Ontario Community Newspapers

Newmarket Era, 23 May 1902, p. 7

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j VrBW CHINA Tories are doing toe shouting now remarks Toronto star but Liberals will do it on the Mr Whitneys New Ontario is to follow fee Boss wagon and tie dust- TALK ABOUT OUR AND we are celling for want of room Last week we sold a lot and to wonder as we at prices lower dealers pay for be sides get better goods Good Solid Stock Last week we laid out one unusual ly good snap bargain at pair for shoes sold regular at from sold fast others follow along the same lines Mr Lennoxs actions after his meet ing in last was the means of changing the views of a number of people who he was sincere in bis statements regarding temperance etc Several newspapers throughout the country nave styled Hon J vis as one of the best platform speak ers in Ontario and second to the Premier Is it any wonder that Mr Lennox and his party are using all kinds of tactics to avoid him on the public platform Here is a nut for Mr Herbert Lennox to crack Whitney has been in the House for fourteen years and I would like to now if anybody can point to a single motion in the journals of the House moved by him in all that time proposing or even suggesting any feasible scheme for the development of Ontario new or Hop Ross A local is very profuse in banding out bouquets to Mr Lennox just now but they will fade and decay after the scorching the electorate will them next Thurs day For years the Tories have done plenty of and prophesy ing before the election but have had to go way back and sit down af ter the ballots were counted So it will be next Thursday It must have been a weak spot that Mr Marshall touched when at the meeting in last week while Mr Lennox was pleading for Mr Davis to approach him on the platform in fact daring him to do so he asked Mr Lennox to name or four places in the Riding on any dates he might mention and Mr Da vis would be willing to appear on the platform with him It is needless to say Mr Lennox declined COR- to Moose CITY A political meeting is to be held in Hall here on Saturday evening The speakers are Hon J Davis Mayor Cane Newmarket Mr and Mr Underbill of Au rora Opposition is invited -GOO- PINE ORCHARD A splendid meeting in the interest of Hon J- Davis took peace here on Tuesday evening The Temper ance Hall was packed to the many young men having to stand dur ing the whole evening 30 or ladies were present Mr Nelson May was voted to the chair and the speakers were given a very attentive hearing Hon post mastergeneral Spoke for two hours Op the policy of the Government result ing in the progress and general pros perity of the Province and the very important part which the Hon J Paris had taken in that development The policy of the Conservative party as intimated by the party press was also describe- Lawyer Robertson Jackson also brief addresses which were in terspersed patriotic by Mr Blake Hewitt of Newmarket Opposition was invited the chair hut nobody appeared The meeting with cheers for the King Mr Davis and Mr Mulock ooo Grocery Snaps Mice Figs worth It at for Cheap for cooking Prunes worth lb at lb for 2CA- while they last Bargains in DINNER AND TOILET SETS RA Tie Leading Reliable Grocer Telephone You Cramp a Diarrhoea All Bowel Complaint It It a tin it PAINKILLER Dim The eyes at assistance Brcthsage leading mat work becomes an exertion glasses of Just enough to relieve all strain be obtained are experts In this line We examine eyes free of charge ttd guarantee satisfaction graduate optician Tuesdays Globe remarks It is strange that Korth York Conserva tives should to listen to the Commissioner of Crown Lands who lias special duties in connection with new Ontario This county is surely interested in the develop ment of the country to the north passing strange but the under lying principle of Conservatism is everywhere the same not so much the good of the country it is office they want After the attempt of the of the Whitney candidate to pre vent Mr Davis from speaking at Mt Albert who not afraid to go to Mr- Lennoxs meeting they will not be able to truthfully say that they are anxious to have Mr Davis on platform The facts are that Lennox knows that if Mr Davis couW be on the platform with kirn for ten minutes he would so hta and bis campaign before the peo ple as them ashamed of themselves and their party Tiie Mail is patting Sir Oliver on the back these days On the it remarked Liberal ism was cast out of the Ontario Gov ernment fioon after Sir Oliver resigned And again The con test is not against Literals hut against wrongs committed by who have usurped that name And yet in the very last appeal to the Province made while Sir Oliver was Premier the Mails was roust go Tvis ever thus with mossback they kill the prophets and their hi Wren build sepulchres for tho hon ored men their party ism to destroy A very large and increasing the electors of Ontario believe it would l a calamity il the were returned to power in this Prov ince Ontario tax on corpora- lions bars yielded a revenue of in says the to The tax on arid distillers has yielded Mr Whitney opposed both taxa tions if he had successful the Province would have lost future revenues from same the that op posed the collection of sources of reverse Is the ideal leader of Mr Herbert Is now Pek ing ornpass defeat of one of the Crown Lands Commissioners Ontario ever the ftred the Mails on Feb- 23th It The Ontario of the has thrifty judicious and clean Tre an outside Ontarios financial has care ful honest since confederation arid the Toronto remark financial administrative of leral party on the able have wlseVy With this kind of a record Is a ftiraJCe from the nofitive to the sm of York think these things you go to the polls to role The officers and teachers elected for the Sunday School for the ensuing year are follows Steel Sec Cook TreasrJ Brown Bible Class No Lawson No Hancock No Miss Lemon No Miss While infant class J Mc- The Childrens Day services on Sun day were very largely attended The Children sang some good selections Rev gave two excellent ser mons Offering Mr is raising his barn and putting tabling under it Miss Laura is quite ill- A and Mrs Cook visited at Richmond Hill on Sunday The poets have helped to bless the What the Tories and the Grits need is more poetry and music to sweeten their lives and make them good at election times Miss Hazel Sylvester is spending a couple of weeks with her grandpar ents Mr and Mrs Lemon Mr and Miss Cherry of Amber spent Sunday at P P Steers Miss Mahon of Buffalo is spending a couple of weeks with her parents a KESWICK Mr Morton and sister Mary spent Sunday with their brother it JZ vii No talks but No doubt there will be a of pleased people wheo tke tioa is over Mr of Pittsburg Pa was visiting his aunt Mrs Geo Fogg here a few days last week Mr Norman the porter at Queens formerly of New market intends moving into the house on the hill owned by the Cem etery Co Messrs Wight and J Lew is have lately purchased new pianos The south end should ring with mu sic The Tennis club is leveling the school yard this week for a couple of tennis courts The A Home under the auspices of the was fairly well attended and a most enjoyable time was spent by all present Dont forget to vote for Davis and good government on Thursday next JUDGE HOLLAND LANDING Mr Kelly who has been visiting in the past two returned on Monday last Mrs of Toronto is ing at her fathers Mr Mr Brown and daughter of Sutton Sunday last with Mrs Gray Mrs Williams of Sutton spent a few days last week with her sister Mrs Mrs Jacob Keefar who was ill oir a few days died on Thursday the of pneumonia The fu neral took place on Saturday was largely attended Interment at Newmarket Cemetery The follow ing relatives from a distance were present Mr and Mrs Rupert and Miss Rupert of Maple Mr and Mrs of Jasi Keifer of Chicago and several others Mr is a stable op his property which he lately purchas ed Full returns of the election will he received here on the evening the BREEZES ever attended The meeting was in the interest of the Hon I J Davis and was announced to be held in the Temperance Hall but as his sup porters were Hire that it would not hold a the people that would come they dec LI to other provisions The Trustees of the Christian Church offered the church shed which offer was accept ed and a capital place seating for was made It is es timated that about eo were present The sheds were lined with appropriate banners arid the lights were gasoline lamps and Chinese Hon J Davis was late in arriving but the lime was occupi ed by Air Joseph Davidson exWar den of tle County Mr of Aurora both of whom tirade telling lies in favor of the Com Crown Lands- Davis for an a half and was listened to with wrapt attention He ex- plained to the satisfaction of the big crowd he policy of the Government and related the charges made by his opponents This polling division will do their duty for K J on the for his supporters arc as never before any election The Newmarket Brass Band was present and enlivened proceedings A banner was stretched across the street with Keswick for Davis on It On Thursday eve of last week Rev Dewey of Toronto was to have lectured in the Methodist church but was prevented from coming on ac count of sickness in his family Rev Simpson gave an address on was a very good substi tute Rev Vielbtr a former Junior pas tor of this circuit will preach In the Methodist next Sunday morn ing this from a visit with sister near HDL I km J Davis was the guest of Mr on Tuesday Mrs Joshua Villoviuy has had the to have one arm badly sprained She on stand up curtains and In getting she the she stepping with the Her has lcco Intense Mrs has sympathy of the neighborhood Continued from page Yes says the candidate with very much let those slanderers just dare to come to Aurora or King Township and- repeat vile charges against my spotless reputa tion Ten to one hed turn the sleuthhounds of justice on their trail possibly his noble myrmidons led by the valiant would execute summary vengeance Sir Oliver Rose and Hon Stephen make clever chairmen for Mr Lennoxs meetings You depend on it no Grit speaker is allowed to exceed his time a single second This is election time when mistakes On Tuesday evening the largest J and most enthusiastic mce compositor was held in our village that we Miss won the hand some rocker given by the showman here for the most popular young lady County Councillors and Evans were in Baldwin last week inspecting the county bridge Wove ordering necessary repairs rotund proportions of familiar figure loomed up in the a smile of pleasure illumined the Owls visage for wasnt Ezra an esteemed friend since boy hood days Why dont the Whitney candidate conduct a clean campaign as did Lt- then hed not eel ashamed in after years I fear is an unknown factor in getup working the machine clay and night for all there w in it and remember he never works for no thing Hes alter the rail birds and fence and tis said he is bagging a good many too Oct off the fence or hell bag you Are you a lover of hash Caterer Lennox is dishing up a superior qual ity of political the chief consti tuents of which arc slander cam paign fibs vituperations and hides- The Tories are swallowing It greedily The show lias ielt some pockets They take in next Miss took train en route for New York on Monday Site will summer there Bye- bye Bertha HEISES Hew Store Baldwin NEW GOODS is to have nl Print Art CUltTAINB IOLBB ftn collection Wall Pa hand hi In cult Weo vfr of IIMItHjoj nrt and oe Y Central Baldwin Mrs Cameron an aged lady of last week walked from to Win Lakes miles about hours without rest Fret ty smart eh Cane and Duncan Marshall bad a magnificent meeting here on Monday In good clean ad dresses Hon Mr Davis and the Premiers characters were vindicated Meeting perfectly orderly I delegate to friend the recording of partic ulars The Owl o NORTH At his meeting in Albert Mr Lennox some very unbecoming language and language that will not be tolerated by the better class of voters in North York He said re ferring to Mr Lloyds speech that Lawyers are Bars and then to make it plain who he meant he said Newmarket Lawyers Can a man expect to receive the support of the people of North York when he uses such language as this It is an insult to the electorate of North York to assume that they are so ignorant It was a sudden collapse for Messrs and Lennox in Baldwin on Monday of last week when Mr Dun can Marshall appeared on the scene They had come there with others who were selling butter and eggs but fount their eggs were addled when Marshall began to speak Quite a number from this locality attended the political meeting at Albert last week We are pleased to announce the suc cessful organization of the League of Christian Endeavor in A meeting of the officers of the society was held at Mr Steph ens on Friday evening and the dif ferent were appointed Miss is president and Miss Stephens is Vice President of the so ciety We hope the work will prove successful and that much good will be done We had a large attendance in our Sunday School on Sunday Our new superintendent and his staff of teach ers and officers are working very en ergetically Very m weather but not so warm as of the political discus sions in our village One swallow may not make a sum mer but a grasshopper may make a spring There arc agents around almost every day lately soliciting orders for Cream Separators By the number that have been purchased in the com munity it seems very that butter factory here will ever oper ate again A man that has had one hand cut this spring is soliciting aid this neighborhood Mr former junior pastor on this circuit will conduct service here next Sabbath at tire usual hour Miss our popular teacher is endeavoring to make the children true loyalists We understand the rate payers of this section arc all cordial ly invited to attend a business meet ing at the school on Friday after noon the of May it being Em pire Day The child em will have short entertainment after the busi ness meeting York farmers arc wondering why hired incn are so scarce We theorize that they have chased off hunt up the hired girls who are also scarce Fred arid Hugh Pollock wheel out from Newmarket High School every Friday evening and hack again on Monday morning The road machine or graders help the country roads at this time year for bikes Mr has purchased a hew cart Oct up there Tip pie Mr Win Abbs and Mr A Arnold intended spending Sunday evening in Town the philosopher the work of the or respondents a a slavish job hut a one Theres nothing so hard as minding your own business and a correspond ent never to do that Onlooker Election talk is getting very inter esting here Mr Duncan Marshall attended the Conservative cm Monday of last week and explained very fully the Government policy He exploded the unfounded of Mr to such an extent that he went away convinced the peo ple of were not so deceived Mr Bavin will receive a handsome majority In tills section A very Mr Davis meeting on Wednesday arid were well pleased with gcmtlernan- remarks of the Commissioner Crown Lands who never refers to his opponent In any language o OF CANADA I Capital c Subscribed Capital 1300000 HEAD OFFICE No King Strut Arcade H HOLT BOARD OF PRESIDENT RANDOLPH Toronto J JAMES Montreal A A ALLAN Toronto- ARCH CAMPBELL Toronto Junction HON PETER Perth JOHN Toronto HON Alexandria Oat HENRY WILSON New York STEWART GENERAL MANAGER RANCH AT NEWMARKET MONTGOMERYS OLD STORE CURRENT ACCOUNT OPENED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DE POSITS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT EXCHANGE BOUGHT AND SOLD GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Danish Sugar Beet Seed lb Imperial Giant Half Sugar Beet Seed per lb Mammoth Long Prize Bed Mangold Seed per lb Giant Yellow Intermediate Mangold 15c Special Price in 10 lots Hungarian Manitoba Flour the Best Flour imported from Manitoba In bags and half bags lbs Ginger Snaps for 25c lbs Rolled Wheat for 8 lbs W beaten for lbs Gritz for lbs New Prunes for The Grocer Grocery orders called for and delivered promptly SUPERLATIVE SHAPES in hats the latent Spring styles arc a leading feature in our stock Our stock of Derby and Alpine styles tor 1002 possess the distinction of almost a charm appreciated by JC1 don t want what cvcrpkjdy else wears Nothing commonplace in our quality keeps pace fashion litre Japans Or a At London May reHponditJt the Times that he on that program naval expansion for Ja pan lor the years beginning in will comprise tour fifteen thousand tons each two ored crulscra of ten thousand tons each secondclass of five thousand tons each fifteen destroyers fifty torpedo boats The cor respondent says Is prepared to the plans A STANDUP FIGHT seems to have been Inaugurated be- the popular collar and the equally popular scarf When you want to get fick scarf to stand tle strain all men know what that means try style we offer as beat fitted for nice ly without torn to ribbon Cor Main Timothy Wireless Telegraphy In the AIR and It Is in our SCHOOL the College TORONTO We have just Installed com plete seta of wireless telegraphy and we arc now prepared to give instruction in this subject either personal or BY MAID Write lot particulars It SHAW Principal Write for circular Toronto The Era THE Ideal Weekly It MM

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