Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 30 May 1902, p. 3

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fc J IS 1 TOES Weeks IK SOOT Public f The for last year was received by the Treasurer a days ago and amounts to a little Snap Hose ft Rubier Hose is odd lengths iioin to ft price ft ft at Birds Council meets at Sharon nest Monday Rhubarb is great growth Last Friday Mr on bam St brought a garden that measured about ins A bad bole in street hill attention About one oclock yesterday on going ran into freight train coming South at Howards mile a quarter wis hurt but four were traffic A coming down on the one oclock ex press follow the freight walked to TownTaMtook the trolley for To ronto presumably to get in votes a This my sister Hiss has come to spend a month or two with me I to warn yon that she fa a most Incorrigi ble flirt bo that Buy your pineapples lor preserving Why- sister ex- From 60c a claimed to a horrified tone while flortor laughed What are you Bay and cabbage Wanted good Waist Hands Ap ply to Mia Webster Roche DressMaking Department Band Serenade A travelling German Band put up at the Jackson House on Tuesday eight and serenaded the Town in the evening and the next morning for what they could pick up passing round the hat The Town Band has near ly night lately owing to elections we have bad band music Danger Using Circa Be safe axd buy S Color card at Bums Hard ware Regular Fellowship Meeting next Sunday morning at oclock follow ed by special conference sermon by Rev Dr Cade Tbe sermon last Sunday evening was one of tbe test he has given here Next Sunday is Pay Day in the church here when it is expected that the entire debt and all other out standing obligations will be wiped out This is the dosing fit the plan inaugurated by the late Rev all subscriptions are paid that are promised this happy condition of financial affairs will be Screen Doors Complete With Spring Hinges Hook and Knob onl at A Cole On Thursday the Lome of the brides mother Mrs Cole Queenwill was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding when her youngest daughter Miss Annie was married to Mr J Hides of De troit Mich by Rev the Rev being present also looked quite charming in her wedding gown of while with blue trimmings and carried in her hand a beautiful bouquet of wax lilies- She was the recipient of some useful presents money Mr and Mrs Hicks left for Port Huron and Yale Mich where they will mate their home in future Her many friends wish a happy and prosperous lite Heavy Storm The trie stona passed over this action on of wee was not only with and rain but was jiaiid by a very high wind iiiiyh riding on trolley were barfly frightened for fear that the car Wild le Wown off lightning was yere that young back of bis coat burnt by a streak of electric fluid down a rod he war lift wind blew over the silo of Mr Graham on Queen St and racked it all to A mile arid a north of a guat of wind blew down levelled fences and lifted a barn j fet its found on besides patches roofs minutes Is the Time It to freeze cream if you i- a up at AH A quiet wedding took place on at the of Mr Villi Newmarket daughter was rled to Mr Wilfrid the cere- by his uncle Rev SI Only the feieate of the were owing tb- of mother it V1ia Miss of the Broom was Mr Bert Willis of Toronto of the tilde was Mr Wit Mamie Toronto were lv home for event The bride lit of a During the to their on Prospect Ave Ahirh was furnished iyiy to receive Exams High School is again to be the success of its pfls at the Art School Examinations held in April According to re- suits in Wednesdays Jost Is true Ware said He might Just well know It now at the beginning of tie to be stunned by the fact later on it all events my con science will be clear for having done my duty at so gets certificates in the advanced- course The names the successful will be published as soon as are received front We clip fie following the Witness- A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr and Mrs Geo Poole on Saturday the contracting- parties being Sir Henry J Low Newmarket and Miss Poole of Bradford Rev Mr Young of the Methodist Church performed the cere mony The groom was supported by Mr John Blizzard of and the bride was attended ry her sister Alice Poole The rooms to- the wa4 a and chain and to the bridesmaid a gold bracelet leave because None but intimate friends of both parties attended the wedding The received many ostly party left on the afternoon train for Col li to spend their honeymoon roar said Ita very of you to betray One of my blood bought accomplish- to Dr downright yop plead to the charge Mrs Ware baa made said thdocton admiringly New Awl I warn that my will be filed away among those not proved I about that I shall work bard gathering I defy you And Ill convict be retorted langblng Mrs Ware and be bad been anting In a corner of tbe she invalid chair and be Bite Bab strolled oat and them a vision of blood loveliness violet As bis carriage up the for the third time be arose to take Curtain Adjustable atDinns Hardware A few evenings ago a lantern ex ploded in the driving shed on be kirn of Hon Win Yongc St but luckily the was extinguished without doing any parti dam age The circumstance however has determined the Hon to extend tbe system of electric lighting to the drivinghouse barn and also residence Tile current be supplied by Cor poration of Newmarket and he lias imtrVied the Town Mr Kitchen to put in lights at once and paint the poles upon his prem ises The lights will eventually be increased to and will be run by meter Mr has a herd of most valuable animals and he evi dently intends to keep up bis reputa tion for possessing the in North York the of girls bad got Into eyes dazzled him She sauntered to the edge of piazza Its no more than fair to warn you That as a detective I shall you closely be at her As a detective she said with in laugh There are possibilities Id the duties of a detective he said raising his I shall those first When be bad gone she reauraed low beside Bister Molly she said reproachfully yoo are a very mean Now expect me to flirt with htm and Ill have to do ft What of Didnt you know that I had come down here to reform Heavens no Your surprise disheartening I Intend It to be I have set my upon a match between and the doctor Hes very wealthy and has a fine practice besides ft would be an excellent thing for yon Bab dear and would please Nell much done a great deal for us both know girls face darkened with pain I spent such a horrible winter she said In a low voire- one refusal another Oh Molly In passionate protect If only I bod some money of my own could marry for love how sweet It would be Mrs Wares eyes Oiled tears I couldnt she snld gently then add ed comfortingly but I was not unhap py In my marriage was a very kind husband I have missed sorely since bis death Your beauty ought to be some aort of to yon dear I was fairly staggered by It Nell bos done wonders for Council Toe Council met at Court of Revi sion at May members and sutBOribbd to the oath The following made and the roll as finally revised acres Lot con taken off of John Hirst and added to the of Albert acres assessed to Mrs Bar ker added to the of The Clover of was reduced from to Ale was added with Duncan Mcintosh Frank and Phillips term ants with Win Harry Paris tenant with Thomas Glover Win ten ant with John hot Con P Heed owner with John alter Council up The resignation of towjisbip engineer was ac cepted appoint- in bis stead Percy Morton was overseer for resigned Win Win Purdy were re quired to do days statute labor Morton days in extended to has aril added the The clerk was instructed to notify John to remove fence which lias been placed across road allowance leading to the bake light to eyes -Bar- opposite Lot mwliok barn she entreating If he you Yes Nell sod tailor Well anyway you will do your best to captlrate my doctor wont you Ob hes like all absolutely In good form cultivating only In places with ooe eye on god Mammon typical phy sician In ordinary to swelldom A beautiful tactful well gowned wife would be of assistance to Would be anything more lias be any under that well groomed well tailored exterior Barbara we might as well look bis question for we both know bow for to marry and marry well Barbara went to the end of piazza and stood looking out at the hills for a moment fche returned smiling Now be good she said and Ill do raj best to your stupid old doctor You mind toy calling Mm that dear for be Is stu pid Hut oh Molly If ever meet Love face to- face explanation will be Mm Ware could not reply star ed into space with so melancholy an ezpreasfon Barbara laughed by of diverting Her slater looked up alarmed by tbeVefeki that Doctor she began artfully have yon any charity patients left- Ieft he echoed over that I have to call Would yon really go be asked looking at averted face a in his eyes Yes of course I would she said demurely This Is good of be said rm- and turned at once Into a side street crowded with tenement houses carriage stopped Serves me right she thought with an Inward laugh as she followed him Into the 111 smelling room Faltb sight have suf ficed for me A walling cry greeted their ears A young Kalian woman was bending over a child There was a heartbreak ing look In the face raised- to them Barbara Beared herself graciously- As doctor bent over bis little patient child its to be lifted ft tenderly to breast talk ing In It Tbe email band feebly face and be held It there Ills He bad forgotten all else even tbe he loved felt strangely Isolated Somehow a breath of tragedy bad blown across little comedy chill ing It and Stupid stupid she repeat ed with miserable self reproach as she awaited him outside in the fresher air Barbara If youve n spark of decency apologise to htm for that word They drove on Into woods In si lence be grave and she for tbo first time In life all adrift from her worldly self Will It live she faltered at last trying not to wink lest a tear fall 1 fear not be said sadly and look ed at her just as tear fell A great change swept over him He bent low er Tbanfe God for that tear Bar bara be said She struggled wildly but hopelessly for her usual coolness Stupid but Sly heart and soul are dear est Is there any hope for me As bis band closed over hers pleadingly the other tear splashed down on bis glove His clasp Speak to me Barbara be entreated If you were not so sta- but but And as she paused tt benntlfnl color rushed over her face But be demanded Pearl Bbe said tremulously but with a laugh like music str -v- QUALITY the ST Ait Sateens Fast Color yd Fancy Cretonnes yard Art Muslins Fast Color yd Grey Cloth Suiting In Light Dark and Medium Shades inches wide regular 100 for cents Ladies Fast Black Cotton Hose per pair GROCER NONE SO GOOD AS BAKING POWDER Pure Sulphur Epsom Salts per pound Icing Sugar Imported New Fresh pound Finest Figs per pound Good Cooking Figs per pound Laundry Soap 2 cakes Try Red Cross jelly Powder it is the Best CORNER ASM OF NEWMARKET SINCE 1876 THE DEPARTMENTAL STORE CJ It tor lii on the te I no tin fcMroad m A hig swept down on vil lage and shortly alter six oclock on accompanied by a pelting rain For tunately it lasted only a lew minutes nut it left in its path broken win dows broken trees broken fences wrecked chimneys Ac A portion of roof of Saints bam was part the fence surrounding the Agricul tural grounds succumbed to the storm A pile at the Station came to grief and besides lumber being strewn about the track a of the boards were driven thru the side of a box car standing on the track near by In the Township considerable havoc was wrought by the storm P Holmes had the roof of bis stable torn A windmill on the farm of Mrs Mr David Watson found to his sorrow that the root of his barn had been blown off while Mr Sampson Watson bad his new implement build- ing twisted on the posts Mr had to repair the roof of barn after the storm and Mr on the farm had occasion to do likewise Two chim neys on Lloyds farm residence in the Settlement were blown down also a chimTicy on at present by Mr Hob Ins A leading into Mr Rob ins dining room was the force of wind Mowing open the outside Kitch en door Mr It Vails of shingles being torn his log barn and blown thru a window of his house The of storm were felt by others in The hole ever dug in solid rock Is second wheel pit of he Niagara Falls Company is feet inches feet deep and feet wide Children for castor 1 A Good Waist Hands Good Wages to good workers Apply to Miss Webster DressMaking Department Ladies Trimmed Straw Sailor and Ready-to- Wear Hats in black brown blue and white reg prices were from from to 1 Your choice Trimmed Straw Sailor oods 35c worth 65c worth worth 35c worth worth worth worth Claries c I Bat my dear you do falls In loo with will not htm over will you darling Be go off and shoot and if should bear of of his nod lay It to doings Hbed hear of It We dark- bury him oat In potato adorned to meet Aug disappointed lore The always take out on their char ity Wrs Ware I dont now that he has any charity pa- hit man with an orchard needs to watch aa we rtsy J fcimtimeft a man is hi and eometlmte his Ji- w wM appearance fl brum It pays to In the Era to him too fond One cents worth of in of catering rich to do worth more than a dollarH worth work the poor of anger It vas lroueht during one of May Wheat per a White Wheat per Spring Wheat per bush a HO per GO a per a CO Oats per a 0 per a Rye per bush a CO per Am a Butter roll per It a Hay per tan a Potatoes per bag a a Wool per lb I toga per a Beef fore a hind a Chickens per pair a Ducks per 5 a 00 flee a Turkeys a and Silk Blouses lor only Ladies Silk Blouses in Plain Stripe and Plaids Regular Prices were and Now 3 RemnantsofDressGoodsl One Lot at Cent One Lot at each of about yard up of Plain and Fancy Dress In a range of colors Including Black Navy and worth from to per yard your choice for 15c- cuds of Plain and Fancy Goods from a yard to In all soils or materials and Colorings Worth from to per yard your choice at 26c each in Ladies Shoes Ladles Patent Kid Oxford McKay soles new Spring and latent style worth Pair special week Pair Ladles Fine Kid Oxford Kkl Lined wide and medium Toes regular price special this week

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