Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 May 1902, p. 5

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JV J FT ONTARIO JMS CAPITAL REST NEWMARKET BRANCH A General TRANSACTED Allowed on Deposits it DRAFTS ISSUED At roars American Mid CcATttl iro J A fire Life Companies w at At the KeTrmiLricet fl A Ramsay Insurance Cow on Farm Bub and Town Property Shop 7V i y i Main Bt OrurfltU prank AUCTIONEER I A r- A delightful program given by the of t Primary im- lie of Ironside last Friday which was en joyed by a number of visitors Ho Game On account of so much ram on Sat urday it was too wet to play the base ball- match between Aurora and lue Office Specialty Clubs it will 1c arranged later- The election Perjury Case Before Magistrate Ellis at the City Hall Toronto on Monday last the North York election perjury case Was adjourned for another week McDon ald being put on bis own talk Tuesday 3rd of June is Court Pay Newmarket Town Court of Revision next Mon day morning and regular meeting of Council in the evening Ahho the morning was wet there was about the usual crowd in Town last Saturday ERA FRIDAY MAY Tot Era Phantoms oversight correcting the proof of Roches advertisement last week two prominent lines dress goods at per yard wbereafl it should have been The figures were all right in the paragraphs that followed Some people that it was done to mislead hut such was not the case Street Bolton Painter C Corn Church Street and luuer of LICENSES At the Newmarket laaued at If J MARRIAGE LICENSES BUTTON The Friends and Sunday is the regular Quarterly Meeting The following ministers are expected to be present I Moore- Firth A John Webb Walter and Beaj Moore Meeting for worship on Saturday at am Sabbath services at and pm Public i NEWMARKET WORKS DSSIONB IN Head Stones- I AS OTHERS YOU You cannot always see yourself as others see you neat best thing is to ee your photograph We can promise you the pictures without any dan ger that you will be g If you want a of your home now is time to have taken g while everything is fresh giand clean Hive us atrial V J SMITH g of and Main Streets Newmarket is During the long aid weary marches of the British troops Upper Egypt and the Soudan in the course of the great expedition which rescued that latter country from the oppression the and placed it under protection of the glorious British flag the jaded spirits of the soldiers Were occasionally revivified by the distant prospect of a lake whose shimmering outspread waters were ripphng gentle undulating wavelets With renewed vigor the men pressed forward that parched arid sand the sun beating down upon them was disre garded the fatigue was KNOWtES R Big Advantage Grocery is doing an im mense trade in bananas In the ten days previous to and including May they soW over hunches The trae has grown to such proportions that Mr has had a curing room ere ted and by means of artifi cial heat is able to ripen green bana nas in three days and by this means always have a supply ready for Presbyterian Church The date for the Ann Garden Party is Tuesday evening June Already it Is being talked of by ladies Watch for notice of it and the anniversary services later Next Sahbath evening Rev will give his decision as to whether he will go to not- It is expected the matter will be set tled by Saturday Endeavor Convention The Convention In the on the of May was carried out per program the at tendance from the city was not as large as anticipated All the paper good but that of Miss icobin- Christian in was exceptionally good Ant worthy of special praise The evening was largely at tended and both addresses were good parti ular that of Dr 4 f to Toronto The annual excursion of the Union will laie place on June to Centre Island Pari Toircmto Metropolitan cars will leave at am and returning will leave North To ronto at oclock will leave the on the IS Boat and take special at the cor ner of Front and Yonge The cars will at corners and Aurora both ways Grocery and Provision TOR Dried Evaporated ftt tor Pall Jam Evaporated tt for gallon lOt Plums Blue pet can per can 20c can lie NOW IS THE TIME Meyers Poultry Spice and their spirits rose in the ifear prospect of beneath the of the waving fronds of those ever welcome trees and bathing- the refreshing coolness of that breeze swept lake But they appeared to get no nearer Still a few miles distant glittered tbe agitated waters still the breath of that eagerly yearned for refreshing and lifegiving air appeared to play the gleaming lake High and still higher rose the sun hotter and hotter were his scorching yet still no nearer to the goal which now appeared to even as they advanced But now the desert lake becomes more and more hazy the shoreline had disap peared from view the wavelets ate less and less distinct the tall erect palm trees are merging into thin and in a few more minutes the whole fair prospect has faded away and Like the baseless fabric of a vision Left not a wrack behind All vanished into empty space into the aether faded into the heavy tremulous haze of the barren- desert For it was but a phantom of the air a deceptive wraith born of the refrac tion inherent to the atmosphere of the sunparched desert a mirage This strange atmospheric redaction occasionally assumes quite another form at sea everything being invert ed while at other times distant ob jects below the horizon and therefore invisible are brought within range vision it is related that on one occasion the whole line of tbe French coast opposite Hasting quite fifty miles distant and therefore far out of sight below the horizon was apparently within a lew miles of that town everything being so dearly and distinctly defined that with the aid of a telescope the differ ent fields on the cliffs could be seen fishing boats anchored in the harbor and churches and other prominent buildings being clearly On two occasions the writer has teen fortunate in witnessing the phenome non though in another form images of ships inverted and poised in air hanging hull uppermost over the ves sels themselves These phantom ships were in every respect perfect replicas of the vessels beneath every shroud and sail mast and sheet be ing an exact counterpart though all inverted sailors walking or ascend ing the ratlines head downwards reflections of the movements of those beneath And then in ah hour or less the vision faded away and the spec tral ships had vanished And like as those eager soldiers pressed on toward that fairy Jake so we too pursuing- a forbidden or a doubtful gratification go out of the straight course plunge into a morass of sin and then find that the pleas ure we would grasp is but a But if we would only keep dose to One who died on tie for us we should be preserved sinking Into that of and enjoy pleasures which wil never away and which never pall Home Helpers The Ablest Analytical Chemists Bay They are the Best The ablest and best analytical chem ists in world affirm without hesi tation Ural Diamond Dyes axe purest end lis for home dyeing Ail the colors axe fast to light and washing with soap they color more goods pack age for package than any other dye in the Aw there are Imitations of the popu lar Diamond Dyes ladies should he careful of dealers who attempt to the worthless makes I HMBfflJCT v Golden TetTOoutbereforc hardness as a soldier of Ml Will Eradicate From the Blood and System The Seeds of Disease As grains of sands make our lorty mountains drops of water mighty ocean and as our massive buildings are made of one piled upon an other so do the little ills of life con tribute to the building up of deadly diseases in the body Experienced medical men claim that fully threefour of our men and women enter the summer season with little ills and symptoms of which must develop into serious arid fatal troubles if not at once hear our friends complaining daily of rheumatic tendenci sharp and darting neuralgic dyspep sia pains in the side and back ner vousness and see with our own eyes the effects of impure blood in facial erup tions and sores TOe little ills of tcHiay build up the alarming and fa tal diseases that follow lays and weeks of neglect Wise and intelligent people who have looked into the claims Celery and followed its remarkable cures of relatives friends and use it themselves with faith and confidence to banish symptoms of coming troubles to cleanse the blood to reestablish the nerve force energy and bodily strength so that they will re in a condition to withstand the enervating effects of the coming hot weather In every community where Celery Compound has been used at this season of the year to banish dis ease it is regarded as a godsend Workers in offices shops factories and weary and rundown wives and in their homes have thanked heaven for Br vellors prescription because it made them well Try a bottle or two ye who arc ailing and sick it will give you what you most stand in need of ard a new life sus Christ Acts June INTRODUCTION Through the preaching of the word in the synagogue of to which town Paul and Barnabas bad retreated from the persecution in the Antioh a great multitude believed and their teaching was sup ported by the power of the Lord in signs and wonders That the popu lace had been roused against them and detection would mean death did not deter the two missionaries from completing the work of evangelization among their converts and of organiza tion in the churches PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS knew nothing of a liv ing God who created and provided for universal life Having faith the man had already begun toward physical res toration This is also true in the spiritual sense There must ini tial faith if plans of God for spir itual restoration are to be to completion In fortitude fidelity and fearless nessas well as in many other virile virtues Paul stands forth as a fin ing example for the modern ambassa dor of Jesus well as for those who in humble spheres endea vor to follow in His tram God tries and trains his servants and the more searching the trial the more the eternal glory God is a consuming fixe to what is evil but he is a purifying and pre serving fire to all that is good Suffering brings men to a sancti fying fellowship with the Saviour No Christian passes through- trial without sowing good seed in other hearts 17 City Wreekec AND JEWELS Jewels candy flowers man that is the order of a womans preferences Jewels form a magnet of mighty pow er to the average woman Even the greatest of jewels health is often ruined in the strenuous efforts to make or save money to them a woman will risk her health to get a coveted gem then let her fortify herself against the ous of coughs colds and bronchial affections by the regular Hamburg May 23 A to the Hamburg tanAiUB from says that the town f arrest consumption of has been wholly lne an earthquake last ed threequarters a minute Busi ness is entirely suspended in Guatema la and a great part of the coffee crop there has been destroyed has a population of about 25000 people is handsomely built paved and has a decorated cathettral several other churches and a fine City Hall There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all otter dis eases put together and until the last few years was supposed to be able For a great many years doc tors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly to cure with local treatment pronounced it Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Hails Catarrh Cure manufactured by Cheney Co Toledo Ohio is the constitutional cure on tie market It Is taken internally hi doses from drops to a fill acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system oiler one hundred dollar for any case it falls to cure So tor and testimonials Address P J CHENEY Toledo Ohio Sold by druggist Halls Family are the best Improvement Mr Albert Thompson has decided to erect a residence at Mr Andrew Hunter haw the contract for the mason work Mr Ten has purchased the property on Queen St the house occupied by Mr Jacob Buck and intends a this summer The old barn pulled drii the is be remembered Ural these cleared ready for the founda tion Mr Hunter the contract to the cellar waIs Mr A Hunter Iras the to put a atone foundation under J H Millards T3iax2i-ivTi- r mm Mill I J The Latent AND tat ion dyes are made up poi sonous and dangerous and hands are often injured by them Diamond Dyes aie so easy to use that even a child can work with them See that your you la the Vox at store summer as well the dealer you with the Dla- a barn for Mr Albert Starr refuse all others at you are interested In home mat Mr A If Is figuring rug making send your address to of Conservatory to The Wells Co Limited home on arid also a new Mountain St with modern and you will receive free of cot new Owing bo sale designs to fcelect from the North American Hotel property of- a new Bote- File did at Spring ford has corner chop field atM located shop at the North End of Town The itap torn from IffX on tr Tecijle Was killed he a fall in a hotel stable at Woo the new Pres byterian Church at Onedia was laid by Mr election it is repotted Ik void owing to high water and other difficulties Rev Wood Methodist mis sionary at was drowned in crossing a creek swollen by rain The United States offer of a war ship to convey the remains of lord to England been ac cepted by the Canadian announces a reduction of cents a ton in or eoal and coke between Fort arid Winnipeg and other points in Manitoba military was struck lightning near Aogeoburg It exploded and the sole occupant breaking bones in liftUi i The Montreal Council has decided to accept Mr Carnegies offer of a public library building provided city contri butes a year The Canadian Government la sending lumber to St Vincent It will go In bond to Norfolk Va and from there carried by a collier the Stales navy lungs and bronchial tubes and drive the dread disease from the system It is not a cureall but it is a cer tain cure for coughs colds and all bronchia affections You can get this remedy at Scotts Pharmacy Honor the man with a stake in the community and VOTE FOR DA VIS Wining Disaster in British Columbia KILLED BC May 23 One of the worst coal mining disasters in the of Columbia occurred at the- Coal Creek mines at oclock last night when from 125 to men met almost instant death in mines- and The occur rod in the deops of No and not a man of vex employed in that mine escaped to tic laic From No workings which are connected with No men The fust if disaster tixsc on tire outside received was a of dust and to a lei hi of 1 feci above fans Word was to miles from the mines iel of 12 from tinC the relief par ties were at work It Dr awl True were first to enter the mine When about 500 feet Into the workings was overcome by firedamp and had it not been for two companions would per ished On being removed to outer air he recovered end gave the rescue party to com mence repairing overcasts The overcasts are pipes which conduct thru the mine arrd an they been almost completely destroyed it was to enter wing the afterdamp prevailed Volunteers wore called for and a of men sprang to work For nearly six hours this policy with reckless the men would collapse and were borne to tbe outer air and their places were filled five men Would volunieiTs The body recovered was taken from No mine about oclock and was that of Willie Robert son a lad of hours elapsed and three more bodies were recovered None of victims gave the slightest of life CAST For and n Design SHELF HARDWARE COMPLETE IN ALL LINES GIVE US A CHANCE TO PLEASE YOU AS REPRESENTED- J A ALLAN CO NEWMARKET TELEPHONE CONNECTION- FOR HIRE We undersell every house in the trade in the following lines DRY GOODS CLOTHING BOOTS SHOES HATS CAPS TORONTO JOBBING HOUSE I Having leased the formerly occupied by Davison Bros I am prc- to supply the public with a choice line Pure Confectionery at Lowest Prices These goods arc manufactured right on the premises A trial order will convince you that our stock of Groceries is all new goods Groceries TRY OUR Victor Japan Tea at lb Otter Brand Salmon tins Lettuce Brand Salmon tin Brand Salmon tin Corn Peas and Tomatoes Prunes lbs Evaporated Peaches lb Cleaned Currants 3 its Raisins lbs Choice Figs 5c lb BANANAS AND LEMONS FOR SATURDAY PROMPT DELIVERY The Cane Sons Mfg Co of Limited Have amalgamated with and in ture will be known as the United Factories Limited All accounts previous to are due and payable by THE CANE SONS CO An having such will kindly send in at once as the Company closing Re books and short apply for a return Its charter Two Cornells a Two Whites One Sawyer REFITTED AND PAINTED ALSO Dlok or And belt choice full Rig for 40000 On four years time Cheap at R THOMPSON

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