Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 May 1902, p. 4

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MX iCiig is Scrofula lt for- mortality TO It It faaoaTi roA Inflamed eyelid tort debility- J of McGinn Out rsrorala cot intend for month Unit of bed been to Mr voluntary by Hoods hi effected most vooderfol permanent carta of LEGAL J Public iUln Street to on Farm Notary Public etc to At Bats Division Court Building A general election In the Territories took last wsefc when the was try a majority of nearly In of 35 members The Premier Mr is a hot bis two colleagues- Messrs and are Liberals 1 i Instead a royalty of fire- pec cent collected upon gold mined above trie value of says an Ottawa des patch the present royalty of two per cent is applied to all gold chipped from the Yukon Territory The roy alty is estimated on a basis of per ox for gold shipped from the Yukon without payment of royal ly can be confiscated by the Crown A profusely illustrated Booklet of I pages descriptive of St John aod New Brunswick containing maps and useful information for the traveller has been received from the Secretary of the New Brunswick Tourist Asso ciation We are advised that topics will be mailed free to any address on application to Shaw St John Weak and Helpless THE CONDITION OF MRS WESCOTT OF Toronto tetter I I Conveyancers doors South of OI- Aurora will Newmarket on Court J Bankers aod Ontario Hank Aurora Barrister Reformer Block Block Qua rant- DR R to Dr Suffered Headaches and hess Not Stand Ibe Least Exertion It is up against city now the cry was againsttifc The returned a true bill against the city last week for nuisance at police station on Court From the Sun- Out Mrs is well known to nearly alt the residents of It is also well to her and friends that she passed a trying illness but is now happily in health To the editor of tie Sun recently gave Coronation Day June 26 is to be a public holiday throughout the ririnian Josepbioe Scott formerly of was married this city to a As a member of the Metropolitan he was by aMechoidist minister is the marriage of sort in re cent years a Board of Trade has decided up- particulars of case for on lot of resolutions to be the hope tiat to experience mit be of some to Boards- on the of June A caWegram dated London May says of the cor onation route have granted a fne at minster At bey on which will he 56 fret high feet wide by the Canada the penary of tile Empire These words will be at night to accounts received from New South Wales the country there is suflerirg from a drouth reports received in To ronto on Tuesday from Sydney New South are to the effect that the drouth will nigh paralyze the country Millions sheep Lave died arid thousands of men are thrown out of employment The Statistical YearBook of Can ada for issued by the of at Ottawa saje Hie great spruce forests of Canada extend thru all the eastern pi evinces goes as far north as Uigava Bay on the east side of Bay and as far north and northwest on the west B Coronation a Gulf and the mouths of the Macken zie River thus constituting one of GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY TIME TABLE a a pi wo AletropolitHii It TORONTO CO h a O 3 it to o to J iO V 4 iO rt J CI a CO A 0 in 0 tO r CO a to IO One of the most sinking articles that has ever appeared in Canada is to be found in June Canadian Maga zine It is What Britain is doing in South Africa and describes some of the recent even to there par ticularly an expedition in which three took part It is a thrilling descriptive story profusely illustrated with excellent photo graphs The author is W of the Rifles now serving with the 3rd Southern Nigerian Regiment The Ottawa correspondent of the Toiotito Globe remarks The Government lias just closed arrangements with the five large Can adian lines Allan Donaldson Manchester for the of an entirely new of cold storage on their A new service being op ened Prince Edward Is land direct and from this great are an ticipated At the prtfieut time Mr A chief of the fruit division of the department in in ind there lie wii through Bummer to out wlral is for that market and how Canadian can best present it to trade At the Si to bow all product are hand- He in ihcy are landed some said Tor some time past my heal tii was in ft bad state my whole system being badly run down I was troubled headache much dizziness my appetite was poor and I could not stand the least exertion I diherent physicians bub did not seem to benefit me and gradually became so bad that I was unable to attend to household duties tried several medicines but without any results and I to despair getting better One of neigh bors strongly me to try Dr Williams Pink Pills and somewhat rebJCtantly I consented to do so Af ter I bad taken the second box I be gan to note a great improvement in my condition and by the time I had used five boxes I was fully restored to my former good health much to the surprise of my neighbors and re lations I do not suffer the least now from those headaches and dizzy spells ray appetite is good and I can attend to my household duties with the greatest ease In fact I feel like a different woman and all this I can say is due to the use of Dr Williams Pink Pills All who sufTer from a run down constitution should give these pills a trail When the vitality is low when the A writ was issued at the close of last week an behalf of T Herbert Lennox Conservative candidate in North York by Woods against Percy Morton of North damtages for slander The is alleged to have a per sonal reference Some plants of one kind or another are being distributed to the city schools and placed in flower beds in the yards The touring lacrosse team won their twelfth last match in on the by nine goals to six The big storm on Thursday even ing of last week did not last long but it left in its path in this city broken windows broken trees and knees unroofed end and First Baptist church steeples damaged The ferries to the Island had a big day last Saturday Victoria Day Thousands of people visited and Centre Since the storm on Thursday even ing the VI toria Park people have had a busy time Stands and trees were wrecked and old wood en observatory overlooking tire lake and which bore the names of hun dreds hoys and men cut wi knives down the and also the a a Jos Bills and KtoMaU all of Stock Register purebred heavy the i McDonald will reason of in the surrounding townships- FA K he property will at Iabon House every Wednesday at iiftrm during tile feasoii Fakir is a bred and there not a prettier travelling as a Potter Son k taw mill at waft on Friday Lobs with no the ham of of and killed fatherinlaw J A Fire ari barn Andrew of Glasgow in Ottawa If Of food products be kept be no in fad ing a market for them in Britain an engineer was operating a boiler on in the boiler ex ploded feet air arid fell the roof of George Cairns aJitmj on bed Mood to be reIenished enrich- merry-go- round top was blown off and purified when the nerves are- Roofs of the Inhibition build- weak and rehire there likewise sulfered is no otter can take thei is now announced that the of Dr Pink jst special trains to the Muskoka It is because of their direct trict to Falls will begin action on the blood and nerves that June The Royal Hotel pills cure troubles as opened on day aniaemia nervous The King Hotel will palpitation of the heart be opened for public rnatim St dance the fn troubles plan in its cuisine department that make the lives so many wo- and will have rooms a source of almost constant Sunday evening last Mrs rartial tion during August It will be man- and liver aged on both the American and any but the wife of Rev Geo Dewey have le name tor Agnes St Methodist rkj Dr Williams for Pale People on the wrapper around every box Sold by all dealers or sent raid at cents a box or six boxes for by addressing the Dr Williams Medicine Co vllle Ontr- James Fisher a builders employe at Hamilton has fallen heir to in England J a Montreal sneak thief was sentenced at Brock to five years in penitentiary miller of mills at was using carbide to destroy insect pests a terriffic explosion the building setting it on fire in several In fighting the flames two men were overcome several were painfully burned TO ft It IK TWO DA VS Laxative removes the ause IV Groves signature on every box Prie cents While shooting rats on J of Quebec accidentally in the shoulder The will not Ensue a furies of postage stamps in of coronation Four mysterious fires to lie of incendiary have occur red in Kingston during the past week The combination rack factory at was destroyed by lire heavy loss and the it station hod a narrow escape The facUxy of Methot at Cap St Que was totally de stroyed by e rosy at J 17000 without insurance BALK AT TOE was TO A COLD DAY Take Laxative Quinine Tab lets All druggists refund If it fails to Groves signature on each box A storm has taken in the Calvary many small bridges being washed out and the trains It la that Lord will arrive Canada to the the gen eral officer commanding Canadian The bakers of Ottawa after ob taining the concession day work from their have returned to work The day system did not work fop CASTOR I A formerly of Aurora passed away to the spirit land She had been ill for some time Business was not ready to proceed with in County and Sessions Courts last Monday forenoon the de lay being occasioned between lawyers and judges hence the taxpayers had to pay jurors for service they did not render The case will probably come up for hearing on Monday next The activity pickpockets on Sat urday was rewarded A tourist agent who crossed to Niagara discov ered just after he had left the wharf that he had lost A Companion was minus a tic pin Inspector Hughes is not likely to be retained by the School Hoard Mis All J of Da vids St was killed by a street car accident last Saturday night- being struck by a trailer A fire in the June ion by ft ackers it is supposed did damage to a bated hay owned by A to ex tent about The annual Proline Convention for will IkId in Toronto on July It will he one of the most Important ever When some men were unloading a desk of a dray at the Special ty Companys warehouse at Bay street the heavy case fell Fred Martin- against the wall and breaking both hones in his forearm He was at once taken to the emergency hospital Preston was struck by a and five were rfr John Newton of P cut his foot with an axe and to death before help arrived The owned by Jones small stores and tenements at were burned Sunday morning loss about Charles lierule Jr being struck by the T while walking on tire track near Midland Saturday night The approach of warm weather has created another smallpox and between thirty and forty cases are reported Three cases have been and others in County A storm in County down a on the Walker farm in which eight men and eight teams lad taln IVcJtcr asid two men were hurt dwellings were Jdrucic by and three men fliers family arid of the Cecil family were injured parts remains of Rhodesias parts tarejnains ihtit rounder and South Africas one big are laid are a range of hills situate some twenty riaraoter too essentially frequency of is from tfwdtfctt or their ex- texit and wild splendor Thu really of no considerable altitude from the bush veldt at tiieirbascviiy the impression of and srrjgt to an impressive degree by their contorr and In the be a of billowy granite soil yielding substance for But hills tte of greater portion of their It is as if colossal loaded boulders of granite of all shapes and sizes from stones asr a to those of dimensions a vast city- structure bad load on the soil repeated this feat over miles of ground each heap from to feet high until a vast of towering peaks arid stony mounds had been raked low a further of imagination and depict interior ices of these great bpuldery tuxuuli filled with light some alhivial soil leaving the great resting in alt positions on the apexes and their flanks a be- tween the scattered in the patches of soil and a very fair impression will be gained of the gen eral character of the Due to this apparent disordered the hills abound in great preci pices deep and enclosed valleys great cavities and caverns penetrating in all directions stones of all shapes poised where the hypo- tifcaft had hurled some towering in the heavens finely balanced cri the summits and in some able instances ti ed to precipitous sides appear ing from below as if the first gust of wind would loose them It is amid these surroundings at a place called the Worlds View that the remains the Right Hon Cecil John Rhodes are interred As set out by him in his remarkable will I admire the grandeur and loneliness of the in Rhodesia and I therefore desire to be buried on tlte hill I used to visit and I catted the View of the World in a square to be cut out in tle rock on the top of the hill covered with a brass plate with these words Here lie the re mains of Cecil John Rhodes The Worlds View as it is locally termed is the edge of the range eight miles from the great dam now being completed by order of the departed statesman for the purpose of This dam commands a long streven of valley and near by a tine hotel has been built to accommodate visitors from and other parts The scene from the Worlds View is considered as a spectacle as can be met in South Africa and in its character the world As described by a visitor Purple in the glow of the setting sun their rugged excrescences picked out in rich orange the stretch looks like a glimpse of fairyland The scene is rendered more impressive by the deepening doom elsewhere the occasional laugh ter of natives echoing from distant and the tinkling of oxbells In the valley below A mob the Mil it Mo and lyn hod Abe a negro murderer A son of Mr John Rey nolds of Paris was IJiicJ lv falling oil a bridge thousand were and four injured by earthquake at Mr lias been sell ted as the Canadian representative on commission to mark the boundary be tween Ontario and and the Slate of Now York Get Knowledge In the conflict of business on ly those succeed who have fled themselves with a good business education is no place today for the man who does not fit for A Course in the gives that training as he can get it nowhere with young men so with young women BRITISH AMERICAN TORONTO ONT David Principal THE Central Canada LOAN SAVINGS COflPAW J I CANADA 1 Cor Victoria SU HON QEO A COX President 500000 Interest allowed on Deposits Repayable on Demand Interest allowed on Debentures Repayable oh days notice WRITE FOR COPY OF ANNUAL REPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION E WOOD P BAILUB Director Am Manager YOU GET YOUR On The Paper Required In a Moment If It Is Properly Filed Filing Devices Are not an expense and a luxury but a straight system of economy and a necessity It will cost you no thing but a Postal Card to get any our catalogues FACTORIESNEWMARKET ONT I Limited Bay Street Toronto Flour and MANITOBA FAMILY FLOUR BRAN SHORTS CHOP CORN OAT MEALS GRAIN SEEDS COOK BROS cor Main Huron Telephone Connection Newmarket House and Lot For sale Apply to Newmarket for Solo- The cottage of the late John Elar Lewis situate on corner ham and Court Streets and tti double houses situate on Court St for sale Terms reasonable In tending purchasers can inspect lbs premises For particulars apply to Lloyd Solicitor for Wanted to Exchange Young Mare In for good work horse Apply to DEALER IN Coal Wood Lime Cement OFFICE One door east ol HURON STREET Iff UN TEH GENERAL Builder Contractor Is now In a position to con tracts for all branches of Mason Work Estimates at Short and satisfaction guaranteed Wanted A couple of smart boys 17 to years age for light work in finish- department at good Also a couple curriers given preference to A DAVIS SON Lowell Tannery King Ontario WANTED A good smart young man to learn the Hardware business J A ALLAN A CO BOILER SETTING GRANOLITHIC AND GRANOLITHIC ROOKS FOR BUILDINGS Intending builders will do well to consult A HUNTIOR Box Newmarket Court of i The first sitting of the Court of Re vision for the Town of Newmarket will be held at the Council Chamber 2nd at oclock DAVID LLOYD nEay Town Clerk i

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