmarket May PROMPTLY SECUR Write inXttthlittg J or How you or to it lP conduct fully iu1ppl office In Wmhlngton us to work quickly bfotdthcjTuaon Highest ft over too Patent ma MARION MARION i

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